Hunter X Hunter Fan Fiction ❯ Survivors ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A Hunter x Hunter Fanfiction


© Yoshihiro Togashi

Chapter 1

IN a small cathedral located deep within the forest a lone figure was sitting facing the altar, deep in thought as he stares at the scarlet eyes inside the jars that were carefully set on the small altar table. Those eyes used to belong to his clansmen who were mercilessly killed for the monetary profit of their unique eyes. He closed his eyes as he tried to remember the faces of whom which the eyes belongs to though he had no means of knowing whether he had matched them to their rightful owners. The tranquility provided by the forest greatly helps his running imagination but as he keeps picturing the Kurta clan inside his head, his surroundings began to distort. The once sweet chirping of the birds started to sound creepy, like the ones heard from a broken gramophone being played. The happy and contented faces that he created were slowly morphing into a horrible one, shedding blood instead of tears from their empty eye sockets and were desperately crying for help.

Kurapika immediately opened his eyes. His body was covered in cold sweat and dirt as he found himself lying on the floor, never realizing when he fell. His eyes were now in the same shade of scarlet as those eyes inside the jars.

Kurapika picked himself up, wiped the dirt off from his coat then calmly picked the shovel that was sitting beside the chair he had been sitting on a few minutes ago. He then again stared at the scarlet eyes. Though he was able to retrieve only 10 pairs of eyes, he was pleased to know that finally he can give his fallen clansmen a proper burial and they can finally rest in peace.

THE sole Kurta survivor was already digging the soil at the back of the cathedral when his cellphone suddenly rung making his ringtone 'Ohayou' echo in the quiet forest. At first he ignored the call, he reasoned to himself that he is busy and whoever is calling him can wait. But the caller was persistent and the phone kept ringing, it’s starting to get into his nerves. After a couple of minutes the phone still kept on ringing, he finally decided to pick his phone from his pocket to turn it off but his thumb stopped mid-air as soon as he read the caller id.


A small smile appeared on his visage but was instantly replaced by a frown. Deep inside Kurapika already had an idea who the persistent caller was but he chose to ignore him. He treasures Gon, Killua and Leorio and was very thankful that he had met them during the Hunter Exam and became their friend but at the same time thinks that having a soft spot for them is his greatest weakness that could greatly hinder his self-imposed mission in more ways than one.

He continued digging the soil as the phone continued to ring. Knowing that Gon was the caller, he can't help but feel guilty of ignoring him but he can't help it. If they learn about his plans, they will surely come to him just like how Pairo used to when he was alive. He looked at the preserved eyes again. He hoped that one of those eyes belonged to him and that he can finally give him the justice that he deserved.

Thinking about Pairo makes him remember the time when he had persuaded the Elder to have him take the exam so that he would be allowed to go to the outside world to search for a doctor that could cure his friend. He had felt responsible about what had happened to Pairo. He had tried to save Kurapika when he fell of the cliff but while the blonde Kurta had come unharmed, his brown haired friend didn't. Pairo's eyes and legs were damaged and had gotten worse as time goes by. And that's not the only time that Kurapika received help from Pairo. Pairo was the main reason why Kurapika had passed the said examination and was allowed to go to the outside world. But 6 weeks after Kurapika departed, the tragedy happened leaving him alone in this cruel world to get justice for his fallen tribesmen.

Yes, just like Pairo, Gon, Killua and Leorio were willing to help him achieve his goal but as much as possible, Kurapika doesn't want to receive their kindness anymore. Not that he thinks that they were weak --- they were far stronger than he was, physically and mentally, if you ask him, but he doesn't wish to put his friends in danger, whether they had volunteered for it or not.

He doesn't want to lose anyone anymore.

After another ring of his phone, Kurapika finally turned off the gadget.

"THE number you have dialed is currently unavailable. Please try again later."

"It's no use. Kurapika turned off his phone." Gon said, pouting as he pressed the cancel button of his phone.

"What did you say?! He turned off his phone?! HE TURNED OFF HIS PHONE INSTEAD OF ANSWERING YOUR CALL?! He didn't even bother to visit you when you were hospitalized, not even once and then he got the nerve to ignore your calls! That bastard. . . ." Leorio was pulling his hair out of frustration.

"Calm down Leorio. Maybe Kurapika is busy with something important. . . ."

"What is this 'something' that is more important than his friends? Huh?" Leorio didn't even let Gon finish what he was saying as he pressed his face closer to Gon's. Gon backed off a little while his hands were trying to push the older man away from his face. The older man was so close that the younger boy was practically crossing his eyes to focus on him clearly.

"There is something more important to Kurapika than his friends and you know what it is, right?" Killua said nonchalantly making Leorio stop his whining.

The aspiring doctor is aware that their Kurta friend is hell-bent in avenging his fallen brethren to the point that he's willing to throw his life away if necessary --- a fact which truly frightens him. He understands Kurapika's sentiments --- he might do the same if he was in the same position as his --- but ignoring his friends? Well, that would be another story. Even he, whose obsession to money runs to the core, knew that friendship is something more valuable than money could ever be.

