InuYasha Fan Fiction / Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Memories ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Thanks to those who reviewed my story! The ideas really help! Xaio, just so u know, I am not a perv! Blame Naruto fics! Damn the perverted sensei's in that show! And as for the pairings, you will be surprised. Now for the fic!
Sora was curious about what had been happening to Kagome over the past eleven years or so and expressed his curiosity. Kagome told him about her little brother Souta, Her mother, and her Demon-obsessed Gramps. When she got to the jewel, the mood changed perceptibly. She told Sora and the gang about Miroku and his utter pervertedness, and the wind tunnel in his right hand. When she told Sora about how he would grope almost any women in sight, included herself, he felt a completely unexpected wave of possessiveness washed over him. He attempted to ignore it, but it refused to be ignored. Writing it of as an instinctive reflex from childhood, it went away. When that was over with and he started paying attention again, Kagome was talking about Shippo and how he was like a son to her.
Kagome then started recalling her adventures in perfect detail, the guilt of having shattered the jewel, the joy of helping others on her journey, the heartbreak she felt when Inuyasha went to Kikyo. “You know Sora, looking back on my feelings now; I think that it was just a fascination that I misinterpreted as love.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, when I first met him, he was a mystery y' know? Later when I found out about his past and his losses, I felt pity and understanding. During the adventure, fascination and kindness and guilt led me to help him find the jewel.” At this point the air of the conversation changed. Before it was a peaceful recollection, now it was bitter rant, emotions that couldn't express themselves right after the traumatizing incident just broke free and flew out of her mouth like a raging river. “He toyed with my emotions, the fucking bastard! I gave up so much to help find the jewel! My only way to change the downward spiral my life would have gone after the quest was to stay with him! My school life was hopeless and my social life was ruined! But he took everything! My old idealism of the world around me, my time that I could have spent with my family, and my sense of self worth to an extent! He belittled my efforts at every achievement I was proud of he made seem worthless!” At this point she could no longer continue and broke into uncontrollable tears of sadness and self pity.
Sora was enraged at this point. He didn't think it possible that anyone could ever by so cruel to their own comrades, especially those who have everything to them, taking everything they get and giving nothing in return! They were worse than Ansem, and he wanted to destroy all of the worlds! But the damage Ansem caused was repairable, the emotional and physical scars Inuyasha left as grim reminders of Kagome's loss, would never fade. Sora tried to think of something to say, but decided that just being there for her was the best thing to do. Silently, he made an oath. That he would beat some sense into that, that….monster who claimed that he was a half demon. And if he hurt any of Kagome's friends, He would die.
Donald and Goofy were just as surprised over what happened to Kagome, but were even more surprised when they saw Sora's face. There was unmasked rage on his face. His anger was permeating the air and it was so strong, that you could even taste it. “Uh, Sora, Kagome? Sorry to interrupt, but there seems to be something strange on this world.” Sora turned around, and Donald became very, very afraid. Sora's eyes were alit with immeasurable rage. And just as Donald felt that he was going to be on the dinner table, Kagome grabbed his arm. She looked Sora in the eye, and shook her head.
“Don't push your anger on him. Just relax k?” Her eyes had a compassionate sparkle in them that showed Sora that she was willing to go on and not allow anyone to suffer because of her. Personally she probably wanted to kill something right about then but channeled her anger into more productive ways. She hated being so compassionate sometimes. She put that behind her as she prepared to put her hatred of Inuyasha and dump it on whoever was causing pain on this world as well. They prepared to land…..
This chapter sucks its too Short. Most chapters in the Gummi ship will be short and landing will always start in chappy's not involving events like these in the Gummi Ship. These parts are purely for emotional bonding only. Sorry!