Hunter X Hunter Fan Fiction ❯ The Assassin's Assasin ❯ Wounded x Nen x Escape ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Third chapter. Wee. Maybe this time I'll actually break through my record of three chapters.
IF you guys review. TToTT Please make this author happy by reviewing her stories.
Disclaimer: Where's that shooting star? I wanna wish HxH was mine! … I own Mio. D:< and the SnF.
-----Ch. 3, Wounded x Nen x Escape-----
Killua's arm was stained a deep red from the blood that flowed freely from his wound. The knife used to attack him had fallen to the side, pulled from the hand of the attacker by Gon.
The ground above his other arm was drenched in a puddle of blood. In defending himself and the others, Killua had also managed to inflict a fatal wound on the enemy, with his clawed hand buried deep in the chest cavity. The man groaned in pain as Killua removed his hand, which was covered in the red liquid. The man fell to the ground. Blood splattered in each direction.
“Shit. We have to get out of here.” Killua swore, getting up. “Once they realize that he isn't moving, his friends will come after him.”
“But if you could defeat him, can't you defeat the others?” Mio asked, following him. Gon caught up easily after being left behind.
“He had no skills. He didn't know how to use Nen. He was easy to kill in the first place.”
The camp was in an uproar. Word had quickly spread about their murdered comrade through a witness, and now the entire camp's occupants were running around, searching for the intruders. Their random patrolling suddenly became something organized. The trio had long since moved away from the site and were back up the hill, watching as the chaos ensued.
“Well, there goes our element of surprise.” Gon muttered. Killua turned around at Mio.
“You idiot. You should have just stayed up here like we had told you to!”
“Eh, Killua..” Gon said, trying to interrupt.
“We might have actually been able to see what they could do had you not waltzed on in there-“ Killua ranted on.
“Killuuaaa..” Gon repeated.
“-and startled us! This is all your fault!”
“KILLUA!” Gon yelled. Killua responded by looking at his shorter friend. Gon pointed down the hill.
“We have friends.” Gon said, eyeing the men and women that were rapidly making an ascent up the hill.
Killua didn't utter a sound. Gon took a few steps away from the edge of the hill and walked back onto the road. “Well, are we going to stay here or are we going to run?”
Killua smirked. “Might as well entertain them. My wound isn't that bad anyway. What about you, Mio?”
Mio's ears perked up at the mention of her name. “Well..” Her voices drifted into thought. “Seeing as this is all my fault, I guess I can't run. I simply must make it worse.” Mio said with a smile on her face.
Gon got into his regular fighting stance, preparing to focus his Nen into a combination of Ren, Ten, Zetsu, Hatsu and Gyo, better known as Kou. Unlike Killua, Gon was unable to pull off any exceptionally impressive special attacks, because his Hatsu was specialized into the Kyouka(1) group. Like Ubou from the Yorkshin City incident between Kurapika and the Gen'eiryodan, Gon's special attack was a punch that was strengthened by Kou. He called it Jajanken(2).
Killua's hands came together and sparked with electricity. Killua, through hours of endless torture with electricity, harnessed his Enka(3) specialization to create an attack all his own. Able to control masses of electricity, Killua could put out deadly paralyzing attacks, as was demonstrated in his fight on Greed Island, as Bisuke and Gon fought on their own.
Mio's hatsu was classified as Houshutsu(4), with a special attacks that she liked to call “Grenades.” Of course, they were difficult and dangerous to use, especially when allies are around. She never got much practice with it anyway, due to the few opportunities. Because of this, Mio often resorted to melee combat using ritual wristblades.
A head poked above the hilltop. The person had a blood red dagger tattooed to her left cheek. More heads followed, each of which had the same tattoo. The female in the lead smirked. “Heh. So, which one of you brats is the one that killed Uo?”
The three teens dared not utter a sound. The leader glared at them, aggravated. She lifted her hand and snapped her fingers, and three figures disappeared from her side.
Mio, Gon and Killua gasped and back-stepped as the three figures reappeared, one to each teen. Killua's attacker had a black mask that covered the lower have of his face and a porcelain mask that covered his untattooed cheek. He thrust his hand to the ground and instantly the soil exploded, sending both fighter's flying. Gon received a nen-powered kick to the chest that knocked him to the ground. Mio was knocked over with a large blast of Ren.
None of them were ready to counter those attacks!
Killua spit up the bit of blood that had formed in his mouth from the impact. `Jeez, I couldn't even see their movement.'
Ready to inflict more damage, the three bandits prepared to attack, but the snapping of fingers made them hesitate. “Come back. Let's see who's ready to talk.”
`Rat him out or let us all die? Which one..?' Mio asked herself. If she told them it was Killua, that was one Zaoldyeck dead, but then she lost most of her chances to get to the one called Illumi. Lying that it was Gon was not an answer, as Killua would most likely kill Mio after that. She couldn't tell them she didn't for an apparent reason.
“… so you still aren't willing to rat each other out?” The leader asked, irritated. “Surely you aren't that stupid, or do you find it to be for the greater good that all three of you die together?”
Silence still. “What if we said it was none of us?” Mio asked from the back, still leaning against the tree that she was knocked into. The leader smiled in an almost friendly way.
“Then we'd have to kill all three of you, simply for seeing us.”
Mio grit her teeth together. She didn't want to die. Not yet. Not until she killed that Illumi character that Killua mentioned. Having trained herself in the proper use of the Houshutsu, she used her aura to create her special little attack.
“I guess we can't let you do that, can we?”
