InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ When Worlds Collide ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When Worlds Collide
A/N:Yeah, so I don't think that I have much to say on this one. Only that I hope that you enjoy it as always!
Rin and the hanyou sat across the fire from each other, one wearing the trademark glare of death and the other wearing a look that told the older one that the scum beneath the nastiest pond had more status than him. It was quite funny actually, just because the look came from a small six year old girl.
“Feh!” Inu-Yasha huffed and turned his head to the side and stuck his nose in the air, “Whatever, brat.”
“Hope Sesshoumaru-sama comes to get me soon so I can tell him that you were mean to me,” she stated and stuck out her tongue out at him.
The hanyou snorted again and returned the gesture, “Let me give you a little reality check, brat, your precious `Sesshoumaru-sama' is a heartless bastard. He could care less what happens to one small inferior little girl.”
The comment that Inu-Yasha made seemed to have no effect on the small child, “You're just jealous because he cares for this `one small inferior little girl' more than he does his own brother,” she snapped back.
Inu-Yasha's large golden eyes narrow dangerously proving to the hanyou that the child had hit a very sore spot on his ego. “Watch what you say, pup, or your next breath might be your last,” he hissed, upset that this small girl had seen right through him. He was jealous, but he'd be damned if he admitted that to anyone besides himself.
Nynaeve cleared her throat and tried to break some of the hostile tension between the two of them, “Well seems you already know each other I guess all that's left is to tell us how all of you met. Just pray that you weren't the ones who abandoned to poor child and left her for Trolloc food.” Just for affect she added a little bit of venom to her voice.
Before the hanyou could open his mouth one of the girls, Sango, the Wisdom thought her name was, spoke, “Rin is not our responsibility, though that is no excuse to leave her behind. We had no idea that she was with Sesshoumaru at the time that we...” she trailed off as if thinking about how to phrase her next words. She sighed and let out a nervous laugh, “Actually we're not quite sure how we got here.”
Kagome raised her hand as if they were going to call upon her to speak next before blushing sheepishly and dropping it quickly, “Where is here, by the way?”
Mat blinked at her, “You're lost?”
The girl seemed to blush more, “Yeah, I guess you could say that.”
Inu-Yasha snorted, “We're NOT lost, I followed Tenseiga's sent and this is where it led me.” He glared once more at the child, “So hand it over, runt.”
Rin stood up and shook a fist at him, her temper getting the better of her, “My name is Rin, R I N! Not pup! Not runt!” Then she seemed to calm herself and gave him a sweet smile that put him on his toes, “Until you call me by the right name I will no longer talk to you. So there.” Then she turned on her heal and strolled to her bedroll as if she had not a care in the world.
The dark haired man finally spoke up, “It must run in the family.”
Kagome cast him a confused look, “What must, Miroku?”
The monk smiled, “Being unable to call women by their given names.”
“Sesshoumaru-sama calls be by my name,” a small muffled voice spoke up from under the mound of blankets that Rin had burrowed under.
Miroku laughed, “You must be a special case then, child.”
Sango cleared her throat, using the act to try and change the conversation, “So where do you think he is?” she asked not saying who she meant.
InuYasha snorted, “Sesshoumaru? Hopefully his rotting carcass is at the bottom of some river.”
Nynaeve gasped in shock, “Aren't the two of you brothers? What a horrid thing to say about one of your own family.”
InuYasha laughed and glared at her, “Half brother, and only family. Look, woman, it's none of your damned business but the world is better off without that bastard. Trust me.”
Sesshoumaru slowly walked the streets of the crowed town, doing his best to try and not kill those who bumped into him without an apology. He growled low in his throat as three young children came up to him and ran around his legs, almost tripping him up.
“Help, help!” the little girl screamed as the two boys chased her in circles. She gripped the fabric of his pants and shifted from left to right as the other children did the same.
“Come on, little girl,” one of the boys leered, “we won't make you eat too many worms this time!”
The girl squealed and bolted as the boys ran after her. Sesshoumaru sigh and with all the speed in the world reached out and gripped the back of the girl's ratty dress in his hand easily lifting her off her feet. “Enough,” he order and the boys stopped dead in their tracks look up at him with shocked dirty faces.
Sesshoumaru's lip curled up in distaste, “Doesn't your mother ever bathe you?”
The girl bit her lip, still dangling off the ground but seemed unafraid of him, “She doesn't have the time,” she whispered under her breath.
One white eyebrow arched itself, “Doesn't have the time to bathe you or doesn't have the time to care for her offspring?”
“She's our mother too!” the shorter of the boys spoke up.
The demon took in their appearances, from the torn and dirty cloths to red haired girl and the two blond boys. His nose twitched under in face covering, “Different fathers.” He stated, not asking, just simply stating the truth. “So your mother whores herself,” he added, tasting bile in the back of his throat.
The girl pouted, “It isn't like that!” she shook her fist at him. “Mother tries her best to care for us, she does!”
He opened his mouth to silence the when his caught a faint smell, it was difficult to determine with all the other human filth around but it was unmistakable. Only because he had never passed this way before the only one else that had such a small smell of him was Rin.
His amber eyes widened and he brought the child closer to him giving her a little shake, “There was a girl here. Small with dark eyes and hair. Have you seen her?” he demanded, shake the child once again.
She squealed and began to struggle in his grip, “I see lots of little girls! Most are just passing by. On their way north.”
His nodded and dropped her, not bother to see if she was alright before turning towards the north and running quickly out of the town trying to get away from all the other human smells that was bothering his nose too much to really find out what direction she actually went.
He stood facing the wide open plains and with the village at his back he took a deep breath, almost crying out in relief when he once more caught her very faint sent. And for the first time in his life he allowed himself to smile, his Rin was alive and unhurt. At least for now.
Oh. My. God!! That was soooo hard to write and I am very unhappy with this chapter, but I had to get it out of the way so I could move on. Writer's block sucks sour frog ass. I'm sorry that it was so fucking short, but I ran out of time to write it so I just stopped.