InuYasha Fan Fiction / Ai No Kusabi Fan Fiction ❯ From This World ❯ Chapter 1
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: From this world
Author: Gothic Vamp
Summary: After going into the magic well, Naraku finds himself inside modern NYC. And what happens next is an encounter that he won't soon forget.
Series: Inu Yasha and Ai No Kusabi crossover
Pairings: Mainly Riki and Naraku. But also Iason.
Disclaimers: Don't own anything in this story but it's name. I have no money, so suing me is not an option. *_*. None of this ever happened between the three, except in my fantasies. Also, if I mispronounced, misspelt, or miswritten whatever it is, it wasn't intentional, so don't yell at me. ::sighs softy::
Rating: AU fic with Yaoi and mild bondage
Feedback: if you must ^^.
Add in note from sender: I am sending this in by permission from a relative. All feedback should go to the actual author of the fic. Thanks.
Japan's Feudal Era
Naraku silently walked the forest in search of the well that was talked of so much. An apparent time travel, according to what he'd overheard on several occasions. Kagome could travel through it. Returning to and from her own world into his own. Even Inu Yasha had done so before.
The whereabouts of the place was ridiculously hard to pinpoint, even by using what was left of his demon senses. Since leaving his Onigumo form, his demon spirit welded itself into a new body. Much stronger than before. His new body made it easy to accurately depict certain human things, but finding this well, was a whole different story.
He continued onward until something a few yards ahead made him stop cold. Studying the protruding thing that stood above ground, he sniffed the air. Cold and musty. The smell of wet darkness wafted back to him. It was the well. He was sure of it.
Naraku inched closer to it. Ever cautious though of the big unnatural being that opened before him. He carefully peered down into it. Complete darkness stared back. Teasingly motioning him to join it. He thought aloud crossing his arms. "If I go in here, am I going to be able to return? What if I can't do so and end up getting trapped in Modern Japan?"
A few more moments of self-pondering, he tightly fastened the sash on his kimono then carefully got up on the side of the well. Feet dangling towards the darkness below. He thought again. "Here goes nothing." Then slid off the side and fell into the dark abyss. At first, all he could see was the bottom of it coming at him, in a fast pace. Then sudden brightness enveloped him.
He thought as he drifted further. Ah, Japan. It'll be so nice to finally see how this end lives. Hmm. Maybe I'll even visit Kagome. Now, wouldn't that be shocking. Naraku grinned broadly as the lights started getting brighter and loud noises greeted him. Surely this could not be Japan.
New York City - 21st Century
He heard once that the well was enclosed by a smaller dojo. But as he reached solid ground finally, he wasn't surrounded by walls at all. Instead trees and weird looking pieces of shaved wood with high backs greeted him. The sound of water licking nearby, made him spin in the direction it came from.
A lighted space stared back at him from across it. Big monster looking things with, what seemed to him, eyes that didn't blink, glaring back. Naraku slowly ventured forward until he was met by a gate with strong metals spreading out to his left and right. The water below him, separated those monsters from where he stood. Where am I? This can not be Japan. Surely, Kagome doesn't live here. He figured curiously running a hand through his thick dark hair.
A voice from behind caused him to turn around in surprise. "You seem lost, love." Naraku stared in disbelief as a tall handsome human with short dark hair approached him. He didn't speak so the guy continued. "Nice outfit you have on there. But, I wouldn't wander around the City in it. Too many crazies would take advantage."
Finally after checking his sash he asked. "Where am I?"
"You're right across from New York City. That's the skyline of it right there." The guy answered, pointed towards the monstrous looking lights across the water.
"I didn't want to come here. I was supposed to go to Japan." Naraku stated confused.
The guy laughed a little then replied. "You're on the wrong side of the world then, friend. Did you miss your connecting flight?"
"My what?" Naraku asked confused again. He sat down on the odd shaped wood with his head in hands.
The tall guy walked over and sat down next to him then offered. "You really are lost, aren't you. Listen, I can't do anything tonight, but I will try and help you out with this. Why not come on back to my place and we'll get this figured out. Okay?"
Naraku looked up at him. After a moment he nodded in agreement. He asked when they stood up. "Can I ask your name?"
The guy looked at him then answered with a stunning smile. "I'm Riki. And you are?"
