InuYasha Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ *What* Insertion? ❯ Case File: Inuyasha ( Chapter 12 )
[ A - All Readers ]
by Curtis Wildcat
Chapter Twelve --- Case File: Inuyasha
(Cue theme)
Time: Sunday, February 25, 1996, 11:15p.m.
Location: Unknown
Four silhouetted figures met and sat down inside a pitch-black van. As the vehicle started and drove down the road, they discussed the details of the plan.
One of the most influential families in Tokyo was holding a late-night party. The van's driver would assume the guise of a guest, while the others had arranged to be the home's "security" team. While the guests were distracted, two of the security officers would sneak into one of the home's back rooms and rob the family's entire display case. Upon pawning off all the jewelry to their brokers---who were in on the scheme as well---and giving the money to their prime investor, they would be admitted to the 'darkest' criminal organization existing in Japan.
The plan went off without a hitch. Every priceless gemstone and artifact in the room had been swiped without them being detected; several of the more intoxicated guests had willingly handed over their valuables, thinking that they would be guarded for the duration of the evening. The group's leader imagined their disbelief at the fact that they would never see them again, smiling grimly.
After everything that could be pilfered was taken, the group snuck out of the house and approached their van. One of them stepped in a small puddle on the way over, but he assumed it was left over from the evening's rain.
Another man looked up, hearing the distant sound of sirens. Motioning for the team to load the van and get away, he helped them do that before jumping into the driver's seat and attempting to start the car.
Of course, the key word was "attempting"; all they got was a slight sputtering. No one knew why the van wouldn't start. Upset, they hurriedly got out to check what the matter was.
It was when one of them switched on a flashlight that they knew why it wouldn't start: there was a long gash in the gas tank (and the tires had been slashed, as well). Realizing both that the police were coming and all the gasoline had spilled out of the van, they decided to grab the jewelry out of the back and duck into the safety of a nearby alley. Once they got there, they could call their investor and have him pick them up.
"Lovely night, isn't it?"
A white-haired boy in medieval garments leaped into their path and bulldozed through them. "At least for me it is!" he crowed, unsheathing the sword he carried. "Now don't you dare stand up until the police arrive!"
In his daze, the group's leader was able to recognize the figure for who he was. After all, he'd been all over the news for more than a month now. "You," he growled. "You have no right to involve yourself in this."
The boy grinned, making his canines evident. "Maybe I do, and maybe I don't. Either way, you've made that proposition with that black-coated guy. That's doomed you from the start."
The man's eyes widened. "What do you know about anything?"
"Oh, please," the boy said, chuckling as the sirens grew louder. "That man could've done a lot more to disguise his movements. Someone who wears a black coat in the dead of night, carries a gun and keeps looking around him...that simply screams 'criminal'. He might as well have carried a sign that said: 'Arrest me!'. I tracked him for a few minutes until he met up with you, then listened to the whole discussion. When he left, I started following you until you got to that rich man's house." He folded his arms. "When you knocked out that guest and started playing his role, my suspicions were correct. From there it was just a matter of wrecking your car and tipping off the police."
The man growled and attempted to climb to his feet, but the menacing glare in the boy's eyes stopped him. "Congratulations," the boy said quietly as the cars stopped nearby. "You have just been caught red-handed. No one's going to get you out of this mess."
Time: The following evening, 8:25p.m.
Location: Police department, unknown district
Investigator Landon finished viewing the report of last night's account before storing it in her nearby file cabinet. The drawer she had placed the report in had been getting fuller as they days had gone by, and she no idea whether to be pleased or annoyed with the cause of it all.
Back when she was asked to track the actions of one mysterious boy, she'd almost laughed. Looking back, it was proving to be a good thing she hadn't: this one boy was single-handedly attempting to drive down Tokyo's crime rate for reasons unknown. He apparently had the means to do it; eyewitness accounts had claimed that he had tremendous strength, able to carry a massive broadsword without any trouble. Several on-lookers had remarked on his fleetness of foot and tremendous agility, which were his default means of capturing criminals. Yet another person thought he'd seen claws on his hands.
There were plenty of rumors about him, of course. One was that he was part of a genetics experiment of some kind. Another rumor was the possibility that he was an alien, a scout sent to gather information by interrogating felons secretly; that had been Landon's favorite. A third was that he was an android merely doing what it had been programmed to do, but most everyone agreed that it wasn't feasible.
Whoever he was, Inuyasha had become a household name amongst criminals and common citizens alike: feared amongst the former, respected (and even adored; he actually had a cute expression when he faced a camera for the first time) by the latter. At the same time, the police department was keeping an eye on him: sooner or later Inuyasha would take his vigilantism too far, giving them the evidence they'd need to arrest him.
Secretly, Landon dreaded that day. Not only did she secretly applaud his actions, but she admitted that all the speculation surrounding him was keeping her unit in business. She just wished that she hadn't been asked to send a report to the district's police chief; she never did like sitting behind a desk. She'd always been somewhat of a night owl, so to speak; she constantly asked to have the evening and night shifts so that she could arrest criminals personally. Her shift would end at around 11:00 tonight, unfortunately; on the other hand, she'd be able to get a late start tomorrow.
Deciding where to begin, Landon took a massive folder out of the cabinet. After closing the cabinet and sitting back down, she started flipping through the various files. Most of them were minor cases; Inuyasha popping in somewhere in Tokyo, capturing and leaving a target for the police to find, and vanishing. Ever since his first appearance in January, he'd stopped or prevented a total of nine kidnappings, twelve robberies, eight murders, and almost twenty miscellaneous other crimes; those were just estimations, but they seemed to be on par with the news reports.
Landon noted that he was very elusive; he never appeared in the same district two nights in a row, and outside of his lone picture he was very camera shy. To date he'd only appeared in daylight twice: once at an elementary school in Beika, and another time when he accepted a small family's offer for lunch (assumably, this was the same family he'd protected in his first appearance).
There were plenty of things assumed about him, but only a few that were definitely known about him. He appeared to be about 7-8 years old, was relatively tall for his age, had shoulder-length white hair (many seemed to think that it was dyed), and sharp yellow eyes. He seemed to have a taste for medieval European fashion (at least it seemed European to her); his garments consisted of leather boots, a shirt, shorts, vest, and a shawl he kept wrapped around his hips. Just the thought of this made Landon chuckle to herself. "Sounds like a real fugitive from society," she said quietly.
