InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ From the End To the Begining ❯ The beging of the end ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
From the end to the beginingProluge:To never returnA girl was running in a forest in feudal Japan.She had a sailor fuku on. The shirt that was once a pearly white staned with blood of friends. A green skirt tatterd and torn. Raven hair got tangeld in twigs and dirt. Her stunning chocoate eyes where glazed in fear.Who was this girl? Her name was Kagome Higrashi and was betayed by her first love.A inu-hanyou by the name of Inuyasha.Kagome kept running untill a sering pain went up her back.Three claw marks where there freshly spewing blood.She turned and glared at the inu-hanyo."Why.......""Why? Because you are the only thing from Kikiyo and me from being together forever.You are useless,a weak miko who roams this world for no porpuse.To call you Kikiyo's reincarnation would be a discrase and insult to her.Plus you have the Shikon Nom Tama. I need that to become a full demon" He ran ,claws ready for and attack.Kagome weakly stood up. " Kill me then " She said, " Kill me, You want to be with Kikiyo. And...I want you to be happy.....Kill me..."
Inuyasha Smirked. " Keh! I knew a weak wench like you could never stand up to me. Now DIEE!!!" And he chnrged at Kagome. Kagome as a last resort tried to form a protective barrier around her body but it didn't work. When Inuyasha was about to slash her body into sliices a great light came upon the land. Above Kagome a small white spek of light appers. This small light grew bigger. It began to take shape. It took the form of a beautiful miko in a elaborite kimono. This miko's name is Midoriko. The legenday miko glared at the inu-hanyou. " You have done nothing for me to see you fit to posses the Shikon No Tama. The souls of the Shikon have asked me to eliminate you from this world. I have come her to carry out that task." And with that, Midoriko gathers all her stregth and sent a powerful purifying blast at Inuyasha. A bright white light coved that whole land for what seem like eternity. When the light died down, all that was left was Kagome and Midoriko.
Midoriko turns to Kagome. " Kagome" She began " You are not human. Your a elemental neko. You have 2 sisters. there names ar Arina and Amaya. They are twins both 15 years old. They are living in central with your cousin Roy. Your mother isn't your real mother. She took you in when your real mother died. I can unlock your powers but i can not train you. I must leave. Good bye." And with that she left. Back into the Shikon No Tama where she belonged.
Kagome, Batterd and bloody,staggers into the well before everything went black.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ 4 months after this happend*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*
Kaggys POV

I was walking down the street to my highschool. School sucks. The only reason i come her was..
" Kaggy-chan"
I smiled. "Yusuke-kun"

You see, Yuske is my boyfriend. We have been going ou for a little over a year. "Kaggy-chan i missed ya!" Yusuke said with his usual cocky smile.I sighed. " Yusuke it has only been 20 minutes since we taked on the phone for 5 hours!
" Yusuke your a baka ya know that" I said in montone.
Yusuke did the ever illigeal puppy pout " But you LOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEEE me"
I sighed. " Your just lucky your so kawaii"
" Kagome!" My mom shouted " You have to catch your flight!"

" Yes Kaa-san!" And i ran the way to air port. There my two sisters where waiting for me. One was a rather intimidating girl with long black hair baggy black paints with chains all over them. She has a long sleeved mesh shirts over a black tank top. She had black eyeliner and blood red eyes. She had a dark red lipstick on. She was carring a skatebord. Her name was Arina Marie Natsume.
The other girl was even more intimidating that the other girl! She had long black hair with silver streaks. She had a jean Skirt on with fishnet stockings. She had on black sneakers and a black tank top with 'What ya lookin at!' written on the front. She had deep blue eyes like saphires. She had blood red lipstick and was also carrying a skateborad. Her name Was Amaya Marie Natsume.
I hugged my sisters. " Hey A-chan, Maya-chan" i greeted.
"Hey" They both said in a montone.
" Can we hurry so we don't miss the flight to central! I wanna see Edo-kun!" Arina whined.
" You like him don't cha Arina"
Arina's cheeks turned red "Wha-? W-were're just good friends!"
Amaya rolled her eyes "Suuuure ya are"
" Well what about you and alphonse!" Arina snapped " I saw you to snuggleing together when we visited on New Years! What do you have to say about that huh"
Amaya blushed " Well wasn't my self that night. I don't know wha got into meh"
" YES!" The both yelled at the same time. We borded the train and the flight for cental began.
*********************************************************6 borning hours later**********************************************

The three sisters got off the plane. There waiting for them where Roy, Al (who is human in this fic) and Ed.
" Edo-kun" Arina yelled as she ran to Ed and glomped him.
" Arina" Ed said as he blushed. Arina turned red too. "Sorry Ed" She replied as she got offf Ed.
" Hi Roy,Al,Ed" Amaya greeted " It's been a while hasn't it"
Al smiled "It has"
Kagome finnaly joined the group with about 15 suitcases.........and none of them where hers. "DO I HAVE TO CARRY ALL OF THESE!!!!"
Roy, Ed, and Al each put some suitcases into the car. Amaya, Arina, and Kagome sang along to greenday as Roy drove off to his house. Purple eyes looked on. She knew that these new girls woud be worthy enimes.