InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ What Every Fangirl Dreams About Before She Goes to Sleep at Night ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 2:
Yuki held the drawing in her hands as though it were the most precious thing in the world. A dazed look spread across her face as she stared dreamily at the picture.
“-ki. Yuki!” Kaito practically had to scream into the zoned out girl's ear to get her attention.
“Huh?” Yuki pulled her eyes slowly away from the picture to look at Kaito. A few dim stars twinkled in the night sky above the four girl's heads as they walked out of Momo-con. Yuki looked at Kaito with an uncomprehending gaze, her mind still on the picture in her hands.
“Yuki, put the picture away until we get back to the hotel. You have to drive,” Kaito ordered.
Yuki shook her head slowly. “No,” she answered.
“Yuki!” Kaito reached out and snatched the paper. “Give me that!”
“Unh!” Yuki tried to grab the drawing back with a delayed movement, but Kaito held it out of her reach. “You can have it back when we get to the hotel.”
Yuki's face fell and she stared at the ground in a defeated manner.
“Aww! Poor Yuki!” Jessi-chan chimed, putting her arm around Yuki's shoulder. Yuki glared at her and punched her in the arm. “Ow! I was just trying to cheer you up, geez!” Jessi-chan exclaimed, rubbing her arm.
Kira rolled her eyes. “Jessi-chan, you are such an idiot sometimes.”
“What did I do?!” Jessi-chan demanded.
“You're just dumb. What else is there?”
“Hey! That's not very nice.”
“Hehe,” Kaito giggled. “Jay—“ she pointed at Kira “—Moses!” she pointed at Jessi-chan.
“Jay!” Yuki screamed, throwing her arms around Kira and causing the short redhead to stumble and almost fall.
“Uh—What?” was all Kira could manage as she regained her balance. Yuki could be so random sometimes.
“Hehe!” Yuki released Kira and ran to her car, “Hotel!” She jumped up and down with excitement.
“Yuki, just a moment ago you were moping about Kakashi, and now suddenly you're all hyper,” Kaito commented.
The other three watched the girl bounce around for a few moments, then Kira asked, “Uh, Yuki? Aren't you going to unlock the car?”
“Oh yeah!” Yuki pulled out her keys and unlocked the doors.
“Wow. Nice job,” Kaito said, climbing into the backseat beside Jessi-chan.
“You're so dumb, Yuki,” Jessi-chan proclaimed, leaning over the seat to look at Yuki.
“Come on, Jessi-chan. Time to get you buckled in!” Kaito sang, pulling out the roll of duct tape (which was much smaller now than it had been originally).
“Oh no!” Jessi-chan screamed, jerking away from her. “You're not doing that again!”
“Hehe. Sure we are!” Kaito leaned closer to the frightened blonde.
Jessi-chan tried to open the door, but Yuki had already locked it. “AAAAHHH!!!”
In the front seat, Kira and Yuki exchanged glances and burst out laughing.
“Kakashi! Kakashi!” Yuki chanted, rocking back and forth on the floor as she stared at her regained picture while Kaito and Jessi-chan fought over who was sleeping in which bed.
“Yu~ki,” Kira said quietly so that only Yuki could hear her. Yuki turned to look at her. “Don't you think we should talk about you know what?”
Yuki blinked at her, uncomprehending.
“You know, at the restaurant?”
Yuki blinked again, and then realization hit her. “Ohhhh! That!”
Kira sighed. “Yes, Yuki. That.”
“Should we tell them?” Yuki glanced at the others.
“I don't know. Do you think we should tell them?”
“Tell us what?” Jessi-chan's face appeared between them, and Kaito behind her.
“I guess that would be a yes,” Kira said.
“Today at the restaurant, there was this guy wearing a black cloak that was watching us,” Yuki explained.
“Was he hot?” Kaito asked.
Kira shook her head at Kaito's one-track mind. “He was wearing a hood. We couldn't see his face. We don't even know if it was a guy,” she told her.
“Hey wait! I saw that guy at the convention!” Jessi-chan exclaimed. “He was creepy. You can have him,” she added, addressing Kaito.
“Do you think he was stalking us?” Yuki asked.
“Well, it's not completely abnormal to run into someone from the convention somewhere else, and you can't blame whoever it was for watching us. We are a bit odd,” Kira said.
“True, but he was still watching us for a bit longer than necessary,” Yuki pointed out.
“Well, I guess we can keep our eyes peeled if we go back tomorrow. Other than that, there's nothing we can really do.”
The other three nodded their agreement.
