InuYasha Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Big Brother House ❯ Guess What I found in the attic... ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
If you don't like this fanfic, and you would like to hurt me, please send a big sack of anthrax to: Large Iraqi terrorist training camp P.O. Box 1. Also, I don't own or am endorsed with anyone having to do with Dr. Phil.
PBJ: Back by demand, it's the big brother house!!!!!!!!!!! We've been keeping our friends up in the attic, so here they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Pulls a large rope hanging from the ceiling* *Naruto covered in blood falls out, followed by Inuyasha's hand, and a bloody pokeball*
Naruto: err… there wasn't any ramen and well, isn't it time for commercials?
PBJ: Nope!
Naruto: oh….
*Crickets are chirping*
Naruto: *looks side to side* WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Starts coughing* Sorry, hairball. Inuyasha REALLY needed a haircu-
PBJ: We will be back after this long commercial break!
Strange voice: Next up; BUM FIGHTS! Who will win? Ohsohawthobo or Smellslikecatdung? Stay around to find out!!!! We will start out with an all out brawl, and give our audience members buckets of old, moldy steak! They throw the steak at the hobos, to make them cry! Thus, handicapping the hobo so they can't see well!
*Doctor Phil theme song comes on*
Dr. Phil: okay, so you are a proud afri-
*TV's start to fizzle*
PBJ: And we are back to the Big brother house! But, sadly, we must go! Tune in next time to find out how long Naruto has in jail for manslaughter! Also, will the show be on the air again for supposedly kidnapping and starving the other house members?
*Bums are running around in a ring*
Person: *cheers and starts to throw a bunch of moldy steaks into ring*
Bums: start to eat steaks and are delighted to have people throw more and more into the ring
Announcer: Well, that wasn't supposed to happen!!!! They were supposed to be disappointed!
There ya go kk (name changed on purpose)! I will periodically make a new fic, Right now I am focusing on my World of Warcraft Characters, if you have it and would like to contact me about making more fanfics, PST Canadaeh on the alliance side of Aegwynn (US)