Leorio's irritation towards Kurapika begun to sip back as he remembered the time when Gon was confined in the hospital. The boy's condition was critical and he's one step close to death's gate but the Kurta survivor never showed up in the hospital nor answered his calls --- just like what he did to Gon a while ago. Thanks to Killua's sibling, Alluka, Gon's life was spared and he was able to finally meet his father. He glanced at Gon, who was still pouting about his rejected calls, and studied his eyes carefully. He could only see sadness and disappoinment reflected on the boy's eyes and was thankful that the younger Hunter doesn't hold any of this against the Black List Hunter.

They were silent for a moment.

"Say Gon, what are your plans now that you have met your old man?" Killua asked, breaking the tension building up around them.

The spiky-haired boy glanced toward the silver-haired before looking up with his index finger under his chin, deep in thought.

"I promised Mito-san that I will go back once I found Ging, so I guess I'll go home to Whale Island."

"Whale Island huh? Can I tag along with you again? I kinda miss Mito-san's cooking."

At the mention of the word 'cooking', Gon's stomach growled loudly. Killua and Leorio's eyes widen for a moment then become teary as they clutch their stomachs for their hearty laughter.

"Hey, what's so funny?" Gon asked, cheeks puffing in annoyance.

"Nothing really," Killua said, wiping a tear from his eye. "I'm just glad that you're back to normal. If I hadn't known, I would never thought that a few days ago a life-support system was attached to you."

There's another loud growl from Gon's stomach making his two friends stifle another fit of laughter.

"Typical Gon, don't you say?" Killua managed to say in between laughs. Gon scowl at him. He don't know whether Killua was complimenting or insulting him, though he had the feeling that it was the latter.

"Let's grab a bite then" Leorio said after regaining his breath from laughing so hard. He's now at the door, his right hand holding the door knob. The two younger Hunters nodded approvingly and started walking towards the door.

"HYAA! That was delicious! We should definitely come back and eat here again" Leorio said as they exit the restaurant, hands rubbing his stuffed stomach. The trio had grown tired of the hotel food so they decided to give the restaurant near their hotel a try. Though the food was expensive, it was certainly worth the Jenny they spent.

As the trio were taking a stroll at a rather unused street to help them digest the food they just ate, an ear-splitting scream was suddenly heard that both startled them and put them to their feet. They surveyed the area, searching for any signs of enemy but saw no one until a figure emerge from one of the alleyways, running frantically towards their direction. As soon as Gon, Killua and Leorio identify the figure as a girl about 15-17 years old clutching a medium-sized box in her breasts, three men also emerged from the alleyway where she had come from. It appears that the men were chasing the girl.

Killua is ready to leave the girl at the mercy of her pursuers as he is not very fond of chivalrous acts, not to mention that it’s none of his business to begin with. But having friends who were nosy as can be (he considers people who helps others even if it’s not necessary as nosy) told him otherwise. The said nosy friends were now walking towards the girl, who had tripped. Before she fell, though, she had secured the box she was clutching in her breasts. As she was trying to get up, one of her pursuers managed to get closer to her and raised his arm to strike her from behind but was surprised when he realized that he can't move his arm. The thug looked up to see that his hand was roped by a nylon fishing line. The two other pursuers stopped in their tracks when they saw their comrade struggling to break free from Gon's fishing line.

"Oi oi, didn't your mother told you that hitting a girl is bad? That's not gentlemanly, you know" Leorio said as he helped the girl to her feet. Having a good look at the girl, he could say that she's definitely pretty though he's not quite sure why the girl's blonde hair and brown eyes reminded him of Kurapika. The said girl, however, was oblivious to this but gratefulness was reflected on her eyes.

Instead of answering Leorio's question, the pursuers blurted out a question of their own.

"Who are you?" Then the pursuers’ bodies were enveloped by their own auras as they try to intimidate the trio.

Killua heaves an exasperated sigh. He really hates having his time wasted especially if it’s not worth it. Though the pursuers were also Nen users, he could sense that they were still small fries compared to them. He disappeared from the spot where he was standing and immediately reappeared in front of his friends, his right hand is raised in a stance that indicates that he had used his chop. The pursuers then - one by one - fell to the ground.

"Killua, that's not fair. You hogged all the fun," Gon was pouting to his silver-haired friend.

The former assassin just shrugged his shoulders.

"It can't be helped. You were just discharged from the hospital. Though Alluka had restored your health, it won't hurt to be precautious. As for Leorio. . . ." Killua trailled off as he and Gon eyed the older Hunter. Leorio's eyes were fixed at the girl, obviously enticed by the beauty the opposite sex possessed. He really has a weakness for beautiful girls and Killua hopes that they won't pick it up from him.

Killua was about to ask a couple of questions to the girl when he felt a cold, hard metal pointed at the back of his head. He looked up to see that Gon and Leorio were in the same predicament, two men in black suit were pointing a gun at the back of their heads. They didn't have any problem with guns. With Nen, he is confident that even they will be showered by hundreds of bullets, they will come out unharmed but what made them froze in their positions was the murderous aura emitted by the men-in-black.

"What do you think you're doing with Lady Kirara?"