There were several instances mentioned of Inuyasha having an adverse reaction to being called a 'monster' or 'freak'. Why he acted like that in spite of his abilities was a mystery, but Landon assumed that something had happened to him along the way...possibly ostracism or prejudice. On the other hand, he'd just shrugged when a delighted child had called him 'the coolest monster he'd ever seen'. Going over it in her mind, she supposed that a friendly heart had mixed with a bad past to create that aspect of his personality.
Of the things not known about him, most of them centered around his motivations. How did he manage to keep those hours? What was the secret behind his agility and strength? Most importantly, what would drive a grade-school kid to such extremes?
Brushing some of her pale blue hair out of her eyes, Landon pulled out another file and began scanning it. Her eyes widened in recognition: the Jeremy Sands case, dated February 14. This was the incident that convinced police officials that they should keep an eye on Inuyasha. As she reviewed the case, she tried to imagine the events as they happened...
(Cue flashback)
Time: February 14, 1996; 10:45p.m.
Location: Apartment living room
" it stands, Mr. Sands, you're the only one here with knowledge of such an event," Richard Moore said accusingly, sitting calmly in his chair. As Inspector Maguire, a handful of officers, and several others---including a dwarfish, redhaired man in a turtleneck---looked on, Moore finished his explanation. "Everyone here failed my test but you; you didn't even break a sweat. Only you could've done such a thing to Taylor. Am I right?"
"Figuring out who was responsible for Taylor's disappearance is one thing, Detective Moore," Mr. Sands told him angrily. "Actually finding any evidence on me is another!" With that, he dived past the officers and charged through the door...
"Tsk, tsk tsk," someone said. "It's not polite to leave when the man's not done talking!"
Without warning, Mr. Sands came flying back into the room, narrowly missing Richard as he collided with the wall. Surprised, everyone turned to see what had happened...and in walked Inuyasha 'as happy as you please'. "Honestly...the nerve of some people."
Maguire was the first to react. "You're that kid we saw at the elementary school! What are you doing here?"
"What do you think? I'm helping you guys out," Inuyasha said, smiling smugly. "According to what Mr. Sandman over there said---"
"That's Mr. Sands!" the turtlenecked man protested, recovering and standing up.
"Whatever. They both sound the same," Inuyasha muttered. "Anyway, he says he didn't do it; says his hands tremble a lot. I was watching him as he carried in a drink and his keys; he wasn't nervous at all, and he never spilled a single drop. I was about to get going, but then I heard someone scream. Speaking of which..." Out of an unknown pocket, he tossed over an empty, stained cup (already concealed in a plastic bag) to Maguire. "The guy never finished his drink; it was too close to the scene of the crime, so he dumped it out before the police arrived. Found this in his trash. You do live alone, don't you, Mr. Sandman? No one else to pin the blame on? Not even your neighbors in the other apartments?"
"Who are you supposed to be, anyway? What kind of monster are you?" Mr. Sands asked, spooked.
"Are you familiar with the expression 'pot calling the kettle black', Mr. Sandman?" Inuyasha asked, his eyes narrowing. "People who would stoop low enough to willingly attack another person...that's monstrous in itself."
"That's 'Mr. Sands'," the man told him, annoyed. "And what do you call what you just did to me?"
"I'm not the suspect in this case," Inuyasha retorted. "I'm not the one who'll be sitting on his posterior in jail by tomorrow. You were trying to escape the questioning, you were the one who did in that Taylor person, and your head is so thick you thought no one was watching you. Well, wrong answer!"
Simmering down a little and ignoring everyone's wondering expressions, he shook his head before facing Maguire. "There's the evidence I found. Coupled with Detective Moore's story, either Sands will confess on his own or Moore will break the case open himself. I have to get out of here before I lose my temper."
Sulking a little, Inuyasha walked over to the window. After opening it he pushed himself off the ledge onto the next roof. Before long, he was gone from sight.
(End of flashback)
Landon put the paper away, thinking back to what others had told her afterward. The evidence had indeed led Mr. Sands to confess his crime, but the encounter had also raised questions about Inuyasha's mental stability. If provoked, he could possibly become violent; although his heart seemed to be in the right place, he still needed to be watched in case he became too enthusiastic.
With his unpredictability, that would be somewhat difficult. Something needed to be done to neutralize that. Perhaps having each department in Tokyo keep one or two officers on the lookout in case he showed up. Yes...that seemed to be a nice idea.
After getting permission from the chief, she placed a call to another investigator in a neighboring district. "Hello? Yes, this is Investigator Nagi Landon...this is regarding the special task force that was set up. Here's what I need from you. Talk to the district chief and pass on this message: 'Inuyasha seems to do most of his work between 10:30p.m. and dawn. Whatever officers are on the beat between those times will need to watch out for him and keep track of what he does. If he seems to have an incident well in hand, don't disturb him; instead, just watch him and aid him if he sincerely asks for it. If he attacks an officer or innocent bystander, you have full leave to apprehend him if possible'. Did you get all that?...Good. Make sure that's passed on to every department throughout Tokyo proper, in particular those that have members of the task force. Let's make this look good...alright, then. Talk to you later."
After hanging up, Landon wrung her hands and switched her desk computer. "Now that that's out of the way, I have a report to do."
As scheduled, Landon finished her shift at about 11:00. She hurriedly grabbed any loose papers, put them back in their proper spots within the office, made sure that the report was filed away and ready to be sent, grabbed her bag, and calmly departed the office for home.
Aside from punching out, she didn't tell anyone she was leaving; a lot of people thought of her as a lone wolf, always focused on her job and not much else. She wasn't cold, but she wasn't the friendly type either; it wasn't what she intended, but that's what she came off as to others. About the only friends she had were two pet rabbits, and it wasn't like they could engage her in conversation or anything. It was beginning to get rather annoying.
As Landon drove on home, she began wondering various things. Inuyasha should be out and about by this point. What part of Tokyo had he chosen to roam tonight? It had been at least a month since teen detective Jimmy Kudo disappeared. When was he going to return? In his absence, another detective was starting to make news. Would he become just as good, or fall flat?
A brief flash of light and a sudden bang diverted her thoughts. A second bang followed, and Landon was forced to focus on the road. It became evident that with two flat tires, she wasn't going to win this round; about all she could do was slow down as much as possible. After a few seconds, she was able to stop the car in front of a closed market.
As she stepped out, she did so suspiciously; with that flash of light that preceded the flat tires, she was positive that someone was purposely shooting at her car. Now it was just a matter of whether she was being targetted specifically, or if whoever had done it didn't care what kind of car got bullet-riddled.
"Investigator nice to meet up with you again."
