InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Much Too Young ❯ Chapter Twelve ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Would it be so terrible to forget? To forget everything bad that ever happened to you? To forget the pain and tears, of the unwanted memories that refuse to remain buried. If we could forget… would that make everything better? Perhaps. But to forget the troubles life has dealt us, would mean we would forget how to live. Nothing in life is easy, nor is it full of happiness. Each of us face hardships, some more tragic and horrid than others, but from those tragedies where life seems unbelievably cruel, we learn to walk.
She fiddled with the buttons of her school uniform, well, Kyo's school uniform. When she had awoken from a deep, but restless sleep, she decided that enough was enough. She needed to go to school, even if it was just to distract her. Opening the door, she stood there for a moment letting the chilly breeze wash over her. Her head titled back, as a shiver ran up her body. However, the sounds of people awakening from their own slumber quickly broke her from her small trance. Glancing toward the stairs, her eyes squinted in barely suppressed annoyance. Would she have to wait for them? Most likely. Did she want to? No. And while it seemed considerate and polite to do so, all she wished was to be alone. But then, nothing ever goes her way. She looked back outside, sighing, before she closed the door in front of her.
“Damn it! Where in hell is my other uniform?!”
Obviously Kyo was awake. Kagome looked down at the uniform she was wearing, and for a brief moment she felt bad for borrowing it without asking. Should she return it to him? Nah. What would she wear if she did that? `Besides, if he needs the uniform so bad than he can wear the one he wore yesterday. Or if he wants, he can wear one of Tohru's…' Kagome shook her head, chuckling a bit as Kyo in a fuku came to her mind. That was something she would rather not see.
“Ah, so you are awake…. And you're going to school?”
Kagome's head snapped up, as she brought her gaze to Shigure's. At that moment, she didn't really want anything to do with him… him or Aya. Shigure walked quietly into the room where she was, and sat down beside her. He ignored her penetrating glare that was aimed at his head, and smiled sadly, but comfortingly at her. When she moved away from him, his eyes darkened in remorse and apology. However, Kagome didn't look at him. If she did, she would forgive. She didn't want to forgive… not right now. Not after he, they, abandoned her in the room with Akito.
“Gome-Chan… Please look at me, Gome. Gomen nasai.”
Kagome huffed, and crossed her arms over her chest. She refused to except his apology so easily. She refused to tell him that it was all right, that she would forgive him. But as her outer appearance spoke of disregard, inside she was crying. Though she felt the need to get back at him, felt the need to make him suffer, how could she be so cruel? Too many times has she experienced the same treatment. Too many times she had been sorry for something that she couldn't prevent, and everybody turned their back. Was she becoming like them; those people who turned away others for their own selfish purposes? Was she a monster? Maybe.
The two quickly stood when they realized that the other three people who lived in the house were coming down stairs. Tohru's gaze promptly landed on Kagome. A smile formed on Tohru's lips as she took in Kagome's uniform, and rushed by her side.
“Oh, you're going to school? I'm so happy! You've missed so much, and everyone has been worried about you!”
“Yes. Uo-Chan and Hana-Chan. Even other class members. They'll be so happy!”
Confused, Kagome decided to not even ask. She looked at Tohru's smiling face, and for a second Kagome's heart thumped hard in her chest. A warm feeling that she couldn't describe crashed like waves over her body. It tingled for a bit, before disappearing as fast as it came. `What the?'
“Hello to you, too, Kyo.”
“Don't give me that, you stupid girl! You stole my uniform!”
Kagome's eyes hardened.
“How very observant of you, Kitty. Do you want a cookie, or would you prefer… fish?”
“Why you little…”
Sensing an impending fight, Tohru stepped in between the two. She hated it when her friends got into fights, and judging by the looks Shigure and Yuki were giving the two, mainly Kyo, she realized that it should stop before it got out of hand. Putting her hands to her sides in a peaceful manner, Tohru's worried eyes pleaded for them to quit.
Kagome blew out a breath of air at the sight of Tohru's distress, and started making her way toward the front door. Her school things were still at home, so she didn't bother picking anything up as she went. What she would do if she had her sketch book right now. Opening the doors again, this time she stepped out into the snow. She knew that if they wanted to, Tohru, Yuki, and Kyo could catch up to her. Silently, though, she hoped they wouldn't.
As her feet took her further from Shigure's and closer to school, Kagome spotted the blond Sohma boy who she met earlier. He was standing alone on the sidewalk, looking a bit too happy. But then again, the boy always had a smile.
“Momiji, right? What are you doing out here by yourself?”
Momiji turned to get a better look at the person who was talking to him. He beamed when he remembered her from when she last went to school. “Oh, yeah. Hey. I'm just waiting for someone. We usually walk to school together. Mmm… I know! You can wait with me. Okay? Can you?”
Kagome shrugged her shoulders, putting her hands in her pant pockets. “I guess, kid.”
They stood in awkward silence, neither one knowing what to say to the other. Finally, Momiji decided to break it.
“Along time ago, I heard this one story. It made me think about the kind of people there are today. So many of us complain…”
Kagome fidgeted a bit, wondering where in the world he was going with this. But as he continued, she too began to think.
“Once upon a time, a heavy wagon was being dragged along a country lane by a team of oxen.” Momiji paused to make sure Kagome was paying attention. When he saw that she was, he continued. “The oxen struggled and struggled with their load, and not once did they complain. But the wheels of the wagon did. They groaned and creaked. They hated the work, and could think nothing else besides the pain of the load. Finally, it got to the point where the oxen couldn't take any more of their complaints. “Hello there!” yelled an ox, “We bear all the labor, and we, not you, ought to cry out.” The wheels didn't stop complaining, though, and the oxen didn't say anything else.”
Momiji looked back up at Kagome to see what she thought of the fable. Her eyes held a thoughtful look to them, as she seemingly stared ahead at nothing. He put a hand on her shoulder, patting it lightly. A small laugh erupted from his throat before it died down, his eyes becoming serious.
Kagome looked down at him questionably. Where was he going with this? Why suddenly so serious?
And in wisdom beyond what Kagome hadn't even imagined he possessed, he spoke again.
“Those who suffer most cry out the least. We're there for you, Kagome-Chan. Don't be afraid to cry out.”
Against her will, tears welled up in Kagome's eyes. Dropping to her knees, not caring if they got scrapped by the cement, she hugged the little rabbit. Her arms brought him closer to her, giving her comfort.
“Thank you.”
“Ahem…. Kagome-Chan?”
Kagome gasped, and quickly stood up.
“Haru? What are you doing here?”
Haru looked at a smiling Momiji, and then back at Kagome. “I live here. You're going back to school?”
Kagome looked a little shocked, but then smiled a little.
`Maybe today won't be so bad after all'.
So sorry for my delay. Please review! And thanks to everyone who reviewed last chapter. They all made me feel special.