InuYasha Fan Fiction / Hellsing Fan Fiction ❯ My Sweet Obsession ❯ Let The Games Begin ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: I Do Not Own Inuyasha or Hellsing. They Are The Belongings Of Their Respective Creators And I Gain Nothing From This Story.
The office was in a high-rise building, with wide windows that let in the setting sun. The carpet was a muted gray, the desk a solid masterpiece of dark red wood. The walls were hidden behind floor to ceiling bookcases. Her chair was behind the desk and she watched him avoid the chaise to prowl around the room, keeping close to darkened corners.
The dying sun left shadows along the walls, making her fingers itch to turn on a light but her client seemed inclined to stay in the shadows.
“What exactly brings you to my office, Mr…?” she said again, for what felt like the hundredth time, leaving that trailing space for him to fill in.
A normal woman would have been terrified. He'd appeared in front of her door when she'd been readying to leave for the day, backed her inside and insisted they talked. A normal woman would have tried to escape, cried, or screamed or threatened.
But Kagome couldn't help but fascinated as well as amused. A direct result from her teen years hunting for a sacred jewel with a certain half-demon dog, a perverted monk and many other insane characters, she was sure. But at the age of twenty-nine, Kagome was now fairly comfortable in her life as a therapist for demons and humans alike, in the Big Apple itself.
And…unfortunately, she was bored. Her unexpected visitor was just the jostle she needed. “Mr…” she asked again, patiently, sure he'd speak sooner or later.
“There is no Mister anything. I go by one name.” Kagome barely stopped a shudder. The voice was pitched low, unmistakably masculine, liquid smooth and dragged down her spine like a spike wrapped in silk. It was a blatant, erotic voice, made for crooning demands on dark nights in sweat-soaked sheets.
She swallowed and thanked God she'd left her sweater on or she'd be very embarrassed. And she hadn't even seen his face yet!
“Then what is that name, sir? I'm afraid you're wasting my time and if there's one thing I hate more, it's having my time wasted,” Kagome said, more sharply than she'd intended but she could be forgiven for that couldn't she? She was horny suddenly; panty drenchingly excited and all signs were putting the blame on her visitor.
But that was ridiculous wasn't it? She'd only heard him speak once. Then he chuckled, a dark, delicious sound and Kagome had the feeling her night was about to get very interesting.
“My name?” he mused from a corner. Kagome caught the glimpse of something darker than the shadows shift. “I could tell you the first name I was ever called. But that's in a language so obscure, you'd never believe me. I could tell you what I used to be called, but then…I'd have to kill you.”
There was a calm finality to the words that made Kagome shiver. He wasn't joking, she realized that immediately. If he told her that name, she would not leave the room alive. Kagome swallowed and forced her suddenly tense fingers to relax their grip on the table edge. Her visitor didn't seem so entertaining now. “Why don't you tell me the name you're called now?”
He laughed again, soft and dark. The sound managed to slide between her thighs and rested over her center, warming her. She bit her lip and forced her attention on him.
“The name I go by now…is Alucard.” He glided out of the shadows as he spoke and Kagome got a good view of her visitor for the first time.
Sin. Danger. Looking up into blood red eyes, those words echoed through Kagome's head as she noted a pale, angular face, acres of thick, pitch-black hair, and broad shoulders beneath a scarlet overcoat. A neat black suit ran in clean lines down along lean hips and long legs, encased in knee-high shining black boots. White gloves with markings she couldn't quite make out weren't able to shield the strength in his slim, long-fingered hands.
Kagome stared up at him, wide-eyed. “Wh…what do you want with me?”
A gloved fingertip traced along the curve of her cheek, causing Kagome to jump. Not from the touch but from…well how the hell had he gotten so close to her? Alucard leaned across the desk and smiled lazily at her.
“What do I want you ask?” He was around the table before she could blink, sitting in front of her, legs balanced apart. It was impossible to miss the bulge outlined between his thighs.
Kagome blinked and tore her gaze away from it. “I'm sorry, I don't have sex with clients, Mr…Alucard.”
His grin widened, flashing what looked like very sharp teeth. “Is what I want that clear?”
Kagome shot him a `don't be stupid' look and his grin flashed whiter and wider. “Maybe it is…” He cupped himself through his pants and tapped his fingers like he was thinking to the beat. Kagome barely kept her gaze above those fingers and what they grasped. “I'd still like to know what you want to me,” she ground out. “ I don't think we've met. I'd remember such a fascinating costume.”
“Kagome,” he purred. “Don't act shy with me.”
She jerked in her seat and stared up at him. “How do you know my name?” What was going on?
The grin turned a shade dark. “I know all about you. You're my…obsession, you could say.”
“Obsession?” Why did that word sound so…naughty coming from him?
Alucard nodded, his hair spilling around him and landing on her hand. “I admit to an addiction to…purity. But your addiction is just the opposite, isn't it, Kagome?”
She was out the chair in a flash, in his face. How dare he insinuate…well…that she was bad! “Listen buddy, I'm not addicted to anything, drugs, sex, booze, anything!” Kagome's manicured nail rapped against his chest with each angry word.