Well, that answers that. Landon put one hand in her pocket, getting ready to defend herself as three figures stepped out of the shadows. The people on the sides were nondescript, ordinary. The middle person in the group had dark hair and a scar on one hand. All three of the men wore black trench coats and fedoras, carried pistols, and had threatening airs about them. "You must've decided that jail didn't suit you, Philips," Landon said dryly, "when it's actually a perfect fit."
"You're real funny," 'Philips' snarled. "Because of you, me and my aides were captured and thrown in the brig last year. Two nights ago, my associates had me released on the condition that I deal with you personally; and last night, we traced the route you took between the police station and your home. We weren't about to intrude on your property; we know about that top-notch security system of yours. So, what better time than now?"
"'Never' would be a much more suitable option," Landon told him, her pocketed hand closing around the disguised radio that she always carried with her. With the push of a button, the edges of the antenna would sprout miniature blades; each of these were sharp enough to cut through iron. Since she had no particular fondness for guns, she preferred to use this as a means of defense. "One of us is going to regret doing this, and it's not going to be me."
"Keep your hands out of your pockets," Philips warned. "If your radio hand even twitches..." A deliberately misdirected shot made clear what was going to happen.
Scowling, Landon took her hand out of her pocket. "If you're going to deal with me, do it now. None of us have time for this sort of nonsense."
Philips smirked. "I'll say. Rumor has it that you're the head of a task force specializing in someone...someone that the organization wants out of the picture before anything happens to the ranks. We've already figured out that the authorities are willing to back him up, so long as he doesn't try anything stupid. Of course, we don't want that; so if the blame's pinned on him for your disappearance, he's as good as gone."
Landon's eyes narrowed. "And you're telling me this why?"
"Because, Investigator," Philips said darkly, "I want you to realize despair. I want you to know fear: fear that you'll soon be gone, and fear that you'll never be around to protect innocent people again. I want you to realize that no matter what you do---"
"Ramen and spaghetti will always be two different things?"
"Wha-huh?" Philips blinked, puzzled; his subordinates followed suit. Landon looked around, just as confused as her attacker was. Someone had spoken, and it sure wasn't her!
"Over here, clowns," someone growled. "Are you just going to stand there and look stupid all night? I have places to go!"
Realizing where the voice was coming from, Landon stepped back just a little and allowed herself to see the roof. Her eyes widened as she realized who had spoken. Well, I did ask myself where he'd be roaming tonight...I shouldn't have asked!
(BGM --- Simon Belmont's Theme)
The figure who could only be Inuyasha was kneeling on the market's roof, the distant moon glittering in his yellow eyes. "Thanks for detailing your plan," he said smugly. "Nice to know I'm considered a danger to criminals. It's about time, too. Now, plan to tell me how you're going to get away? I'm listening."
One of Philips' aides got off a shot, but Inuyasha was already out of the way. Unsheathing the tremendous blade he carried (and shocking everyone who saw it), he leaped straight to the ground and quickly slashed diagonally. The men stepped back, but Inuyasha wasn't after them; the gun that the aide had been carrying was sliced into two pieces.
The others got their act together and started firing at him, but the vigilante was too quick. He dodged or deflected the shots until the men were out of ammunition, then made his move. Using the sword's flat side, he swung it like a baseball bat and brushed the men aside with casual ease. As Landon watched this, she noted that he hadn't put a lot of force into the blow; it was meant to incapacitate them, not injure them. No wonder his file hadn't mentioned any hospitalizations.
Inuyasha straightened, somehow managing to sheath the giant broadsword. Hearing a grunt, he turned to see Philips trying to struggle back up. "Make it easier for yourself," the kid growled, planting a foot on top of him and forcing him back down. "Stay down." He turned just a little. "Hey, lady! You're a cop. Would you mind calling for backup?"
As Landon took out her radio and did as suggested, Philips reached out and grabbed Inuyasha's ankle. "You miserable monster. You're not going to last very long...not when the organization wants you gone..." he warned, his expression angry.
Inuyasha frowned. "I was just about to say the same thing about the organization. You have a problem with that?"
Philips' eyes widened a fraction. "You can't be serious. You can't take them on by yourself!"
No question that Inuyasha was very serious. "I have every intention of taking them down, idiot. No amount of persuasion's going to change my mind, either. I repeat: you have a problem with that?"
"You are just one kid!" Philips shouted. "What are you going to do? These are the big leagues, freak; they're not two-bit criminals like the rest of the trash you've been taking out!"
Inuyasha smiled. "That they aren't...but they're losers all the same. They think they're smart, putting that detective Kudo out of commission..."
Landon gasped. The teenage detective Jimmy Kudo!? Why, those miserable---!
"...but they're not. By taking down Kudo that miserable night, they unleashed a monster."
Philips glared at Inuyasha with enough force to melt rock. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Inuyasha raised a finger and waggled it condescendingly. "Now, that is a secret." His eyes locked with Philips' own gaze. " have...a problem...with that?" he asked in English, deliberately speaking slowly to get his message across.
Still glaring up at Inuyasha defiantly, Philips let go of Inuyasha's foot. A dangerous smirk came to life...
Immediately, Landon searched for the reason behind that sneer...and spotted both of them: the two aides that had previously been knocked aside had recovered and were charging for the vigilante, daggers in hand. There's no way he'll be able to wield that sword in time! "Inuyasha, watch out!" she snapped---
---but before she had even finished her warning, he'd already taken action. Inuyasha leaped clear of the men's attacks without hesitation, then ducked down and swept them off their feet with a single kick. "Do you guys even know how to take a hint?" he growled as he stood back up. "When criminals go down, they stay down!" He folded his arms, watching as Philips' expression became incredulous.
Landon just blinked. Well, that's something else to add to his file... She looked on as Inuyasha grumbled to himself, making sure that none of the three were getting up until the police came. "Excuse me," she said a twinge hesitantly, "I'd like to speak with you in a few minutes."
"As long as it doesn't take too much time," the snow-haired boy muttered, examining his feet for a moment. "I still have a long night ahead of me."
Once the police arrived, things fell back in order quickly. Landon arranged to have new tires placed on her car the following day and to have a cab take her home. The three crooks from the 'organization' were stowed and taken away. After promising to send a report the next day (and having a few minutes before the cab arrived), she ducked into a small alley and waited.
She didn't have long to wait; Inuyasha dropped to the ground from the market's roof. "Alright, everyone's gone. What did you need to talk to me about, lady?"
Landon hesitated briefly before replying. "You told those men that Detective Kudo was gone...Is that really true?"
"Yeah and no," Inuyasha growled, sniffing the air before continuing quietly. "I'm not going to say where I heard this, but it had been Gin and Vodka's every intention to get rid of Kudo that night. The pill they'd used apparently didn't do as they wanted it to. However, there's not much Kudo can do about it at the moment. Not in his present condition."
