InuYasha Fan Fiction / Death Note Fan Fiction ❯ Ghosts In My Head ❯ The Mysteries ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Ghosts In My Head
Chapter 4:
The Mysteries
He smiled that strange, awkward smile that she could get never get used to. "Tou-san?" The little girl, who looked nothing like her older self, asked the older man who looked an awful similar to her in a way, except that he looked more rugged, more masculine, and wilder in appearance.
Black hair. Blue eyes. Same skin tone. Almost exact same features on the face.
But he had the stubble of small black beard, he wore a pair of small steel-rimmed glasses, his hair were messy like it had never been combed once in his life, and he was a bit… twitchingly. Like he was excited about something. Something that she never got used to.
Too bad she found out his intentions a little too late.
She wasn't anything like that little girl anymore. She wasn't naïve. She wasn't happy person. And most of the all, she wasn't so innocent anymore.
"Kame, my baby… Go to sleep, okay, baby?" How she hated that name. He always mispronounced her name. Always. "Okay, tou-san." She took a step back and left the room quickly, only to hear his light, frozen laughter that often gave her nightmares. He was the father that she didn't want.
She was jolted up awake from the couch by the very large white dog lapping on her face, "Haku! Down!" The dog whined but continued his lickings. "Down, Haku (1)! You evil dog demon!" She commanded and this time, the dog whimpered and sat down and bowed his head. She sighed and sat up in the couch, "Gee…"
She had come home right after leaving the building and took a nap on the couch in the living room and her nap had become long, quickly changed into bedtime sleeping. She assumed it must be in the morning after that.
"Shiroi, how long I have been asleep?" She asked the little girl with long white hair and pretty violet eyes, dressed in white sundress, with the tan teddy bear in her arms, sitting across from her in an overstuffed seat, playing. "Currently 9 hours, 32 minutes, 51 seconds, and 38 nanoseconds, mama!" Shiroi chirped and Kagome glanced at the clock to confirm her to be corrected. She is. If Kagome was anybody else, she would freak out by her exact, and I mean the exact, timings, but no, she wasn't.
She, as any mother, even surrogated ones, is proud, but concerned that she might follow Kagome's footsteps, which is forbidden to do so. Shiroi and a boy she had taken in had already skipped two grades and are currently in the second year of junior high school by the age of 10 and 11. Shiori had very good memories, like relapsing the past events quickly and see things (such as exact serial numbers, the time from the clock or watch), and quick to count, multiplies, or divide a large amount of numbers under a minute (or what she had recorded) before giving the answers. In words, she is genius at the numbers (math) and recollections.
The boy, Shippou, is a genius at technologies and science. He loved making models, fixing the cars, making the homemade video cameras and hacking in the computer (but Kagome and Shiori can do that as well, just not well as he does). He's so fascinated in science, he'd often practically destroys his room if he's experimenting on something but that was before Kagome had told him to take it outside, in the backyard or she'll kill him for making her pay for the damages he had made. Let's just say he listened like a good boy he was and did it for his life.
In a way, they matched, perfect for a team if they ever got the chance to work on the case alone, without needing Kagome. Kagome, already skipped several grades in school herself, can do any of those things, but compared to them, she wasn't interest in them as much.
But it was nice for them to be interested in being a detective like she is, having since she had them working on a 'pretend' case, the game she had created every once in a week, to keep their minds sharp. If they don't act like they're working together, the game usually gone downhill fast, so it's all depend on the teamwork.
"Hey… Where is Shippo?" Kagome asked Shiroi, who was playing with her tan teddy bear. "Big brother? Oh, he said he's going to work on the car in the backyard." She quickly replied as she was playing, by flying the teddy bear like it was Superman. "Mama! Look what big brother got for me!" The girl chirped out, the brand new white teddy bear appeared in her face, somehow magically replacing that other bear. The hooded girl moved the teddy bear out of the way, "That's nice, hon. Did you say thank you to him?" She gave her a rare smile, causing the little girl flash her large smile. "Yup!"
"How many teddy bears do you have right now?" Kagome asked as Shiroi stopped playing with her teddy bear and went to hug her mother, whose arms are opened. "Umm… Currently at 131 so far." Shiroi mused, calculating by how many bears she has already in her rooms. "Wow. You should open up a bear museum, babe." Kagome smiled again, already knowing how many she had. She should know; she, after all, counted them to just to pass her time.
