InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Inu/Fruits Basket trapped!!! ❯ Inu/Fruits Basket trapped!!! ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Fruits Basket… Waaaaaahhhhhh!
*Inu sits on the ground and pouts*
Inu: I'm hungry! That d**n girl put me on this stupid island before I could even eat my f***in lunch! I'm gonna kill her the next time she comes here!!!
Kag: now now Inu-poo, everything is gonna be ok becauze ur here to hunt 4 us, right?
*Everyone laughs at Inu-poo*
Fluffy: Inu-poo? My brother u r the weakest thing I have ever seen!!! Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!
*Everyone gasps as they watch Fluffy roll around in the sand while laughing*
Kik: Fluffy u r hot when u laugh
*Fluffy stops*
Fluffy: u r always hot!
*They starting making out like Naraku and Hana*
*And yes, they are still making out! NarxHana, FlufxKik*
Kag: Inu ur old girl friend in a mental!! Who would actually think that Fluffy is hot… wait scratch that he is hot but still Kik is a mental!! But I catch a vibe goin on! Inu let's make out as well!!!
Inu: ok!
*they start making out as well*
*Miroku and Sango start making out as well*
*Arisa and Akito stand there, disgusted*
Arisa: u all r pathetic
Akito: yea and gross.
Kyo: well Akito u wanna join the group?
*Akito nods and starts to make out with Kyo*
Yuki: Tohru?
*Tohru nods and THEY start making out, leaving poor Arisa all by herself*
Arisa: Man u r all weirdos!!!
*She runs into the woods 2 barf then hunt*
*Then RG appears and looks at the group then bursts out laughing*
RG: I knew u guys would appreciate what I did by stranding u on the island but that still doesn't change the fact that ur stuck here!
*Inu and Kag stop momentarily*
Inu: I don't care! I'm here makin out with Kag! I'm set! I don't wanna go back into that stupid comic book any more!
*Inu and Kag start makin out again*
*RG starts 2 cry*
RG: But u guys r my 2 favorite comic books! If u don't go back I'll… I'll… waaaaaaahhhhhh!
*RG snaps fingers and everyone goes back 2 their own comic books*
Inu: D*** that f***in girl! I'm gonna kill `er!
Meanwhile at Naraku's Castle…
Naraku: My beloved Hana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Naraku starts 2 cry*
Meanwhile in Fruits Basket…
Hana: Naraku!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Naraku… the only reason why u didn't get a happy ending is becauze u have the coolest hair and it is MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Peace out dudes!!!