"Present condition...?"
"He's not sick or anything, if that's what you mean. Sorry, but I can't elaborate much more than that. If those idiots caught wind of the fact that Kudo's still alive, they'd seek him out and try to finish the job. That wouldn't be good for his friends, either. In fact, I suggest you not tell anyone what I told you just now."
Landon's eyes narrowed a fraction. "So, what are you going to do about it?"
"Exactly what I told those guys. Dismantle their organization before they have a chance. It's the main reason why I'm always out at night."
Part of Landon didn't believe what Inuyasha was telling her. Philips had a point; it was one kid against...who knows how many people. "You do realize the odds are against you, don't you? Speed and strength aside, that's not enough to defeat them."
Inuyasha smirked. "I have more going for me than that. A lot more."
Landon sighed, wondering for a moment what else he was able to do. "Alright, fine. If you want to do that, it's not my problem. But there's one more thing that's been bothering me."
"What's that?"
"This may sound like a stupid question, but do you go to school at all?"
Inuyasha shook his head. "Nah. I've got all the education I need right up here," he said, tapping his forehead. "I know some math and writing, and I have a guy teaching me history and stuff. I try to sleep during most of the day, if I can."
Landon made a note to put that in his file later. I suspected as much. "Thanks. You know, you actually helped out the task force quite a bit with your explanation."
"Yeah? How?"
The investigator smirked. "Like you told Philips earlier: it's a secret. Like it or not, your file's confidential."
"All the stuff I ever wanted to know about myself, and it's locked up," Inuyasha quipped, rolling his eyes. "Fine. Whatever. Look, are you finished yet? I have to get going."
"I have all the information I need. I'll let you off the hook."
"Just like that?" Inuyasha asked. "There's a catch, isn't there? No way it's that easy."
Landon just waved him off, dismissing his disbelief and heading back out onto the street without saying anything further. Hearing a rustling noise, she turned her head just in time to notice Inuyasha leaping back onto the roof and dashing away.
As the glare of headlights from the approaching cab got her attention, Landon continued to wonder what exactly Inuyasha had in store for the Organization...and what plans the Organization had to deal with Inuyasha. If the vigilante was really all that he said he was, he should come through alright in the end.
If not...
Landon angrily forced that line of reasoning from her head as she stepped into the cab. He's no amateur. The way he thinks and acts, his apparent skills...he's no child. There's no way he can be! I'm positive he's already thought ahead on how to do this! long as I’m thinking of it, where’d that music come from?
"And so, we end another chapter in the continuing saga of Inuyasha. What does life have in store for him? Will the alcohol-named bad guys do him in? Will he take them all down on his own? Will he eat anything besides ramen? What's the point of asking these stupid questions? Come back next time for the next part of the breath-taking saga of---"
"Phibrizzo, you're ranting again."
Although Curtis and the green pillar were in opposite chambers, that didn't stop Phibrizzo from taunting him. "Yeah? And what are you going to do about it, Burger Breath?"
"You want me to answer that?"
No, who knows, already have, and no point, Inuyasha growled mentally, dismayed. Could you keep it down in there? I'm trying to think about what that cop was saying.
Phibrizzo smiled nastily, then started singing. "One fish cannot fly, one bird cannot swim...when the attempt is made together, it proves them twice as dim..."
"You're off-key," Curtis remarked, cutting him off. "It should be sung like this...Beginning with one song, and moving on again...going on and on proves whether you are mice or men..."
"That high note was way off!" Phibrizzo shot back. "Do you dare to sing again just like you've sung before? Give me something good, or else I'll toss you out the door!"
Inuyasha's growling became deeper. I said stop it, stupid!
"I'm driving down Highway 40 in my big ol' pickup truck..."
"Hey, you're cheating, Curtis!" Phibrizzo protested. "That's not even a song!"
"Is too. I have it!"
"'Bark', or whatever his name is, sings worse than you! If I could take just any old line and call it a song, I'd do it!"
"You just did a few seconds ago. Besides, that song's hilarious."
Would you two just shut up!?
Ten seconds of quiet. Then, Curtis spoke up with a calm and quiet: "Ce-ment mixer...puti puti...”
Provoked by the absurd lyric and Inuyasha’s vast annoyance, Phibrizzo collapsed---or floated, rather---into a giggling fit. After a little while, he was able to calm himself down as the novelty of the discussion wore off.
There was complete silence for several minutes as Inuyasha continued his patrol. Finally, not having anything else to do, Phibrizzo started humming the song that Curtis had played earlier. Despite his fondness for classical music, he admitted to himself that the song was kind of neat. He did wonder why it sounded so fake, no real instruments were used to produce it!
In the next chamber, Curtis examined a game cartridge for a moment before putting it away. He had no real plans to play it; it made for some neat background music, though.
Shortly thereafter, he reminded himself that Phibrizzo's new teacher, Wanda Fitzgerald, would be starting at Teitan Elementary on Wednesday (knowledge gained courtesy of Miss Valen). It was always nice to meet a new teacher; it reminded him of the temporary excitement he'd get as a kid, starting a new grade and things like that. Although he would only be on the inside looking out, he was looking forward to it.
If he'd known exactly who would begin teaching on Wednesday, he wouldn't be so eager...
Chapter Twelve concluded. Chapter Thirteen soon to commence
If it wasn't entirely evident, there was another crossover here: Nagi Landon is this story’s version of Nagi, Tenchi Universe’s resident bounty hunter, and will be heading the Inuyasha task force. Some parts of the series I frown on (and avoid entirely, mostly for moral reasons), but there admittedly are a few characters I like. I just hope I got the personality down right.
As evidenced, this chapter focused primarily on Inuyasha. There will be four 'Case Files' throughout the series: one for each of our main triumvirate, and one (much later) for Deep Sea Dolphin. That much is certain. By the way, any similarity to the Case Files that Case Closed is associated with is entirely coincidental (at least, I think the two are connected; I can’t remember for sure).
A few of the songs that Phibrizzo and Curtis were singing in that segment were made up on the spot. ‘Highway 40 Revisited’ and ‘Cement Mixer’, though, weren’, they weren’t. Heh, heh...anyway, as long as we’re on the subject of music: for the duration of this story, Simon Belmont’s theme is Inuyasha’s, as well. Just thought I’d mention that.
One minor note: on the whole, I don’t like the Castlevania series of games too much (with the exception of Simon’s Quest, which grew on me back in the NES era). Can’t argue with some of their music, though.