"Naraku." He simply answered with a smile of his own. The two walked towards a blue looking monster that was sitting still. He stopped suddenly and asked. "What is that? I'm not getting in there."
The tall guy looked at him sideways then said with slight humor. "It's my car. Haven't you ever seen one before?" Naraku just shook his head no. Riki sighed a little then held out his hand and added. "It can't hurt you. Come."
Naraku hesitated then cautiously took it. Riki waited until he was inside the car before shutting the door. The demon studied the interior of the blue beast. A wheel looking thing protruded on his left with a stick, that was brown in color, came up near to where he sat. There was a wide area in front of him with buttons scattered about it and a smaller dark slotted area which had buttons of it's own.
When Riki climbed in he noticed how nervous his passenger looked then said putting the key into the ignition. "Don't worry. Everything in here, is tame." and grinned. Naraku caught the slight sarcasm in the statement but let it fade away as the monster beneath them roared to life.
Moments later, they were on a pathway with more of the loud beasts. Even though he was petrified by the sight of them, he tried ignoring his own inadequacies of the new experience. Nearing the place that held the lighted monsters, he studied it. They were everywhere. All sizes. Mostly big and small though. Lights shown brightly and loud noises once again greeted his ears.
Humans walked about and some were standing to get inside one the smaller monsters. He watched in a combination of both curiosity and bewilderment as the odd-sized shapes went by. When none of them moved on their own, he relaxed a little.
Riki turned onto another pathway then came to a stop. He said shutting off the car. "We're here. Come on, I want you to meet a friend of mine." Naraku looked concerned. Even though he had a new body, his powers, for some reason, had begun to diminish greatly which left him feeling vulnerable. The guy opened the door and waited while he cautiously climbed out.
Riki spoke again when they walked inside the building. "Iason. I'm back. I've got someone I want you to meet."
Naraku stood where he was. Seriously wanting to run, something that he had never done before. Until he heard footsteps descending a wide staircase. He froze in his spot. A gorgeous blond haired man looked back at him from the bottom of them. He was wearing a kimono, like he was, only it was dark blue and holding a lighted stick.
Riki spoke closing the door back and locking it. "Iason. This is Naraku. I found him wandering lost in the park across the Hudson."
The blond one spoke smiling tenderly. "You always bring me the most interesting ones from over there. You absolutely spoil me, my pet."
Riki nodded in reply then said to Naraku. "You'll be safe here. He will see to it." Then started towards a room on the right.
Naraku spoke quickly. "Where are you going? Don't leave me here."
Iason answered in his place. "Ah. You'll be fine, love. Besides, I would like to have privacy for a little while, and he understands that. He'll be up to join us shortly. Come." Gently taking his hand.
I'm done with. Naraku stated to himself. Maybe I should have just stayed in that old body and allowed myself to die slowly with it. They walked up the stairs in silence. Once entering a room, Naraku stared at it in amazement. It was huge. A big wide bed sat directly in front of them. A thick wooden desk sat by the wall to the right and blue marble flooring covered the entire space. He asked. "Is this your home?"
Iason looked over at him and answered snuffing out the stick. "This whole place is my home." Naraku looked at the room again, then walked in further. He studied the bed then carefully sat down on it.
He asked looking up at his blond host. "Why am I here? I mean. Why did that young man bring me here? To your home."
Iason folded his arms and looked down then at him and replied. "Riki has always been the kind to do things without first really thinking it through. You know, the consequences. Why he brought you here, to my home. I would say that was probably out kindness. He doesn't like to show that side often, but it is there. There was another reason though why I chose to let you stay."
Naraku waited for that reason. He then asked. "And why is that?"
"Because I feel a connection to you. I feel your inner power. I want what you have, Naraku."
He asked confused. "My inner power? But I.."
"Ah, but you do." Iason stated quickly and sat down next to him. He continued while gently caressing his cheek. "I've always wanted what you have, for so long. You may not still own the power, readily, but your memories do. And as long as they hold it, so do you."
My memories? That's what you want?"
The blond man sighed quietly then answered. "Naraku. Your memories hold your power. Beyond all it's limits. I want to tap into that. I can free them for you. Return them, if you will."
