InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Much Too Young ❯ Chapter Thirteen ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Each and every person on this earth wants something that they can't have. It is human nature to be selfish, to lust after impeccable objects of wealth; and yet, we often forget the most important thing of all. Love. So many times people get lost on their path of being the best, that they by-pass everyone who is in front of them. And when someone starts passing by more and more people, they lose sight of everything and everyone… all except for their goal. Love has become an expectation that has easily been taken for granted. What is the meaning of love? Could you define it without looking in the dictionary? The sad part is that most of us can't. And though we hear the word enough, we all think too little of it. The word love has become just that, a word. One simple, little word that is used everyday, yet the definition is beginning to disappear.
Letting out an angry sigh, he brought the beer bottle away from his lips. Glazed eyes scanned warily across the room, searching for anything that may have been out of place. His mind could barely make out the blurry images of his living quarters before he sat down heavily on the worn-out sofa. He placed the empty bottle on the table next to him, its amber colored liquid running down the side of it. The man placed two of his fingers at the bridge of his nose, breathed heavily, and leaned back. It had been nearly one fucking month since he had last seen her.
When he came home that afternoon he had went directly for the bathroom that he had left her in. Her blood still coated the tile, the glass shards still strewn about the place. At that moment, he knew that she had run. He had walked out of the bathroom, not bothering to clean the mess up, and barged into his step-daughter's bedroom. Anxiety built up in him; a wave a pure fear and frustration slammed against his shoulders. What had the bitch done? Had she finally grown enough mental strength to seek aid from the cops?
No, he reminded himself. No, she was far too scared and scarred to do that. Her feeble mind wouldn't allow it. She would go somewhere where it wouldn't bring up memories… where she wouldn't have to say anything, and pretend that everything was okay. But where would she go? Surely she wasn't brave enough to handle the street alone. Had someone picked her up? Did she go to a friend's house that she met at school? He scuffed at the idea. A friend's house, ha! She was far too aloof to make friends… too aloof and too dirty. However when his thoughts took a different route, the anxiety that began to slowly disappear reared its ugly head.
When he left her in the bathroom, on that cold tile flooring, it was obvious that she had been beaten. Even if she did take the time to wash the blood off of her, she had begun to form significant bruising. Questions popped into his mind, questions that made his fingers twitch in nervousness. What if someone had asked what was wrong? What if she told that someone the truth… how her heartless step-father did things to her that shouldn't happen to any person? This time, he couldn't stop it. He couldn't stop the worry of being caught or the questions his mind haunted him with.
It wasn't until roughly two weeks later that he got a call from his son. His son explained that the runaway whore was staying at their relative's house. To say that he was pissed was an understatement. His bastard of a son had only now just decided to call him and tell him of the whereabouts of his fuckin' step-daughter! He had been chewing on his nails all this time… worrying for not her sake, but for his own… and the dumbass thought it was perfect time to tell him now? When he demanded that she be returned, Akito simply laughed and hanged up.
And as he sat there on the couch, all he saw was Kagome's frowning face as she pointed an accusing finger at him. His ears burned red, his malicious temper taking hold of his drunken mind. Reaching over to the table, he grasped the beer bottle tightly in his hand. Picking it up, he swung his arm and let it go, shattering in three-hundred thousand pieces against the closest wall. He watched with some kind of morbid fascination as the last remnants of beer streamed down the wall and onto the carpet, staining it with its amber color and foul odor.
He would get her back soon, that of which he was sure of.
Kagome clenched her fists angrily. How could anyone do something so idiotic… so purposely hurtful… just to gain the attention of others? Her mind was going a mile-a-minute trying to think of anyone who would do such a thing. And as she gazed at the words written in lipstick on the bathroom wall, one particular group of girls came to mind. But was it her place to do something about it? Was Tohru enough of a friend to stick up for her? Well, that was a stupid question. Though Tohru and Kagome weren't all that close, she still felt a connection with the hazel-eyed girl. What would the staff do if they were told about this? Give them a one-day detention and let it go? No, Kagome knew the group of girls would just do something like this again… possibly worse. People like them only cared for themselves. A detention wouldn't stop them from vandalizing property, nor hurting others they thought were rivals. Kagome made up her mind to have a little chat with these girls; however, a part of Kagome wished to remain invisible. If she was invisible, nothing could hurt her. She would be safe from taunts and stares. Nobody would care to know her, at least the ones who already didn't. It would be her little haven from the outside world.
No badly how much she wanted to remain unseen; she knew it would be pointless. So, she decided if she couldn't stay hidden, then she do the opposite. She would continue with the façade she had on her first day at the retched school, and pray everyone would believe it.
She glanced into the mirror that hung off one of the walls. She schooled her features into a mask of anything but hurt and shame; and she made herself believe that her own façade was real. Kagome brought her gaze back to the writings.
Tohru Honda is a man stealer. Beware or she'll steal yours, too!!!
Kagome turned around, looking for paper towels to wipe the cruel words away. When she found none, she sighed, and stuck her long sleeve in sink, turning it on. When it was wet enough to her satisfaction, she brought the sleeve to the lipstick-covered walls. The task took a hideous amount of time, more than Kagome cared to spend in a bathroom, but it no longer showed the message. Unfortunately for her, she was still barrowing Kyo's uniforms.
