InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Our Spell ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Killer_edge: Hey all. So this is my fic. Hope you all like if not well then don't read it. The plot ain't all that original but hey guess what I don't give. The pairing is DMKH and maybe I'll include Harry in their just to spice things up a bit. Just the way that I like it once again if you seriously do not like then do not read. Well for those who do read and please review. Flame all you like I don't care. Praise all you like I care. Thank you all for giving your time to read this.

Our Spell

Author's POV
Whoo! Whoo!

The Hogwarts train sounded as six people, four of them Hogwarts students made their way to the train. The group consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, their son Ron Weasley, daughter Ginny Weasly, Hermione Granger, and last but not least the one the only Harry Potter. Having had stayed up last night through the little party they had made to celebrate the end of the children's summer they had slept in and had therefore made themselves late.

"Oh No!" Cried Hermione as she and her friends dashed on the side to get to the train. Harry having being used to running a lot caught up to the train. He threw his trunk into the train followed by the rest of their trunks. Helping the girls onto the train Harry stayed back as he allowed his friend Ron to go in before him. Checking that all was clear and that nothing had accidentally been left behind Harry heaved himself onto the train.

Breathing heavily the group was sprawled around near the door. Without much strength left in them the poked their heads out the door and wearily waved Mr. and Mrs. Weasley goodbye and signaling that they were find, they waved until they couldn't make them out in the distance any longer. "Ugh," Ron groaned as he lied on the floor. "Just leave me here until we get there."

"No Ron," Hermione scolded. "We couldn't be here on time to meet with the other perfects so we'll have to find out what we missed."

"Oh come on 'Mione," Ron pleaded "We just got here"

"Hmp, That's all the more reason we should go lest we forget," Hermione said shaking her finger in front of his face. Turning to Harry and Ginny she asked of them, "Could you please find us some where to sit while Ron and I go check ourselves in?"

Smiling Ginny nodded replying, "Of course, why don't you find us while doing your rounds?"

Hermione smiled, "Perfect." Turning to Ron she kicked his side softly, "don't just lie there, Come ON!" She moved off to the front of the train with a whining Ron dragging on behind.

Harry shook his head at the site of them. They had revealed their feelings to each other this summer while they had stayed over at the Burrow. Harry had thought that this would bring the end to their never ending bickering, boy was he wrong. They still acted the way that they had use to but this time when they made up to each other, well, lets just say that they don't want anyone else around them. This of course made them the perfect target for Fred and George, who teased them about their relationship.

Turning to Ginny he caught her from the corner of his eye sneaking glances at him. As flattered as he was Harry still had no desire to build a relationship with her. He supposed he was just to use to thinking of her as the sister of one of his best friends.

Lately he had been thinking of the times he had spent with Cho during his fifth year. He had though that he loved her during his fourth year and had wanted to be with her always. But after actually spending his time with her came to realize that what he had felt was a crush and nothing more.

He sighed and faced Ginny and suggested, "Come on we should start finding a compartment for us." Using the levitating spell he and Ginny waked about looking for either an empty compartment or one not so crowed.

About twenty-five minutes later they were up to the last compartment. Harry and Ginny were both tired and if this one was too full they would have no choice but go to the one with some of the first years and they were not too eager about that choice.

Harry moved up to the sliding door and knocked three times. Nothing. Giving a hopeful look to Ginny, Harry slid the door open to find an almost empty compartment. There to the right corner was what Harry almost mistaken for a bundle of black robes. That was until a leg slid out that he figured was a person sleeping. There was a trunk and a cage that was covered with what look to be a very expensive Turkish small cloth.

Turing to Harry, Ginny whispered, "Do you thing whoever that is would mind if we stayed in here?"

Harry already too tired to really care said, "It doesn't matter, if this person wanted to be alone then whoever should have either locked the door or put their name on the outside with the words 'Private'. So as it has done neither I say we stay here. But I guess we should stay quiet."

Making their way through the compartment Harry and Ginny quietly moved their thing off to the side. They sat down and talked quietly about who that person was. This went on for about ten minutes until Hermione and Ron came in.

"Oh good we were getting worried when we still couldn't find you," said Hermione as she and Ron sat down between Harry and Ginny.

