InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Portal to the Ring ❯ Not what she seems. ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Aint owning shit. Happy?

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“I see we have a guest. Does she know of us?” Of course this is Kurama that made the inquiry. Upon their entrance, Hiei went to some wall and glared at everything.

Kuniko gave a smirk. “You could blame your weak minded friends Shuichi. Or should I say Youko Kurama?” Kurama didn’t look shocked, even if he was. Kuniko was about to sit down, till Genkai stopped her that is.

“You start training with them right away.” If Kuniko was outraged, she didn’t show it either. She gave a single nod and got back up. Hiei still glared at everything and Kurama raised an eyebrow at Genkai. “She’s my new pupil, fox. These two wont help her progress.”

“I thought you’ve given up teaching martial arts Genkai. I can only wonder what would bring about a sudden change in decision.” Once again, such politeness could come from Kurama himself.

“She’s not here for that baka kitsune. She has different priorities believe it or not.” (A/N: Who wants to watch Ripley’s?!)Genkai grabbed a new pen and sheets of paper. Then everyone was led outside, out to where the final rounds of her tournament that Yusuke won. Finding a solid flat place on the ground, she set the paper down with the pen down on it, signaling for her and Kurama to go further into the battle ground. “Hiroshina, do what you did when fighting with the idiot.” Kuniko nodded to Genkai. While Kuniko took a fighting stance, it looked like Kurama was just standing there.

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Kurama was observing Kuniko’s stance. It wasn’t similar to any form he was familiar with, but at first it looked like a ballet position, and it seemed to suit her fine. The left leg was forward with the foot pointed to the right by a 23 degree angle from facing directly forward. The right leg was shifted back a bit, leaning on the balls of her foot which was slightly angled and laid bent a it. Both shoulders were dropped. Her body was fixed to face forward. Arms were bent up to her chest a bit and the hands were in a very open fist. (A/N: This stance I created on my own, I own it!) Then a balance was finalized. She nodded for Kurama to start, who nodded in turn and agreement. Brushing a rose out of his hair, he turned it into his most basic weapon, the rosewhip. As this went on, sounds of a pen scratching paper was heard by all. Now finally for some action, once again I apologize if it’s not good enough.

Kurama rushed and feigned a whip slash. Kuniko used a form of batojutsu and sliced the whip. Kurama brought on a kick at the same time, which didn’t connect. Turns out she used a double batojutsu, using the shell (A/N: I don’t know the exact term for this) to deflect the kick. As Kurama landed, Kuniko flipped back and used the momentum for her rush towards Kurama. She faked a punch from the left, which Kurama went to dodge, but crescent kicked him from the right, knocking him back a few feet. Kurama quickly recovered and went in for a series of kicks and punches. Most of the time Kuniko would either dodge or block, but there were a few times where he connected wit his onslaught. The pen off to the side was still going, while Genkai was reading what was put down. Kurama’s onslaught continued.

“Okay, that’s enough you two. For now.” Kurama, with his usual great control, stopped in an instant and backed off a bit and was a bit out of breath. Kuniko was in the same condition as Kurama, but she stared at Genkai as well. “Now you’ll fight with Hiei, Hiroshina.” Hiei scowled, but switched places with Kurama. Yusuke and Kuwabara were in a state of shock. Genkai shifted the papers to reveal a new sheet of paper. Kuniko and Hiei shared glares at each other as both took their fighting stances.

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It started in an instant. A fight of katana’s erupted. Hiei went about with whatever attack he usually starts with as Kuniko used batojutsu to counter. The two weren’t even blurs. You couldn’t see where they were until the clash of their katana’s created a flash. Still the pen was going, Genkai reading with Kurama doing the same over her shoulder. Okay, let’s slow time a bit here.

Both had expressionless eyes, trying to read each others next move. Renditions of batojutsu and kodachie’s and other ryu style techniques were used. Each read the other with precision and countered or parried. Black flames started to surround Hiei’s katana’s blade, while red around Kuniko’s. This was going nowhere fast. So let’s return to normal time’s speed. Tree’s that were already half dead were falling every now and then soon engulfed in flames. Still the pen was going, though slowing down slightly. Genkai watched and furrowed a brow. Yusuke was just barely following the fight, and Kuwabara was shocked at the speed of which he couldn’t comprehend. (A/N: A snail is faster than his comprehension though. Ha ha.) Genkai had enough on this part.

“That’s enough.” Hiei and Kuniko froze with katana blades locked still. The two backed off and sheathed their katana’s with a nod. Then to everyone’s surprise, Hiei smirked. Kuniko gave a look of confusion, having Hiei point out her left arm.

