InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ When Secrets Collide ❯ A History Lesson for Two Little Girls ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclamer: Bleach and all associated characters are owned exclusively by Kubo Tite and company. InuYasha and related work belong to Rumikio Takahashi and imcorporated. The only thing I own is the character Hanabi Yamada and the tempermental computer that I write this thing on. (Some days it wants to be crabby and freeze up on me while I'm in the middle of a chapter and can't remember the last time I saved LOL. My sister says it's going to give out any day now) I recieve no royalites for this fanfic. I am gravely envious of the genius of Tite and Rumikio. And no matter how I threaten, they still will not reliquish the rights to my Inu-kun and Ichigo. Damn. Back to drawing board, Pinky.

Author's Notes:
Hey guys, sorry for the delay. With life so frustratingly annoying, I've come down with a illness known as writer's block. Hopefully after a couple of doses of Host club episodes and maybe some Perfect Girl Evolution, it'll clear up just fine. I have to say I was awed at how many reviews I got for the last chapter, 'Sank you! Lol. I must also send a very special thank you to Foxy100 who pointed out that Kagome says sit in the last chapter, but I didn't have Inuyasha eat dirt. Hope you enjoy this chapter!


Chapter 8

[A History Lesson for Two Little Girls]

“What the hell is up with this big ass hole?” Ichigo Kurosaki asked as he cautious wandered around the rim of the manmade chasm. Beside him, Inuyasha had a smirk permanently affixed to his face, letting Ichigo know for certain that the half-demon knew something that he did not.

“Well, Kurosaki-kun, this is round two of our little preparations for your trip to Soul Society.” Urahara explained. “While you and Kuchiki-san were sleeping, Inuyasha and Kagome-chan gave us a hand in digging this hole for you.”

Ichigo looked at the smirking young boy next to him and gritted his teeth. “Are you sure you didn’t just have dog boy here dig it for you? It would have went so much faster that way.” He said nastily. Behind them, Kagome and Rukia groan in exasperation. “And why is this hole ‘for me’?” he asked.

“It’s where I’m burying you when I’m through with you.” Inuyasha growled as he squared off at Ichigo.

“Enough already.” Rukia snapped as she stepped between Ichigo and Inuyasha. “Kagome has already said we don’t have time for this. So you two, shut the hell up, stop picking fights, and do as you’re told. You got that?” She said in a commanding voice. Although she was more than a foot shorter than both of the boys, Rukia managed to stare down both of them with a menacing glare.

“Yes, ma’am.” Ichigo and Inuyasha replied at once.

“Good.” She turned toward Kisuke and Kagome, who were both trying to hide their smiles behind hands. “Now, please continue.” Rukia requested, using the tone she normally reserved for when she was in class.

“…Alright then, this next part is for Kurosaki only. As you should have realized by now, Ichigo is the only one right now who doesn’t not poses any powers to help- let alone get in- the Soul Society. So we’re going to remedy this fact.” Kisuke informed. “Kurosaki-kun, before the powers we took from you were solely Kuchiki’s, right? Well, from the very beginning, you have shown extraordinary amounts of spiritual pressure, something you had long before you gained powers from Kuchiki-san. Your own powers were awaken when you received her powers. So now that hers are gone, all we have to do is turn you into a Shinigami once again.” Kisuke said as if it was the obviously logical thing to do. “and all of that will happen at the bottom of this ‘shattered shaft’. So if you’ll just step down in there, you’ll meet up with Tessai who’ll prep you for this stage.” Urahara said.

Ichigo glanced over the edge of the hole and peered down into the seemingly bottomless pit. “Step in my ass. Where will this take me? The center of the Earth?” Ichigo wondered in contempt.

“I guess that’s a good question. The last hole I went down took me five hundred years in the past.” Kagome said jokingly.

Rukia crept up the edge and looked down herself. “Maybe we could lower him down.” she suggested, going over to Ichigo and placing a comforting hand on his arm and giving it a gentle squeeze.

“No rope.” Kisuke informed them, trying to keep the feeble smile off of his face.

Inuyasha sidled up to the skeptical orange haired boy and slung his own arm around his shoulders, dislodging Rukia’s hand. Ichigo stiffened immediately, cutting him a suspicious glance and snarled slightly. “What are you up to?” he demanded.

“Nothing. I just wanted to tell you this: Don’t think about it. Just drop down. It’ll be easier that way.” Inuyasha advised. It seemed like he was actually being helpful, but his next words erased any of that feeling. “You look like a fit enough human. The fall itself looks like it could shatter a couple of bones, and cause some internal bleeding, but I think you can manage the pain. So just do it.” Inuyasha repeated.

