InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ The power of Alchemy ❯ Default chapter ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hi, I'm Ryuu-oh. I'm a fan of Inuyasha, Ranma, Golden Sun, etc. My first fic features Inuyasha and co. using Psynergy against enemies such as Naraku. It also contains a bit of dramatic action, but this is all humor and adventure. Read and enjoy, my fellow authors.

Disclaimer: I don't own IY or GS.

The Inu-gumi were standing across Naraku, who was surrounded by his Saimyoshou; glowering darkly.

"Fools, You cannot defeat me. I am all powerful!" He boomed. Inuyasha growled and put his hand in front of him; Red energy glowing from it.


A draconian beast sprang from Inuyasha's hand and slammed against Naraku.

Miroku raised his hand; brimming with purple energy, towards Naraku.

"THUNDER MINE!!!" The attack hit Naraku on contact.

Sango raised her shining hand; ablaze with yellow energy.

"ODYESSY!!" The powerful strike hit Naraku directly.

Kagome raised her sparkling blue hand towards her friends.

"PURE WISH!!" The entire group was healed.

'How did they get these powers? I can't find out here. I must retreat.' Naraku thought.

"I'll be back, Inuyasha! And I will defeat you." Naraku vanished into the miasma.

"Damn! He got away again!" Inuyasha growled, kicking the dirt.

"Don't worry, Inuyasha. We'll get him next time. We'll be ready for him." Kagome smiled.

"Let's go back. We can rest back at Kaede's village." Miroku inquired.

"Agreed." Sango nodded.

They walked to the village; neither anyone knowing that a certain wind user sat on a tree branch, watching their battle.

'Hmm.. I've never seen Inuyasha and his comrades use such power. If I learned it, I would be safe from Naraku's torture and wrath.' Kagura mused silently to herself.

Just then, a Jupiter Djinni fell on her head.

Kagura gasped in surprise as she looked at it. "W-Who are you?! W-What are you?!"

"I'm Aero. I'm here to help you, Kagura."


"How did I know your name? I've a special skill called Mind Read. It allows me to read your thoughts."

Kagura frowned distrustfully at Aero. 'I don't trust him.. That little fellow claims to read thoughts..'

"You can trust me, Kagura. And I CAN read thoughts."

Kagura shied away a bit from Aero."What do you want of me?"

"I saw what that monster Naraku did to you in your mind. I also have the power to act as a second heart.

I can increase your powers and help you to defeat Naraku."

Kagura's eyes widened in amazement. 'He can acutally DO that?!'

"Yes, I can."

Kagura opened her mouth to speak."Fine then. You have yourself a deal."

Aero nodded. "Thank you, Kagura. I'll see to it that you'll be free like me and my friends."

"You have friends like yourself?" she asked.

"You'll meet them soon. Some of them are travelling with Inuyasha and his comrades."

Aero jumped into Kagura's chest and merged.

'You'll find out the rest from Wing, my best friend.' Aero's voice rang in Kagura's head.

Kagura hopped on her feather and flew north.

Meanwhile, at Kaede's village.. Kaede shook her head at the scene in front of her.



Inuyasha was arguing with his fire Djinn, Pyro and Lava, who were trying to take Inuyasha's ramen.



Inuyasha and Pyro and Lava fell towards the ground, groaning.

"It serves the three of you right for being greedy!" Kagome snapped.

Hydro and Aqua, her water Djinn, nodded in agreement.

Miroku sighed as he watched the scene before him.

"SO typical..." His wind Djinn, Fan and Scent yawned.

"You're the one to talk, Miroku." Sango said sourly.

Her earth Djinn, Geo and Terra frowned at Miroku.

"Hey, Sango. I don't see you being all bitchy about this." Fan said haughtily.

Geo kicked Fan across the other side of the hut.

"Arigato, Geo." Sango grinned. "No thanks necessary, Sango." Geo said.

"Oww.." Fan groaned. "Fan, you have a LOT to learn." Miroku shook his head.

Aqua rushed over and tended to his injuries. "You should stop taunting people!"

"Hey, Kagome. Do you remember when you found all of us?" Hydro asked.

"Yes. We saw you fall from the sky. It was a month ago when that happened."

"Bah. Ya hear that, dog? I think you should remember that." Lava snorted.

"Yeah, wise guy? I'm gonna kick you both to the moon!" Inuyasha snapped.

"Not if we do it first!" Pyro growled.

"Stop, you guys." Terra calmed down her friends. "We have work to find the jewel shards and our friends."

"She's right! We should-" Scent was interupted by a noise."What was that?"

"Sesshoumaru's here." Snarled Pyro. Inuyasha nodded and unsheathed Tetsusaiga.

Sesshoumaru stood in the moonlight with Rin, who was holding an earth Djinni.

"Boulder!" Terra and Geo cried in unison. "HEEEEEEELLLLLLLPPPPPPP!!!!!!!" Boulder yelled.

"Inuyasha, I have come for the Tetsusaiga. And I want to test your powers against me."

"Gladly." Inuyasha smirked. He jumped towards at him and held out his hand.


The attack hit Sesshoumaru head-on. He staggered and tried to regain control of himself.

"Hey, you guys!" Boulder wormed out of Rin's grip and ran to his friends.

Rin started to cry as Boulder ran away from her. "SESSHOUMARU-SAMA! RIN'S PET HAS GONE!"

Sesshomaru scooped up Boulder and flung to Rin. "YAY! ARIGATO, SESSHOUMARU-SAMA!"

"Nuts." Boulder pouted. Inuyasha jumped high into the air and smashed against Sesshoumaru with fire surrounding his body.


The blow sent Sesshoumaru flying into the trees. "THIS BATTLE IS NOT YET WON, INUYASHA!!!" Sesshoumaru roared.

"Lord Sesshoumaru!" Rin dropped Boulder, who ran behind Sango.

"That was fun!" Pyro jumped up and down. "Yeah, that sure taught him a lesson!" Lava cheered.

"Are you all right, Boulder?" Geo asked.

"Yep! I'm glad to be free!" He smlied. "That girl kept bugging me to talk!"

"Let's go back inside and sleep." Aqua suggested. Everyone agreed.

Everyone walked back inside, wondering what tomorrow would bring.

So, how do you like it? Was it boring? Or cool? Or just plain sucked?

I don't give a crud if you hated it or not. Review and I'll write more.

No flames, please. Ryuu-oh's fanfic is owned by me, myself and I.