InuYasha Fan Fiction / Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ RoadTrip of a lifetime ❯ Arriving ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A little fic where one car can make chaos reign. Mwahahaha!
Disclaimer I don't own nothing Teary Eyes
Cyborg: Ok so my car has just been modified. I called all of them to tell them it's ready. So they'll be here in an hour. Hopefully my car can survive BB till then
AndreaChick: Call me Author.. so anyway the Teen Titans have planned a road trip from new york to Brazil. The Titans each invited they're friends. Star invited Sakura, Syoaran, and Tomoyo. And but Robin Invited Inuyasha , Kagome, Sango , Miroku, and Shippo. OK I'll stop blabbering back to story!
Starfire: OK I can not wait till my friend Sakura gets here!!!
Raven : Starfire you've been talking about them for 4 days straight give it a rest.
Starfire but Raven isn't it nice to know your friend is coming to visit you and that-.
Raven :Has roll of tape in hand That ought to keep you quiet. It's ok guys she stopped!!!
Robin: Taking off earplugs Thank God . so anyway to we have everything packed right?
Starfire: Yep
BeastBoy:UUUUhhhhhhhh……..yep Runs to room
Robin: He didn't pack did he?
Raven :Not looking up from her book Nope
Robin : Just tell him to put his stuff in the blue box.
Raven: Yep I will. In her mind: I could really care less to be honest.
BeasBoy:In room stuffing anything on the floor into bag…Oh man how could I forget!!!! They've been talking about it for weeks! Ahhhh!!!
With the Cardcaptor Cast
Syoaran: Why am I coming again?
Sakura: Because if you don't come Tomoyo said she will stalk you filming every move we make.
Syoaran: sweatdrops oh……
Taxi:Make sharp schreeching stop
Syoaran: Nearly out the window.Where the hell did you get your licsince the cereal box factory!!!???
Sakura: Syoaran we're here…..
Syoaran: paid taxi 12 bucks. That's it cause of the damn shcreeching stop of hell!!!
Sakura: Titans Tower. Just like star said…..
Syoaran: It's a hord of crap….
Tomoyo: Oh stop being a sour puss!
Sakura and Syoaran: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!Where'd you come from?!!!
Tomoyo: The taxi behind you.
Sakura: I stand corrected. Either way she'll stalk us…
With the Inuyasha Cast
Inuyasha: Must I always go with you?
Kagome Yes you do have to come!
Inuyasha: But why??
Miroku: Cause everyone else is going and we're not leaving you alone.
Inuyasha : This sucks like hell…
Kagome: We're here!!
Sango: it's a giant T?
Kagome: Yep.
Inuyasha: Quietly Tip Toeing Away.
Kagome: Sit Boy!
Inuyasha: Slams face first into his friend dirt.I hate you..
Kagome: I know *Smiles*.
That's it for now! Come back next time!