InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ 3s Company ❯ "Final" Fight ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

  Shadow rammed into one of the fat heartless in the front of the crowd, sending it flying back into a larger crow of smaller ones, crushing them. Fox joined in and began slashing through every heartless he could get his hands on. Sorrow stepped forward and Shadow looked behind him at Sorrow, then to Fox. “Fox get back” He said sternly as Fox obeyed Shadow and he followed him. With both Shadow and Fox back, Sorrow stepped infront of the advancing army. A large red orb surrounded Sorrow, with strange writings and lines encircling the orb. At first it was visible to the inside, then it became so red it could not be seen from the outside. A giant spike erupted from the top, with more following. Fox looked on with wide eyes as Sorrow’s orb started moving toward the army, then crashed into it not losing speed, just running over them, spearing a lot of heartless with the spikes. The orb picked up speed greatly and started moving towards hallways, destroying anything in its way. Shadow and Fox followed behind, going a little slower then the orb, but able to keep up.

    After what seemed like a hundred corridors, they finally made it to a giant doorway. Sorrow emerged from the orb as it disappeared, and he looked at Fox and Shadow. Fox looked back wide eyed in awe. “Wow! Sorrow that was awesome!” Fox exclaimed at Sorrow. Sorrow looked back smiling at Fox. “Thank you” Sorrow said back as the three of them looked at the great door. Shadow and Sorrow started examining it, being reminded of the time limit they were on by the voice on the speakers. Soon, Shadow looked back at Fox and to Sorrow. “I found a way in. Do what I do.” Shadow spoke sternly. Shadow put his hand on a small heartless symbol implanted on the doorway. Sorrow and Fox each put their hands on similar symbols located right by Shadow’s, and a bright light engulfed them as the door opened to reveal a giant room. And in the middle of it was Ziv, awaiting on top of his chair. “Well, well, well. Looks like you three finally made it up here. And with only 30 minutes left. Lets see how well you far against me.” Ziv said in an evil voice as he walked down the steps up to his throne. Shadow and Sorrow went to battle stance, as Fox stayed behind them, ready to fight as well. Ziv charged, and appeared behind Fox, grabbing by the neck, holding him up with a large knife. Shadow was already on it, as he stopped Ziv from getting to Fox and grabbed the knife slashing him across the chest, then kicked him back in Sorrow, who grabbed him and started choking him. Fox looked at Ziv, thinking this was too easy.

       Then, as quick as lighting, someone grabbed Shadow from behind and through him into a large pillar behind him, knocking it down. It was Ziv! Sorrow looked at who he was holding, and found nothing but robes in his hands. Both Sorrow and Fox attacked Ziv, pummeling him with attack after attack, but not ever being able to hit him. Ziv grabbed Fox and Sorrow and rammed them into each other and barely dodged Shadow as he came flying into him with a black orb in his hands, shooting it at Ziv. He caught it, but it burned into his hand, making him stop and grimace. Shadow took this opportunity and ran up to Ziv and rammed him into the wall behind Ziv. But, again, Ziv blocked it and shoved Shadow into the wall behind him. Ziv took out about 20 small knifes and through them behind himself at Sorrow, who was thrown back and pinned to a wall. Fox looked at Sorrow with wide eyes then glared over at Ziv and began attacking him, not missing a shot. After being hit over and over again, Ziv caught one of Fox’s hands and through him and Shadow back across the room both of them hitting the wall hard. “F..Fox...Ziv is more powerful then I thought..I don’t think we can...beat him. But you can...come here Fox.” Shadow barely spat out as Fox neared him.

       Shadow held out his hand, and Fox reached out and grabbed it. A yellow glow encircled around Shadow’s arm and then over Fox’s, then disappeared over his. Shadow fell to the ground, out cold. Fox stepped back, and a black circle engulfed him. When it disappeared, Fox had transformed into his heartless form, for the first time. He was taller then Ziv, with blue streaks covering the tip of his long ears, from his feet to his knees, and his wrists. Every other part of his body was black and white fur, except for the blue spikes on top of his head that were leaning forward. Fox looked down at his hands, which had now 4 large and sharp gray claws on top of his knuckles. And on his chest laid a heartless symbol. Fox looked behind him at Ziv, who was brushing himself off. “Well Fox...what now? Are you going to kill me? Is that it? Let me just remind you of your 5 minute time period.” Ziv said grinngly. Fox growled softly and charged at Ziv, knocking him to his feet and pummeling him into the ground. Ziv was caught off guard and took the blunt of those attacks. Ziv disappeared before Fox could slice right through him, and appeared above him. Ziv came flying down with a staff and wacked Fox against the head hard with it. Fox fell but flipped up before he hit the ground and grabbed the staff before Ziv could make another strike and Fox broke it in half, then drove his claws into Ziv’s chest, kicking him back. Ziv stumbled back, grasping his large wound in his chest, then fell back dead. Fox looked at the dead body, then ran over to Shadow and Sorrow, who he heals with the extra strength Shadow gave him. Fox changed back to his normal form with the loss of energy, as Shadow and Sorrow awoke.

     “Fox..did you get him?” Shadow asked as he walked over to Ziv’s dead body. “Yup” Fox answered gleefully. But then, every door and window in the room was enclosed by a metal shield. The whole room started to shine red, and the voice from the speakers told only 30 seconds were left. “Crap, we gotta get out of here!” Shadow yelled to Fox and Sorrow. Sorrow started trying to open the doors, while Fox got the windows, and Shadow looked back at the body oddly. He walked over to it and uncovered the hood. “Sorrow! Fox! This isn’t Ziv!” Shadow yelled to the two of them. “ if that’s not Ziv...then this whole thing was a tra..” Sorrow was cut off before he could say the final word, as the entire castle exploded in a giant fiery explosion. Fox awoke hanging by his hands on a metal bar. He looked up, grunting from the pain, at the destroyed castle and the fires all around and inside of it. Fox looked up, and floating above him was the real Ziv. He reached down and grabbed Fox by the tuft of fur on his chest and pulled him up. Ziv looked Fox straight in the eyes, an evil grin spread wide across his face. “I’m not going to let you die here Fox...I have plans for you.” Ziv said. And with that, he transported them both, in a place far away...

To be continued...