Ichigo shrugged off Inuyasha’s embrace viciously and rounded on the half-demon with certainty. “I know what you’re up to. You’re trying to lull me into a false sense of security and then you’re going to shove me in, aren’t you. You’re just lying in wait, looking for the moment that I let my guard down and then, with a little nudge, I’m in the hole. No way would I fall for that! Especially when you sound like a Nike commercial!” Ichigo accused.

Inuyasha gave him a blank look, going for the obvious. “What’s a Ni-key commercial?”

Ichigo flushed red. “Forget that! I know what you’re up to so just give it up!”

Inuyasha grinned smugly, one of his gleaming canines peeking out. “Can’t do that, strawberry. Especially since you were nice enough to turn your back on the hole. Talk about an wide opening.” he said arrogantly.

Ichigo peeked over his shoulder and swore a blue streak. He turned back around and shrugged indifference he didn‘t feel. “It’s not a problem. You’re not going to be able to shove me in.” he declared confidently as he spread his footing to brace himself for Inuyasha’s assault.

Inuyasha’s grin turned jovial, both of his fangs making their presence known. “You know, I had a feeling you’d say that. But I think you keep forgetting that I’m not just human.” Inuyasha reminded him. He placed one of his clawed hands in the center of Ichigo chest and with the tiniest bit of effort from his inhuman strength he sent Ichigo reeling back and right over the edge.

“You bbaaaasssttarrdd!” Ichigo yelled as he disappeared down the hole.

Behind Inuyasha, Rukia and Kisuke clapped in respect while Kagome shook her head wearily. “What? That was nice of me. He wouldn’t have done it otherwise.” Inuyasha speculated, a slow, satisfied smirk replacing his earlier grin. “Plus that was too much fun to just pass up.” he added.

Kagome sighed. “Inuyasha, what am I going to do with you? That’s my stepbrother you just shoved down there. How are we going to explain if he dies? Or ends up in a hospital?” she asked.

“No time to worry about that now. Besides, he’s down there bitching at the big guy.” Inuyasha said, tilting his head toward the hole, his ears perked. “And now the big guy is reciting some kind of incantation. What is that?”

“It’s a kido spell. Tessai has to restrict the use of Ichigo’s arms.” Urahara explained. “He has seventy-two hours to get back up here. When that time is up, the chain of fate will have reached it’s final encroachment, and will begin to turn Ichigo into a Hollow. When and if that time comes, we will have no other choice but to kill him.”

“Kill him? You didn’t say anything about killing him!” Rukia exclaimed in horror.

“What if Ichigo dies?! How will I explain that? His dad will be distraught! Not to mention my own mom!” Kagome said worriedly.

“Don’t worry about those kinds of things until they come to pass.” Kisuke said wisely. “I have every confidence that he will come back to as a Shinigami. But just in case, why don’t you two and Inuyasha go see your parents?”

“Just in case of what?” Kagome asked.

“I’m not leaving here until he’s out of the hole.” Rukia sated firmly.

“Rukia-san, I knew you’d say that.” Urahara chuckled, disregarding Kagome’s question. “So you can keep me company. Kagome-chan you and Inuyasha go back to the shrine and handle any loose ends you might have. With the information that we have, it may take a little while to collect Asano.”

“Defeating Naraku and collection all of the shards is one hell of a loose end.” Inuyasha snorted. Kagome rolled her eyes as she turned and began to repack her belongings into her bag and put out the fire.

“Are you sure it’s alright? For us to leave, I mean.” she asked once she had her backpack stuffed. Inuyasha took it from her and slung it over one of his shoulders.

“It’s fine. If anything goes wrong, I’ll send Rukia-san to you.” Kisuke told them.

“But only me and Inuyasha can go through the well…” Kagome trailed off as Kisuke winked at her.

“Don’t worry. I’ll think of something.”

Kagome and Inuyasha looked at him curiously, and headed for the stairs hesitantly. The remaining duo stood in silence as they listened to Ichigo’s voice flicker up to the surface.

The short girl glanced up at the older man and gave him an unnerving glare. “What else is going on here, Urahara?” she growled.

Kisuke smiled slightly, pulling a shining red apple out of his pocket and offered it to the tense Rukia. “Wanna apple? It’s not cold, but it should still be juicy.” when Rukia didn’t move to take it, he sighed. “Nothing else is going on here, Kuchiki-san. Were just turning Kurosaki-kun into a Shinigami.”

Rukia regarded him suspiciously. “Why don’t I believe you?” she demanded.

