InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Much Too Young ❯ Chapter Eleven ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Something lurks in the shadows of my mind; something that both draw me near and terrifies me at the same time. It's a monster wearing a cloak of the color of a raven's wing. Its face is always hidden; its eyes are never seen. It calls to me. And the words that it always speaks make my bones turn to liquid fire.
“I can see you…”
Kagome's startled gasp echoed off the walls in the room, as she gazed both hatefully and fearfully at her older step-brother. Akito's smirk was not one full of love and compassion, but one full of malice and disgust. He walked closer to her, like a predator stalking his prey, and in all essence he was.
“It's rude not to say hello back, Gome-chan. Hasn't father taught you nothing?”
Kagome shuddered at Akito's overly sweet voice. She fought hard to stay her ground, to look him in the eye and not divert her attention somewhere else. The other two occupants in the room, Aya and Shigure, were currently being ignored; the emotional breakdown that Kagome had just a few minutes ago had been forgotten. Kagome swallowed the lump in her throat. She wasn't going to let Akito see how terrified she actually was of him. She wasn't going to let him have the samepleasure that their father had gained over, and over again.
“You have no right to call me that! And you have no right to say my name with such informality. As far as I am concerned, we are strangers.”
Akito's smirk dropped, as he bent down in front of his step-sister, caressing her cheek in the palm of his hand. And though his face still showed abhorrence and disgust, his eyes glazed over with a hidden lust.
“Strangers? I wouldn't say we were strangers, Kagome.” He moved his palm from off her face, and placed it on her thigh. “We are family.” His hand went up higher, pushing the knee-length skirt Tohru had lent her up as it went, “though, we are not related by blood…”
The smallest of whimpers escaped from Kagome's mouth. Her eyes screwed shut, as she fought from crying out loud. Shigure and Ayame quickly stood up, hopping to put a stop to the scene that they were witnessing.
“Akito! Akito, stop this!”
Akito's hand stopped its travel to he step-sisters inner thigh. He looked over his shoulder to see Shigure moving to stop him, while Aya stood there with wide, unbelieving eyes. He brought his hand back to his side, as he stood up, and turned to glare at two of his family members. How dare them!
“Go. Get out. I wish to talk with Kagome in private. We have… certain matters to discuss.”
When neither man obeyed, Akito's temper got the best of him. He grabbed the nearest object he could find, the coffee pot that was currently full with hot tea, and threw it at them. The china broke, the tea draining out of it and onto the floor.
“I said GO! Leave us!”
Aya and Shigure turned their gaze to Kagome before they shuffled out of the room, leaving Kagome alone with Akito. Kagome bowed her head, and tried to keep the sound of her sniffles unnoticeable. Akito turned back toward Kagome, and took a hold of her chin so that she would look at him.
“Father is looking for you. Do you honestly think that you can hide out here? Do you think that I won't send you back?”
His smirk came back, a devious twinkle in his eyes. Again his hand moved, but this time it stayed on her face. Kagome shuddered. Her step-brother's touches, though seemingly innocent to others, felt like her step-father's. Akito's eyes looked liked her step-father's.
His hand came to her neck, touching it lightly before he grasped it tightly. Kagome's mouth opened as she struggled to breathe, even as Akito pushed her back down so that she was lying on the floor. Her blunt nails clawed at Akito's face, his arms, his hands, but nothing seemed to help her break free from his hold.
“Tell me, Gome-chan, why are you fathers favorite? Is it that you're his plaything? His toy? Do the others know who you really are? Do you think that they'll give you comfort and pity when they find out? There is no use hiding at this house, or at any of the Sohma's for that matter. No one will accept you. They will all turn away from you once they realize what kind of secrets you hold deep in your heart.”
Kagome's legs kicked uselessly in the air, as Akito applied more pressure to her neck. Her mouth began to form words, but no sound would come out, at least anything but a chocking noise. The whites in her eyes were quickly turning red from the lack of oxygen. Finally, she managed to gasp out a sentence.
“Iie… No pity. I-I don't want pity…”
Akito's eyes hardened. He loosened his hold on his step-sister's neck so that he could understand her better.
“No pity, huh? What do you want? Love? Is that it, my dear imouto?”
Kagome said nothing, as she laid there gasping for breath when Akito took his hand away from her neck. Her eyes closed a bit, exhausted from the struggle. When she opened them again, gone was the world of dark haze and blurry figures.
“Why do you hate me so much?” Her voice was soft in Akito's ears. He looked at her, anger building deep inside of him. A sneer formed on his lips, as he brought his hand to smooth out her hair. He hesitated a bit before answering.
“You were born to be hated.”
With that said, Akito stood up, and calmly exited the room. Behind him, he left his step-sister near tears. Not once did he look back.
After claming down some, Kagome, too, stood, and started picking up the mess that she and Akito made. The door opened again, startling her. In the doorway wasn't Akito, but the one person she was beginning to have feelings for. He looked shaken up, as he staggered into the room, and bent down in front of her.
“Kagome-Chan… I heard…”
His words were cut off, as Kagome threw herself into his arms. He stiffened for a second before he wrapped his arms around her waist.
“Kagome-Chan, you're shaking. What did Akito say to you? What did he do?”
Kagome buried her face in Haru's shirt, refusing to look him in the eye. She clung to him, and he didn't think she would ever let him go.
“Please, please just hold me like this. Just for a little longer. Just…”
And Haru did. He held her, and silently prayed for answers. But the answers didn't come, at least not at that instant. His arms tightened around her, bringing her closer.
Outside the room, Shigure and Aya stood with worry etched in their faces. How could things go so wrong to someone who lease deserved it?
Yes, I know. Short chapter. I'm so sorry that I didn't update sooner! On Saturday I was rushed to the emergency room. I had a huge ear infection, and the medication my doctor gave me I was allergic to. I couldn't hear, I broke out in hives, and I could barely breathe. My temperature rose to 104… But since I'm feeling a bit better, and I'm on Spring Break I'll update every 3 days depending on how many reviews I get. Thanks to everyone who reviewed last chapter! I love you, peeps!