InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Misconception ❯ Only human ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Tohru went to her seat seeming slightly dejected. Hana kept staring and it was getting on Kagome's nerves. She was starting to fidget in an attempt to keep from yelling at her. Her nails beat frantically on the desk in a rhythmic way. The teacher came in and took a seat. Just as the teacher got started the a call came of the speakers.

"Miss Kagome Anrea from class 2-D please report to the conference room on the first floor. I repeat Miss Kagome Anrea from class 2-d report to the conference room on the first floor."

Kagome stood and grabbed her things. The teacher nodded at her exit. Kagome got to the door and paused. There was some one behind this door she didn't want to see. Hesitantly she reached for the door knob and turned it slowly. She pushed the door open. A man stood looking out the window, coat draped over his arm.

"A Sohma." Kagome whispered.

"Yes. I am Hatori Sohma, doctor for the Sohma's. I have come to tell you about a possible court trial for injuries concerning one of my patients."

"And who would that be?"

"I believe you know who I speak of."

Hatori handed her a picture of Akito.

"He sustained two cracked ribs and bruising on three others."

Kagome felt a swell of pride, at least her strength was good for something.

"How did you find me."

"That is not important. What is, however, is the fact of how you will pay for it."

"I have no money."

"I know this and Akito wishes to work something out. He wants you to meet him at the estate tomorrow at seven."

"I will not return there. Tell him to choose a public place."

"This is non-negotiable."

"You‘re damn right it‘s not."

Kagome turned and left. Classes had just started but she didn't feel like going back. She walked out the front door, thinking of things she could do. A black car was parked in front of the school, Akito leaning on it. She stopped as he started to walk toward her. He took his time and he walked in a way that told people he thought high of himself. ‘Conceited bastard.’ Her mind supplied the insult.

"Hello Kagome Anrea. So good to see you."

"Can't say the same. How are your ribs."

"Fine but I am curious on how you caused such extensive injuries with no momentum."

"I took classes." She lied easily.

"So about my offer."

"The answer was no. Not at your estate."

"I see. So you fear me then."

"I don't fear you, I fear what your capable of."

"In what way."

"Humans are capable of the most awful things. Have you seen some of the methods of torture people have used on one another. You name it, humans have done it. This would be the second time that I've met you and I already know your soul, not to mention I can almost smell the blood of your victims on you."

"And what about you, Kagome?"

"My answer remains no until a different location is chosen." She avoided answering, knowing that she wasn’t so different anymore.

"I would prefer a more private place since public is not the best place for secrets, but if you insist. Down this road you will take a left, at the first intersection take a right. There will be a small restaurant on you right. Will shall meet there tonight at six."


Kagome walked passed him and down the road. The place were she would be working wasn't to far. She wandered for some time until 4:30 came around. Her interview outfit was in her book bag, she would dress in the ladies room. It was a simple white shirt, navy skirt, and matching coat she had managed to swipe from a department store. She had felt bad about stealing but when the need called for it she would do what needed to get done.

The interview room was office sized, a large mahogany desk that looked imported from the US sat in front of a window. Two straight backed chairs were side by side with a perfect view of the outside.

A man sat back in the leather chair, his long hair pulled back to give the illusion of it being short. He wore thinned framed glasses that he pushed up every once in a while. Kagome took a seat and crossed her legs. She was going for upstanding business woman. The man tapped a file on the desk, straightening out all the papers.

"Hello, Ms. Anrea. I'm Mr. Ikeda. Your résumé is very impressive.” Kagome preened inside. She had managed to forge all the documents herself and all of her supposed past experience was with companies that went under. There was no way to confirm or deny what was typed on that pristine piece of parchment.

”We rarely get applications for this building because of our strict reputation, so I was indeed surprised. Especially for a woman your age. What made you decide to apply here?"

"It is because of the world wide reputation of this company."

"Is that all?"

"I wanted discipline."

"You seem to have quite a bit of that. I could see it in the way you walk. We do have a spot that needs filled though so this interview can end here. I just wanted to know you reasons, this wasn't even necessary. Welcome to Macabre."

Both stood and shook hands. Ideka lead Kagome to the elevator.

"Unfortunately, you'll be working one of the hardest secretary jobs. You'll be the president's secretary."

Kagome almost fell over, she was supposed to be working as a low level secretary with minimal responsibility.

"I think I can handle it." She was so going to get busted and then fired.


The elevator dinged signaling that they had reached the top floor. Kagome stepped into the expansive room decorated with black leather furniture and white walls. The desk by the door was so deep in color that is almost looked black. The carpet was a deep scarlet looking as if it had been dyed by blood. The walls were white and pristine. Just whose idea of office décor was this? She thought she was going to be nauseous just by sitting in here.

"Here is your desk, the president is just through that door. There are some people working under you on the previous floor."

"So I have minions?"

"If you want to call them that."

"I've always wanted a minion or two."

"Ms. Nasasuki will be up to help you in a minute."

He left down the elevator leaving Kagome to explore her new desk and all of the things in it. She examined the small pile of folders and files on her desk. The elevator dinged and, who Kagome assumed was, Ms. Nasasuki stepped out. Her dark brown hair was cut short. Small glasses sat on the end of her nose. She had a small frame and walked with a big swagger. She walked around the desk to stand by Kagome.

"I'm Yumi Nasasuki."

"I'm Kagome Anrea."

"Okay. These files and codes have to be logged in." Yumi pointed to a small packet of papers Kagome was holding.

"These ones go to the twenty second floor. These go to the president. Those go in the filing draw. You can always tell them apart by the folder color. For the others the easiest thing to do will be to flip through and see what it is. This is the out box, me or one of the other guys will come by and get them. I'll be delivering and new files for a while to let you get the hang of everything. The president comes in about two o'clock every day except on monday's. Monday's he's normally in here by noon. Don't worry about making mistakes the boss knows that we're only human."

Kagome mistakenly let a harsh laugh slip which earned a look from Yumi. She quickly tried to cover with a cough. Yumi gave her raised eyebrows but let it go.

"Lunch break is at one or any spare time you have, it depends on the day. I'll be up at closing to see how everything is going. Come into work about 12:30 and closing time is five so you only have to work fifteen minutes today. Mondays you need to be here a 10:30 and you don‘t work on Fridays or weekends either."

“Why so few hours?”

“The president does most of his work from home on his computer and can take care of most of the work. You are just here to handle the hard copies of every thing, answer the phones, and set up the meetings. Some people say this is the hardest job in the building, but really, if your good at filing things into a computer fast, it’s really simple. That’s it, I’ll see you in a bit.”

Yumi waved and left. Kagome sighed and looked at the now complicated stack of papers. Good thing she only had to take a few classes at school or else she'd have to quit. Kagome started entering the numbers into the computer. Five snuck up on her and so did Yumi. Kagome had gotten so bored with entering numbers she didn't even notice the elevator bell. Yumi nodded to everything Kagome had gotten through.

"Wow! No one would have gotten that whole file put in in just fifteen minutes!" Yumi exclaimed.

Kagome nodded and was quiet the whole elevator ride. She still had to meet Akito tonight though. She sighed again and mentally slumped.