“Because I’m not the type that you think you can trust easily.” He reached for another apple and after rubbing it off on his shirt, he took a healthy bit out of it. “Which is pretty smart of you. You really should try the apple. It’s quite tasty.” Rukia eyed him still, but took the proffered apple nonetheless. “Good girl.”


Kagome huffed as she heaved herself out of the well five hundred years in the past. With all that was going to in her era, coming back to the feudal era seemed almost anticlimactic. She’d just shot her stepbrother’s fiancée with her bow, watched powers be extracted from him and had been forced to freefall for nearly two hundred feet. That fall was quite different from when she jumped into the well and through the time slip.

“Hurry up, will ya? Miroku and Sango should still be in the village.” Inuyasha said from above her, readjusting the strap on her backpack.

Kagome ignored him as she sat on the lip of the well and brushed off her knees below the hem of her skirt. She didn’t know what possessed her to change back into her school uniform, but she just didn’t feel comfortable in anything else in the past, even though her mini skirt made her stick out like a sore thumb in a sea of kimonos, yukatas and hakamas. She grimaced with lingering guilt as she thought back to what had greeted her and Inuyasha at the Shrine that afternoon.

“Grandpa, Souta, Mom! We’re back!” Kagome called as she shucked her shoes at the door.

“Welcome back, Kagome-neesan!” Yuzu Kurosaki answered from the kitchen. Kagome’s heart jumped at the sound at the slightly unfamiliar voice. She’d completely forgotten the fact that there were more people living with her and family. Not just Ichigo, but his little sisters and his father had moved in. How long had she been in the basement of the Urahara Shop?

“Hi, Yuzu-chan! How’s everyone? Are you guys settling in alright?” Kagome asked as she slapped on a cheerful smile.

“Everybody’s great! Karin-chan and Souta-kun are at the park playing soccer and Shoutaro-jiisan is cleaning the main shrine.” the little girl moved around the kitchen with surprising efficiency, not one of her movements wasted. Kagome smiled appreciatively this time, watching Yuzu get the makings for dinner ready.

“Where’s Mom and Isshin?” She asked.

The little girl blushed slightly. “On their honeymoon, of course.”

Kagome could have smacked herself for that one. Of course they’d be on their honeymoon. They’d just gotten married. Maybe the air in that basement had messed with her brain.

“You’re in the way, Kagome.” Inuyasha groused from behind her. Kagome sighed aggravated as she moved out of his way. Then she noticed something peculiar. Yuzu’s face had heated up even more, nearly the same red as the strawberry barrette in her hair.

“Oh, Kagome-neesan, you brought Yasha-chi with you! I’ll set up another place for him at the table!” The little girl hurried toward the cabinet and pulled out extra silverware and disappeared into the dining room.

“Yasha-chi?” Inuyasha said dumbfounded.

“Aw, I think Yuzu-chan has a crush on you.” Kagome gushed teasingly. She laughed at the perplexed look that descended upon the hanyou’s face. His ears twitched slightly under his bandana.

“A crush on me?” he repeated. Behind him, Kagome’s grandfather, Shoutaro, smacked him lightly on the head with the straw broom he’d been using. “What the-old ma-”
“Don’t stand in the doorway.” Shoutaro reprimanded. Inuyasha grumbled as he moved out of the old man’s way.

“Welcome back, Kagome.” Shoutaro greeted as he patted her on the head. “You and I need to talk.”

Kagome frowned curiously at her grandfather. “Okay…” she said slowly.

Yuzu came back into the kitchen and nodded politely at the older man. “Finished with the main shrine?” she asked.

“Yes. Yuzu, can I get you to watch this demon while I talk to Kagome privately?” Kagome and Inuyasha froze in shock at his choice of words. They watched the little girl closely.

Yuzu smiled brightly while her face flushed even brighter. “I’ll watch him.”

Kagome followed her grandfather back outside the kitchen door hearing Yuzu offer Inuyasha something to eat. “Grandpa, you can’t go around calling Inuyasha a demon!” she scolded as soon as they were out of hearing range.

“But he is a demon.” Shoutaro pointed out logically.

“Half-demon.” Kagome corrected.

“Irrelevant. But speaking of the half-demon, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about, Kagome. Your mother has decided that it’s up to you to tell your new siblings about the well and the Shikon no Tama.”

“What! But it’s a-”

“Secret that you’ve shared with your family.” Shoutaro finished for her. “Yuzu, Karin and Ichigo Kurosaki are now your family. I feel that is your obligation to inform them. We can’t get along with them if we’re hiding something like this from them. June said she’d tell Isshin, but she’d leave the others to you.”

