InuYasha Fan Fiction / Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ My Sweet Angel ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: My Sweet Angel
Author: inuyashagirl5
Rating: M
Genre: Romance/Drama
Pairing: Kagome/Ryuichi
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or Gravitation. InuYasha is owned by Rumiko Takahashi and Gravitation is owned by Maki Murakami. I only borrow their characters for my own amusement and for the amusement of my readers.

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Chapter One: The Voice of an Angel

It had taken him by surprise to hear it. Usually the park was empty and quiet when he came this early in the morning. So quiet that the birds weren't even singing yet. But someone was singing and she sounded beautiful.

He wanted to find her, to see the image of the girl with the heavenly voice.

Then he saw her, and that heavenly voice really did belong to that of an angel. The ethereal glow of her pale skin in the moonlight; her ebony hair blowing outwards with the breeze, if she wasn't and angel, then she had to be a siren. A siren who's voice lured him, called for him to come closer.

She stopped when she heard him approach and turned wide, beautiful blue eyes in his direction. He could tell she was scared, and then very confused.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you." Ryuichi apologized and pouted a little, "It's just...I heard you singing and it was beautiful."

"Sakuma-san?" Her voice was timid, but now he comprehended her confusion. She recognized just who he was and he was sure she that felt this situation was a bit surreal.

He gave a curt nod before answering her. "Yes, that's me. Usually no one is here when I come here at this time. It's very peaceful and it relaxes me. Why are you here?"

There was no mistaking the flash of pain in her eyes and Ryuichi frowned again. Something terrible must have happened to her for her eyes to look that sad.

"I couldn't sleep and decided to go for a walk." Her answer was short and he believed there was more to the story, but he wouldn't press it. They had just met.

"What is your name?"

He decided to make small talk with her in hopes she'd stay a little longer so he could listen to her voice. Even when she spoke it sounded melodic.

"Higurashi Kagome." She answered and surprised him by sitting down on the bench near them. He sat as well and she didn't seem to mind.

"Is it alright to call you Kagome? It's a very pretty name." Her cheeks tinted a light pink and she nodded in acceptance to his question. "Alright then, Kagome-chan. You may call me Ryuichi."

"Alright, Ryuichi-san." She smiled and it nearly stole his breath away at how much more beautiful she looked when she did it. "Do you come here often?"

"Only when I can sneak away from K." He grinned at the thought of sneaking past his friend and sometimes bodyguard. "I'm not supposed to wander off on my own, but sometimes I just want to get away on my own to think. I'm glad I snuck away this morning. Hearing you sing gave me some really wonderful ideas."

She blushed vividly at his words and ducked her head in embarrassment.

"I'm really sorry you had to hear that."

"I'm not. Like I said already, you sounded beautiful!"

"Thank you." Kagome said softly. "That means a lot coming from you."

He smiled at her, pleased that her cheeks stayed pink. He paused for a brief moment then began searching frantically through the bag he had brought with him.

"Ah! There you are!" He withdrew a thick blue notebook and a pen. He quickly threw open the notebook and started scribbling stuff down at a fast pace. He never saw Kumagoro tumble out of the bag or when Kagome leaned over to pick him up.

He only looked up when she giggled. It was so soft that he wasn't sure he had heard it. She was smiling down at the pink bunny on her lap and brushing dirt off its head and ears.

It only fueled his resolve and once again he started writing in his notebook. The words, his feelings, both came together as he wrote what he knew would be a beautiful song, but only if...

He stopped again and frowned down at what he had written. It wouldn't work out well if he couldn't get her to sing it with him. She was his inspiration, her voice had given him the idea. He couldn't let Tohma or Noriko sing it with him. It had to be her.

"Ryuichi-san, are you alright?" Kagome questioned him as she watched him stare blankly at the notebook with a frown. He blinked before looking up at her and smiling.

"I'm fine." He nodded and she relaxed. "I have a small problem, but I'm sure I can work with it."

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

She really was a sweet girl! Ryuichi smirked and handed the notebook over to her. She accepted it from his hands, clearly confused.

"This." He pointed down at the words he had written, "You can help me by singing this with me when its done."

"You can't be serious! I'm nowhere near good enough to sing with you!"

Her cheeks were very red now, though he wasn't sure if she was embarrassed or angry. He hoped it was the first.

"I am very serious, Kagome-chan! Very, very serious! It wouldn't sound right without your beautiful voice!"

She flinched and shrunk away from him, clutching the bunny tighter against her. He wasn't sure why he had gotten that type of reaction out of her, but he didn't like it at all.

"I really should be getting back home now. I don't want my mother to worry if she wakes up and finds me gone. I've put her through enough as is." She set the notebook and bunny down in front of her and stood quickly. "It was very nice to meet you, Ryuichi-san. Have a nice day."

She took off before he could stop her. She ran off down the path and he pouted down at Kumagoro.

"I scared her off, Kuma-chan. I let the beautiful angel get away." Ryuichi sighed sadly and slipped his notebook back into his bag. For now his inspiration had stalled. He lifted his plush friend to his face and rubbed it against his cheek. "Aw, Kuma-chan! You smell pretty now! Let's face it. Kagome looks like an angel, she sounds like an angel and she smells heavenly. She has to be an angel!"

He only hoped he got another chance to see his angel. With another sigh he rose and made his way back to his home.
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A/N 2: I'm sure the question would come up, so I'm going to answer it before it's even asked. Ryuichi is 31, Kagome is 19. I'm already working on chapter two and I hope to have it up soon.