Ron snorted at this, "We ? Pffft. You mean you were worried. I told you they would be around here somewhere." He looked pointedly at his girlfriend while she blushed.

"Hmp, yes well that doesn't matter right now does it, we found them," Hermione said calmly.

Throughout the train ride they spoke quietly not wanting to disturb the sleeping figure. The group was content with the peaceful ride having nothing disturb them so far especially a certain ferret, which they despised with a vengeance.

As it started to get dark Harry brought it up, "You all did notice the fact that no bothered us throughout the ride, haven't you?"

Ron snorted at this, "Why should you worry? I for one am glad that no one barged in here to bother us."

Just then the door slid open to reveal a Draco Malfoy, Golye, and Crabbe.

Scowling Hermione hit Ron's arm slightly; "you just had to jinx it Ron."

Earlier that morning

Dream Sequence

Harsh breathing was heard throughout the room that was lit only by a few candles. The room smelt of the bout of passion that had just occurred between the two lovers. Standing up Draco looked upon his lady, watch as she strained hear the rustle of his clothes.

He spoke to her, his amusement quiet clear in his voice which was a bit rough what with all the load noise that had erupted through his voice, "You don't have to be shy with me love, come and turn to face me you just did more than look before." He reached out to touch her shoulders.

His lady jumped at the searing touch that flowed from his hand to her shoulders, nearly jumping out of her very skin. She had not heard him approach the lush bed.

He chuckled softly at her, his warm breath tickling her ear as he leaned back onto the bed, wrapping his strong arms around her. "Easy love," he crooned into her ear. "I won't bite you," He smirked moving his arms Draco leaned forward and nipped gently at her earlobe. "That is unless you want me to," His voice changed into a seductive drawl. She giggled and turned to face, and poked him, again, and again....

"Draco, Draco darling wake up now," a voice penetrated through the thick haze of his dream, and poked him with long nails.

Narcissa looked down upon her son, who had covered himself in thick blankets. His son. Their son. Draco looked so much like his father that she could almost cry. Fearing how he will turn up. She could see it. The cruelties, the arrogance, like his father. She tried to raise him differently, but the truth was that she was afraid to stand up to him. How could she? Lucius Malfoy was a strong, and cunning wizard, all knew that. He wanted a son like him to follow in his footsteps and become strong also. But she knew there was something else in her son that all couldn't see, she did not know what it was but there is something.

She sighed and continued to poke her son to wake up. "Come on darling you don't want to miss breakfast do you?"

Draco slowly opened his eyes, and groaned at the light that streamed through the windows. He sat up slowly to face his mother. "Ugh, Mother?"

"Yes dear get ready, and come down for breakfast." With that Narcissa Malfoy walked out of the room.

Draco groaned and fell back upon the dove down filled pillows. His mother just picks the right moment to wake him up hadn't she? He had been having that very same dream throughout the summer. Not that he complained mind you. But every morning he was filled with such burning desire, that he had to resort to sleeping with bulky blankets in as to not humiliate himself in case anyone came to wake him up.

With one last sigh he got up from bed and hurried to his private bathrooms to take care of some business and shower before he went down for breakfast. That was one thing that had happened every morning after he had his dream of his lady. His Lady. Nice ring to it, just wish I could remember what the hell she looks like.

Draco sighed as he stared long and hard into the large full length mirror that was stuck unto the back of his main bathroom door. He looked good he, as well as most of the female population at his school and then some, thought so. Turning this way and that he carefully examined his body. Pale skin, but not sickly like, toned body, no surplus fat, platinum blonde hair, his eyebrows were darker than his hair though, blue-gray eyes. He flashed himself his winning smile that made the girl's mouths water. Completing his morning inspection he walked to his large shower stall. 'He had it all but the girl of his dreams, literally.'
He had been looking all over the train for the little Dream Team. 'Ugh' How he hated them. Just because that stupid Potty Head had a fucking ugly scar on his damn forehead he always has to get the spotlight. Not that he was jealous, he was just got so angry that Harry Potter always gets his way even if he does break rules. He would revel in the day that gets what's truly coming to him.

Sighing he looked upon the very last compartment in the train. 'Phew' Being a bad boy sure takes its tolls when you spend looking for you victim in every single place. Drawing himself up he moved an arm to slide the door open in a swift move.


He flung the door open.