Howl's Moving Castle Fan Fiction ❯ Accidental Enchantment ❯ In Which Howl Proposes ( Chapter 2 )

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Despite all of Sophie's arguments, Howl had made up his mind that tonight he was going to ask

her to marry him. Now that he actually thought about it he couldn't figure out why he hadn't done

it sooner. He had been waiting for the right time, but never seemed to recognize it when it came.

That being the case, he didn't notice anything at all odd about suddenly discovering the perfect


When they reached the perfect place overlooking the stream that was bathed in moonlight he

finally stopped. Howl spread his coat out on the ground then pulled Sophie down to join him.

She settled into his arms and stared up at the stars dreading the moment when he would say

what he brought her here to say. "Howl it's a little chilly out tonight, maybe we should go back


"Sophie, what's wrong? You are acting weird tonight. Did something happen at the wedding?"

Howl asked.

Refusing to admit what she had done, hoping there was a chance she could get out of it, Sophie

insisted than nothing was wrong. At her answer Howl pulled her deeper into his arms to keep

her warm.

Sophie sighed in resignation and relaxed against him, deciding that no matter what she said or

did Howl was going to do exactly what he wanted. Soon, the feel of his arms around her quieted

her thoughts as well. Enjoying the closeness they had stumbled upon over the years, they

dreamily watched the stars dance through the sky.

Sophie thoughtlessly reached over and picked one of the flowers surrounding them and began to

play with its petals. When she realized what she was doing thoughts of what she had done to

Letty's bouquet came flooding back to her. It was as if Howl had read her thoughts at this

moment. Tonight she seemed like a guilty child, though he couldn't think of any reason why she


Sophie's guilty conscious got the better of her and her face turned crimson. Howl noticed her

blushing and couldn't help but smile at the picture she presented. Sophie blushed even more at

his smile and grasping for something to break the moment said "Letty's wedding was lovely.

Don't you think? I can't believe she is married now."

"Yes, it was a nice wedding, though I think you should start getting ready for another one pretty


Turning even redder, Sophie replied "Oh, yes, I suppose I must. Michael will soon be old

enough to marry Martha and he doesn't plan on waiting any longer than he has already had to."

"That's not what I'm talking about Sophie. Surely you don't think we are going to go on as we

have been forever?"


As Sophie began to look panicky Howl went on. "Sophie, I have been meaning to ask you this

for a while; will you marry me?"

Sophie answered rather gravely "Oh Howl, I have wanted you to ask me that so much, but I'm

afraid I have to say no."

"No? But why Sophie?"

On a sight she said "I suppose I have to tell you now."

"Tell me what? Is this why you have been acting strange all night?"

"Yes, it is. I didn't want to have to tell you that I have done. It was an accident I promise. I'm

still not used to my magic." She turned around to face him. "Well, you remember how you found

me talking to myself while I was waiting for you and Michael to leave? Well, I wasn't talking to

myself. I was talking to the bouquet. I was actually ranting a bit about how long you were taking

about proposing to me."

Howl continued to look at her, confused at what she had said. Sophie obviously thought she had

done something wrong, but he couldn't figure out what she was talking about. "Sophie?"

Seeing his confusion Sophie continued on. "I enchanted it Howl, I enchanted the bouquet, and

carried it home for me. It's like what I did to your suit, only I was focusing this on you rather

than other people. Don't you see, that's the only reason you wanted to propose to me tonight."

Sophie barely got this out before she burst into tears. Without giving Howl a chance to say

anything in reply she stood up and ran back to the castle and shut herself in her room.

Howl, frozen in shock of what she said sat there as she returned to the castle. He could see why

she would be upset, but was that really why he had proposed tonight? He hadn't planned it, he

didn't even have a ring, but surely he would have felt her magic working on him.