Anyways, I digress. Let’s get back on track.
by Curtis Wildcat
Chapter Twelve --- Case File: Inuyasha
(Cue theme)
Time: Sunday, February 25, 1996, 11:15p.m.
Location: Unknown
Four silhouetted figures met and sat down inside a pitch-black van. As the vehicle started and drove down the road, they discussed the details of the plan.
One of the most influential families in Tokyo was holding a late-night party. The van's driver would assume the guise of a guest, while the others had arranged to be the home's "security" team. While the guests were distracted, two of the security officers would sneak into one of the home's back rooms and rob the family's entire display case. Upon pawning off all the jewelry to their brokers---who were in on the scheme as well---and giving the money to their prime investor, they would be admitted to the 'darkest' criminal organization existing in Japan.
The plan went off without a hitch. Every priceless gemstone and artifact in the room had been swiped without them being detected; several of the more intoxicated guests had willingly handed over their valuables, thinking that they would be guarded for the duration of the evening. The group's leader imagined their disbelief at the fact that they would never see them again, smiling grimly.
After everything that could be pilfered was taken, the group snuck out of the house and approached their van. One of them stepped in a small puddle on the way over, but he assumed it was left over from the evening's rain.
Another man looked up, hearing the distant sound of sirens. Motioning for the team to load the van and get away, he helped them do that before jumping into the driver's seat and attempting to start the car.
Of course, the key word was "attempting"; all they got was a slight sputtering. No one knew why the van wouldn't start. Upset, they hurriedly got out to check what the matter was.
It was when one of them switched on a flashlight that they knew why it wouldn't start: there was a long gash in the gas tank (and the tires had been slashed, as well). Realizing both that the police were coming and all the gasoline had spilled out of the van, they decided to grab the jewelry out of the back and duck into the safety of a nearby alley. Once they got there, they could call their investor and have him pick them up.
"Lovely night, isn't it?"
A white-haired boy in medieval garments leaped into their path and bulldozed through them. "At least for me it is!" he crowed, unsheathing the sword he carried. "Now don't you dare stand up until the police arrive!"
In his daze, the group's leader was able to recognize the figure for who he was. After all, he'd been all over the news for more than a month now. "You," he growled. "You have no right to involve yourself in this."
The boy grinned, making his canines evident. "Maybe I do, and maybe I don't. Either way, you've made that proposition with that black-coated guy. That's doomed you from the start."
The man's eyes widened. "What do you know about anything?"
"Oh, please," the boy said, chuckling as the sirens grew louder. "That man could've done a lot more to disguise his movements. Someone who wears a black coat in the dead of night, carries a gun and keeps looking around him...that simply screams 'criminal'. He might as well have carried a sign that said: 'Arrest me!'. I tracked him for a few minutes until he met up with you, then listened to the whole discussion. When he left, I started following you until you got to that rich man's house." He folded his arms. "When you knocked out that guest and started playing his role, my suspicions were correct. From there it was just a matter of wrecking your car and tipping off the police."
The man growled and attempted to climb to his feet, but the menacing glare in the boy's eyes stopped him. "Congratulations," the boy said quietly as the cars stopped nearby. "You have just been caught red-handed. No one's going to get you out of this mess."
Time: The following evening, 8:25p.m.
Location: Police department, unknown district
Investigator Landon finished viewing the report of last night's account before storing it in her nearby file cabinet. The drawer she had placed the report in had been getting fuller as they days had gone by, and she no idea whether to be pleased or annoyed with the cause of it all.
Back when she was asked to track the actions of one mysterious boy, she'd almost laughed. Looking back, it was proving to be a good thing she hadn't: this one boy was single-handedly attempting to drive down Tokyo's crime rate for reasons unknown. He apparently had the means to do it; eyewitness accounts had claimed that he had tremendous strength, able to carry a massive broadsword without any trouble. Several on-lookers had remarked on his fleetness of foot and tremendous agility, which were his default means of capturing criminals. Yet another person thought he'd seen claws on his hands.
There were plenty of rumors about him, of course. One was that he was part of a genetics experiment of some kind. Another rumor was the possibility that he was an alien, a scout sent to gather information by interrogating felons secretly; that had been Landon's favorite. A third was that he was an android merely doing what it had been programmed to do, but most everyone agreed that it wasn't feasible.
Whoever he was, Inuyasha had become a household name amongst criminals and common citizens alike: feared amongst the former, respected (and even adored; he actually had a cute expression when he faced a camera for the first time) by the latter. At the same time, the police department was keeping an eye on him: sooner or later Inuyasha would take his vigilantism too far, giving them the evidence they'd need to arrest him.
Secretly, Landon dreaded that day. Not only did she secretly applaud his actions, but she admitted that all the speculation surrounding him was keeping her unit in business. She just wished that she hadn't been asked to send a report to the district's police chief; she never did like sitting behind a desk. She'd always been somewhat of a night owl, so to speak; she constantly asked to have the evening and night shifts so that she could arrest criminals personally. Her shift would end at around 11:00 tonight, unfortunately; on the other hand, she'd be able to get a late start tomorrow.
Deciding where to begin, Landon took a massive folder out of the cabinet. After closing the cabinet and sitting back down, she started flipping through the various files. Most of them were minor cases; Inuyasha popping in somewhere in Tokyo, capturing and leaving a target for the police to find, and vanishing. Ever since his first appearance in January, he'd stopped or prevented a total of nine kidnappings, twelve robberies, eight murders, and almost twenty miscellaneous other crimes; those were just estimations, but they seemed to be on par with the news reports.
Landon noted that he was very elusive; he never appeared in the same district two nights in a row, and outside of his lone picture he was very camera shy. To date he'd only appeared in daylight twice: once at an elementary school in Beika, and another time when he accepted a small family's offer for lunch (assumably, this was the same family he'd protected in his first appearance).
There were plenty of things assumed about him, but only a few that were definitely known about him. He appeared to be about 7-8 years old, was relatively tall for his age, had shoulder-length white hair (many seemed to think that it was dyed), and sharp yellow eyes. He seemed to have a taste for medieval European fashion (at least it seemed European to her); his garments consisted of leather boots, a shirt, shorts, vest, and a shawl he kept wrapped around his hips. Just the thought of this made Landon chuckle to herself. "Sounds like a real fugitive from society," she said quietly.
There were several instances mentioned of Inuyasha having an adverse reaction to being called a 'monster' or 'freak'. Why he acted like that in spite of his abilities was a mystery, but Landon assumed that something had happened to him along the way...possibly ostracism or prejudice. On the other hand, he'd just shrugged when a delighted child had called him 'the coolest monster he'd ever seen'. Going over it in her mind, she supposed that a friendly heart had mixed with a bad past to create that aspect of his personality.
