InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ When Are We? ❯ Achoo! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, InuYasha, or Teen Titans. Just an imagination and a computer to help get it going! I wish I did. THAT WOULD BE SO COOL!!!

This is my first combo of Avatar, InuYasha, and Teen Titans, so if it's not that good, cut a girl some slack! Just messing with you.

Raven woke up with a sneeze that threw her up into a sitting position. Her eyes quickly opened and she gazed around her room. Everything seems all right, she thought. She sniffled and decided to get up for the day. As the purple-haired girl rose up out of her bed, she felt very dizzy. Something that very rarely happened to her. She told herself not to worry; it's only a little light-headedness. What Raven didn't know was that she had come down with a cold. Oh, no. What will she do? Big deal, right? Actually it is. When Raven gets sick, things get a little… shall we say “weird” in the T-Tower. As Raven made her way to the living area, she passed Victor (A.K.A. Cyborg). He was carrying an old Game Station. Raven had to ask. Why would he be taking it out of the living room?

“Um, what are you doing?” Raven managed to blurt out as she passed him. Cyborg turned to her and replied gleefully,

“If I take this old Game Station, hook it up with some new parts, make it look cooler, and make some new wireless controls, I can have the most awesome Gaming System known to Mankind!”

“As interesting as that sounds… aah, aah, achoo!” a white blast filled the tower blinding anyone within a one hundred foot radius of Raven. When everyone was finally able to see, Cyborg stood back up, for the blast had sent him sprawling backwards onto the carpet along with his electronics… well, the other electronics. That made him ask the most pointless question:

“You alright, Raven?”

Raven stood up. Apparently, the blast had sent her to the floor also. She straightened herself up and replied to him with a glare,

“I’m fine. I don’t need your concern.”

From there, she made her way to the living room. The other titans just getting up from the blast that startled them all. Garfield (or, Beast Boy) was fine. Actually he looked fairly unfazed. Raven, who was secretly curious as to why, walked over to him. He was laying on the couch, drinking a soda of some kind. He looked up at her as she cleared her throat.

“Hey, Raven,” he greeted her with a smile, “What’s up?” he suddenly began to go into a laugh attack. Raven raised an eyebrow an asked him,

“What’s so funny?” She gave him an evil glare. Beast Boy calmed down slightly to explain.

“You’re wearing flowers!” He started to laugh again. He fell off the couch in the process. That didn’t really seem to faze him either. He just continued to laugh. Raven ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, What the Hell is he talking about? She wondered. She looked normal. Her clothes were her normal blue cloak and midnight-blue leotard. No flowers at all, Guess he was fazed after all. Raven walked back out into the living room, very pissed off. Everyone seemed back to normal. They all had, by then, realized that it had to have been Raven who had caused the blast, so when she walked in, the team stared at her.

“Um, excuse me?” Raven asked rhetorically.

The other Teen Titans stared at her without a word. Raven began to feel as if she were stuck in a soundproof-glass-room. She decided to break the silence,

“So, dreams do come true.” She quickly put up her hood and turned away to conceal her slight grin. She began to walk to the refrigerator. The others just stared at her. She could feel their eyes on her.

“Stop staring at me you weirdoes!” she turned to yell at them. They all snapped out of their daze and shook her heads. Robin was the first to say something.

“What did you do?” He asked dizzily.

Raven sighed and replied to him with another question:

“Can I see you for a second?” She quickly grabbed him and ran into the hallway.

“Uh, what’s up, Raven? What did you do?” He said scratching his head in confusion.

Raven made sure nobody was within earshot and whispered,

“I’m sick.”

“You’re--” Raven covered his mouth with her hand.

“Shh! Do you want them to hear you?” she released him from her grasp.

“Raven, so you’re sick,” He whispered, “Who’s going to care?”

“Things happen when I’m sick, Robin. Bad things. I can’t let you tell anyone. Tell them I messed up on a spell or something.”

“But, Raven--”

“Please, Robin. I hate being worried about. You know that better than anyone.”

Robin, after giving it some thought, agreed. Raven thanked him and she headed back to the fridge. She took out some iced-tea while the others still watched her. Once Robin entered, all eyes (but Raven’s) were on him. He explained what “happened”. As he did so, Raven put her tea back and grabbed some orange juice. She put it in the cup she usually used for her tea. It was navy with her name on it, so it wasn’t see-through. She carried on like nothing was wrong, for a while anyway. Moments later, Cyborg re-appeared with a big grin on his face. He cleared his throat to get the others’ attention. They all looked at him and he started by pulling out something large from behind his back. It was covered by a large white cloth. His grin widened as he began his speech,

“Titans, I give you the most advanced gaming system in the history of game systems. Only available in Titans Tower, It’s called ‘The Cy Station Advanced 4000’,” He boasted. Raven felt a sneeze coming on. She put her finger under her nose. It wasn’t working. Just as Cyborg revealed his new game system, it happened.

“Aah, aah, aah, achoo!” she sneezed. The Tower, once again, filled with a white blast. But this time, it wasn’t blinding. This time, it was just enough to damage the “Cy System Advanced 4000”. All of the titans woke up about an hour later. They noticed a large white portal-like thing closing. They were not in Titans Tower anymore. They were in the woods. Cyborg stood up and screamed with intense rage,