"No thank!" She shook her head, clutching her teddy bear to her chest. The hooded girl sighed, "Relax, Shiroi. I was merely praising you. That's all. No need to worry that somebody is going to steal some of your teddy bears." The pale girl visibly relaxed. Sometime when she's too obsessed with her teddy bears, the hooded girl often wonders if it's healthy to be like that.
She sighed and said, "I'll be in the attic. I'm not in the mood to see Kikyou and uncle too." The little girl nodded, "Okay! Call us if you see them! I'll be with big brother out in the back, helping out!" Shiroi chirped before ran out of the back door of the living room, poor teddy bear flinging hazardously about in her hand as she did so. Kagome smiled mutely before walking up to the stair and pull down on something (a drawstring?) from the ceiling and out came the retractable ladder.
She took hold of a rung before climbing the ladder to enter the attic, which is surprisingly filled with all of new and old technologies and machines. The attic had no light bulb or lamp of sort but the whole room was already lit up by the glows from the computers' and televisions' monitors. Almost entire room was covered in by colorful wires and more wires. The hooded girl walked, making sure to step over the wires and machines that was in the way, to the middle of the room, in front of the normal-looking desktop computer and the black laptop next to it.
She sat down and typed something in the desktop computer and the monitor immediately showed six different video in sections, all in different area in Higurashi shrine, outside. There was nothing there, except some homeless man lurking around on the street and some cars, including her two kids fooling around the body of the poor brown car. She sighed, no Kikyou so far, so good.
An hour passed by, she went Internet surfing (researching on something, possibly the news on murders and mysteries) and yet paying attention to the videos at the same time. She spied a familiar yet suspicious character that appeared into the front yard, wearing a heavy trench coat and a hat. She couldn't tell if that man actually had a white hair or not as the hat had made sure to hid most of it.
"Crap." She muttered under her breath. Kagome took something out from behind the computers and pressed on the button then she tapped on it, causing some loud feedback, which she winced at.
The duo of young kids cried loudly outside and the redheaded boy cursed loudly. Kagome frowned. She made a mental note to punish him for cursing in front of Shiori later on.
"Sorry about that, kids. But you need to come inside… now. There is a suspicious character outside on the front yard and I'm not taking any chance." The familiar voice appeared out of nowhere and the redheaded boy and Shiroi stumbled to get into the back door and made sure to lock it, in case if the character had tried to come inside. Both ran into the kitchen then in the living room. They ran up the stairs and saw that the ladder is still open.
Shippo climbed first then Shiroi, because of her sundress. He stood across from Kagome as the little girl struggled to get in the attic, due to her short height. Shippo looked back at the struggling girl and went back to his sister to help her out. The little girl in white smiled gratefully at him and they went over to their adoptive mother, "What's up, ma?" The green-eyed redheaded boy, dressed in regular punk yet very childish clothes, asked her. Kagome didn't say anything, only stared at the man in the video. Shiroi looked over her shoulder and blinked in surprise, "Is that Uncle Asha? He looked like him…"
Kagome looked at the little girl and sighed, "Figure… I think I want to beat him for scaring the heck out of me… Actually, I think I'll do that now." She stood up and climbed down from the ladder. She stretched a bit before exiting the hallway.
She got out of the house and sneak quietly behind the man in trench, preparing to pounce. The man seemed to have heard something and turned around, only to get kick in the face. The man let out a loud yell and fell on his back on the dewy patch of grasses. The hat flew off, revealing his handsome yet child-like face with golden contacted eyes and his long silvery tresses, "Huh, what do you know, it's Inuturd after all." She amused; the rare laughter in her blue eyes with her face still stoic.
"I wish you'd stop calling me that." The man grumbled, "Can I go in? I don't want any stalkers… hem, fans to find me." She gave her hand and he grabbed it and helped himself up. They went in and the man tossed his coat on the seat and sighed tiredly, "Why did you have me over here? It's hard enough avoiding the media, man…" He said as he collapsed on the said seat.
"What? Can't see my old ass of a… friend?" The hooded girl said, not sure what to say. The man glared at her, "Grr… I'm just here for your amusements, is that it?"
