InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fruits Basket Fan Fiction / Hellsing Fan Fiction ❯ Truth or Dare ❯ Truth or Dare ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Truth or Dare: Ch. 1. Can dares really change you
Kisa: Hey lets do something.
Kyo: Do what?
Kitty: (thinking)
Ayane: (thinking)
Yue: (thinking) *sniff* I smell chicken.
Kisa, Kitty, Kyo, and Ayane: *sniff*
Kisa: Ayane, stop thinking you're frying your brain!
Ayane: (Ayane has smoke coming from her head) to…much…thinking…*twitch*
Kitty: Don't scare us like that again.
Yue: What have we told you (shakes finger at her)
Ayane: No thinking what so ever cause it cooks my pea brain.
(Door opens, and someone walks in)
Everyone: Sakiano.
Sakiano: I smelt Ay thinking again so I brought her a chocolate martini.
Ayane: Shit yeah. (Takes martini and drinks in one gulp.) Man all that think sure made me thirsty.
Everyone (except Ayane): *rolls eyes*
Kitty: Lets play truth or dare.
Kisa: Yeah, but lets add some players *snaps fingers*
(InuYasha cast members appear: Kagome, Kikyo, Sango, Miroku, Naraku, Bankostu, Sesshomaru and Kouga.)
Ayane: (jumps into Sesshomaru arms and starts purring)
Kitty: (jumps into InuYasha arms and starts purring)
Kisa: (jumps into Kouga and Bankostu arms and start waging her tail.)
Character info:
Kisa: dog and wolf demon
Kyo: dog demon
Sakiano: dog demon
Yue: wolf demon
Ayane: cat demon
Kitty: cat demon
Kyo: (grabs Kisa and holds her protectively, and growls dangerously)
Yue: (grabs Ayane and holds her protectively, and growls dangerously)
Sakiano: (grabs Kitty and holds her protectively, and growls dangerously)
Kisa: We brought you here so we can play truth or dare.
Ayane: Dun... Dun... Dun...
Everyone: (stares at Ayane)
Sesshomaru: You gave her a Chocolate martini again didn't you *shakes head*
Inuyasha: So where did we leave of last time?
Miroku: Naraku changed his name to Lulu!
Naraku: I don't remember that.
Everyone: Then lets watch the tape
Tape: I Naraku here by change my name to Lulu.
Lulu: No!
Bankotsu: Okay that means it's Lulu turn.
Lulu: Kisa truth or dare.
Kisa: truth.
Lulu: Who do you like?
Kisa: Kyo, Bankotsu, Kouga, InuYasha, Miroku, Sesshomaru is okay, Ja rule…
1 hour later
Ayane: You just had to ask her?
Kisa: And that's it.
Lulu: You said everyone but me you even said Shippo.
Kisa: Not true I didn't say, Jaken.
Lulu: You even said Myoga.
Kisa: No I said he was cute for a flea and funny, Big difference.
Lulu: Whatever. `Note to self kill Kisa.'
Kisa: I heard that, *snaps finger* (Lulu falls in a hole filled with horny old wrinkle women) say your sorry, better hurry Ms. Jones has gotten any for over 20 years.
Lulu: I'm sorry, I'm sorry
Kisa: Umm…let me think about it.
Lulu: pleaaaaassssseeee…. Oh, pleeeeaaaasssseeee…
Inuyasha: Keep him in there, I dare you…
Kisa: Well I can't turn down a dare…fine only for an hour okay girls. (Looking at horny old wrinkly women.)
Kaede: Fine.
Lulu: Nooo…!
Kitty: Kisa go
Kisa: Right, Ayane, truth or dare.
Ayane: Dare.
Kisa: I dare you to go an hour without drinking any kind of alcohol beverages.
Ayane: NOOO!! I mean truth.
Kisa: (shakes head)
Ayane: NOOOO….
5 minuets later
Ayane: *right eye twitch*
5 minutes later
Ayane: *left then right eye twitch*
10 minutes later
Ayane: *on the ground twitching*
10 minutes later
Ayane: (in a corner)
30 minutes late
Kisa: your time is up Ay…Ayane? (Looking last place Ayane was)
*Door bell rings*
Everyone: (walk down stairs, open door, and run to the furthest corner) wh… what are you doing here?