It pissed her off even more that the chest beneath her fingertip was solid and muscled and made her wonder what it would feel like bare beneath her hands. Alucard grabbed her hand before she could move, his own hand a blur. Before she could do anything, her open palm rested against his lips and he looked at her with frank interest.
“I meant nothing of the sort,” he chuckled against her palm, sending feathery sensations all along her arm. “I simply meant that…you're very bored, sweet Kagome. Very bored and tired of being a good girl.”
Kagome's eyes widened before narrowing. How did he know all that? She was bored; she wouldn't lie. Her life was uneventful, easy. Nothing like it had been in her teens when the sight of a magical well had brightened her day, no matter how bad things were going on the other side. She missed the adventure, the insanity, the adrenaline rushes.
God, she was so bored! Still that didn't mean she'd just let some madman who'd freely admitted to being obsessed with her just start blowing all her secrets out of hiding. “Even if you were right,” she tugged on her hand and couldn't get free. Those slim fingers were strong, their grip unbreakable. “Why would I admit it to you?”
Alucard's grin was serene even as a mad glint sparked in his eye. “Because I'm the only cure to your boredom.”
She snorted. “Like I believe that. Men have been bragging about their talents since the beginning of time.”
Quick as a wink, she was stretched on the desk beneath him; his legs braced between hers, her pencil-thin skirt riding indecently high, as her thighs were forced apart, her hands pinned on either side of her head. Kagome flushed to the roots of her hair. Her center, warm and moist beneath a fragile piece of silk that passed for underwear was pushed up tight against the hardness pressing insistently against the zipper of his pants. Her heart thumped wildly as she met Alucard's gaze above her, glittering. How'd he do that? She wondered frantically, trying to ignore the teasing warmth blossoming in her lower body.
He smiled down at her. “Bored still?”
“Yes!” she snapped, angry with him, herself for not just leaving. Hell she should have been gone the minute he said the word `obsession'. Was her life so dull she needed this type of insanity?
Hell no! Nothing was worth this. Alucard seemed to sense her increasing anger because he shifted just the smallest bit to the side, and cocked his head. “Not happy, Kagome?”
“Fuck, would you be?”
His eyes glittered. “If I were under you?” he purred seductively. “I'd think I'd die happy.” A secret laugh floated through his gaze.
She flushed again. “Stop being so damn sexual. My boredom doesn't come from lack of getting laid!” she growled, though she admitted to being a little less than thrilled in that department too.
Alucard chuckled delightedly. And Kagome had the awful feeling he'd just read her mind. “You see! Your life needs the spark I can bring into it!” he moved meaningfully against her and her flush heated up so hot, Kagome was sure you could cook a egg on her cheeks. How'd I get into this, she mourned in her head. Why didn't I just go home?
Suddenly air swept over her body and Kagome realized Alucard had removed himself from her. Immediately squelching an emotion that felt too much like disappointment, she was up, yanking the skirt down and moving towards the door. This was just too much for her. Who cared what was going on or what he was wanted or hell what she wanted?
She was going home, dunking herself in cold water and forgetting this crazy night ever happened. But before her hand so much as brushed the doorknob he was there, pushing her against the door, dragging her skirt up, his hands everywhere, his mouth…oh his mouth.
It buried itself in her throat and with a skillful use of tongue, teeth and breath; he strummed her straight up, evidence to how boring her love life or lack of was. Kagome's head fell heavily to the side, exposing more of her neck to his play.
She moaned when he bit down the slightest bit, bringing the smallest droplet of blood to the surface. Alucard growled, licking that drop and pushing harder against her. Her skirt came the rest of the way up, the tiny silky excuse for panties dragged down her legs in a whish of movement.
Kagome's breathing stalled in her chest as air hit previously covered and moist areas. A deep chuckle was all she heard before long fingers, slightly rough and rubbery traced their way inside Kagome's most private place.
Groaning, she pushed backwards, legs spreading automatically as a finger pushed its way slowly, tauntingly inside. Hips pushing backwards, back arching high, Kagome gasped and moaned as one finger fondled, drew out and a second pushed in with it, working her until she was a drenched, moaning mass of female against the wall. Alucard's mouth slid down her neck, collaborating with his fingers, flickers of heat following that hot, wet mouth.
Kagome's hands beat uselessly against the wall as her body flew up the peak at lightning speed, her whole body shaking with the building orgasm. A third finger had joined, pistoning in and out. Alucard's other hand had moved up her shirt, surpassing the bra and brushed his fingers tauntingly along the bottom swell of one breast.
Kagome pushed against that hand, mindless in her passion, begging without thought. “Please…please….” She husked, withering.
As abruptly as the torture had began, it stopped and through her ragged breathing, she heard Alucard's soft, mocking laugh. Kagome barely stopped from screaming, so wound up was she.
“Bored still?” he whispered, nipped her ear and before she could yell at him to stop taunting, Alucard sank his teeth into her neck, at the same time he pushed, hard and fast against her clit, teased out of its protective hood.
The orgasm hit her like a sledgehammer and Kagome screamed in delight as she tumbled over the edge, Alucard's name leaving her lips like a curse and praise. Before she blacked out, Alucard's voice trailed over her like a soothing pat on the bottom.
“Let the games begin, my sweet obsession.” And then she knew nothing but darkness.