He stood up quickly and said. "I don't even know you. Why should I trust you that much to offer me this."
Iason waited to see if his guest would leave. But when he didn't, he stood up as well then walked up behind him. Untying the sash and letting the silk material fall open he whispered in his ear. "I can help you regain your powers." Kissing the tender skin just behind it and continued. "I shall not do anything to harm you. I can't say trust me, for it is not my choice. That. I'm afraid, is up to you."
Naraku tensed a little more as he felt Iason softly embrace him. He wanted to leave but found it extremely difficult to do so. Instead of telling him to stop, he turned around his arms and looked up at the blond guy before him. Smiling he answered tracing Iason's mouth with a finger. "I will trust you."
He smiled back then softly kissed the dark haired demon. Naraku melted inside as soon as their lips touched. He moaned softly as the beautiful human pulled him closer than before. He cautiously allowed these new feelings to take shape. Iason slowly moved his hands to the front of the silk material and slid it off Naraku's shoulders.
The coolness of the room suddenly greeted him, causing an involuntary shudder. He gasped then spoke breaking the kiss. "I'm cold. I've never been cold before."
Iason lifted his chin and leaned down then said against his lips. "You won't be for long." And slid his tongue into Naraku's mouth. The feeling was intensified. All his senses seemed to be re-awakening. The lust for skin returned. He sighed quietly allowing the erotic way that Iason was manipulating his tongue, to over take him.
The room, once cold, was indeed getting warmer. And it made him relax within his embrace. Once the kiss was broken, Iason motioned for him to follow. He led him into a hidden room just beyond the bedroom they'd been in then closed the door. Iason spoke while lighting candles and incense. "This room is my own private chamber. Not for sleeping obviously. But it's useful."
Naraku studied the items in there. None of them he'd ever seen before. He spoke as the guy gently guided him to cuffs that hung from the ceiling on thick encircled hooks. "What are all these items? What do you use them for?" His wrists were now securely fastened above his head. Which alarmed him a great deal.
Iason ran a hand across Naraku's bare chest then slowly traced his mouth with two fingers. He moved his own arms up his submissive then bringing them behind and pulled him into his body. He answered with a stunning smile. "They are my toys. Of course."
Author: Gothic Vamp
Summary: After going into the magic well, Naraku finds himself inside modern NYC. And what happens next is an encounter that he won't soon forget.
Series: Inu Yasha and Ai No Kusabi crossover
Pairings: Mainly Riki and Naraku. But also Iason.
Disclaimers: Don't own anything in this story but it's name. I have no money, so suing me is not an option. *_*. None of this ever happened between the three, except in my fantasies. Also, if I mispronounced, misspelt, or miswritten whatever it is, it wasn't intentional, so don't yell at me. ::sighs softy::
Rating: AU fic with Yaoi and mild bondage
Feedback: if you must ^^.
Add in note from sender: I am sending this in by permission from a relative. All feedback should go to the actual author of the fic. Thanks.
Japan's Feudal Era
Naraku silently walked the forest in search of the well that was talked of so much. An apparent time travel, according to what he'd overheard on several occasions. Kagome could travel through it. Returning to and from her own world into his own. Even Inu Yasha had done so before.
The whereabouts of the place was ridiculously hard to pinpoint, even by using what was left of his demon senses. Since leaving his Onigumo form, his demon spirit welded itself into a new body. Much stronger than before. His new body made it easy to accurately depict certain human things, but finding this well, was a whole different story.
He continued onward until something a few yards ahead made him stop cold. Studying the protruding thing that stood above ground, he sniffed the air. Cold and musty. The smell of wet darkness wafted back to him. It was the well. He was sure of it.
Naraku inched closer to it. Ever cautious though of the big unnatural being that opened before him. He carefully peered down into it. Complete darkness stared back. Teasingly motioning him to join it. He thought aloud crossing his arms. "If I go in here, am I going to be able to return? What if I can't do so and end up getting trapped in Modern Japan?"
A few more moments of self-pondering, he tightly fastened the sash on his kimono then carefully got up on the side of the well. Feet dangling towards the darkness below. He thought again. "Here goes nothing." Then slid off the side and fell into the dark abyss. At first, all he could see was the bottom of it coming at him, in a fast pace. Then sudden brightness enveloped him.