Ayane: I invited them, Shitface, Ryoko come in. time we became friends.
Everyone & Lulu: (Run to the kitchen) alcohol and lots of it!
Kisa: Please kami, please don't let it be to late to save her!
Kitty: Ayane, look a chocolate martini.
Ayane: that is bad for my brain cells.
Everyone: (stares in disbelief, right eye began to twitch.)
Kisa: You guys hold her (holding bottles of alcohol beverages.)
1 hour later
Kisa: (got done pouring the last beer into Ayane.)
Everyone: Ayane?
Ayane: Why did you stop, and why are Shitface and Ryoko here?
Everyone: She's Back!
Kitty: Okay you two can go now.
Shitface: But Ayane said we could play with ya'll
Ayane: When? (Confused)
Kisa: When you were sober.
Ayane: …What's…Sober?
Yue: (Whispers into Ayane ear)
Ayane: (Horrified look) That can't happen?
Everyone: *Nod*
Ayane: Scary shit.
Kisa: Anyway, Ryoko, Shitface leave before I make you.
Ryoko & Shitface: Try it.
Kisa: *snaps finger* (Ryoko and Shitface falls in a pit of horny old wrinkle women) Girls meet Ryoko and Shitface, Ryoko and Shitface met the horny old wrinkle women, have fun. *snap finger* (pit disappears along with screaming annoying girls) They gave me a headache.
Kouga and Bankostu: We know a perfect cure for that.
Kisa: Really? *with hopefully eyes*
Kyo: Kisa.
Kisa: what? *acting innocent*
Kyo: No.
Kisa: You're no fun. *Pouts*
Kouga: I shall kiss that pout off your face.
Bankostu: No I will.
Kyo: No I will.
Kisa: I… I don't know who to choose.
Ayane: *snaps finger* (Trunks appear)
Trunks: Kisa (grabs her by the waist and kisses her)
Kisa: *in a Trans*
Kyo, Kouga, and Bankotsu: NOOO…
Kisa: Hey where's Miroku?
Miroku: Help!!
Everyone: (runs up stairs) OMG!
Miroku: Stop her… Him…it.
Kisa: How did you escape?
Shitface: the old women kicked me out.
Everyone & Trunks: (get out their weapons) DIE! (Each hit her with there best attack)
Ayane: is she dead? (Pocks her with a stick)
Shitface: No!
Sesshomaru: (throws her off a 100ft. building)
Kisa: Now.
Shitface: Nope.
Kitty: you have to be shitting me.
Kisa: I have no choice, Angel of Death.
Ayane: French; Wee madam. (Saluting)
Kisa: take her.
Ayane: (Changes to her grim riper robe) I thought you would never say it. (Drags Shitface to another dimension)
Everyone: (silent)
Ayane: (comes back from the other dimension and changes back to regular clothes) She's gone for sure.
Everyone: YEAH!
Kisa: (claps hands) back to the game. *Slap* (Miroku has a red handprint on his face, and Sango eyebrow is twitching.) Sango give him some credit he was just assaulted by Shitface.
InuYasha: Yeah if I was him I be grabbing ass of hot girls too.
All guys (including Sesshomaru) *nod*
Sango: *nod*
Kisa: now back to the game, who's turn?
Ayane: Mine, mine. Kagome truth or dare?
Kagome: Truth.
Ayane: Is it true you have dreams of you and InuYasha doing it?
Kagome: *blushes* N… No.
Kisa: (beep, beep) lie detector says differently.
Kagome: Sometime when it isn't Kyo. (Lie detector turns green.)
Kisa: *growls* MINE (grabs Kyo and hold him protectively.)
Ayane: ok… bad idea. (looking at Kisa growling and staring at Kagome with a chip on her head.) Kitty, truth or dare, (taking Kagome's turn.)
Kitty: Dare me sucker.
Ayane: I dare you to drown Kisa's fish it been staring at me ever since she go it.
(No actual fish was harmed in the making of the story.)