Kagome groaned at the news. She’d known that she’d have to tell them, but had hoped that it would be a little further in the future. Like in the next six months. You know, just to get the kinks out of her story. Ichigo knew, wasn’t that enough?
Her grandfather watched her flounder and looked heavenward. “Kagome…”

“I’ve got it, Grandpa. Don’t worry, I’ll do it.” she vowed. Shoutaro stared at her hard and Kagome groaned loudly. “You want me to do it tonight.” she stated.

“That would be nice.” Shoutaro agreed.

“Alright. I’ll tell them tonight.”

With more people occupying the Higurashi-Kurosaki household, the dining room table had been switched out with a larger one-something that shouldn’t have surprised Kagome, but it did. With her little brother and Inuyasha piled on one side, Yuzu and Karin on the other and with Grandpa at the head, Kagome conceded to herself that it had been wise. They had just enough room left over for her mom, Isshin, Rukia and Ichigo.

“Where’s Ichi-nii?” Karin asked, as if she’d been listening in on Kagome’s thoughts. Silence greeted the girl’s question.

Kagome sputtered to fill them in. “Um, well…he’s working part-time…at the Urahara Shop. He won’t be home until late.” she lied badly. Inuyasha looked at her in contempt, but no one else seemed to notice that what she’d said was untrue.

“Okay.” Karin said quietly. “Where’s Rukia-chan?” she followed up with.

“Uh…she’s staying over with one of the girls from class.” She quickly racked her brain for a name. She nearly said Orihime but saved herself just in time when she remembered that the girl had moved. “Eri’s. She and Ayumi are staying over.”

“Are you going too, sis?” Souta asked with a pout. “you just got back.”

“No, I’m not. I wanted to share something with Yuzu and Karin.” the fraternal twins looked at her expectantly. Even Inuyasha paused from shoveling his dinner down his throat like he’d never eat again. “The Higurashi family has been apart of this shrine for many centuries.” Kagome began, cringing at the fact that she sounded nearly identical to her grandfather when he went on about history. “National treasures, and precious ancient artifacts can be found on these grounds…and even things that are well kept within the family. One of these things solely involve me-well me and Inuyasha, and seeing as you have recently joined our family, it is my duty to reveal our most guarded secret to you, in hopes that you will help us keep it a secret.” Kagome pondered her next move. After a few seconds, she decided to elaborate for the little girls, seeing as them seemed to be hanging on to her every word. “In one of my past lives, I was known as the priestess Kikyo and I was the protector of a coveted jewel called the Shikon no Tama.” she paused to swallow hard, referring to herself as Kikyo had left a slightly bad taste in her mouth. “Demons would come from all over to steal the jewel and to use it’s powers for evil. One demon nearly succeed in taking the jewel from me, because he disguised him as Inuyasha.

The real Inuyasha-who thought he was being betrayed by me- stole the jewel from the village and was making a run for it before I was able to catch him. It was then that I imprisoned Inuyasha to the Sacred Tree. I took back the Shikon, but it was at the cost of my life as Kikyo. I had my little sister Kaede burn the jewel with my body.” Yuzu, Karin and even Souta sat transfixed as Kagome weaved her story on. “This all happened five hundred years ago. On my fifteen birthday-as Kagome-I fell down the well that’s housed on the Shrine grounds and found myself back in Feudal Japan-fifty years after Kikyo had bound Inuyasha. While warding off a centipede demon, I also found out that inside my body was the Shikon no Tama, like it had never been burned. The jewel was shattered all over the place and now I, as its protector, journey all over five hundred years in the past to collect all of the shards of it.”

Yuzu gazed her with blissful eyes. “Really? That’s so cool! The well really takes you to the past?”

Kagome snorted mentally. Of course little kids would be more accepting of something so unbelievable. If someone had just fed her the story she’d given them, she would have immediately asked what the hell had they been smoking. The black haired twin sat silently, watching Inuyasha curiously.

“So, why isn’t he pinned to the tree outside?” Karin asked.

“Because I released him from the spell that kept him there.” Kagome replied. She watched as the younger girl sat back and grappled to absorb the information.

“Inuyasha has these cool dog ears on the top of his head!” Souta exclaimed through the silence. Both girls looked toward the hanyou with widen eyes. Inuyasha groaned before snatching off the cloth tied around his head.

“So cute!” Yuzu gushed as she stared fixated on the little furry triangles.

Karin studied him hard before blurting out her own little news. “That’s nothing. Ichi-nii’s a Shinigami.”