InuYasha Fan Fiction / Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Memories ❯ Kagome's true gift ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Thanks to those who reviewed the story! You all really help out! Sorry about the Delay but My Computer had to get rebooted and I lost my work Disk so I couldn't write new Chapters. Just a little note, the story will most likely have very few Disney references and the Disney stories will be replaced by anime but some stuff will be the same. I won't say what will be the same yet but you will see! Now on with the story! P.S can anyone tell me what line breakers are? Thx! PPS I am getting ripped off! As soon as I start this Idea, Everyone starts copying it! It pisses me off at how shameless people are! Make you're your own Goddamn Ideas! Well that's all for my ranting today, so again, on with the story!
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Kagome's True Gift
The ship gave the signal it was about to land to Kagome who quickly put on she seat belt to avoid getting killed by the laws of nature. The ship landed without any difficulty behind a large boulder to avoid being noticed. Kagome walked out and scanned her surroundings for threats, a habit that she picked up after getting attacked at the well so many times, her miko energy sensed none of those…. things that ambushed her. Once she felt secure, she sat down and admired the ocean view she got from the beach, a small island was apparent in the distance, its opaque shadow a sharp contrast to the setting sun. Kagome sighed in contentment; she needed this, safe from her responsibilities, troubles, and attacks on her for whatever reason. This temporary escape was just what she needed before she went on her new journey to save the world from yet another ultimate evil.
Suddenly a voice broke through her peaceful reverie. “Who are you, are you new here?” Kagome turned around in total surprise; she didn't here the footsteps behind her and she had to try hard to not purify whatever demon that planed on pissing her off today. After recovering from her near heart attack, and controlling her ever mounting frustrations, she saw the one who intruded on her moment. It was a girl around her age; she had reddish brown hair and was wearing a pink dress and knee length boots. Her eyes were a deep blue and reflected kindness and confusion.
“Oh no, I used to live here about eleven years ago but had to move away, and my name is Kagome.” The girl's eyes widened in surprise and recognition.
“How did you know?” asked Kagome. She was surprised, she never met this girl, she was sure of it! So how did she know her last name?!?
“My friends knew you once. Oh! I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Kairi.” Kagome took a moment to digest this new information and figure out how this might help her in her task at hand because she would not have been brought here without a reason.
As Kagome once heard Sesshoumaru say “Everything has a purpose, you just need to know what that purpose is and manipulate it to your advantage.” Kagome asked what Kairi's friend's names were.
Her simple reply was “Sora and Riku” Kagome went into shock for a moment, she was flooded with memories and feelings from the past, and once that passed the shock of finding someone who knew her friends struck full force. After that something akin to jealousy filled her when she realized that she said their names as if she had a relationship with one of them. That surprised Kagome because their personalities might have changed over eleven years and they could be completely different than the people that Kagome had crushes on when she was younger. When she got her suddenly volatile emotions under control Kagome asked Kairi some questions about Sora and Riku, then asked questions about Kairi herself. Kagome gleaned a lot of information from that conversation, such as the fact that Sora and Riku were still bummed out when Kairi showed up and the fact that she moved in shortly after Kagome disappeared and that she helped the group get their livelihood back by helping them get out of their depression of Kagome's sudden disappearance. She also learned some details about Sora's adventures; this required some careful pushing and prodding on Kagome's part but in the end left Kagome thinking about the creatures that she now knew were heartless and the possibility that Sora might be the one to aid her on her journey to stop this new evil, or is she helping him? That depended on your point of view, at least that's how Kagome figured it.
Kairi also asked Kagome questions about Kagome's past. Kagome decided it was only fair to answer considering what Kairi told her, so she relieved everything. How she was nearly killed by Inuyasha when they first met, Shippo and how he was like a son to her, and other things like Miroku and his… um control problems *Ahem, groping Sango* and Sango's responses to this. They both had a laughing fit over the image of Miroku with a large boomerang on his head. When she at last got to Inuyasha's betrayal, she got into crying again, Kairi comforted her. When this was over they both realized how late it was. “So, talk to you tomorrow?” asked Kairi in a nervous voice.
“Sorry but I have to find Sora to help him. But I'm sure we'll meet again!” Was Kagome's optimistic reply.
“Oh. Well good Luck Kagome!”
“Thanks! Bye!”
Kagome went back to the Gummi Ship and after activating voice command, told it to track the Keyblade. On her way to the signal, she found out by using the Ships database that the Keyblade had the ability to seal the hearts of the worlds to prevent the heartless from destroying the worlds and plunging them into darkness. She also found out that the Heartless were born from the darkness in people's hearts, which is why they are so hard to totally destroy. She also learned about the seven princesses of heart and their role in keeping the darkness in check. By the time Kagome researched all of the information she needed, she was nearly at her destination. It was apparently called Hallow Bastion, not the most inviting name.