Kisa: why Mr. Squishy?
Ayane: Cause you're the only one with a damn posses freaky ass fish! (pointing at the fish)
Kitty: that shouldn't be hard. (she said getting up.)
Everyone: (looks at Kitty walking towards the fish.)
InuYasha: Uh, Ayane, is Kitty serious?
Ayane: (covers her mouth with both hands preventing laughter.) this is way better than Jackass the movie.
Kitty: here fishy, fishy. (Grabs the fish) parish, you evil being.
Fish: Bring it on, Bitch.(Kitty and fish start wrestling in the fish bowl.)
30 minutes later
Everyone: (have soda, popcorn and a number one hand glove voting for Kitty)
Sango: Anyone want some more popcorn?
Bankostu: (grabs some popcorn) Yeah, Kitty you can do it chop his freakin balls off!
InuYasha: um… Kitty I think the fishy is dead now, by all that strangling.
Miroku: Shh. don't ruin the fun. Dumb ass
Ayane: and the winner is…Kitty (raising kitty's right arm high)
Kitty: (Soking wet and gasping for air)
Miroku: YEAH, group hug in the shower!
Everyone: (staring at Miroku)
Lulu: YEAH…what?
Everyone: (Quiet)
Ayane: *cough* who's next?
Bankotsu: I want to go. Kagome, truth or dare.
Kagome: Dare.
Bankotsu: I dare you to go to the K.K.K. (Killing. Kagome. Klan)
Kagome: Kisa?
Kisa: No, I liked you but you have been having dreams of fucking my boy toy, so die bitch! *evil glare*
Kagome: (walks into the K.K.K and gets her ass killed and burn)
Kitty & Kikyo: The bitch is finally dead, everyone party!
Kisa: Yeah (runs and pushes a button an the wall and a banner drops with confetti that says `Kagome is finally dead' beer and other alcoholic beverages and balloon's appear)
Ayane: (runs to the Alcoholic table and hugs every one of the battles and growl/hiss)
*Kee Kee* Back of Bitches, its mine you hear me MINE!
Everyone: We should have known
Yue: *sigh* I'll go buy some more
(They all party and have a good time, eight members wake with a huge hangover especially Ayane)
Yue: Ay…Ayane?
Ayane: (in the corner, with empty bottles around) I'm a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world, life in plastic it's fantastic! Come on Barbie, let's go party! Uu-oooh-u…
Kitty: (picking her up and slaps her) Ayane, you dumbass
Kikyo: Where's Kisa?
Ayane: last time I saw her she was walking with Kyo, Koga, Trunks, and Bankotsu. (Said still drunk)
Everyone & Ayane: No (wide eyed) (runs into Kisa's room, find all five of them with beer bottles everywhere)
Miroku: No fair why didn't I get to play?
Ayane: you stole my beer.
Kisa: umm…my head…
Ayane: You stool my goddamn beer!
Kyo: do you not know how to let people get some sleep
Inuyasha: it's 1o'clock in the day time.
Kouga: we only got an hour of sleep
Bankotsu: get out!
Trunks: (throws pillow at them) Get Out!
2 hours later
Kikyo: Kisa truth or dare?
Kisa: Dare
Kikyo: I dare you to leave all of the guys alone for a week
Kisa, Kouga, Trunks, Kyo, Bankotsu: NOOOO…Why God, Why *cry* Why!
1 hour later
(Kisa in the corner, rocking back and forth)
Kisa: Guys…cute…guys…
Kouga, Trunks, Kyo, and Bankotsu: Kisa, Kisa, Kisa. (Shaking)
Ayane: Poor horny freaks.
2 days later
Kisa: Kyo, Bankostu, Trunks, Kouga…
Kyo, Kouga, Bankostu, and Trunks: Kisa must have her.
1 hour later
Kisa, Kyo, Kouga, Bankostu, and Trunks: *crying* (sucking thumbs)
InuYasha: Man, they look bad.
Miroku: I feel sorry for them.
Ayane: K—Kisa?
Kisa: *eye blank*
4 days later
Ayane: only one more day guys.
