Horror Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Boy ❯ Discovery ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Stepping off the Metro Train at the stop, Motoko Loreiyn entered into the Tokyo Train Station, where the stereotypical men in black suits hustled in dense crowds. It was only Motoko herself, who appeared to be wearing the casual scarlet jacket and navy jeans along with the popular black converses. Her autumn locks of silk rippled from the movement of her body whilst she was walking, collecting two heavy suitcases from the trunk and then dragging the fabricated weights slowly yet steadily down the `99' steps to the ground floor.
The place was fairly crowded; the setting was plastered in square windows and snow white floor panels with pleading words saying `please don't leave any marks.'
Motoko was happy that she's now in Tokyo. Yet the fact that she was alien to her new community, she tried to make herself feel like a guest in this innovated city.
Outside wasn't too bad, yet they did have the original yellow taxis like they had when she lived in New York. A sigh of relief was exhaled from her lips, as she saw at least one of the mini-cabs free from any other passengers. She simply let herself in, politely asking the driver if he could help her with the rest of her luggage, knowing of course she could speak a fair amount of Japanese herself. Then requesting her destination, the driver took off onto the motorway with the rest of the mechanical herd racing down the tarmac tongue of the road.
Silent minutes came and went as Motoko remained staring softly pass the looking glass of the window which kept her distant from the wonderland outside. The tall towers of electric colours shone out from their glass bulbs and concrete walls. The city itself seemed to have a more colourful range of humans; there were boys with fiery sparks of cerulean in their thick-gelled hair, girl with piercings that would make you feel the sense of needles giving you adrenaline rushes, and fashion tastes that go beyond the mainstream millennium. Tokyo was the new generation of human psyche. The suit she showed explained it all; it would be the perfect utopia for anyone who is casted out from the typical, conventional society, or in her case, one of the best places for her photography.
Maybe moving to Tokyo made Motoko feel more comfortable since the style did suit her personality; bubbly, out-going, spirited. But it was a universal fact that behind every innocent child preyed a dark, seductive creature lusting after fantasies you would rather shut up.
However, even though dusk was approaching, Motoko was still hypnotised by the circular hues and crazy anime pop-ups, flashing in and out on the streets; the markets were flourished with exotic flowers from the south, and music prone to the crowd with teenage school girls in long white socks, Motoko had a bit of a friendly fetish with long socks, especially the way they stretched and spread the cotton fabric smoothly over her shins, knees and thighs.
Anyway, the repetition of vibrant images encircled in her head countless times, over, and over again.
Night drew over the sky. The moon was thick and white that night, but Motoko finally reached her destination along with her luggage close to her sides as the taxi drove away with its hard-earned cash. And there she stood facing her new home. The apartment block was at least 3 storeys high, quite plain on the outside, but it would do, Motoko would have to cope for now until she raised more money to find an even better home. Then, grabbing onto the handles of her luggage, she skidded her baggage against the grit of the road and passed the wooden door, where past that, was painted an image of a wide pathway, with a pattern of grey doors with metal-plated numbers pressed against the wood and nailed. This made Motoko reach down into her tight jean pockets and pull out a metal strand with Aztec patterns carved in, and a plastic key ring with the number `93' imprinted on it. 93. She must be on the top floor, which would mean, another `99' steps…upwards, for Motoko. Oh well, it would have done her some good on her skinny arms. Since there was no elevator, all the young redhead could do was strain herself to the top; she wasn't going to give up without a fight. Step by step, she steadily and stably brought her luggage to the final level. Again, there was a flickering with pale light bulbs like on the first and second floor…wait, the second floor didn't have a lot of lighting, in fact, and it was pitch black at the far corner…must have been a faulty circuit. Nevertheless, she finally heaved her goods towards the door with `93' imprinted on it, and there with the key, she unlocked her new home.
Inside was small; there was a large bedroom with a small TV sitting on top of a desk with a plant on the side. Between the hallway on the left, laid a bathroom with a blurry shower curtain, and a tiled desk with a sink dug out in the middle and a mirror swept across the front for her to face in a fair distance from. And on the right, a narrow kitchen with a worktop on one side and another washing sink and washing machine on the other. Most of this apartment was covered in grey, black and white, the only imagination, laid what was behind those curtains of the main window. After dropping her goods and locking the door behind her, she used her white fingers to drape open the blinds, and only to witness, what appeared to be, another fantastic view of the city. Bright lights, colourful people, amazing surrealism it was all Motoko could have hoped for.
10:39 PM. Motoko was boiling water in a kettle for her chicken and mushroom noodles in a pot. Her cell phone was left out in the open as if she was expecting a call from someone. In order to make herself feel more snug, she redressed into a humongous blue blouse with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, and black short-shorts with white furry socks that were pushed down to her shins. Then the cell rang. Just a harmless melody. Seconds later, she hurriedly rushed into the kitchen to pick it up, only to hear a familiar friend.
“Motoko, its Katy here.”
“Hi Katy!”
“How was the trip?”
“Oh, it was tiring, but I managed to get my new flat without a fuss.”
“And how's Tokyo? Does it look as good as you imagined it?”
“It's beyond amazing, I can tell you that.”
“Wow, you're gonna have to send me a few photo's. So, this is how you're gonna start you're new life?”
“It looks like it. I can't wait to start shooting.”
“What about you're new take on you social life? You know Motoko, you're 21 years old and you still don't have a boyfriend.”
“Oh, stop it Katy.”
It's true though!” Katy joked on the other line.
“Katy, remember when we're both 15?”
“And we both joked about boy's dicks and made pranks like making them think that their cock lengths are small by sticking a photo of us laughing in their bathrooms?”
“Yeah! That was hilarious.”
“Yeah, that might be why I don't have a boyfriend.” A moderate roar of laughter choked down on the other line that made Motoko squint her eyes and hold the phone away from her ear.
“Don't die (!)” She sarcastically commented.
“But seriously Motoko; 21, you must have at least some sexual drive in your system.”
“I'm not desperate!”
“I know you're not, but, there will be someone who will spark your interest.”
“Well, I haven't had a boyfriend since…”
“Oh…” Their cheeriness faded in a moment. “How are you going to cope…trying to pass that?” A sigh drew from Motoko's lips, as she pressed the phone to her ear by her shoulder and held her ready noodles in a pot, when she then sat down on her bed and let her back rest on the grey pillows.
“I don't know Katy; I'm just going to have to move on. I mean, it's been 8 years.”
“Well, good luck to you.”
“Thanks.” Motoko painted a frail smile on her lips.
“Aw crap, I got to go, but anyway, I'll try to call you tomorrow. Same time yeah?”
“Bye babe.”
“Bye.” She hung up on the line. Another sigh respired into the air, as the young girl placed her phone onto the cabinet and stared into her pot of instant noodles.
12:17 AM. She left the window open a little bit, as she lay in her bed stillborn, staring at the ceiling. It was strange. First she was this energetic girl desperate to discover the world, the next it was is if she was dead. This wasn't what came to mind. Not at all. She thought that coming to Tokyo would make things a little bit more lighter, but, oh boy, she will have a lot of things crashing down upon her; just she wait.