The night continued with the four girls being their normal, crazily hyper selves. They ate lots of junk food and ran around the hotel playing Ding Dong Ditch on random people's rooms, and after they got caught (thanks to a certain idiot) went back to their room and scared themselves by saying the cloaked person was actually Kirby in disguise following them around. Kirby was a very perverted guy they knew from school, and the girls had an ongoing joke from Kaito's 18th birthday party when Yuki had said that Kirby was going to climb up Kaito's wall and into her window. Since then they were always saying that Kirby was going to do some sort of odd thing to them (like climbing in the window while they were sleeping or stalking them). The girls tried laughed about it like it was only joke, but inside they each wondered if maybe Kirby actually was following them around dressed in a cloak. It seemed like the creepy, odd sort of thing he would do.
Finally, much to a very sleepy Kira's relief, they all climbed into bed (Kaito and Kira in one bed, Yuki in the other, and Jessi-chan with a blanket and a pillow on the floor) and eventually fell asleep.
Moonlight splashed across the floor from a crack in the curtains as the cloaked figure moved silently across the room, its black cloak making it almost invisible in the night darkness. It crept to the bed where Kaito and Kira slept, standing at Kira's side. It held out its right hand over Kira's forehead, and a black light formed in the space between Kira and its hand.
Kira opened her eyes and sat up. She was still inside the hotel room, but something was wrong. The room seemed strangely surreal, as if black and green lights hovered around the edges of her eyes, dimming her perception and distorting her surroundings.
“You are Kira, are you not?” a voice said behind her.
She jolted and turned around. The cloaked being from the restaurant was standing against the wall behind her, its face still hidden in the shadows of its deep hood. “You're the one from the restaurant,” she said. “What do you want with us?”
The figure took a step toward her. “Yes, for awhile now I have been watching you. All of you, but I will explain that in a moment. First, wake the one you call Yuki. I must speak with her.”
“Why didn't you just go see her?”
“You possess the power of dreams. Only you can see me, unless you use your power on another,” the figure explained. “That is why I came to you.”
“Hmm. I guess that makes sense,” Kira said thoughtfully. She climbed out of bed and carefully walked over to Yuki's bed, stumbling because of her distorted vision. She tapped Yuki on the shoulder.
Yuki groaned, and snuggled deeper under the covers.
“Yuki,” Kira whispered sharply. “Wake up.”
Yuki groaned again, but this time opened her eyes. “What is it?” she mumbled sleepily.
“Look,” Kira told her.
Obediently, Yuki dragged herself into a sitting position and looked over Kira's shoulder. Her eyes went wide. “It's that person from the restaurant!” She looked around. “Why does everything look so weird?”
“Yuki,” the figure said in its low, mysterious voice.
“Huh?” Yuki turned her focus to it.
“I have been sent—“ the figure stopped, staring at Yuki who was now poking at the air.
“Yuki, what are you doing?” Kira asked.
“What's up with this weird light stuff? I can't see!” Yuki cried, still poking at the air.
Kira rolled her eyes and turned to the figure. “Sorry about her. She gets distracted really easily.” She turned back to Yuki. “Yuki. Try to focus.”
“But it's annoying!” Yuki cried, stabbing the air even harder. She glanced at the cloaked figure and Kira, both who were glaring at her. “Okay. I'm focused.”
The cloaked figure cleared its throat, wondering to itself how anyone this insane could possibly complete the journey about to be given. Well, that wasn't its choice. It would just have to go along with Destiny.
“I have been sent here by the gods who rule over the Realms,” the cloaked figure began, gratefully noting that Yuki seemed to finally be completely focused, as well as Kira. “Yuki, you write many stories, do you not?”
Yuki nodded.
“The stories you write, they are all about other worlds, correct?” She nodded again. “Yuki, you possess a power granted to you by the gods. The power to open the gates between worlds.”
The cloaked figure was cut off again as Jessi-chan suddenly sat up. “What are you guys doing? It's the middle of the night!” she exclaimed.
“Lookie!” Yuki cried, waving her finger excitedly at the cloaked figure. “It's the creepy guy from the restaurant!”
“Huh?” Jessi-chan looked around. “Where?”
“There!” Yuki jabbed her finger in its direction.
“Um…Yuki?” Kira tried unsuccessfully to get her attention.
“Yuki, are you seeing things?” Jessi-chan asked.
Kaito sat up. “She's not seeing things!” Yuki smiled and nodded, grateful for her friend's support. “She's just a brainless idiot,” Kaito finished, grinning mischievously.
“Hey! I am not! He's standing right there, isn't he Kira?” Yuki said.
“I don't know what you're talking about,” was Kira's reply.
“Uuuh!” Yuki whined. “You're so mean!!”
Kira shrugged. “It's not my fault you're seeing things.”
Jessi-chan rolled her eyes and lay down. “I'm going to sleep. Good night.” Kaito nodded her agreement and lay back down.
When they were certain Kaito and Jessi-chan had fallen back asleep, Yuki turned to Kira with a glare. “Why'd you say that? I know you can see him!” she demanded.
