InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Much Needed Help ❯ Attacked ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Honda-san was walking through the deserted park trying to get home faster since it was so late. She still had homework, and dirty dinner dishes to wash. The guys’ laundry to bring in fold and put away when she got there. She had stayed at work late because several of her co-workers had called in sick causing a shortage of workers, which had caused everyone's work load to double. When She had gotten done with her area, Tohru felt bad for the other women who where still working. It was now past midnight as an exhausted and hungry Tohru made her way past the pond in the park.

Focused on getting home she didn't notice when she passed two men who were sitting on a bench passing an abused brown paper bag between themselves, taking turns taking deep swigs from the bottle hidden inside of it. Nor did she hear them as they started following her in a drunken shuffle and slurred whispers. It wasn't until she was approaching a small wooded area that she was brought out of her tired haze by a male voice close behind her.

"What's a pretty, little thing like you doing out so late? Don't you have anyone at home to keep you company?" came a deep voice making her stop in fear. 'Stupid, why did you stop? You should have kept going,' she thought to herself as the two men shuffled up to her blocking the path on both sides of her leaving only the wooded area as a source of escape. "We could help keep you company, baby," chimed in the shorter man as he stepped up behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders to keep her from running. Leaning his head down he whispered loudly into her ear. "You're kinda young, but we can still show you how to have a good time," nipping her earlobe to emphasize his meaning.

Tohru's eyes grew large at the action and she tried to get away, but the mans crushing grip held her shoulders preventing any chance of escape. "Ilie, let me go. Onegai! I have friends waiting for me at home. They will worry if I'm not home soon," her voice was shaky as she tried to plead with them. "Did you hear that, Tanaka-san? Friends not family," said the man in front of her leaned forward stopping when his face was only inches from hers. He reached up with his dirty right hand to caress her cheek before he slid it to the back of her head. Tangling it around his fingers he yanked on her long brown hair causing her to gasp and display her throat to him. The display before was tempting and teasing to the mans fancy and was quickly becoming aroused. He then started pulling at the yellow ribbons that Yuki-kun had given her. With one quick yank the beautiful satin ribbons came loose and she watched in horror as they floated away on a sharp gust of wind that carried the heavy sent of rain. 'No! My ribbons from Sohma-kun!'

Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt the man whom she now knew as Tanaka-san step up closer to her as his hands started to rove up and down her shoulders and arms. The tips of his fingers grazing the sides of her fully developed breasts as he plastered his chest against her back. He gave a deep, gravely chuckle as he replied "I sure did, Kentaro-san." "You must be so lonely without family, baby. How about Kentaro-san and I help you with your loneliness? We can teach you some 'games' that I know that you'll just love! What do you say? Want us to help you with that loneliness?" He asked softly in a deep and husky voice. Tohru's reply was cut off when Kentaro crushed his rough lips to her soft ones in a hungrily brutal kiss effectively cutting off her rejection and air supply. She tried to pull away, but he tightened his grip on her hair and forced her to continue the kiss.

Tohru frantically tried to think of something to do to get away from these two men. She may still be innocent, but that did not mean she was clueless when it came to the world of sex. She had secretly been reading Gure-san's erotica stories for some time now. So, she knew what these kuso drunks were talking about and did not want them violating her body like that. She wished that she hadn’t turned down the offered escort home from Sohma-kun. Even Haru-san and Momiji-kun had offered to walk her home when she saw them earlier leaving from visiting Momiji-kun's father’s office, but she had assured them that she would be just fine on her own. Now, here she was trapped between two fully grown drunk men who wanted to take something that she held dear to her and was saving for the right person. She wanted her first time to be with someone who loved her and that she loved too not with these complete strangers. 'I can't lose to these men! SOMEONE! ONEGAI, ONEGAI DON'T LET THEM DO THIS!! Yuki-kun! Kyo-kun! Haru-san! Ha-san! HELP ME!?’ Her mind was screaming as she was struggling to get out of their grip, but they were too strong for her.

"Let's see what she's hiding under these clothes shall we?" intoned the tall man in front of her. His mussed hair falling forward to hid his lust filled eyes as he brought a switch-blade from his right pocket. He held the front of her shirt, but before he could use the knife she swiftly brought her knee up with as much force as she could at his groin. Before Tanaka could react, she threw her head back and smashed in his face. Tanaka fell backwards almost landing on the bottle that he had put down earlier. Both men were now on the ground crying out in pain and screaming profanities at Tohru as she ran from them. She was finally free from their grip, free from their taunts, and most importantly of all free from whatever fate they wanted to bestow upon her. She clutched her hands to her chest trying to calm herself, but the pounding of her heart was so loud that it drowned out the sound of the howling wind.

She ran as fast as she could to get away from the two drunk men not daring to turn around to see if they were following her. She was nearing the end of the small wooded area when she was suddenly yanked painfully backward by her hair. She tried to scream, but a hand was clamped painfully over her mouth. Her eyes widened in pure terror when she felt hot breath on her ear just before a deep smooth voice hissed at her "You'll regret doing that you little bitch!"