Kisa, Kyo, Kouga, Bankostu, and Trunks: *eye blank*
Kisa: Must make a trust with Ryoko *snaps finger* (pit with old women and Ryoko opens)
Ayane, Yue, and InuYasha: (holds Kisa down) close it, close it.
Kisa: must make friends.
Kitty: knock her out (closes hole)
InuYasha: (knocks her out.)
4 hours later
Kitty: where's Kisa?
Kisa: Right her. (Kisa wearing a pink knee length skirt and a T-shirt that said `perfect angel' in purple)
Everyone: (horrified look) No, Kisa.
Kisa: I brought you guy flowers and look I bought a Barbie isn't she pretty? *Eyes still blank*
Kikyo: what have I done.
Ayane & Kitty: Nooo…come back to us.
Kisa: I haven't left, silly. (Kisa giggles a girly giggle)
Everyone: (hides in a corner, shaking)
Yue: maybe…
Kitty: No, Kisa has never failed a dare.
The next day
Everyone: (sleeping in the corner they ran to the day before.)
Ayane: I smell… no… healthy food…
Everyone: (runs down stairs)
Kisa: Good morning, hungry? (holding a pan of healthy food) I had to throw everything away and buy new food.
Ayane: my beer
Kitty: ramen
Ayane: My beer!
Yue: cake
Ayane: MY BEER!!
Kyo: cookies
Kisa: all gone
Ayane: You bitch, I'll kill you! (Sesshomaru and Yue hold her back)
Yue: remember it isn't Kisa.
Ayane: then one of you guy better change her back *dangerous glare*
Kyo: (grabs Kisa and kisses her.)
Kisa: hey what happen *sniff* why do I smell healthy food (looks down.) Ahhh… I'm- I'm wearing p-p-pink.
Everyone: You're back.
Kisa: What do you mean back, and why the fuck am I wearing pink.
Kitty: come with me. (Takes her to a room and shows her what happen the day before)
Kisa: I had a B-B-Barbie, picked flowers, I didn't even know I could do a girly laugh, I threw away junk food, I wear p-p-pink on my own free will, I tried to become Ryoko's friend all in one day. (Grabs Ayane and Kitty) Why didn't you just kill me?
Ayane: well someone stop me. (Stares at Yue and Sesshomaru)
Kisa: (Grabs both of the guys by the shirt and lifts them high up) You bastards, why did you stop her?
Yue and Sesshomaru: We though we were saving your life.
Kisa: How can you say that, why I ougtta chop your freaking balls off once and for all!
Kitty: I have an Idea, lets make sure Kisa is really back. (Gets a shotgun.) Here now shot Ryoko.
Kisa: My pleasure. (Loads gun) *Chick (down), chick (up)* (shoot Ryoko in the head.)
Kyo: But didn't Kisa's temper already proof she's back, Kitty?
Kitty: Yeah I know I just wanted to see her shoot her.
Kisa: That felt good, now to go shopping.
Everyone: Why?
Kisa: the evil me threw my clothes away and bought clothes that were all pink; even my underwear. Ay, can I borrow some clothes?
Ayane: *nod*
1 hour later
(Junk food and alcoholic beverage were back and Kisa was wearing her dark blue clothes.)
Kisa: My sweet clothes, I promise to never wear pink again, they are going to have to bribe me with a shit load of money.
Kyo, Kouga, Bankostu, and Trunks: She's back (hugs her) (then they heard a knock on the door.)
Everyone: (goes to the door, the there stood Spike `cowboy bebop' Integra and Alucard `Hellsing' Hatsuharu `Fruit basket')
Ayane: Alucard. (jumps on his arms)
Kisa: I can finally ask you Alucard, what do you do with that long tongue of yours?
Alucard: Do you want to find out?
Ayane, Kisa, Kitty, and Sango: Yeah! (looks at each other with a angry glare.)
Kisa: I asked so I should find out.
Ayane: I was into Hellsing way before all of you.
Kitty and Sango: so.
(girls get into a catfight.)
Everyone: (finds a sit and watches)
Miroku: Kisa is in her bra, YEAH! All we need is some mud.