“Ah,” she whispered quietly to herself, “he'll get over it.”
Taking one last look at the now clean walls of the bathroom, she turned and exited.
The girl's body slammed heavily against the lockers. Her friends tried desperately to get the heated girl off her… but to no avail.
“What did I say earlier on the subject of talking about people behind their backs?!”
Kagome was enraged! Coming back from the bathroom, she did not expect the a group of girls, the same ones she suspected of doing the crime against Tohru, to openly brag about doing it! Without thinking, Kagome charged at the closest girl, slamming her into the nearby locker.
“Huh?! Answer me!”
At first, the girl remained quiet, but at a harsh shake, she found the courage to talk.
“Think about what you just said, freak! We didn't talk about her behind her back!”
Kagome's mouth turned to a sneer.
“Writing gossip on bathroom walls leads to talk, you bitch! What, don't tell me you didn't think of that?” Kagome looked from the girl in her grasp to her friends who were still pulling her arms. “It's people like you …” She didn't finish.
People like you,” the girl in Kagome's grasp mocked. “What are we, then? Too scared to finish your sentence? Huh, what are we?!”
Kagome unclenched her fists from the girl's shirt, backing away slowly. She turned her face to the others again… watching how their lips formed smug smiles. Her eyes narrowed at those smiles; they reminded her so much of him.
“You're just like Hanajima. You show your power, your strength, but you're too afraid to use it. Or what about the white-haired boy…with his freakish personality problems? I swear, he needs to be sent…”
The girl didn't get to finish her sentence as she was found pushed up against the locker once more. Her frightened eyes met with a fist just inches from her face. Her friends stared in shock and horror. But, as they all gazed at the fist, they realized that it wasn't moving any closer to its target.
Memories came flooding back in Kagome's mind, the ones she hoped to evade if she went back to school. Drunken eyes stared at her in her mind's eye. A cruel smirk spread itself on thin lips… forming the words she knew but could not make out. Suddenly, a vision of her younger self appeared. The young Kagome dropped to the ground like a rag doll… seemingly lifeless, if it were not for the rise and fall of her chest. Above her stood her step-father, his hand still raised in the air from when he hit her. Kagome's vision began to get fuzzy just as she was pulled out of memory lane. She looked at her fist that was stretched out towards the helpless girl, shocked by her own actions. Taking her fist away, she turned and ran down the hallway with hot tears running down her cheeks.
She wasn't like him! She wasn't at all like her damned step-father…
So caught up in her thoughts and trying to tell herself that what she almost did had nothing to do with her step-father, she failed to notice a certain white/black-haired boy in her path. Smacking hard into his chest, she began to fall, but was quickly caught.
“Kagome? What are you doing out of class?” Haru took notice of the tear streaks staining her face and the hysteria that clouded over her blue eyes. “What's wrong, Kagome? What happened?”
“Leave me alone. I'm fine.” Kagome pushed away from Haru's warm embrace, walking past him. Hurt by her actions, he quickly caught her arm with his hand, making her stop.
“Bullshit! Tell me what's wrong!” When she didn't, Haru walked in front of her and looked her in the eyes. “Tell me!” he demanded again.
“It's nothing. Now, leave me alone… please,” her voice seemed fragile now. “I just want to be left alone for a while.” It was a whispered plea… one that Haru was not about to grant.
He cupped her cheek lightly in his hand and threading his fingers in Kagome's hair with the other. “Haru?” Before Kagome had time to say anything else, warm, soft lips covered her own.
A/N: GASP!! I'm not dead. That's a relief, eh? Um… well, I tried to put a little fluffy moment in here (since there are so few… ). I'm so sorry it took me nearly five freakin' months to write this!!! I had three funerals to go to, lots of problems at home, a baby-shower for my cousin (which I feel asleep to), and a lot of other problems (plus, I was on the lazy side). Honestly, I don't know when I can update again, but it won't be that long of a wait like it was for this chapter. Please, please review!!! I made this chapter longer for you guys…. So I would love you forever if I got reviews for it… like more than 10… but whatever. Thanks for sticking with this story!!!
Special thanks to all those who took the time to leave me a review!
Landy, ForbiddenKitsuneNin, Kagome Lady of Darkness, Serenity_Sama, mishizzletran, Hopelessly Hopefull, x0SilverFeathersx0, animegurl1742, sleepingdemon, Sesshomaru Hiei and Kurama ..., Tidus, Konoha's sexy flower, Steph, kiki myou, Heaven's Heart Broken Angel, LadyAkina, HieiLover177, Shinagami Darkness05, ancient-relic, Kage Otome.
red haired demon, DemonessOkita28, raven( aka Guardianovthe3rdgate), little mouse1, not like the movies, gothic fuzzies, ShadowStar09and anyone I missed!!
As for DemonessOkita28's question: Akito is a dude in this fic… Uh, he's a dude in the anime and girl in the manga… go figure, ne? lol. It confuzzled me at first, too! Hell, it still confuzzles me. lol.
And thanks damazka for the questions and support.