InuYasha Fan Fiction / Kodomo No Omocha Fan Fiction / Tokyo Mew Mew Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ High School Story ❯ Haunted House ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Me:'s been a LONG LONG time since i updated!!

Akito:*sneer* and I enjoyed it!!

Me:OH. Seems like u forgot how mie fist tastes...

Akito:ah..ha..ha...i was just kidding..u noe like long time no see joke...?

Inuyasha: *snicker*


Me: jeez...nothing changed...i thougth yall b more MATURE

Sana:oh, Akito'll NEVER b mature! *laughs haughtily*

Kagome: Neither will Inuyasha...

Inuyasha and Akito: watever.

Me: Hee hee. Welpz! Here goes my chapter! enjoy~

Ranma: like anyone will *rolls eyes*

Me: *sends him flying* ah ha...let's just see wat Ranma will do today ^^

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Chapter 5

"C'mon Akito!! Your not scared, are you?"said Sana tugging at Akito's shirt. She pointed to the haunted house. It sat there eerie and quiet. The haunted house was way in the corner and who knows how Sana found it.

"Dammit!'Course i'm not scared!"protested Akito. Ichigo and Masaya held hands and was talking softly to each other.

"Hmph getting all mushy,huh?"muttered Inuyasha. Kagome took his arm.
"Aww don't be so jealous! C'mon that haunted house does look fun!" Kagome led him towards the opening.

"Dont get all over me when u get scared,"said Ranma.
"I DO NOT get scared!! I WONT go all over YOU,"yelled Akane.

So they all went into the haunted house carefully. It was very dark and foggy.
"Gah!! I can't SEE anything!! I don't get why humans like these things!"complained Inuyasha. Kagome just held on to him. "Oh stop complaining Inuyasha! Your half human too!" Inuyasha just ignored her.
"Maybe I should have picked Kouga,"muttered Kagome.
"Watch what your saying, wench,"whispered Inuyasha.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"screamed Akane. She jumped on Ranma. I knew it!! thought Ranma. "Th-there's a GhoST!!"stammered Akane. She held on to Ranma. " does feel nice..."murmured Ranma to himself. "What?"asked Akane.
"Hey! You guys!! There're four doors!" said Ichigo. Sana pulled Akito to the first door.
"We can go seperate! Me and Akito will take this door." They pushed open the blue lighted door and went in. Akito was just pulled along.

" Then me and Inuyasha will take this one," said Kagome pointing to the red lighted door.
"Gah! Why red??"
"It's my favorite color," replied Kagome. So they opened the huge door and slowly walked in.

Ichigo and Masaya went into the green lighted door.

"Well, I guess we two will go into the black door..." said Akane nervously. She looked very scared.
"Here," Ranma offered his arm while blushing harshly. Good thing it's dark..he thought. So they went in. There were faint candle lights and spiderwebs everywhere. Crunch!
"AIEEEEEEEEE!!"screamed Akane right into Ranma's ear.

"Owww! What?!" said Ranma irritabley.

"O-on the g-ground..." she said pointing to something. There was human bones scattered everywhere.

"AHH!" he yelled and fell over putting Akane in front of him.
"AHHHHHHHH!!!!" Akane shrieked as she fell on her back to the bones. She was close to crying. Ranma fell on top of her and their faces were only inches apart. He gazed at her face, her eyes shimmery from the tears. She really is beautiful..he thought.
"Ra-Ranma?" whispered Akane. "Get off me."
But Ranma kissed her gently on the lips.

"I think I love you." he whispered.

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Me: MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Wasn't that SOOO sweet???? *evil laugh*

Ranma: *blush* How could you!!!

Me: Well you do love her *laugh gleefully*

Ranma: It was SOO embarrasing! I should do my martial arts moves on you!

Me: Ah well then...I shall just give her to RYOGA

Ryoga: Oh would you?? And you can make me say all the things I wanted to say to her and, and we can get our first kiss on a real date!! Oh and--

Ranma: *smacks Ryoga's head* You'll never have the courage

Me: Well I think that's a great idea! *sends the evil eye to Ranma*

Ranma: Eek! No!

Me: Oh? and I thougt you just saiid that you didnt want to...

Ranma: I did NOT! *sigh* what point do i have in fighting with you?

Me: OH HO HO HO!! *puts out a fist* Nothing! Cuz I'll ALWAYZ win!!

Ranma: *rolls eyes* watever

Inuyasha: *snickers* well it's true. She can beat you up.

Ranma: *glare* thanks for being such a good friend

Inuyasha: Anytime. *smirk*

Me: Oh well let them be sarcastic who cares? Well Thank you SO much Dark Moon Hime for reviewing and glad you liked it!! ;)

Akito: Ya thanks alot for cheering her on! You want her to keep writing about my underwear?!?!

Me: What's that suppose to mean?

Akito: ah..oh nothing...*laughs nervously*

Me: Fine!! I'll let it pass since I'm like SUPER nice! ^^ and keep reading and reviewing pleeze!

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