“Damn it!” Kuniko yelled at the sight of the free flowing blood. “Guess your better than I thought. Either you actually landed a blow, or I did this to myself during that last round.” A spot on her shirt glowed as she put her opposite hand over the wound. Taking off the hand, and ending the glow, she revealed the wound to have been closed, but still very red.

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“You were slacking off. Never slow down the pen, no matter how occupied you are!” Genkai continued her criticizing the two fights as she led everybody back to the temple. A slight twitch started to develop in Kuniko’s hands, she didn’t like criticism at all. Very few actually lived to do so, despite her easy going nature at times. When they got back to the temple, Yusuke and Kuwabara left. Kurama still had some extra time, and Hiei... well he didn’t care at all. “I expect better, I will not accept anything less then everything you have.”

“Of course Genkai, I shouldn’t have gotten into the fight more than my original task. But I couldn’t pass up this chance to give it my all almost against someone as skilled as Hiei.” She glanced at Hiei, who was ignoring everything and glaring. He was nothing like HIM (A/N: What? Too vague? Deal with it for now!) in the smallest sense in attitude. “Know what? I’ll just go and-”

“Your not finished today slacker.”

“Oro?” (A/N: Yes, I know this is Kenshin’s. Couldn’t pass up this chance.)

“You heard me. I want you to show me your skills in your levitation.” Yusuke barged in, with Kuwabara at his heels. Behind him is what looked like a black hole, except blue and green. Everyone but Genkai went outside to see the sight. The winds reopened the gash in Kuniko’s arm and splattered it to the winds.

“Kuso! Now he’s gonna come here.” Kuniko started cursing in several various languages. Kurama’s curiosity peaked.

“Who’s coming may I ask?”

“Uhh... I guess you could call him my boyfriend. Very protective, and has a great sense of smell when it comes to my blood.” Kurama nodded in acknowledgment. In a bit of a distance, something with white long hair in a mainly white outfit, with red sashes and what looked to be a boa, ran towards them. Immediately when he was there, he went right in between Kuniko and the guys.. Kuniko put her injured arms hand on his shoulder. “No Sesshy-san. They aren’t the source of the wound. That is.” She directed his attention to the ‘hole’.

“Who is that guy?” Yusuke asked wit a bit of a scowl. He didn’t know why, but he just didn’t like the new comer. For some reason though, Kurama smirked.

“That, Yusuke, is the lord of the western lands from the feudal era, Sesshoumaru. So this is Kuniko’s ‘boyfriend’ that she mentioned. Very interesting.” Sesshoumaru’s hearing picked up what Kurama just said and put his arms around her. Not hugging, but holding Kuniko possessively. For the first time around the group, this caused Kuniko to smile. “Maybe he’s more than that even.”

“Hn, of course fox, that is obvious.” C’mon, guessed who said that. At this Kuwabara just realized something.

“I think that’s a demon guys. His spirit energy’s way high, and those ears don’t look very human.” Everyone’s face went -_-U. Yusuke hit Kuwabara upside the back of his head. Drawing attention away from her and Sesshoumaru, Kuniko decided to divert that attention.

“Isn’t that the portal for your case Yusuke?” Yusuke nodded. All of the sudden, the portal moved closer and sucked Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama, Hiei, Sesshoumaru and Kuniko into it. In that order too.

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Everyone recovered and looked around. They were outside a huge gate. Nothing looked familiar, there were no huge buildings. It was like a huge step backwards into time. Sesshoumaru got Kuniko up, while everyone got themselves up. Kuniko gave a huge loud knock at the gate, with everyone behind her and Sesshoumaru beside her. A small window opened to reveal a pudgy old face of a man’s. “What business do you have here in Bree?”

“I’m sorry sir, but we seem to be lost. May we please come inside?” Kuniko gave her best Kurama impression. The window closed, and the gate opened up to reveal a crowded street. Quickly checking the gatekeepers mind for a place to stay, Kuniko levitated his money pouch into her hand unnoticed, besides Kurama that is. She led everybody to a single building with a hanging sign that read “The Prancing Pony” and went inside. “Now for a room.”

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Everyone except Yusuke and Kuwabara was still downstairs, just hanging out. The door opened, but it looked like no one came in. They did see though, it was pouring outside. Soon they saw four kid-sized people sit at a table. For some reason though, Kuniko’s attention went to a man in a corner against a wall smoking a pipe and was still hooded, staring at the new people. The waiter went by her, but she stopped him. “Sir, who is the hooded man over there?”

“That’s Strider. A ranger he is, dangerous those type are though.”

“Feh, I’m dangerous. Thank you anyway.” She let him continue his work. Later on, one of the small guys were singing. Then in an instant, he disappeared.

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Authoress Note: There, happy? No? Too bad... There's only 3 more chapters after this thats been written. Maybe 4... *shrugs*
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