Of the things not known about him, most of them centered around his motivations. How did he manage to keep those hours? What was the secret behind his agility and strength? Most importantly, what would drive a grade-school kid to such extremes?
Brushing some of her pale blue hair out of her eyes, Landon pulled out another file and began scanning it. Her eyes widened in recognition: the Jeremy Sands case, dated February 14. This was the incident that convinced police officials that they should keep an eye on Inuyasha. As she reviewed the case, she tried to imagine the events as they happened...
(Cue flashback)
Time: February 14, 1996; 10:45p.m.
Location: Apartment living room
" it stands, Mr. Sands, you're the only one here with knowledge of such an event," Richard Moore said accusingly, sitting calmly in his chair. As Inspector Maguire, a handful of officers, and several others---including a dwarfish, redhaired man in a turtleneck---looked on, Moore finished his explanation. "Everyone here failed my test but you; you didn't even break a sweat. Only you could've done such a thing to Taylor. Am I right?"
"Figuring out who was responsible for Taylor's disappearance is one thing, Detective Moore," Mr. Sands told him angrily. "Actually finding any evidence on me is another!" With that, he dived past the officers and charged through the door...
"Tsk, tsk tsk," someone said. "It's not polite to leave when the man's not done talking!"
Without warning, Mr. Sands came flying back into the room, narrowly missing Richard as he collided with the wall. Surprised, everyone turned to see what had happened...and in walked Inuyasha 'as happy as you please'. "Honestly...the nerve of some people."
Maguire was the first to react. "You're that kid we saw at the elementary school! What are you doing here?"
"What do you think? I'm helping you guys out," Inuyasha said, smiling smugly. "According to what Mr. Sandman over there said---"
"That's Mr. Sands!" the turtlenecked man protested, recovering and standing up.
"Whatever. They both sound the same," Inuyasha muttered. "Anyway, he says he didn't do it; says his hands tremble a lot. I was watching him as he carried in a drink and his keys; he wasn't nervous at all, and he never spilled a single drop. I was about to get going, but then I heard someone scream. Speaking of which..." Out of an unknown pocket, he tossed over an empty, stained cup (already concealed in a plastic bag) to Maguire. "The guy never finished his drink; it was too close to the scene of the crime, so he dumped it out before the police arrived. Found this in his trash. You do live alone, don't you, Mr. Sandman? No one else to pin the blame on? Not even your neighbors in the other apartments?"
"Who are you supposed to be, anyway? What kind of monster are you?" Mr. Sands asked, spooked.
"Are you familiar with the expression 'pot calling the kettle black', Mr. Sandman?" Inuyasha asked, his eyes narrowing. "People who would stoop low enough to willingly attack another person...that's monstrous in itself."
"That's 'Mr. Sands'," the man told him, annoyed. "And what do you call what you just did to me?"
"I'm not the suspect in this case," Inuyasha retorted. "I'm not the one who'll be sitting on his posterior in jail by tomorrow. You were trying to escape the questioning, you were the one who did in that Taylor person, and your head is so thick you thought no one was watching you. Well, wrong answer!"
Simmering down a little and ignoring everyone's wondering expressions, he shook his head before facing Maguire. "There's the evidence I found. Coupled with Detective Moore's story, either Sands will confess on his own or Moore will break the case open himself. I have to get out of here before I lose my temper."
Sulking a little, Inuyasha walked over to the window. After opening it he pushed himself off the ledge onto the next roof. Before long, he was gone from sight.
(End of flashback)
Landon put the paper away, thinking back to what others had told her afterward. The evidence had indeed led Mr. Sands to confess his crime, but the encounter had also raised questions about Inuyasha's mental stability. If provoked, he could possibly become violent; although his heart seemed to be in the right place, he still needed to be watched in case he became too enthusiastic.
With his unpredictability, that would be somewhat difficult. Something needed to be done to neutralize that. Perhaps having each department in Tokyo keep one or two officers on the lookout in case he showed up. Yes...that seemed to be a nice idea.
After getting permission from the chief, she placed a call to another investigator in a neighboring district. "Hello? Yes, this is Investigator Nagi Landon...this is regarding the special task force that was set up. Here's what I need from you. Talk to the district chief and pass on this message: 'Inuyasha seems to do most of his work between 10:30p.m. and dawn. Whatever officers are on the beat between those times will need to watch out for him and keep track of what he does. If he seems to have an incident well in hand, don't disturb him; instead, just watch him and aid him if he sincerely asks for it. If he attacks an officer or innocent bystander, you have full leave to apprehend him if possible'. Did you get all that?...Good. Make sure that's passed on to every department throughout Tokyo proper, in particular those that have members of the task force. Let's make this look good...alright, then. Talk to you later."
After hanging up, Landon wrung her hands and switched her desk computer. "Now that that's out of the way, I have a report to do."
As scheduled, Landon finished her shift at about 11:00. She hurriedly grabbed any loose papers, put them back in their proper spots within the office, made sure that the report was filed away and ready to be sent, grabbed her bag, and calmly departed the office for home.
Aside from punching out, she didn't tell anyone she was leaving; a lot of people thought of her as a lone wolf, always focused on her job and not much else. She wasn't cold, but she wasn't the friendly type either; it wasn't what she intended, but that's what she came off as to others. About the only friends she had were two pet rabbits, and it wasn't like they could engage her in conversation or anything. It was beginning to get rather annoying.
As Landon drove on home, she began wondering various things. Inuyasha should be out and about by this point. What part of Tokyo had he chosen to roam tonight? It had been at least a month since teen detective Jimmy Kudo disappeared. When was he going to return? In his absence, another detective was starting to make news. Would he become just as good, or fall flat?
A brief flash of light and a sudden bang diverted her thoughts. A second bang followed, and Landon was forced to focus on the road. It became evident that with two flat tires, she wasn't going to win this round; about all she could do was slow down as much as possible. After a few seconds, she was able to stop the car in front of a closed market.
As she stepped out, she did so suspiciously; with that flash of light that preceded the flat tires, she was positive that someone was purposely shooting at her car. Now it was just a matter of whether she was being targetted specifically, or if whoever had done it didn't care what kind of car got bullet-riddled.
"Investigator nice to meet up with you again."