"Yeah, something likes that… But not really. I need you to help me with something, InuYasha…"
"So you want me to distract some girl away from the Kira? But isn't that dangerous?" InuYasha frowned, not wanting to lose his life over trying to keep a girl away from her massive crush aka Kira (who in turn had no interest in that poor girl). "Not if I tell him you are my friend and if he kills you, I'll know it is him and Ryuzaki will too. It's pretty much of a lose/lose situation for him." She shrugged. InuYasha scowled, "You're using me, aren't you?"
InuYasha found out that her colleague, named Light Yagami, is actually Kira. While InuYasha may be famous person, he still has average intelligences, but he knew Kagome long enough to gain her trusts, which still took very long time to do so. He was practically the only person to have her absolute trust. (Though he did suspect that Kagome was leaving hidden notes for the kids to find if anything ever happen to her, but he hopes not.) Anything didn't surprise him anymore anyway but still! That doesn't mean he was willing to help her!
"…Kind of. If you like this girl, she does seemed like your kind of girl, you might get over my stupid cousin." She said, slightly distracted by the muted television that Shiori had accidently left on from last night. InuYasha was left silent then he spoke up after few minutes, "What kind of girl is she?"
"Her name is Misa Amane and she's cute, kind of ditzy and dumb but cute nonetheless. You probably recognize her by being a model or a singer." She said, seemingly glared at the empty space at the corner. "Yeah, I heard of her! But I'm not so sure that plan of your will prove successful… And you said cute twice… Did you?"
She shrugged again and said, "Just go to the kids. Knowing them, they'll want to see you." He nodded and stood up from the seat and walked out of the room. She glared at the white shinigami just appeared in front of her. "Leave yourself out of this. You know Light will eventually kill her so I'm saving her by making her fall in love with other. You DO want her to be happy, don't you?"
The shinigami said nothing, but seemed very troubled.
Kikyou growled and glared at the shrine across the surprisingly busy street, knowing that her younger cousin had outsmarted her once again. She couldn't help but be overly dramatic, "You won't get away from me, Kago-baka-me!!" The people walking past her looking at her strangely and made some comments like 'She's nut' and 'What a weirdo.'
From inside the house, Shippo, sitting next to InuYasha, said to him, "See? I told you she's weird." InuYasha sighed as the teddy bear is sitting on the top of his head, Shiroi controlled it to tap annoyingly to his head with the paws, "Yeah, I wish I knew that when I first met her." Both Shippo and Shiroi looked at him weirdly and Shiori said, "I don't wanna to be a grownup, this stupid love thing is getting really sad."
"Yeah." Shippo nodded, agreeing with his younger sister, also did not want to be a grownup.
He sighed.
Next day, she rode her skateboard, successfully escaped Kikyou's ever-watchful eyes, to the large building where the Kira detectives are in. She knew the black car was following her but that was because of InuYasha was in that car. He was trying to make himself seemed like he wasn't following her but it was hard because he had the horribly bad sense of direction when it came to the large city. She couldn't blame him though, for being so busy on the stage practically for the rest of his life.
She met him by the accident although she couldn't find it in her heart to regret that encounter. He was only true good friend she had. All of the people she knew, she knew rest of them loathe her, due to her very high intelligences, which is the reason why she waited until she was eighteen to go back to the university.
She kicked out the edge of her skateboard to make it jumped into her hand as she already arrived at the building. She looked at InuYasha in the car as he parked it in the parking lot. She waved at him lazily as he hopped out and jogged to her before they entered the building.
"Hey… Kagome came back! ...And she's with some guy." Matsuda muttered in confusion, blinking at the video. L and Light frowned; both felt something in their chests grinded. They disappeared from the video, signaling that they were already in the building. Soichiro sighed as he pulled away from the computers and stood up from his chair, "Well, let's meet the gentleman, then."
All of the detectives, Light, and L muttered and nodded in agreement and went to the lobby room to greet back Kagome and the man who was with her. Matsuda shouted out and waved to them, getting their attentions, "Kagome-san! Who was the man with you?" Kagome seemed… worried, but it's hard to say. Kagome dragged the man with her over to the group of detectives and said that they should talk somewhere more private to introduce the unidentified man. Rest seemed confused but agreed to go somewhere else.
In the room the detectives were currently in before they went to the lobby, Kagome had introduced the man, "You probably know him by the movies and stuffs. His name is InuYasha Taisho." The man took off his hat to reveal his face and his long silver hair.
