InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ K&K: The Disaster ❯ Numero Siete ( Chapter 7 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
~The Demon World~
"Sango... so you think you might wana name the baby after me?" Kohaku asked his sister. "No way!" Miroku then said. "If this baby is gona be named after someone, then that someone is gona be me!" He exclaimed. "Well I really don't care what we name this baby, I just want the baby to come out already! I can't take this back akes much longer!" Sango said leaning her body back on her hand. "Well I don't think you'll be thinking of back akes after this kid is born Sango. You'll be worrying about getting some sleep!" Kohaku said laughing. Sango then remembered about that and about how Kai was in the nights. "Well you'll be around to help us with the little one! I'm not worried!" Miroku then said as he laughed. Kohaku quickly stopped laughing. "Yeah! You can change those dirty diapers!" Sango then said. Kohaku's eyes buldged. Sango and Miroku then began laughing together. "Now who has the last laugh!" Sango said. Then while Sango and Miroku laughed away there was a knock on the door. "Could you get that Kohaku!" Sango said laughing hysterically. "I'm sorry this was too funny I can't even get up!" Sango said continuing to laugh along with Miroku. Kohaku walked over to the door and opened it. There stood someone from his past. He was shocked to see them. He had a past with this person. Sango and Miroku then seen the person at the door and were in complete and total shock to see them.
~Under The Rubble~
Tiena and Mayella had talked for hours. They were beginning to come close with each other and they still have not seen each other nor do they know that they are both essential people in Kioto's life. "So are you married?" Mayella asked Tiena. "Me!? No. I was asked once... but of course I messed it up!" Tiena said nodding her head. "How bout you?" She then asked. "No. Not yet at least. I'm engaged." Mayella said feeling for her ring. She noticed that it actually wasn't there! "Oh my gosh! My ring! It's not here!" Mayella said worried. She was getting upset. "Calm down! Mayella there was a disaster of some sort! I'm sure your fiance' won't be angry!" Tiena said getting up seeing Mayella's quckly moving figure in the dark. Tiena grabbed Mayella's arms and calmed her down. "Sit down! I know your worried but it's okay! I'm sure he's fine!" Tiena said. "I know! I'm getting crazy because I can't stop thinking if he is okay or not!" Mayella said as she began to cry. "I know! I feel the same way! I came here today to see the man I loved and I did get to see him. But I left him just as the water was coming! But I'm trying to hold myself together so you have to or else I will fall apart too!" Tiena said coming over and sitting next to Mayella. She put her arm around her and tried to comfort her.
~The Elevator~
After a while Kagome calmed down. She and Sesshomaru didn't speak much and just sat in the dark, almost as if they were alone. "You know Sesshomaru, after I injected you with that potion. I was about to kill you! I was going to throw you right off that cliff! To this day I regret not doing it!" Kagome said to him. "So that's how I woke up there." He said sarcastically. "If I weren't pregnant right now, and if I had an extremely sharp object on me, I'd kill you!" She said. "I was going to kill you when you were in the dungeon. Just right before them two runt twins got you out I was planning on chopping you in half!" Sesshomaru replied. "I hate you! And I promise you that I will kill you!" Kagome said. "You should watch what you say! I could kill you right now if I wanted to!" He said. "Do it! I dare you!" She said to him. Sesshomaru looked into her eyes. Her eyes had an evil, mean look to them and he could tell she wasn't kidding. Sesshomaru was actually beginning to feel intimidated by her. "I'll try to get US out of here!" Sesshomaru said. He pulled out his knife and stuck it between the doors. He then pushed to the right with it. The doors were beginning to open slightly. "Sesshomaru, you have a knife. Why not just kill me?" She asked standing up. Sesshomaru didn't answer. "You need me don't you! Your planning something Sesshomaru! Aren't you?!" She said punching him in the shoulder. Sesshomaru wouldn't answer. Kagome was now scared of Sesshomaru. She knew he didn't have his powers but, from past experiences, she knows how well he is at planning a scheme! "Sesshomaru you dope! Look!" Kagome said pointing up at a small door on the ceiling of the elevator. He looked up and seen the door. "Well now we can get out." He said climbing on the elevator banister. He pushed the door open. "We? Sesshomaru... you would never help me! I'm pregnant with your brother's child and I know where your son is!" Kagome said. "That's what this is about! Kai! Your planning to get Kai somehow aren't you?!" She asked. Sesshomaru said nothing and climbed to the roof of the elevator. He then stuck his hand and head down through the door. "Come on. Climb on there and I'll pull you up." He said. "I'm not going anywhere with you!" She said. "Then you can wait here for the next few weeks." He said. Kagome knew he was planning something but she couldnt take her chances. She climbed on the bar slowly and Sesshomaru pulled her. He then was able to easily open the doors to the elevator stop above them. Kagome was frightened to be with Sesshomaru but was relieved to be out of the elevator.
Inuyasha continues to search for people that survived the wave hit. Inuyasha jumped from building tops to building tops. Sometimes after he would jump off the building, it would collapse from his body weight. Inuyasha landed on one roof top and checked to make sure the building was sturdy enough to hold him. "Kagome!!" He yelled. "Kagome!!" He yelled again. She was mainly who he was looking for. "Hey! Inuyasha!" He heard from behind. He turned around to see Neonna standing there. "Inuyasha!" She yelled running over to him and hugging him. "Neonna?" He was suprised to see her. Neonna left the man she was with on the floor on top of the roof. Inuyasha had landed on the same building that Neonna and the man were in. "I'm so glad to see you!" She said. "Where is Kurama? And Kioto? And that guy Hiei?" He asked. "I don't know! The wave hit and..." Neonna exclaimed as she began to tear up. "We'll find them! Kagome is missing too. She's pregnant." He said. Neonna was shocked. "Come on. I'll take you to safety." He said. Neonna walked over to the man and helped him up. "He can help us." She said. "What's your name again?" She asked. "Oh... I'm Ta'hay." He said. "I'm Neonna." They both grabbed onto Inuyasha and he jumped off headed toward the building where Mikoumi and everyone else was. Ta'hay knew that there was something odd that Inuyasha could jump so far but he said nothing. He was too worried about his family.
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