Well, that answers that. Landon put one hand in her pocket, getting ready to defend herself as three figures stepped out of the shadows. The people on the sides were nondescript, ordinary. The middle person in the group had dark hair and a scar on one hand. All three of the men wore black trench coats and fedoras, carried pistols, and had threatening airs about them. "You must've decided that jail didn't suit you, Philips," Landon said dryly, "when it's actually a perfect fit."
"You're real funny," 'Philips' snarled. "Because of you, me and my aides were captured and thrown in the brig last year. Two nights ago, my associates had me released on the condition that I deal with you personally; and last night, we traced the route you took between the police station and your home. We weren't about to intrude on your property; we know about that top-notch security system of yours. So, what better time than now?"
"'Never' would be a much more suitable option," Landon told him, her pocketed hand closing around the disguised radio that she always carried with her. With the push of a button, the edges of the antenna would sprout miniature blades; each of these were sharp enough to cut through iron. Since she had no particular fondness for guns, she preferred to use this as a means of defense. "One of us is going to regret doing this, and it's not going to be me."
"Keep your hands out of your pockets," Philips warned. "If your radio hand even twitches..." A deliberately misdirected shot made clear what was going to happen.
Scowling, Landon took her hand out of her pocket. "If you're going to deal with me, do it now. None of us have time for this sort of nonsense."
Philips smirked. "I'll say. Rumor has it that you're the head of a task force specializing in someone...someone that the organization wants out of the picture before anything happens to the ranks. We've already figured out that the authorities are willing to back him up, so long as he doesn't try anything stupid. Of course, we don't want that; so if the blame's pinned on him for your disappearance, he's as good as gone."
Landon's eyes narrowed. "And you're telling me this why?"
"Because, Investigator," Philips said darkly, "I want you to realize despair. I want you to know fear: fear that you'll soon be gone, and fear that you'll never be around to protect innocent people again. I want you to realize that no matter what you do---"
"Ramen and spaghetti will always be two different things?"
"Wha-huh?" Philips blinked, puzzled; his subordinates followed suit. Landon looked around, just as confused as her attacker was. Someone had spoken, and it sure wasn't her!
"Over here, clowns," someone growled. "Are you just going to stand there and look stupid all night? I have places to go!"
Realizing where the voice was coming from, Landon stepped back just a little and allowed herself to see the roof. Her eyes widened as she realized who had spoken. Well, I did ask myself where he'd be roaming tonight...I shouldn't have asked!
(BGM --- Simon Belmont's Theme)
The figure who could only be Inuyasha was kneeling on the market's roof, the distant moon glittering in his yellow eyes. "Thanks for detailing your plan," he said smugly. "Nice to know I'm considered a danger to criminals. It's about time, too. Now, plan to tell me how you're going to get away? I'm listening."
One of Philips' aides got off a shot, but Inuyasha was already out of the way. Unsheathing the tremendous blade he carried (and shocking everyone who saw it), he leaped straight to the ground and quickly slashed diagonally. The men stepped back, but Inuyasha wasn't after them; the gun that the aide had been carrying was sliced into two pieces.
The others got their act together and started firing at him, but the vigilante was too quick. He dodged or deflected the shots until the men were out of ammunition, then made his move. Using the sword's flat side, he swung it like a baseball bat and brushed the men aside with casual ease. As Landon watched this, she noted that he hadn't put a lot of force into the blow; it was meant to incapacitate them, not injure them. No wonder his file hadn't mentioned any hospitalizations.
Inuyasha straightened, somehow managing to sheath the giant broadsword. Hearing a grunt, he turned to see Philips trying to struggle back up. "Make it easier for yourself," the kid growled, planting a foot on top of him and forcing him back down. "Stay down." He turned just a little. "Hey, lady! You're a cop. Would you mind calling for backup?"
As Landon took out her radio and did as suggested, Philips reached out and grabbed Inuyasha's ankle. "You miserable monster. You're not going to last very long...not when the organization wants you gone..." he warned, his expression angry.
Inuyasha frowned. "I was just about to say the same thing about the organization. You have a problem with that?"
Philips' eyes widened a fraction. "You can't be serious. You can't take them on by yourself!"
No question that Inuyasha was very serious. "I have every intention of taking them down, idiot. No amount of persuasion's going to change my mind, either. I repeat: you have a problem with that?"
"You are just one kid!" Philips shouted. "What are you going to do? These are the big leagues, freak; they're not two-bit criminals like the rest of the trash you've been taking out!"
Inuyasha smiled. "That they aren't...but they're losers all the same. They think they're smart, putting that detective Kudo out of commission..."
Landon gasped. The teenage detective Jimmy Kudo!? Why, those miserable---!
"...but they're not. By taking down Kudo that miserable night, they unleashed a monster."
Philips glared at Inuyasha with enough force to melt rock. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Inuyasha raised a finger and waggled it condescendingly. "Now, that is a secret." His eyes locked with Philips' own gaze. " have...a problem...with that?" he asked in English, deliberately speaking slowly to get his message across.
Still glaring up at Inuyasha defiantly, Philips let go of Inuyasha's foot. A dangerous smirk came to life...
Immediately, Landon searched for the reason behind that sneer...and spotted both of them: the two aides that had previously been knocked aside had recovered and were charging for the vigilante, daggers in hand. There's no way he'll be able to wield that sword in time! "Inuyasha, watch out!" she snapped---
---but before she had even finished her warning, he'd already taken action. Inuyasha leaped clear of the men's attacks without hesitation, then ducked down and swept them off their feet with a single kick. "Do you guys even know how to take a hint?" he growled as he stood back up. "When criminals go down, they stay down!" He folded his arms, watching as Philips' expression became incredulous.
Landon just blinked. Well, that's something else to add to his file... She looked on as Inuyasha grumbled to himself, making sure that none of the three were getting up until the police came. "Excuse me," she said a twinge hesitantly, "I'd like to speak with you in a few minutes."
"As long as it doesn't take too much time," the snow-haired boy muttered, examining his feet for a moment. "I still have a long night ahead of me."
Once the police arrived, things fell back in order quickly. Landon arranged to have new tires placed on her car the following day and to have a cab take her home. The three crooks from the 'organization' were stowed and taken away. After promising to send a report the next day (and having a few minutes before the cab arrived), she ducked into a small alley and waited.
She didn't have long to wait; Inuyasha dropped to the ground from the market's roof. "Alright, everyone's gone. What did you need to talk to me about, lady?"
Landon hesitated briefly before replying. "You told those men that Detective Kudo was gone...Is that really true?"
"Yeah and no," Inuyasha growled, sniffing the air before continuing quietly. "I'm not going to say where I heard this, but it had been Gin and Vodka's every intention to get rid of Kudo that night. The pill they'd used apparently didn't do as they wanted it to. However, there's not much Kudo can do about it at the moment. Not in his present condition."
