InuYasha Fan Fiction / Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Memories ❯ To Find Home ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Everyone listen I need your help for ideas to make this story. This is my first fanfic ever so help me! Also, sorry if the last chappy really sucked but I am a bad writer but promise to get better k?
Almost forget, pairings are
Don't know who to pair with Kairi, suggestions needed. Other pairings might be added
Now the story
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Chapter 2- To Find Home
“Unnnn, what happened?” asked Kagome. All she remembered is the pain in her heart. All of a sudden it all came back, adding salt to the wound. So she did what any girl in her position would do, she cried her eyes out over the stinging betrayal. “How could he? I cared for him and all he wanted was the jewel! I can't believe I thought he cared!” Kagome thought during her crying.
“Kagome, is that you? What's wrong?” asked the caring voice of her mother. When she came up she saw Kagome crying bitterly. Having an idea of what happened she asked, “What did he do now Kagome?” Kagome told her everything, from the final confrontation with Naraku, right through to Inuyasha's betrayal. “Kagome's mother was appalled that Inuyasha could do such a thing, even if he was a bit of a moron every now and then, she thought she could trust him!
“I just need to get away from all of this. I wish I knew what to do; my grades are so bad now there's no way I can go back to my old life! Not with everything I've been through!' Kagome was practically screaming this, but then she broke down again. “I just can't do this. Huh, Mom?” She looked around; her mother was nowhere to be found, suddenly her mother walked into the room. She was holding an old letter. “Where were you?” Kagome's tone was a bit harsh, but her mother just walked out of her room after hearing she was nearly killed, so she had a right to be a little mad right?
“Sorry Kagome, but I just made a tough decision. Kagome, I'm not your real mother.” Kagome was stunned and was trying to form coherent words. “I was hoping that this time would never come Kagome, but I felt that you should know after all of this time.”
“So you're telling me my life has been a lie this whole time?” asked Kagome, hoping that her mother would say no, that it was a joke to stun her out her misery. Her hopes were left unanswered.
“Oh Kagome, I'm sorry about this but you have a right to know the truth. Eleven years ago on your birthday I heard the doorbell ring. When I opened the door I saw you, a four-year old all by yourself. I let you in and asked who you were, you said you didn't remember. You were holding a letter and I asked you to give to me, I read it and from that day on took you as my own daughter. I think it's time you found out what that letter said Kagome.” She gave Kagome a sad smile and handed Kagome an aged, yellow envelope. When Kagome opened it the parchment was still readable, even in its crumpled state.
It read,
Dear Ms. Higurashi, I need to ask a request of you, please keep this young girl Kagome. She is vital to keep the door of Kingdom Hearts closed and the powers of darkness in check. Before you make your decision you must know that Kagome has a strong potential to have mystical powers. Many creatures of darkness might go after her to prevent them from being trained to their fullest. Also, I have hidden Kagome's memories in this letter and they will not awake until you show it to her. If you don't want to take the risk, just write no on the paper and you will forget that this ever happened.
King Mickey of Disney Castle
Once Kagome finished the letter she asked her mother “So you're telling me that Naraku was not only after the jewel, but also trying to prevent me from controlling my `gift'?”
“I think so Kagome. Do you remember anything now, about your past?” The problem was, Kagome didn't remember, maybe the magic in the paper faded away along with her memories? Suddenly Kagome's body pulsed; it was almost like the time when Kanna tried to steal her soul. This time though, instead of feeling as if something was being drained from her, she felt like something was filling her.
“Kagome, your glowing pink!” Kagome looked down and saw that she was, indeed glowing. The letter was glowing as well, in a molten gold instead. Kagome was being engulfed by the golden light around her, her aura resisted but was no mach for Mickey's trained magic that was channeling through the letter. The room flashed in a blinding light, and then it was gone as was the letter.
Several worlds away a letter appeared in the king's hand, old, yellow, and crumpled. The truth has been revealed. Mickey tossed the letter aside as it started to burn. “Why now? And just after we slowed down the heartless too! Something's up, and I'm going to find out what it is.” With that, Mickey went to find out what was making these events come into play.
“Kagome, are you alright? Kagome!” Kagome woke up with a start. She was having a strange dream but she had seen it before, she just knew it. She was on a beach, but the images skipped next she was next to a boy with brown spiky hair and ocean blue eyes, sitting on a tree with star-shaped fruit on its branches. Then, she was walking on the beach with the boy and another boy with grown out silver hair and eyes similar to the other boy's. After that the images went in a blur so that she couldn't keep up with them. “What's wrong Kagome? You passed out suddenly, I was worried.”
“Mom, I think the memories came back.”
“Really? What were they like Kagome? Kagome explained all that she was able to gather from the dream and what else seemed to just pop into her head during the story. “Wow Kagome! That must have been like heaven on that island!”
I wish I could go back and see everyone again. They must look so different than what my memories showed me!” As soon as she said this a blue flame burst in front of her. When it cooled there was a tightly wrapped scroll where the flame was. Kagome opened it.
Kagome, to find your true home and start your new quest, go to the abandoned park near the center of town.
King Mickey of Disney Castle
“Mom, I have to go.” Her eyes reflected her sadness.
“Just remember, your will always be my daughter no matter what. It's also important to trust your friends Kagome. A few minutes later Kagome was ready to go.
“I'll miss you. These were the last words she would probably ever say to her mother and she knew it. She ran to the park, afraid to leave yet excited at the same time. When she got there it was deserted. “How will I get to the island now?” wondered a now disappointed Kagome after waiting about thirty minutes. As she walked home she fond herself surrounded by little black things with antenna on their heads. They moved in to attack but before they could, Kagome was pulled into a tractor beam and a Gummi Ship. Now Kagome was on her way to her next adventure, finding her old home turned new. This was her last thought before the ship disappeared into a planetary gateway to her home.
Authors Note
PLZ R&R thanks to the two people who reviewed. In the next Chappy Kingdom Hearts will get more involved in the story. Sorry for the short chappys. THEY WILL GET LONGER! PROMISE! Again READ AND REVIEW!!!