He thought as he drifted further. Ah, Japan. It'll be so nice to finally see how this end lives. Hmm. Maybe I'll even visit Kagome. Now, wouldn't that be shocking. Naraku grinned broadly as the lights started getting brighter and loud noises greeted him. Surely this could not be Japan.
New York City - 21st Century
He heard once that the well was enclosed by a smaller dojo. But as he reached solid ground finally, he wasn't surrounded by walls at all. Instead trees and weird looking pieces of shaved wood with high backs greeted him. The sound of water licking nearby, made him spin in the direction it came from.
A lighted space stared back at him from across it. Big monster looking things with, what seemed to him, eyes that didn't blink, glaring back. Naraku slowly ventured forward until he was met by a gate with strong metals spreading out to his left and right. The water below him, separated those monsters from where he stood. Where am I? This can not be Japan. Surely, Kagome doesn't live here. He figured curiously running a hand through his thick dark hair.
A voice from behind caused him to turn around in surprise. "You seem lost, love." Naraku stared in disbelief as a tall handsome human with short dark hair approached him. He didn't speak so the guy continued. "Nice outfit you have on there. But, I wouldn't wander around the City in it. Too many crazies would take advantage."
Finally after checking his sash he asked. "Where am I?"
"You're right across from New York City. That's the skyline of it right there." The guy answered, pointed towards the monstrous looking lights across the water.
"I didn't want to come here. I was supposed to go to Japan." Naraku stated confused.
The guy laughed a little then replied. "You're on the wrong side of the world then, friend. Did you miss your connecting flight?"
"My what?" Naraku asked confused again. He sat down on the odd shaped wood with his head in hands.
The tall guy walked over and sat down next to him then offered. "You really are lost, aren't you. Listen, I can't do anything tonight, but I will try and help you out with this. Why not come on back to my place and we'll get this figured out. Okay?"
Naraku looked up at him. After a moment he nodded in agreement. He asked when they stood up. "Can I ask your name?"
The guy looked at him then answered with a stunning smile. "I'm Riki. And you are?"
"Naraku." He simply answered with a smile of his own. The two walked towards a blue looking monster that was sitting still. He stopped suddenly and asked. "What is that? I'm not getting in there."
The tall guy looked at him sideways then said with slight humor. "It's my car. Haven't you ever seen one before?" Naraku just shook his head no. Riki sighed a little then held out his hand and added. "It can't hurt you. Come."
Naraku hesitated then cautiously took it. Riki waited until he was inside the car before shutting the door. The demon studied the interior of the blue beast. A wheel looking thing protruded on his left with a stick, that was brown in color, came up near to where he sat. There was a wide area in front of him with buttons scattered about it and a smaller dark slotted area which had buttons of it's own.
When Riki climbed in he noticed how nervous his passenger looked then said putting the key into the ignition. "Don't worry. Everything in here, is tame." and grinned. Naraku caught the slight sarcasm in the statement but let it fade away as the monster beneath them roared to life.
Moments later, they were on a pathway with more of the loud beasts. Even though he was petrified by the sight of them, he tried ignoring his own inadequacies of the new experience. Nearing the place that held the lighted monsters, he studied it. They were everywhere. All sizes. Mostly big and small though. Lights shown brightly and loud noises once again greeted his ears.
Humans walked about and some were standing to get inside one the smaller monsters. He watched in a combination of both curiosity and bewilderment as the odd-sized shapes went by. When none of them moved on their own, he relaxed a little.
Riki turned onto another pathway then came to a stop. He said shutting off the car. "We're here. Come on, I want you to meet a friend of mine." Naraku looked concerned. Even though he had a new body, his powers, for some reason, had begun to diminish greatly which left him feeling vulnerable. The guy opened the door and waited while he cautiously climbed out.
Riki spoke again when they walked inside the building. "Iason. I'm back. I've got someone I want you to meet."
Naraku stood where he was. Seriously wanting to run, something that he had never done before. Until he heard footsteps descending a wide staircase. He froze in his spot. A gorgeous blond haired man looked back at him from the bottom of them. He was wearing a kimono, like he was, only it was dark blue and holding a lighted stick.
