InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Much Too Young ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kagome's P.O.V
One word alone cannot describe the feeling of what it is like to live day after day in an endless montage of pain. To have your body crave for any kind of attention that it would betray its owner. To have your body scream more while your mind repeats no. There are no words that fully describe how one feels after and during this trauma. Confused, I start to wonder why. Why am I not able to fight back, what did I do to deserve this, why is my body doing this? And while I wonder and confuse myself more, the roots of hatred for my perpetrator and myself begin to set in. The more it happens, the more I hate.
The horrible, horrible name-calling begins to set in. I see what HE says I am. I see someone fat and ugly. I look in a mirror and see someone who is a slut, a whore. I see someone who is not worthwhile and doesn't deserve kindness. People often say that if it had been me I wouldn't have listened…I would of fought back. It is not that simple. I am scared out of my mind and don't know what to do. I'm ashamed of myself and thus don't know who turn to. I want to be loved… This nightmare has become part of my life. I hate it, yes, but it's the only thing I know. Life is full of surprises, so in a sense I find it welcoming. That this, this is the only thing I know will happen…it's the only thing that doesn't keep me on my toes.
End of P.O.V
It was an average winter day at most. The sun was out but it didn't do much to warm the frozen ground. School had gone by unusually fast for Kagome the next day (not that she really cared, mind you). During lunch she met another Sohma, Momiji, who she recognized as the blond haired boy who had put his hand on her shoulder the previous day. Kagome sighed and sifted her book bag. This day she would go back home and meet her father.
“Now that Gome-chan is back, do we tell Akito?”
“Do we have much of a choice? Akito is head of the family. He deserves to know…”
Shigure and Ayame looked towards Hatori. Their shocked faces went by unnoticed as Hatori's thoughts began to overpower him. `Why did she run away when she saw us? Why did she flinch when one of us went too near or touched her? What happened to you, Kagome?'
“…last time.”
Hatori snapped out of his trance as Aya's voice came through his befuddled mind. He took a cigarette out of his coat pocket and lit it. Looking up at Aya's face, he blinked and asked him to repeat what he had said.
Aya looked to Shigure who merely shrugged his shoulders. “ Surely you recall what happened last time…Do you really want Kagome to disappear from our lives again?”
Hatori sighed as he took another drag of his cigarette. Looking down at the table before he answered.
Opening the door silently, Kagome stepped into the entryway of her and her father's house. She put her bag inside the nearby closet and headed towards the kitchen. Just as the kitchen came in her line of vision she quickly stepped back, her mouth opened in a scream that refused to be heard. She kept on stepping back, as her father followed like a cat stalking a mouse.
“You're late. Where were you?” His voice was deadly calm and for once Kagome wished he would yell at her. Her father's brown eyes flared with an unknown fury as he stalked closer, pinning her to the wall.
“P-please. I-I”
“You didn't come home last night. Where were you? Were you with a boy, you little slut?”
“No!…no, I-I wasn't…I”
“Stop playing games with me, girl,” he pressed his chest to hers, looking into the frightened eyes of his step-daughter, “where were you last night?”
Kagome looked down at the floor in submission. Her father would find out the truth whether or not she told him. “I was…I was at Sohma Shigure's house. H-his younger relatives go to-to my new school. T-they invited me over so I-I went. When I noticed the time…it was late so I…”
“So, you figured that I wouldn't mind if you just stayed the night, right? What kind of idiotic bullshit are you getting at? Do you honestly believe that I would fall for your lies?” Her father brought up his hand and placed it lightly on Kagome's left cheek.
Kagome stifled a sob as she moved her head right and left. “N-no, father. It's not a lie. It's true. Why would you ask me if you already knew that I would lie to you?”
Her father smirked and ran his hand down to her neck. “What did I say about questioning me, girl? What did I tell you what would happen if you did?”
Kagome's breath became uneven as her step-father slid his hand down towards her breast. “P-please…please stop. Not now. Not right now.” Her father smirked and lifted his hand, only to bring it down hard on her cheek. Kagome was crying openly now. She lifted her hand and placed it on her cheek in hopes of soothing the pain of the slap.
Her father backed up a bit, giving Kagome some room. He scowled at the red hand shaped mark that his step-daughter was trying to ease. The mark would soon be a burse.
“Go before you regret it. But know this, don't ever do it again. Do you understand me?”
Kagome slid against the wall that she was leaning on and onto the floor. She tried to keep the tears at bay, but…she couldn't. She tried to hide them from her father, but…she couldn't. Kagome sobbed a yes, however, she stayed where she was.
Her father turned his back on her and started to walk away. As Kagome's sobs grew louder, he stopped and picked up a glass that was full of whiskey. He drank the contents and chucked it at her. The glass missed her by a couple of inches, breaking against the wall.
“What did I just say, you freak! GO!”
Kagome rose from her spot on the floor and made a beeline for her bedroom. Her step-father turned around again and headed for the kitchen. He grabbed his car keys and left the house.
“Stupid girl.”
A/N: Well, sorry that it's shorter than usual. This chapter was hard to write for me, though, the future chapters will get much worse. Thank you to all of those who reviewed. I love you peeps! I feel so special!