Matsuda gaped, obviously recognizing the man, "This is Taisho InuYasha! The famous actor from the movies, Resident Evil trilogy, Lord of the Ring trilogy, Eragon, and buncha more (2)!" A quiet man, Mogi, finally spoke up, "Wait, are you sure that's him? Is he the Taisho InuYasha?" InuYasha groaned as Kagome struggled to keep herself from smirking and tried to hide the amusement that was dancing in her blue eyes.
"No doubt about it. They'll be asking me for the autographs. This is your fault, Kagome." He muttered under his breath, making sure that it was clear enough for Kagome to hear him but quiet enough that nobody would be able to catch it. The hooded girl coughed to covered up her silent laughter before speaking up, "He is Taisho InuYasha, a old friend of mine. Since he was known as "Man of the Thousand Faces", I believe he would able to help us out with the investigations. What do you think, Ryuzaki?"
All of the detectives, including Light, Kagome, and InuYasha, looked at him, wanting his answer to Kagome's suggestion. L stood there, seemed to be deep in thinking before nodding as he asked her, "Do you trust him?"
"If I didn't, I wouldn't bring him here." The hooded girl replied her answer and InuYasha nodded, knowing her for far too long to reply back to sort of rude comment. "Beside, I did told him of the edited investigations so he know enough to what to do." Kagome said, lying through her teeth. InuYasha know everything already since she knew it was better that way, so to increase InuYasha's chance of survival from the Kira.
L nodded, approving of her suggestion. "Alright then. Can I expect you to follow my order, Taisho-san?" InuYasha nodded, suddenly feel like he was the suspect, "As long Kagome had approved of it, yes." L nodded but not before he said he want to talk with Light and Kagome in private. The trio left the room, leaving InuYasha alone with the detectives.
Matsuda took out his notepad and pen from his coat pocket and asked, "May I have your autograph, please?" InuYasha smiled and he felt that it was faked while attempting to keep himself from groaning out his misery.
"So what can he do to help us out?" L asked, munching on the cookies that shaped like bears that Watari had served earlier. "…I did said that he was called "Man of the Thousand Faces", did I?" Kagome stated while wondering about L's state of mental at the same time. "So he's able to disguise himself to be a different person?"
"Yeah, something like that. He's a movie star after all." Kagome shrugged her shoulders. Both didn't see Light's expressions as he's deep in his thoughts, 'Damn, damn, damn! That meant I couldn't kill Taisho InuYasha if he ever got in my way! Nobody had known the famous movie star had been in the building of which the Kira investigation team had been reside in! Plus, if Kagome said that InuYasha was able to change his appearances then I wouldn't able to find him at all to see if he's able to track me!'
He frowned as he saw Kagome looking at him by peeking out in the corner of her eyes while she was talking to L. He knew she was very extraordinary but how extraordinary is what he wanted to know. So he decided to try to find out about her more, to try to dig deeper in what ever of a past she has. But right now, he'll wait.
He hacked into his computer, in the school's website, and managed to pull up Higurashi Kagome's profile. As he read the profile, his cinnamon brown eyes widen and mumbled to himself, "No way… She skipped five grades when she was thirteen and already graduated?! Gee… No wonder she was able to solve every case. Even I know L wasn't able to solve that one case before Death Note appeared…" Light's back went flat against the back of the chair and tossed his head over and the grin appeared on his angelic-like face, "I guess that's another reason to have her at my side."
"So how can I tempt her to come?" He asked himself before an even bigger grin appeared, "I got one."
Some weeks later…
The windows of the Sakura TV building shattered by the thundered bullets and the loud yelling erupted from there. In the van, the hooded girl chewed her bottom lip before she yelled out her commands in the microphone that was connected to each of the detective's headphone, "Move back! Move BACK!! It's no good if you get in there and died from stupidity! So MOVE BACK, YOU IDIOTS!" The detectives in armors lowered their guns and slowly exit out of the building on her command.
Kagome flopped down on the available chair and sighed heavily. She was the only one who was in the van and she was in charge of tactics so whatever she see fit, she can order the detectives around to try to keep them and the hostages alive. She really hopes Light would be okay in there since he wanted to save his sister, who unfortunately was one of hostages. 'Too bad he didn't have the Death Note with him yet. At least he remembered who he was.'