Riki spoke closing the door back and locking it. "Iason. This is Naraku. I found him wandering lost in the park across the Hudson."
The blond one spoke smiling tenderly. "You always bring me the most interesting ones from over there. You absolutely spoil me, my pet."
Riki nodded in reply then said to Naraku. "You'll be safe here. He will see to it." Then started towards a room on the right.
Naraku spoke quickly. "Where are you going? Don't leave me here."
Iason answered in his place. "Ah. You'll be fine, love. Besides, I would like to have privacy for a little while, and he understands that. He'll be up to join us shortly. Come." Gently taking his hand.
I'm done with. Naraku stated to himself. Maybe I should have just stayed in that old body and allowed myself to die slowly with it. They walked up the stairs in silence. Once entering a room, Naraku stared at it in amazement. It was huge. A big wide bed sat directly in front of them. A thick wooden desk sat by the wall to the right and blue marble flooring covered the entire space. He asked. "Is this your home?"
Iason looked over at him and answered snuffing out the stick. "This whole place is my home." Naraku looked at the room again, then walked in further. He studied the bed then carefully sat down on it.
He asked looking up at his blond host. "Why am I here? I mean. Why did that young man bring me here? To your home."
Iason folded his arms and looked down then at him and replied. "Riki has always been the kind to do things without first really thinking it through. You know, the consequences. Why he brought you here, to my home. I would say that was probably out kindness. He doesn't like to show that side often, but it is there. There was another reason though why I chose to let you stay."
Naraku waited for that reason. He then asked. "And why is that?"
"Because I feel a connection to you. I feel your inner power. I want what you have, Naraku."
He asked confused. "My inner power? But I.."
"Ah, but you do." Iason stated quickly and sat down next to him. He continued while gently caressing his cheek. "I've always wanted what you have, for so long. You may not still own the power, readily, but your memories do. And as long as they hold it, so do you."
My memories? That's what you want?"
The blond man sighed quietly then answered. "Naraku. Your memories hold your power. Beyond all it's limits. I want to tap into that. I can free them for you. Return them, if you will."
He stood up quickly and said. "I don't even know you. Why should I trust you that much to offer me this."
Iason waited to see if his guest would leave. But when he didn't, he stood up as well then walked up behind him. Untying the sash and letting the silk material fall open he whispered in his ear. "I can help you regain your powers." Kissing the tender skin just behind it and continued. "I shall not do anything to harm you. I can't say trust me, for it is not my choice. That. I'm afraid, is up to you."
Naraku tensed a little more as he felt Iason softly embrace him. He wanted to leave but found it extremely difficult to do so. Instead of telling him to stop, he turned around his arms and looked up at the blond guy before him. Smiling he answered tracing Iason's mouth with a finger. "I will trust you."
He smiled back then softly kissed the dark haired demon. Naraku melted inside as soon as their lips touched. He moaned softly as the beautiful human pulled him closer than before. He cautiously allowed these new feelings to take shape. Iason slowly moved his hands to the front of the silk material and slid it off Naraku's shoulders.
The coolness of the room suddenly greeted him, causing an involuntary shudder. He gasped then spoke breaking the kiss. "I'm cold. I've never been cold before."
Iason lifted his chin and leaned down then said against his lips. "You won't be for long." And slid his tongue into Naraku's mouth. The feeling was intensified. All his senses seemed to be re-awakening. The lust for skin returned. He sighed quietly allowing the erotic way that Iason was manipulating his tongue, to over take him.
The room, once cold, was indeed getting warmer. And it made him relax within his embrace. Once the kiss was broken, Iason motioned for him to follow. He led him into a hidden room just beyond the bedroom they'd been in then closed the door. Iason spoke while lighting candles and incense. "This room is my own private chamber. Not for sleeping obviously. But it's useful."
Naraku studied the items in there. None of them he'd ever seen before. He spoke as the guy gently guided him to cuffs that hung from the ceiling on thick encircled hooks. "What are all these items? What do you use them for?" His wrists were now securely fastened above his head. Which alarmed him a great deal.
Iason ran a hand across Naraku's bare chest then slowly traced his mouth with two fingers. He moved his own arms up his submissive then bringing them behind and pulled him into his body. He answered with a stunning smile. "They are my toys. Of course."