The next thing she knew she was gasping for air as she impacted with a nearby tree. Before she had time to react to the man known as Tanaka grabbed one of her ankles and dragged her across the ground until she was laying flat on her back. The ground was rough and hurt as rocks and twigs cut into Tohru’s smooth skin due to her short blue skirt and thin white shirt riding up in the back. When she looked up she saw both men standing over her grinning like bakas. Tohru watched Tanaka take a deep swig from the bottle, but her attention was drawn to Kentaro when he reached under his jacket and removed a Schrade X-Timer Guthook Skinner from it’s sheath. The black blade was curved and had a hook on the back of the metal blade. Tohru’s mouth went completely dry when she saw the knife. ‘What is he going to use that for?’ she thought briefly before her questioned was answered. Tanaka put the bottle on the ground next to him as he knelt above her head. He quickly grabbed her hands and pulled them over her head so that they were stretched above her with him holding them against the ground. She gave a whimper as a sharp stone cut into her wrist. Her attention never left Kentaro as he straddled her hips with a sickly grin gracing his thin pale lips.

He lent over and whispered next to her ear as he rubbed his cheek against his. “Time to see what your hiding under these clothes. Don’t worry. We’ll show you a really good time, sweetheart,” he cooed. With that said he brought knife up to the botton of her shirt and cut a slit in the material. Placing the knife between teeth that were in sore need of cleaning he brought his hands back up to the cut he made and using his massive strength he ripped the shirt almost completely open. Tohru could do no more than give a strangled cry at the lost of her shirt and the violence with which it was taken from her. Both men liked what they saw, Tanaka had a huge grin and was licking his lips while Kentaro smirked and gave a small chuckle. Toru turned her head to the side in shame tears ran down her face as she silently cried. Removing the knife from his mouth and softly put it to her tender throat right between her collarbones, his eyes sparkled and his voice held amusement as he spoke to both her and his greasy companion. “Shall we finish unwrapping these succulent morsels?” he inquired. Tohru gasped as she felt the blade run down her chest to meet her bra between her breasts leaving a burning wet trail as it went. He skillfully turned the knife in his large hand until the 4 1/8" black blade cleanly sliced through white cotton fabric of her bra effectively freeing her breasts. He stopped briefly to caress the silky soft mounds before he slid down to straddle her legs to continue trailing the blade down her abdomen until he reached the waist band of her skirt. Licking his lips in eager anticipation of what was about to be revealed. Tohru’s breath hitched as she felt the cold metal slide in between her skin and the cotton of her skirt. As the man pulled on the knife it cleanly sliced through the fabric allowing him to rip the rest off of the girls small frame.

Tohru wanted to curl up and die when the only thing left of her clothes were her white cotton panties having lost her socks and shoes in the struggle some time ago. With her eyes closed tightly she couldn’t see the eager and lustful glint in Kentaro’s eyes. Just the site of her like this was enough to send the men nearly over the edge. With one last swipe of the blade her under became a shredded scrap of material that was completely useless for any thing. Eagerly Kentaro grasped the shredded panties and yanked them the rest of the way from her body.

Something snapped inside Tohru when the last shred of her clothing was taken from her. She started screaming as loud as she could. “ILIE! STOP IT, STOP IT. ONEGAI, SOMEBODY HELP ME. I DON’T WANT THIS. SOMEONE MAKE THEM STOP. ONEGAI, STAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH,“ Tohru was cut short when her face exploded into sharp stinging pain and jerked to the side.

“Shut up you stupid bitch,” Kentaro snarled at her as he smacked her again.

“Here, let’s give her some of this to make her more agreeable and easier to control,” offered Tanaka as he forced her head back. Tohru clamped her mouth shut. She didn’t know what was in the bottle, but what ever it was she knew that she didn’t want to drink it. “Open your mouth or I’ll make you open it!” growled Tanaka. When she didn’t comply he squeezed her nose closed with his thumb and forefinger until she had to gasp for air. He took that as his chance to pour the strong clear liquor down her throat which caused her to spit and sputter in her attempt for air.

Even with as much as she managed to spit out she still ended up swallowing a lot of the foul liquid. Due to her petite size and an empty stomach it didn’t take long for the liquor to take effect. She felt fuzzy and like she was floating. Her body felt heavy and disconnected from herself, not a feeling she like at all. When they decided she was no longer going to give them any problems they continued with what they wanted to do. Using his belt Tanaka tied her hands together above her head holding them there by using a strong, but small branch that he shoved into the ground.

Kentaro was busy tying his trench coat’s belt to her left ankle when he heard the sound of someone getting close. “ Quiet, someone’s coming,” he hissed at his friend. Hearing this Tohru used every thing that she had left to start screaming for help again. Praying the person coming would hear and come to her rescue. Tanaka quickly slapped his hand over her mouth swearing under his breath about stupid loud mouth girls. Kentaro brought his blade out and got ready to use it if he had to. Only one thought played in his mind as he waited. ‘I am not going back to prison. Not because of this damned girl.’

“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!” came an extremely outraged voice before they heard the sound of something fly through the air between them to embed its self into the tree thick trunk.

Well, that’s that for chapter 1. Please let me know what you think of it. Flames are fine, but keep in mind that even if it’s not to you others do like this sort of stuff. The more reviews I the better, so that I know what I need to work on if anything plus it'll incurage me to post faster!

Ja ne!