"Present condition...?"
"He's not sick or anything, if that's what you mean. Sorry, but I can't elaborate much more than that. If those idiots caught wind of the fact that Kudo's still alive, they'd seek him out and try to finish the job. That wouldn't be good for his friends, either. In fact, I suggest you not tell anyone what I told you just now."
Landon's eyes narrowed a fraction. "So, what are you going to do about it?"
"Exactly what I told those guys. Dismantle their organization before they have a chance. It's the main reason why I'm always out at night."
Part of Landon didn't believe what Inuyasha was telling her. Philips had a point; it was one kid against...who knows how many people. "You do realize the odds are against you, don't you? Speed and strength aside, that's not enough to defeat them."
Inuyasha smirked. "I have more going for me than that. A lot more."
Landon sighed, wondering for a moment what else he was able to do. "Alright, fine. If you want to do that, it's not my problem. But there's one more thing that's been bothering me."
"What's that?"
"This may sound like a stupid question, but do you go to school at all?"
Inuyasha shook his head. "Nah. I've got all the education I need right up here," he said, tapping his forehead. "I know some math and writing, and I have a guy teaching me history and stuff. I try to sleep during most of the day, if I can."
Landon made a note to put that in his file later. I suspected as much. "Thanks. You know, you actually helped out the task force quite a bit with your explanation."
"Yeah? How?"
The investigator smirked. "Like you told Philips earlier: it's a secret. Like it or not, your file's confidential."
"All the stuff I ever wanted to know about myself, and it's locked up," Inuyasha quipped, rolling his eyes. "Fine. Whatever. Look, are you finished yet? I have to get going."
"I have all the information I need. I'll let you off the hook."
"Just like that?" Inuyasha asked. "There's a catch, isn't there? No way it's that easy."
Landon just waved him off, dismissing his disbelief and heading back out onto the street without saying anything further. Hearing a rustling noise, she turned her head just in time to notice Inuyasha leaping back onto the roof and dashing away.
As the glare of headlights from the approaching cab got her attention, Landon continued to wonder what exactly Inuyasha had in store for the Organization...and what plans the Organization had to deal with Inuyasha. If the vigilante was really all that he said he was, he should come through alright in the end.
If not...
Landon angrily forced that line of reasoning from her head as she stepped into the cab. He's no amateur. The way he thinks and acts, his apparent skills...he's no child. There's no way he can be! I'm positive he's already thought ahead on how to do this! long as I’m thinking of it, where’d that music come from?
"And so, we end another chapter in the continuing saga of Inuyasha. What does life have in store for him? Will the alcohol-named bad guys do him in? Will he take them all down on his own? Will he eat anything besides ramen? What's the point of asking these stupid questions? Come back next time for the next part of the breath-taking saga of---"
"Phibrizzo, you're ranting again."
Although Curtis and the green pillar were in opposite chambers, that didn't stop Phibrizzo from taunting him. "Yeah? And what are you going to do about it, Burger Breath?"
"You want me to answer that?"
No, who knows, already have, and no point, Inuyasha growled mentally, dismayed. Could you keep it down in there? I'm trying to think about what that cop was saying.
Phibrizzo smiled nastily, then started singing. "One fish cannot fly, one bird cannot swim...when the attempt is made together, it proves them twice as dim..."
"You're off-key," Curtis remarked, cutting him off. "It should be sung like this...Beginning with one song, and moving on again...going on and on proves whether you are mice or men..."
"That high note was way off!" Phibrizzo shot back. "Do you dare to sing again just like you've sung before? Give me something good, or else I'll toss you out the door!"
Inuyasha's growling became deeper. I said stop it, stupid!
"I'm driving down Highway 40 in my big ol' pickup truck..."
"Hey, you're cheating, Curtis!" Phibrizzo protested. "That's not even a song!"
"Is too. I have it!"
"'Bark', or whatever his name is, sings worse than you! If I could take just any old line and call it a song, I'd do it!"
"You just did a few seconds ago. Besides, that song's hilarious."
Would you two just shut up!?
Ten seconds of quiet. Then, Curtis spoke up with a calm and quiet: "Ce-ment mixer...puti puti...”
Provoked by the absurd lyric and Inuyasha’s vast annoyance, Phibrizzo collapsed---or floated, rather---into a giggling fit. After a little while, he was able to calm himself down as the novelty of the discussion wore off.
There was complete silence for several minutes as Inuyasha continued his patrol. Finally, not having anything else to do, Phibrizzo started humming the song that Curtis had played earlier. Despite his fondness for classical music, he admitted to himself that the song was kind of neat. He did wonder why it sounded so fake, no real instruments were used to produce it!
In the next chamber, Curtis examined a game cartridge for a moment before putting it away. He had no real plans to play it; it made for some neat background music, though.
Shortly thereafter, he reminded himself that Phibrizzo's new teacher, Wanda Fitzgerald, would be starting at Teitan Elementary on Wednesday (knowledge gained courtesy of Miss Valen). It was always nice to meet a new teacher; it reminded him of the temporary excitement he'd get as a kid, starting a new grade and things like that. Although he would only be on the inside looking out, he was looking forward to it.
If he'd known exactly who would begin teaching on Wednesday, he wouldn't be so eager...
Chapter Twelve concluded. Chapter Thirteen soon to commence
If it wasn't entirely evident, there was another crossover here: Nagi Landon is this story’s version of Nagi, Tenchi Universe’s resident bounty hunter, and will be heading the Inuyasha task force. Some parts of the series I frown on (and avoid entirely, mostly for moral reasons), but there admittedly are a few characters I like. I just hope I got the personality down right.
As evidenced, this chapter focused primarily on Inuyasha. There will be four 'Case Files' throughout the series: one for each of our main triumvirate, and one (much later) for Deep Sea Dolphin. That much is certain. By the way, any similarity to the Case Files that Case Closed is associated with is entirely coincidental (at least, I think the two are connected; I can’t remember for sure).
A few of the songs that Phibrizzo and Curtis were singing in that segment were made up on the spot. ‘Highway 40 Revisited’ and ‘Cement Mixer’, though, weren’, they weren’t. Heh, heh...anyway, as long as we’re on the subject of music: for the duration of this story, Simon Belmont’s theme is Inuyasha’s, as well. Just thought I’d mention that.
One minor note: on the whole, I don’t like the Castlevania series of games too much (with the exception of Simon’s Quest, which grew on me back in the NES era). Can’t argue with some of their music, though.
Anyways, I digress. Let’s get back on track.