Kagome landed and jumped out of the ship. She felt for the Heartless and found that they well all over the city! But, they seemed to be under control at least. She hardly took two steps from her ship before she was attacked by heartless, not a lot, but enough to make her try to escape, even with the small devices that attacked the Heartless. She ran behind a wall and waited for her breath to even out again. When she took off again, her Miko senses told her that someone was above her. She looked up and saw a girl with short, messy black hair; a few strands covered her face and gave her a somewhat intimidating look, under normal circumstances it wouldn't but her face was serious and her posture was a clear battle stance. She was also wearing all black, clearly to prevent notice when fighting in the dark, her shorts had a lot of pockets that could have anything in them, weapons, knockout gas, anything! Adding to the Intimidation factor was the giant shuriken in her right hand.
*** Yuffie's P.O.V. ***
I was on the main building in the Town Square's commercial district. Cid told me that a Gummi Ship landed nearby and that I had to investigate and lead anyone that was in the Gummi Ship to Merlin's house, to find out what they were doing here. I took cover like the perfect ninja I am and took out my prized weapon, my giant shuriken and stood up to see who was there. I didn't see any Heartless, but I saw a teenage girl who was apparently hiding. She had long black hair and, was looking strait at me! How did she know I was here?!? Well she saw me, so I jumped down and told her that there was a place safe from the Heartless that wasn't far away from here. She agreed to follow me and introduced herself as Kagome. “Hi Kagome, I'm the great ninja Yuffie!” I exclaimed. Kagome of course pointed that she noticed me so if she noticed, how am I a great ninja she asked. In turn I asked “How did you notice me Kagome?”
“Well…” She explained that she was a Miko and could sense powerful auras.
“So I have a powerful aura?” I asked excitedly.
“One of the most powerful auras I've ever sensed in a human”
“In a human?”
“I'd rather not say just yet Yuffie.”
“No problem Kagome.” I knew she would most likely tell either Cid of Merlin.
***Kagome's point of view***
I followed Yuffie to her hideout and was surprised to find that it was just an ordinary house. I cringed when I felt the massive amount of magic within the house. Yuffie noticed.
“Don't worry Kagome, Merlin won't hurt you”
We walked in and the first thing I saw was the massive computer on the other side of the room. Then I noticed the person in the chair in front of the computer He had blonde hair goggles on his head and what looked like a box on his waist.
“So Yuffie who is this?” His voice was gruff, but it was a hint of curiosity in it.
“This is Kagome. Kagome, this is out tech expert Cid”
“Hey kid”
“Hi Cid, nice to meet you.”
“Kid, what's your story”
“Cid, before I tell, Can you tell me if you know anyone knowledgeable in magic?” A voice to the left of the room answered me
“That would be my specialty” I turned around quickly and saw an old man in blue robes that had a long white beard. He was old but his voice was light and young. “So what do you need to know Kagome?”
I explained the letter that my mother received and the Shikon jewel to Merlin.
“So what the jewel's current location now Kagome?” inquired Merlin.
“The Shikon went into my body when it was completed. Why do you need to know?”
“I need to analyze the jewel to see how it is activated. If you will Kagome, please allow me to extract the jewel with my magic.” I gave him permission to remove the jewel and watched as it flew out of my body, thankfully without harming me, and into his hand. After examining the jewel he gave a gasp of surprise. “Why, this is the first time I have seen this form of magic, its amazing!”
“What! What's so amazing? hu? hu? hu?” Asked the ever perky and excitable Yuffie.
“This is an incredibly rare form of magic known as shifter, or adaptive magic. It changes for based on the magic used in the area or its master's will.”
“Ok translate that into English please.” I suggested .
“Sorry, Kagome, you know of your Miko purification powers, correct?”
“Yes, of course.”
“And Yuffie, you know about Sora's magic right?”
“Yeah, but I can't use it.”
“Now, once Kagome transforms the jewel into pure magic, she will have knowledge of all of Sora's magic, and if she went to a place with entirely different types of magic, she would have basic knowledge of how to use it, if she wished. She could also use that magic whenever she wanted, but she couldn't use that magic with any other kind. So it does have its limitations.
“Wow, imagine what she could do if she saw every form of magic!” exclaimed Yuffie.
“Yes, that would be quite something wouldn't it?” answered Merlin
***Normal P.O.V***
“So she has found out.” Said a Dark figure looking into a mirror that showed whatever he wished.
“Yes, this could be a problem for the Organization.” Pointed out a figure with flaming red hair.
“Worry not, the girl is weak and a few new powers won't change that. Without her friends she is worthless. My revenge shall not be denied on that foolish girl!” With that the red haired man left the room, fed up with Naraku's plots or vengeance.
So, what do you think? Oh and just to clear up the shifter magic, right now she can only use Miko power or Sora's magic. But if she went into Naruto for instance, she would know how to use basic jutsu and could use it anytime she wanted. That also applies to any other form of magic k?