InuYasha Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ A Sequel! More things you didn't know and didn't need to know about Escaflowne and Inu-Yasha! ❯ Chapter Seven ( Chapter 7 )
(Okay, so, it's very touchy and cute and all that good stuff - you know the drill. So anyhoo, time passes and all the Shin Kidousenki Gundam Wing characters figure out where they are and who everyone is and the basic situation - it takes time to learn all that shtuff, ya know! And finally, it is nighttime once again.)
Celena: *all are preparing to go to their dorms* Okay…um…I was thinking that Penguin, Eriya, and Naria should sleep in the boys dorm since they'd rather be there anyway and that Kohaku can sleep in the girl's dorm so that Sango can keep an eye on him and we can make sure Naraku doesn't try to manipulate him. Okhee?
Penguin: *smile* Works for me! Now, how should I arrange where I sleep each night…hmm…one night with Folken one night with Quatre….
Folken: No.
Penguin: Oh, you want me to spend all my time with you? Well, I am flattered, but I do need to spend SOME time with my Quatre-sama.
Folken: That's not what I meant and you know it! Will you stop being such a pest!
Celena: Don't fight. Let's go to bed.
(All the girl's walk to their dorm with Kohaku to see that a special bed has been set up for Kohaku and two silk screens have been placed in the room for changing purposes. Print pj's have been laid on each bed - yes, Kohaku's, too, only they're GUYS print pj pants with a BAGGY shirt, not like the girl's tighter ones.)
Celena: Ooooooooooooh! It's blue with BUTTERFLIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kagome: Ah, I get puppies on mine!
Sango: And I have kittens!
Hitomi: And mine has…the ESCAFLOWNE?! Nani?!?!?!
Kikyou: Here, mine has soul-stealing youkai on them, but I guess to you it might be better than that, eh, what is it?
Hitomi: Sure! At least they're pretty! It's the Escaflowne - Arigatou!
Relena: And mine has intertwining lilies! Kirei des!
Noin: Wait, do these pj's have chibi-Zechs on them?!?!
Lady Une: Oh, you're sleeping with Zechs?
Noin: …
Lady Une: Well, mine have…wine glasses? Oh dear….
Rin: Ooooooooooooh, I get pretty yellow daisies!
Erinah: I have hearts all over mine. How…interesting….
Kohaku: Eh…and mine has weird colored squarish-things…what are they?
Hitomi: *looking over* Oh! They're Gameboys!
Kohaku: They're what?
Kagome: Gameboys! You play games on them…you push buttons and little pictures move through mini-worlds and you try and win the games. It's kinda like how you fight and triumph over foes, only it's all fake and in a little box.
Hitomi: Or you can play matching games… or stuff with cards….
Kohaku: Oh, okay…cards…? Sure….
Celena: Playing cards, with numbers on them, and you can play games with them, like who has the higher number or more cards…stuff like that. I'm not really sure…the only games I know are war and spoons.
Kagome: That's it?
Relena: But they're both completely games of chance. Don't you know any that involve strategy?
Celena: I know how to lose at hearts badly…and I understand the basic strategy of solitaire.
Sango: …?
(All change into their pj's behind the screens. Later, Noin and Lady Une have their own conversation while the others continue.)
Relena: So, Kagome, where do you live?
Kagome: Eh, well, right now I'm living in two places…one is Tokyo in 1998 and the other is feudal Japan during the Sengoku Jidai era.
Kikyou: Yes, Kagome, you see, is my reincarnation.
Relena: Wha? But, aren't you both alive at the same time? You two seemed to know each other….
Kagome: She died, she was resurrected when she wasn't supposed to, some ogress stole my soul and put it in Kikyou's re-born body, I called my soul back, but some of it stayed in Kikyou…yeah.
Relena: Uh-huh….
Erinah: Right, then.
Kikyou: Although, I must say, it is hard for me to fathom that I come back as such a child.
Kagome: What's THAT supposed to mean?
Celena: Please, you guys, don't fight.
Kagome: Well, it's not like you have any twisted, weirded-out romances in your life.
Celena: I have weirded out past a plenty.
Sango: True, but that's only as your Celena-self. What about as your authoress-self?
Celena: Well, I am Celena…I just have some authoress powers. I'm not really obvious about it, not like my friend.
Hitomi: Oh? What kind of powers do you have?
Celena: *shrugs*
Kikyou: Wait, are you implying that you have also been involved in some sort of strange romantic situation before as your "authoress" self?
Celena: No…I just have crushes, that's all.
Hitomi: Oh, how sweet!
Kagome: Who do you have a crush on?
Sango: Do you have "bishounen" like your friend?
Celena: Well, maybe….
Relena: You mind telling us who?
Celena: Yeah….
Kagome: Oh, come on, please…? *sweet smily effect with the bubbles*
Celena: Umm…well…from Rurouni Kenshin I like Sojiro.
Hitomi: How about from an anime that we know?
Celena: Umm…from Gundam Wing I…I like Quatre too, but he belongs to Penguin…and I like Heero.
Hitomi: Anyone from Escaflowne?
Celena VO: I'm not going to say Van….
Celena: Um…Shesta-kun to Gatti-kun….
Kagome: Yeah, they're pretty cute. Anyone from Inu-Yasha?
Celena: Umm…umm…maybe…. *blushing*
Sango: Oh, who?
Celena: Eh…no! Iie!
Kikyou: Might we be permitted to guess?
Celena: *holding face in her hands* Oh…okay….
Kagome and Kikyou: Inu-Yasha?
Celena: Eh…no.
Kagome and Kikyou: Phew! Eh… *looking at each other suspiciously* Grr….
Sango: Miroku?
Celena: Eww! No.
Sango: *under her breath* Phew….
Kagome: Kouga?
Celena: No.
Sango: Sesshoumaru?
Celena: NO.
Rin: Jaken?
Celena: EEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rin: Shippou!
Celena: He's a little young and…short…for me.
*all stare, confuzzled.*
Kikyou: It isn't Naraku, I hope.
Celena: Oh, no. I'm not THAT desperate.
Kagome: *hopefully* Houjo?
Celena: Sorry, but, no. He's kinda cute, though….
All: *staring* Who is it, then?
Celena: *bursts out crying* Ko…ko….
Sango: Kohaku…?
Celena: *nods*
Kohaku: *looking up, surprised* Eh…?
Celena: Don't hate me!
Kohaku: Why would we hate you?
Sango: … Well, it could certainly be much worse.
Kagome: Oh, come on, Sango, it's cute!
Hitomi: Your brother's alive, safe, and now there's a cute girl with a crush on him!
Celena: *shrinks away, embarrassed and still crying*
Kagome: It's okay…. Don't cry.
Celena: Gomen nasai!
Sango: I-it's okay…actually, when you think about it, it is kinda cute….
Hitomi: Yeah, and at least she's not gonna harass him or anything.
Celena: GAH!
*All come over to Celena and try to comfort her. Kohaku is sitting on his bed with a pleased and slightly embarrassed expression on his face.*