All guys: *nod*
Ayane: reeown…
Kisa: grrr…
Sango: Bite me!
Kitty: No one can bet me, I'm psychotic.
Everyone (including the fighting girls): *nod* (the girls start fighting again)
InuYasha: she does have a point, she killed a fish.
Miroku: The girls' are in their underwear that is it. (gets up and leaves)
Kyo: where is he going?
InuYasha: Going to do something perverted.
5 minutes later
Miroku: (comes back with 3 buckets of mud and pours it over the girls.) Better, much better.
5 minutes later
The fight: (still fighting tiredly, they then fall over at the same time.)
Integra: So… who won?
Kyo, Kouga, Bankostu, and Trunks: Kisa!
Sesshomaru and Yue: Ayane, she kicks ass.
Miroku and Hatsuharu: Sango, Sango!
InuYasha and Spike: Kitty, she's psychotic what do you guys not get!
(they get in a fight)
Kisa: (sits in a lazy boy) Kyo, Kouga, Bankostu, Trunks win for mama! (drinks soda)
Ayane: (sits next to Alucard) Yue, Sesshomaru, kick ass!!
Kitty: InuYasha, Spike, you can do it!!
Sango: Miroku, purify the bastards.
Miroku: As you wish my master.
Alucard: Hey, that's my line.
Miroku: Don't be hating. (opens a bottle of holy water and splashed them with it.)
The fighting guys: It burns the horror, have mercy! *door rings*
Kisa: I'll get it (open door) Hey, Kohaku.
Kohaku: Hey Kisa, is Sango here.
Kisa: (walks in living room) Sango it's Kohaku he said something about Kilala shiting on the carpet again.
Sango: Damn it! that pussy got to go (she growled and grabbed her Hiraiko) Bye guys.
Everyone: Bye!
Miroku: Noo…*crying* Sango come back to me (gets on his knees.)
Everyone: *Stares* Pathetic.
Integra: (walks up to him) You are a sad little man.
Miroku: So what do you do for fun. (hitting on Integra.)
Integra: (walks away) don't even think about it.
Miroku: I'm getting ditched again, why is god so cruel!
Spike: did he… did he just hit on a 23 year old women… he must be that desperate.
Everyone (except Alucard, Integra and Haru): You have no idea.
Spike: What a pussy, *sigh* I'm out of here.
Ayane: (grabs Spike leg) don't go, have mercy on me!
Spike: (drags his leg with Ayane) Sorry babe but I got to go to my bounty hunting.
Ayane: (let go) ok, say Hi to Faye and Edd for me.
Spike: Sure thing. (Spike closed the door, Ayane ran to Alucard and hugs him)
Kisa: So… who's up for another game?
Miroku: (not paying attention) Damn I still have holy water oh well. (throws it to the side and wet Kikyo with holy water.)
Kikyo: Ahhh! It burns! (catches on fire) I'm melting, I'm melting. (bumps into the wall and jumps out the window.)
Miroku: Oh shit she's on fire (all late)
Everyone: No shit Sherlock!
Miroku: I have to get out of the country before the cops find me (slams his back to the wall *looks right* and then *looks left* And out screaming like a little girl.)
Kitty: well that was fun, but why did Kikyo have to catch on fire?
Integra: Maybe god didn't like her, he is a bastard.
Ayane: good point. (still on Alucard) (phone rings)
Kyo: I'll get it, Hello… oh just a minute there's a dude named Hatori, looking for you Haru.
Kisa and Ayane: AHH! HARI! WE LOVE YOU!
Haru: Hello.
Hatori: Haru, Kyo's here and said something about a match you two never finished, and get your ass down here before he goes looking for you.
Haru: *sigh* I'm on my way. (hangs up) will got to go guys, it's been a blast.
Everyone: Bye, Hatsuharu!
Kisa and Ayane
Next time on truth or dare, the true meaning of college and where is Kitty?
Maybe new characters.
A green fairy what?
If we feel like writing it.
(Evil laugh) Muhahahahhaha… *cough*
Authors Note: Okay we weren't high when we thought this up… just Hyper. Well I hope you people really like it. Me and my best friend really worked hard to write this.