Horror Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Boy ❯ Contrast ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

7:45 AM. Motoko woke up extra early for her first lesson at 9:00 AM. This time though, she decided to have a shower instead of a bath. Nothing huge; just decided that she wanted a small change.
Letting the water drool from the shower cap, she released her dressing gown; leaving the fabric to slither down her slender body as she entered into her shower. The water of sweltering spray thundered down upon her face and hair and spears of raindrops dampened her white skin. Even though the hot water has the tendency to make her feel drowsy; Motoko was hoping that this time she won't fall asleep, just in case she might end up dreaming something unwanted again. Fortunately; her shower only lasted 1 minutes so she didn't even had the time to drift away.
8:05 AM. Ready to leave for her first day; Student card, check, Camera; check, purse, check, rucksack, check, herself, check. Maybe AJ would be leaving about the same time too; that character was starting to grow on her. Locking the front door, the young auburn-head gaily walked down the hallway as she observed the shining view of the sun peaking over the towers of Tokyo. Oh, this would be a magnificent day. She thought. She couldn't help but flick her locks of silk away from her face and brush her fringe away to gasp more at the landscape of this surreal wonderland. Treading down the stairs of the cases that connected down to the next floor, which was when her emotions were silenced, made her lure her eyes down to the far corner. No matter what, extreme sunshine or heavy sodium-filled light bulbs, that end is always the darkest. Why is that? What could have possibly caused it to be so drenched in macabre? Then, the ringing occurred again.
“Ugh. You just won't stop looking at that place, don't you?” AJ entwined once more, with a tap on the shoulder, Motoko's concentration became distracted and disconnected from the shadowy presence of the second floor. She then turned her head towards AJ's and smiled, in a saccharine way.
“I don't always look down here. It's just that…”
“Just what?” Motoko continued to stare without notion. Then AJ chuckled to herself.
“I can see what you're trying to do.”
“You want to see what that man looks like.”
“That's not true! Why would I be interested in a man who hardly shows himself to the sunlight? Besides…” Once again, her head became preoccupied with that damn corner. “I can easily find a man if I want to.”
“Well, you're new here, so good luck with that.”
“Shut up.”
“Whatever, dyke.” The girls resumed their giggling attitudes all the way down to the ground floor of the apartment block.
8:49 AM. They just made it on time. Heading their way over to the Photography zone in the Art and Design centre, Motoko and AJ prepared their lesson as they took a desk around the middle of the classroom, so it didn't seem like they were too nerdy to sit at the front, or too unbothered to sit right at the back of the room.
“Finally, I'm not the late one who everyone looks at.”
“I wasn't looking yesterday. I was listening to Slipknot while the old fart was trying to explain to us how to write our names on a piece of paper.”
“Wow. Enrolment day and you already have harsh feelings for our lecturer; now I can see why you can be cynical.”
“It's what I do; part of my DNA, if I can't get rid of it, I just have to make use with it.”
“Ok, this isn't Biology.” The girls tittered amongst themselves.
“Girls, is this bad time to start lesson?” The `old fart' pinpointed on them, particularly Motoko.
“No sir.” The red-locks replied back in a minor tone.
“Good. You need bring your standards higher to make up for lateness.” At that moment, Motoko grew redder than her hair, and decided to shut up and get taught on Photography. But AJ leaned over and whispered in her ear.
“Whatever you do, don't cry.” The redness refused to stop blooming in her cheeks, as she tried to continue with the lesson.
The day continued to be a drag, since Motoko had already been told off another two times during the last 3 hours for talking again whilst the tutor was and that she had the wrong type of camera. Geez; to be a `magnificent' day, it came crashing down all by the means of criticism from, well, an `old fart'. This was the thing she couldn't understand. AJ was the perfect example of the brave one who would do all kinds of rebellious crap and won't get sent down for it. For Motoko on the other hand, one little slip, and she's been put into juvenile constriction. The world did seem unfair to her at times. At the most brutal points, she would rather forget and erase them from her memory.
12:00 PM. Lunch hour came. Thank God. Motoko already had enough of her tutor's denigrating lecture on how not to get the composition of the camera imbalanced or how to stop acting like a wretched girl in class. Wow, and she thought that she was a teacher's pet. Bummer. Well, at least she can get an hour of serenity before she had her nervous breakdown. She couldn't find AJ after they left the classroom; she must have probably gone off somewhere to find Marissa and Saeki. So there she was, alone like an alien. Guess she just had to get use to the fact that she was being put on trial in this new city; a test and judgement on whether she will succeed or not.