“Because, we're the only ones who can see him right now, and I don't think it would be a good idea to let the others know that right now,” Kira explained.
“Grr. Fine!” Yuki turned back to the cloaked figure. “Now that those losers are done making fun of me, would you like to continue?”
“Are you certain I'm not going to be interrupted again?” the cloaked figure asked Kira.
The cloaked figure didn't seem quite reassured, but it turned back to Yuki and continued anyway. “Yuki, the gods have specifically chosen you for a very important mission.” (why you, I have no idea), it continued silently “You're mission is to find the Shards of the World and use them to bind the worlds back into one.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Kira interrupted. “Are you saying that there actually are other worlds out there?”
The cloaked figure glared at her (well, as much as you can glare without your eyes being visible), and Kira smiled innocently, waiting for it to answer. “Yes. Whatever world you have ever seen or heard of, is real, as well as many others,” it replied.
“Wait, so that means Naruto is real, right?”
The cloaked figure nodded.
“That means Kakashi is real!” “That means Itachi is real!” Yuki and Kira screamed at the same time.
The cloaked figure stared at them oddly. “Um…yes. Anyway. Yuki, in order to use your power and open the gates, you must focus. Do you think that you can handle this?”
Yuki thought about it for a moment, then nodded vigorously. “Yes!”
Somehow I doubt that, Kira and the cloaked figure thought.
“Very well. Now Kira. Use your powers to awaken the others.”
“Yes!” Yuki exclaimed. “That means I can prove to them that I'm not insane!” Kira gave her a look that said, Yuki, you are insane. “Well, fine. But at least not for that!”
Kira walked over to Kaito and Jessi-chan and shook them awake. The two sat up. “What now?” Jessi-chan moaned, rubbing her eyes.
“LOOK! I'm not seeing things!” Yuki yelled.
Kaito and Jessi-chan looked, and this time they both saw the cloaked figure. “KIRBY!!!!” Kaito screamed, jumping off the bed and glomping the very stunned cloaked figure.
“Kaito! What are you doing? That's not Kirby!” Kira said, pulling her off.
“Who is he then?” Kaito asked.
“Who this Kirby person, I do not know,” the cloaked figure said. “What I also don't know is why you keep referring to me as `he'.”
“Wait, you're not a guy?” Kira asked.
The cloaked figure pulled the hood off its head to reveal an eerily beautiful girl. She had pale skin that glowed against the darkness with its whiteness, and a long black pony tail tied with a dark green ribbon at the nape of her neck. A pair of glassy gray-green eyes cast upon them a quiet gaze. “My name is Ria, and I am most certainly not male,” she said to them.
The four girls stared in shock at this new discovery, until Jessi-chan blurted out, “Hey! That's a girl!”
“Good job, Jessi-chan. Aren't you smart?” Kaito said sarcastically, patting her on the head.
Ria stared at them again with a face completely void of emotion, waiting for them to recover from their shock. Then she told Kaito and Jessi-chan what she had told Kira and Yuki.
“Great. You mean we have to leave something this important to Yuki?” Kaito asked. Yuki glared at her.
Ria sighed, though her face still showed no emotion. Kira thought that her movements seemed slightly too jerky, but decided she must be imagining things. “I hate to say it, but yes,” Ria replied. “However, the three of you have also been granted unique abilities to help her on this journey. Kira, as you know already, you are a Dreamer. You see things that others can not. Kaito, you are an Inspirer. Through your art, you show scenes and visions of other worlds. And…Jessi-chan? You are a Teller. You tell of past events in the various worlds. Use your powers well, and you shall be able to complete this journey.” (At least I hope you will.)
Ria raised her arms to the sky, and black shot out of them and filled the room. When the black light disappeared, the room was back to normal, and Ria was gone.
The girls sat on the floor, discussing what had just happened. “This is really…weird,” Kira commented.
“Yeah, but cool!” Jessi-chan shouted, throwing her fist in the air. “Does this mean I get to go see Kyo?!”
“You realize what this means, right?” Kira said, ignoring Jessi-chan.
“What?” Yuki asked.
“It means that all the anime like Naruto and Death Note are actually real!”
“And Legendia!” Yuki exclaimed. She jumped up, clapping her hands excitedly. “We get to see Jay!!!”
“Jay!” Kira cried, jumping up as well.
“You guys are lame. Who cares about that meanie, anyway?” Jessi-chan stated.
Two girls were suddenly upon Jessi-chan, ready to beat her up. “What did you say?” Yuki and Kira demanded.
Kaito laughed. “Um, Jessi-chan? I think that insulting Jay may not have been the smartest thing to do right now.”
What Every Fangirl Dreams About Before She Goes to Sleep at Night