The leader's eye widened as she said that, and she was suddenly put on alert.
Mio's Houshutsu specialization allowed her to dislocate a part of her aura and use it as a weapon, or in this case, a deadly grenade.
While Mio had no doubt in her mind that these strangers could easily avoid and deflect her bomb, she had another plan in mind. She got up quickly and tossed her bomb into a dusty part of the road. Clouds of dirt flew up into the air, blocking sight. “Run, guys!”
The leader of the bandits growled. “No! Don't let them get away!” The bandits coughed in reply. As the smoke cleared, they looked up.
Their prey had escaped.
The leader vented her anger by attacking the closest person next to her, which happened to be the man that attack Killua. With a swift chop to the head, the man's head went rolling down the hill. The body soon followed as the leader kicked it.
“…and you wonder why I'm still single. Kids are such a pain.” The turned around and stomped down the hill. “Damn. No one makes a bunch of fools out of the Shoujouhi no Futokorogatana.(5)”
The trio had made an escape and succeeded. The three of them panted heavily, tired from the long run that had brought them sweet salvation. Gon fell to the ground with his legs aching.
“That was too close.” Gon sighed. “Where'd you learn a trick like that?” He asked Mio. Mio waited a second to catch her breath before answering.
“My master said I needed some kind of special attack that suited my hatsu type. I chose Nen Grenades.”
Gon laughed. “Lucky us. Good thing you decided to follow us, eh?”
Mio shook her head in disagreement. “Actually, had I not followed you in the first place, we might not have had the problem.”
“At least now we know what they're made of.” Killua said. “We should go back and ask them why they lied. We almost got killed.”
“I knew taking her with us was a good idea!” Gon shouted happily. Mio and Killua both looked at him oddly.
“.. think of it this way. If she hadn't been there, both of us would have died. There's no doubt that they would have found us anyway. All of them are strong.”
“.. I guess you're right.” Killua said. “Thanks for the help.” Killua smiled with Gon.
“Like I said, I have to be there to muck it all up.” She laughed.
“Look, we're sorry that we lied. We didn't expect the two of you to actually go looking for them.” One of the townspeople said.
“Well, we did say that we took the job.” Gon said. The townsman laughed nervously.
“But did you complete it?”
“Well, we couldn't. Had we had the appropriate information, we could have formulated a strategy. Instead, you had to half-ass the information. We also died!”
“Look, we're sorry. Did you kill any of them?”
Killua held up his bloodied hand. “We got one. Then the rest of them ganged up on us, and even when they took us on one-on-one, we had no chance.”
“…” The man stood silent. He turned back to talk with the others. Gon, Killua and Mio looked at each other for a minute before the man turned back around.
“Well, one of them is good for 1,300 Jenis.” Well, not exactly a lot, but considering that the reward was 10,000 Jenis for all thirteen, 1.3k wasn't too bad. It was getting more for one individual person than the entire lot of them was worth. Now they just had to find a way to split it between three people…
After the exchange of money, Killua, Gon and Mio set off again. Their next mode of transportation happened to be a train to a coastal city where there had been rumors of a beast in the woods nearby.
Well, the 1,300 Jenis between them was more than enough to pay for the guest on the train, which was only 5% of the original price. The teens had their licenses to thank for that little gift. Unlike the seats from the train to Kukulu Mountain's town, the seats on this train were firm but soft, and not the kind one would sink into.
They found themselves perfectly at home for the 6-hour journey.
“I always find train rides so boring and slow.” Mio stated. Gon was already sleeping, snoring softly. He wasn't disturbed by the occasional bump in the ride.
That's why you find something to entertain yourself. You should have bought a book before you left.” Killua had got a book of his own and he found himself immersed in it, despite his extreme dislike of reading.
“But I hate reading.” Mio argued. Killua didn't look up from the pages.
“Don't we all?”
Mio attempted to pass the time by looking out the window. It was dark outside. Not much to look at. She sighed.
`I could pass the time by sleeping..' she suggested to herself. She was actually a light sleeper. She'd jolt awake with the slightest bump.
“What are you reading?” Mio asked as she made a handprint in the chair of the seat. It filled up quickly.
“Some book I just say laying in the store. It's called Sides of the Road(6).” Killua turned a page. He was a slow reader.
“Ahh..” Mio lay her head down on the armrest. This was going to be a long ride.
----End Ch. 3----
Kyouka, or Reinforcement, is Gon's Hatsu type. It specializes in defense and offence, and allows Gon to heal quickly.
Jajanken, taken from a Japanese game of Rock, Paper, Scissors, is Gon's special attack. With the utterance of “First is rock, Paper, Rock, Rock” to make it sound cool, Gon can use his Jajanken to deliver a strong punch.
Enka, or Transformation, is Killua's Hatsu type. With it and a bit of help from an outside force, Killua can transform his aura into an electrical weapon used for paralysis.
Houshutsu is the Hatsu type known as Emission. One can separate a bit of aura from the main body and is it as a weapon, just as Mio uses the aura as an explosive.
Shoujouhi no Futokorogatana is a criminal group. Their name can be loosely translated into “Scarlet Dagger.” I made these guys up. D:
Sides of the Road is a book I made up. You will not be able to buy this at your local bookstore.
~ Well, that's it for chapter 3. I'm not good with Japanese, so the SnF might be a bit wrong. All of my information on Nen was taken from my knowledge of the series. I also used some reference pages to get the spellings and uses right.
Read and review or I'll discontinue the story. TToTT