She decided to go to the canteen; maybe they had something that's edible with the least bit of taste to her lips. When she got inside the wide hall, everyone seemed to be packed in tribes; with one group in the corner and another in the couch section. This was really going well for Motoko. Hm. Oh well, she'd just had to make use until someone accepted her. She went up to the counter, where there was a basket of fruit sitting on the sill. She noticed a peach; ripened and sweet, this could have eased her appetite. Her hand swerved to clasp it, but as she went to pay for her peach; an impudent boy nudged her roughly to one side without any attention spared, which made Motoko flip her fruit out from her hand, as it then recoiled and rolled across the floor. Bitch. She thought to herself. She then observed its slow stop, when it impeded in front of a man. He bent down to pick up the fruit and then looked at Motoko who was in front of him.
His sun-bleached blond hair lightly shimmered against the rays outside, as his dark blue eyes of sapphire stared deeply inside Motoko's eyes of jade. There was a very distinct smell coming off from it; he had a scent of white musk easing off from his chest, along with his jeans and brown jacket wrapped round his slender tone. And it was there she noticed; he was wearing converses.
“I suppose you don't want to eat this now. It's all bruised; it's better if we throw it away.” His soft brusque voice echoed towards her. She was a bit star-struck by his appearance and accent; of course, any girl would immediately stop to stare at him, it was probably the same for Motoko as well. “You must be new here, since I saw you coming into your enrolment class late.” She still didn't say a word, but she wasn't attacked by his striking pose.
“You saw me?” She finally spoke.
“Uhuh, I was late for mine as well; that's when I saw you walking quickly into the photography section.”
“Right.” Her voice trailed off in an ailing manner. Another spotting of the clown. 10 points hands down. Way to go, Motoko.
“Is it ok...if I take you somewhere to sit?” Is he serious? Does he really want to sit down and chat with an alien?
“Sure. Knock yourself out.” A smile then trimmed on the man's lips.
So they went and sat near a window. Motoko actually found the man interesting to have a conversation with. He was known by the name of Cane.
“So where did you originated then?” Motoko's question was sparked by the sight of Cane's peachy skin, too foreign for it to be born here in Japan.
“You caught me; I was born and raised up in California, until I moved here 3 years ago.”
“I just moved here 2 days ago, but I already seem to make an impression on my lecturer; he looks pissed off every time he looks at me now.”
“That bad, huh?”
“Yeah.” Her voice quivered again.
“Oh, don't feel so hurt; everyone can make a mistake.”
“Try several; that would get you where I am now.” Her voice lowered and grew stern.
“Well, did you at least made friends here from the past 2 days?”
“Actually, I did. There's a girl in my class who acts like a complete nutcase and listens to Slipknot in our lessons.”
“That reminds me of one of my friends...but I'm in the filming block. I prefer to see art in motion, rather than still painted on a mere piece of paper.”
“A picture tells a thousand words.”
“Then how many words does a video depict?” Damn, he was good.
“Everyone I want to get along with seems to despise me at the moment.”
“What are you talking about? I don't despise you; in fact, the only thing I know about you is your name.”
“Well, what else you want know about me?”
“Where you live.” Motoko grew silent for a moment, but then lightly coughed out a laugh and grinned.
“Yeah, like I'm gonna tell you that (!)”
“No seriously; you seem, familiar; like I've spotted you at night...are you also the new girl who moved into our apartment block on the top floor?”
“Yeah, room 93...how do you...?”
“I live on the first floor; room 25.”
“Wait a minute...you said you're name is Cane...are you friends with a girl called AJ.”
“Yeah, we hang around with each other sometimes, why?”
“That's the girl who listens to Slipknot.”
“Oh wow, small world isn't it?”
“It must be.”
“WE should definitely get to hang out sometime; I would like to get to know you a little bit more.”
“Are you coming on to me?”
“No; just a friendly request. No harm in that, isn't there?”
“Of course not.”
“Well then...” He then leaned his chair closer to the table. “...that's another friend you can add to your list, along with AJ.”
“No problem.” There was just a little fling about him, which made Motoko think; `maybe he's the kind of guy who would be more than a friend.' But that was just her brain talking. Of course he wouldn't have wanted to go out with her! Who on this earth would have wanted to part of a girl's life who has dead autumn's hair and skin with speckles on them? Motoko must have really hated herself that much. But then she saw his eyes flicker at the clock behind her which read 12:51 PM.
“Wow, we nearly spent the whole hour talking. You MUST be interesting.”
“Oh, come one, I'm sure you don't find me interesting.”
“I do, normally in AJ's conversations; I get bored in the first 1 minute and 42 seconds.” His accuracy made Motoko chuckle a little. She then saw him grab his rucksack and headed for the door, but before that, he faced Motoko one last time.
“Promise you'll visit me one time, in the apartment block.” Motoko was a little startled by that appeal.
“Perfect, you'll have company.” He then walked out from the canteen and back to his lesson, that was then she saw AJ rushed in towards her.
“Motoko! I've been looking for you everywhere! Me and the other's were gonna take you out for lunch.”
“That was fine, I met Cane.”
“Cane? Really?” AJ's voice lifted.