L was somewhere out there but the hooded girl didn't care about him, knowing that he will take care of himself no matter what happen. Kagome frowned and stood up and hack into the building camera from the inside. She watched Light trying to sneak into the room where the hostages were and the mad man was waving his gun, threatening to kill one of his hostages. She can tell that Light was almost at the edge of panicking since he had never done this before, let alone handling a gun.
She pressed a button, connecting her to Light, "Quit panicking, Light. Just calm down and get a grip! You're useless if you are losing your mind! Just think of your sister!" Kagome's voice rang through his headphone, calming him down. Seeing Light nodded from her monitor in the van, she sighed and she switched the monitor to outside area and her eyes widen as she saw a familiar man standing in front of the building, facing toward the van, smiling that wretched, twisted smile.
She clenched her hands, hoping this was a dream of some sort but deep down, she knew it wasn't. Suddenly, the man vanished into a gust of black fog or gas of some sort and she swore she saw a shinigami with him. She sat down again with her face in her hands and sighed. Kagome always knew her father would come back to her sooner or later but she sincerely hoped he would be a ghost.
Her head snapped up, suddenly remembering her mission to guide the detectives and Light and stood up again and starting to order them to save the hostages.
Her head over the chair and sighed as the detectives celebrating because they had saved the hostages, even if they were already a bit disturbed (Light's sister, Sayu, was so traumatic that Yagami family was forced to sent her to a hospital.). They were just happy that they were alive. But however, the mad gunman wasn't so lucky. The hooded girl didn't want to make Light even madder so she had instructed Soichiro to entered the room where the hostages were held while she instructed Light to distract him.
Light wasn't so happy about that for a moment but realized that it was probably better if his father to be the one to shot him in his arm, which was the one with the gun. The gunman was put under arrest and as much she didn't want this event to be on the news, it did but she hoped she and Light wasn't on the news, otherwise, there'll be several detectives wanting to join. Kagome felt that the detectives in the Kira investigation team were enough.
L appeared next to her in the van and Kagome couldn't help but to say this, "Where the hell have you been?" L shrugged, "Somewhere." The hooded girl frowned and sighed for umpteen times in a day, "Quit pissing me off, Ryuzaki."
"Sure." Seem like he like pissing her off a lot. She guessed it must be enjoyable to poked fun of her, not like she cares anyway. "Anyway, I got something strange on the video." She knew it would better if she tells him about the video where the man had appeared but she wasn't about to tell him who he was. "I think we should wait for Light to come back. I think he would be a great help."
L frowned, felt that strange grinding in his chest again, but nodded nonetheless. "I'll call for him." He went outside of the van and got Light. Light, looking annoyed but entered the van with L, asked, "What is it do you want?"
"I got a video that you need to see… It was strange, very strange." She rewinds the video and stopped the time where it all began then played it. Both males' eyes widen as the man had vanished and L pointed out, "It was your father… wasn't it?"
Kagome frowned as she was yelling 'damn!' repeating in her mind, "Really? I don't remember his face that much." She then pulled up the man's face to make it bigger and sighed, "It's no doubt that it's my father but…"
"It's impossible he'd returned from the dead." The hooded girl frowned. L nodded, "That's right. Your father was killed during the shooting, correct?" Kagome frowned, nodded. Light suggested, "It might be an imposter."
"It's possible. But the question is, how did he disappeared like that?" Kagome sighed; already knowing the answer but knew that L wouldn't believe her. Something pounded loudly against the side of van outside. "Hey, guys. Get out of the van. There's something you need to see!" It sounded like Matsuda. The trio went outside and their eyes widen by the sight. There was the black fog everywhere then it instantly disappeared. Poof! Just like that.
L frowned but said, "This case is getting more interesting by the second, don't you think?"
(1.)- Haku means white… Or was it snow? I don't remember. Sorry.
(2.)- Heh, let's pretend he did act in those movies, okay? Beside, even though they're American movies, Japanese folks can watch them, just in Japanese. You'd be amazed by how many things Japanese folks can do.
And so InuYasha and Ryu (Kagome's father) had finally appeared! What is that black fog? Why is Ryu alive? What do Kikyou want? Will the kids appear again? How many questions do I have? Will I ever stop picking on your brains?
I will try to edit all of my stories to make them better and a bit more clear to read. But I don't think my grammars will improve and I still haven't found an editor/beta.
If you want to be my editor/beta, please tell me by PMing me!
Beautiful Phantom
(EDITED 3.23.10)