“He's really nice; he asked me to visit him at his apartment one time.” Then a perturbed face painted over her expression.
“Really? Wow.”
“He must LIKE you if he asked you that.”
“Please, NOTHING is going to happen.”
“You don't know that! I bet by the end of the fortnight; you two will be snuggling up in your love bed.”
“Get a life!”
“Already got one, otherwise I would be on the floor dead now, wouldn't I?”
“Hm. True.” Motoko then took one more glance at the clock. 12:58 PM.
“Crap, we're gonna be late!”
“Girl-pants, you worry too much.”
“Well I don't want the tutor to bite my head off again!”
“Oh come on then!”
9:34 PM. Motoko seemed to be at the end of her tether when the lecturer ordered her to stay behind after class just because she was only 50 seconds late for the lesson. Well done. She was tired; she didn't want to go out with AJ and she was definitely too exhausted to see Cane that night. On the contrary, she couldn't stop thinking about him after that cheerful chat with him in the canteen. He did appear to be boyfriend material, but, he just didn't look as if she was right for him. What the hell was she thinking?
Anyway, after she reached the first floor...came the second. It was still so damn dark. But there was something else. Noise. Grunting. What was that? She bravely walked into the shadows, and beyond the midst, staggered a figure. A young creature shuddered and shook across the dark alley way on the second floor. Motoko only noticed him for a few moments before going down to the first level. She could hear his low rasping growl echoing in the narrow distance. Her hollow steps quivered down on the concrete path. Her hands balled into fists and compressed to her sides. Her breathing became soundless and mute to the jarry surroundings. Finally stopping at the dead end, she could observe the pale face of the moon piercing though the vicious black. His shaking was unstable, but she saw him clutch his arms together drastically. She had to do it. She had to say something. So...
  "Excuse me?" His grunt quaked her in a sharp tongue. Both kept silent, the air was silent, and the moon remained still. Slow turning movements from his clothes made him turn his face to her. They both stared. She saw what appeared to be...
...A man, just a young man...yet, with an unusual appearance. Motoko noticed that as the moonshine reflected off his figure, his hair was a dark midnight blue streak, along with his elongated fringe striking over his pale face like sleek dreadlocks. The back of his hair was spiked with layers of his remaining hair. Motoko continued observing his distinguished taste for black as she stared at his leather jacket wrapped round his slender body, yet his white top was held tight around his abs. A young girl's obsession with strong bodies can make her cream her panties, but that wasn't what got Motoko aroused, so she continued with her observation. She also spotted that he was wearing light Levis jeans along with heavy motorbike boots. However, despite the fact that most girls would think he's the type of guy who would love to fuck a girl's brains out, it was the eyes. The eyes, exactly. They were unearthly and insipidly pale blue. It was nearly everything about him was blue, and blue can be described on many issues; depression, endurance...sexuality. God! Why is Motoko thinking about all those things at once, even with the goddamn stranger staring back at her? It's quite peculiar that none of them even uttered a word from their lips, so the young 21 year old girl painted a confusing sign on her face, as it could have been a mixture of calmness or despair, she was perplexed herself. But then she flicked her strawberry blonde hair back and made the first statement.
   "Are you ok? You were having some kind of seizure." She bravely spoke out, yet there was an uneasy moment of silence between the pair. The man turned his face to the dead end.
  "I sometimes have spasm attacks."
    "Oh." Another uneasy silence. Until he turned his face back to her, analysing her speckless face and eyes of innocent jade.
  "You're new."
    &nb sp;"You're new around here."
       "Uh...yes, I am new."
         "Well..." he then turned a 180 degree angle anti-clockwise turn to a door, as the jingling of keys unfretted the lock.”...just stay away from me. I don't like company." He then rudely walked into his flat and slammed the door shut. Motoko was distraught, who could have thought that this masculine dream could be a beast for indecency. Yet, she felt, friendly startled, like it was more of a compliment than an insult. She tried to hide her smile and walked back down to the first floor.

1:00 AM. But the night was moderately lively in Tokyo. But Motoko was distant from lively, beyond lively in fact. She couldn't sleep. Her teal oversized shirt was unbuttoned down to her chest, and her bed sheets were covering her naked legs with black panties veiling her private areas. She couldn't stop picturing him. His face. His body. The fact that he's a stranger made the feeling more exhilarating. In her head, she was picturing him in that dark dead end again. Letting his fingers slide over her face, continuing his way down pass her neck, her breasts, her stomach, until reaching down to her pelvic bone down under. Her breathing hardened, the air around her became thin, and her eyes remained closed. But the only thing that she wasn't realising was that she was actually feeling herself. Turning over onto her stomach and unleashing her fingers below, massaging her clit as her breathing became more intense. An orgasmic moan filled her bedroom, as then she sighed out of relief. But then she looked down and noticed a wet patch in her panties.
  "Oh, shit. God, I'm such a fucking idiot"