InuYasha Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ concrete angel ❯ chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Concrete Angel!
She had been betrayed by her own kind. Tortured and abused at home. Her only salvation, her sanctuary was the past...well used to be the past. She kept a secret from the rest since the day she fell down the well. Letting her walls down she saw what the world, her world could be. Now the man she loved has been with another behind her back. She is sick a tired of it all an now...she's hell bent on revenge. To kill the people who dare came close or killed what was hers an to kill the man who she once loved. However, how will she be able to when new a destiny is unraveled? Come along an follow me in the eyes of Kagome aka concrete angel.
Small note: I do not own inuyasha nor do I own naruto or whatever song I may use in the story...damn how many times do I have to say this?
((Chapter 10: the escape I needed))

((Last Time))

It did not matter. Right now two people who were unloved were showing their love towards each other. In the morning, it would not matter, but...but just for one night, tonight they would be the center of their attentions. Tonight they would sleep together under the stars. Star gazing sleepers. Their kiss burned in forsaken as the light of the moon was once again replaced with shadows.


The crisp breeze of cool springtime like air that was happening in the beginning of winter was what woke them up. The canary yellow sunlight that streamed over their faces to give a gentle feel of warmth is what meets their eyes. Light dew was what they felt under their bodies that currently sat on the luscious green grass. The first thing to register to their eyesight was each other’s faces. He gave a gentle smile she responded back by cuddling closer to him. They both sighed.

"miro-chan" Kagome said
"What happen last meant nothing right?" Kagome asked nervously
"You know it wasn't anything...a few innocent kisses" Miroku responded
"Yeah I guess, were not back together or anything," Kagome asked
"Just two former lovers seeking each other for comfort, nothing more" Miroku said seriously

An was all that was spoken from that point in time on. No words were needed to be breathed. None was needed anymore.

In the past when Kagome was 15 almost 16 and Miroku was 19 almost 20 when they had first meet they hated each other. Well not hated, hate was such a strong word. They disliked each other’s ways. Kagome even went as far as to teach him a lesson to never be a womanizer again, she failed horribly might I mind you. After that little incident, they both had something to prove and there goes the start of the courting of Kagome by Miroku. Of course, this courtship was kept in the shadows from Inuyasha and Shippo. If Inuyasha were to know, what the two were up to all hell really would have broken loose. The courtship was short lived when they both noticed the fading attention in what they were obsessed with, rather than Kagome being obsessed with Inuyasha she was becoming attracted to Miroku. Miroku was like wise as he became attracted Kagome in a more lover way than friends. It scared them to no end and they decided to end the little dare. If they knew what they knew now maybe they would have been together. Maybe they could have steered away of all the sorrow they faced after the ending of the fake courtship.

What they knew now is that they both in some way lusted attention from one another. Love was not running threw their veins when they kissed. Nor was it when they talked to one another. She lusted his mind and the attention he gave her. He lusted not only her personality, but her body as well. Who wouldn't? Yet there was always this haunting feeling in the back of Miroku's mind if he every had the chance to touch the miko in such a way. He heard about miko's in heat. How their power was so strong if the wrong male lead them threw the virgin night that said male would be purified into nothing but smoke and a forgotten memory to the world.

He shuttered at the thought.

Deep down inside Miroku wondered if he would ever find someone he actually loved. Not lusted after like Kagome, but truly honestly would die for them loved. He didn't think it possible since he had a image already of being the hentai. Well who could he blame? No one but himself. He had his reasons for doing what he did. Looking down he sighed lightly watching the birds wake up.


He watched with tormented envious eyes as the scene was played before him. Sesshouamru was in search for Kagome last night when she didn't show up. He couldn't believe his eyes as he watched the pair cuddle and fondle each other. The demon within his inner being was clawing at its chain restraints to be let free and dominate its chosen mate while his more rational side was speaking reason to him.

'Don’t be brash, she has no ideals on our attention towards her ' his sub-concenises spoke

'She is MINE, no other male shall touch what I’ve claimed ' his demonic side roared with and anguished cry of furry

'That’s the point, she is unmarked...we've never claimed her, she knows nothing of a claim, besides she's only being comforted, nothing more’

'Free game until marked’

Nothing more was thought at that time as a smirk played upon his lips as he formulated a plot in his mind to get what he wanted most.

'Kagome one day you'll know ' he thought


"Tell me Kagome, who is the lucky male that you see every night?" Miroku asked.

Kagome's head shot up from Miroku's shoulder looking at him with wide eyes. Her cheeks the color of scarlet. Letting him know she was seeing someone special.

"Umm...we haven't done anything, we only talk” Kagome murmured
"Who?" Miroku asked
"Umm…I...." was Kagomes quick-witted response
"Hmm sounds interesting to me,” Miroku said
"Uh it’s Sesshoumaru," Kagome blurted out, blushing ten folds afterwards. She felt Miroku's chest constricted as he sucked in some air for a gasp to be heard.
"Sesshoumaru...the same Sesshoumaru who is the demon lord of the west...the demon lord of the west who hates humans" Miroku question
"You’re making it sound bad, you don't even know him, if you knew him you would know that his motives are right for his reasoning," Kagome hissed
"Ah so something is going on, tell me how you feel for him," Miroku said leaning up to set Kagome next to him, once in a conterfulable position he looked at her with serious eyes.
"Umm...I...I don't know" Kagome honestly said, she for one was confused on her relationship with the taiyoukai from the west. At first her motives was to get him to trust her so he could help her if Inuyasha did something. She still didn't know what the hanyou was up too.

" well I think we should be getting back to came don't you" Miroku asked looking down at Kagome, it seemed while kagome was off in lala land he took the time to stand up and dust his purple and black robes off.

Kagome smiled brightly blushing a little as she and took his hand that he put out for her. Taking the hand and standing up they made there back to camp not speaking a word. Just enjoying the last few moments of the peace before a certain silvered haired hanyou ruined it.

((Back at camp))

Kagome and Miroku both gawked to see Sango, Naruto, Sakura, Saskue and Shippo still curled up under a large feline known as Kilala. Inuyasha was nowhere to be found. Shrugging it off them both sat down under a tree and closed their eyes. As soon as their eyes closed, they heard the worst voice beginning to speak.

"If you don't get your lazy...."

"Sit boy” was heard hissed threw out the land

* Bam * was the sound of the hanyou crashing to kiss the dirt underneath his feet.

"Everyone is tired let them sleep" Kagome hissed again before she closed her eyes falling into a fitful slumber as soon as she did.

About 4.5 seconds later Inuyasha was standing up again with a look of disgust written upon his face. He had just left Kikyou and know needed to see her again. They were going have to move things up faster than expected.

((In a cave))

"Are you sure it’s the right time sweets, it’s fairly early" Kikyou said holding on to the hanyou
"I’m sure of it, it's time they learned” Inuyasha hissed out
"Then you need to get in touch with him” kikyou said
"I will, nothing to worry about there," Inuyasha said turning around to kiss her
"I’ll be gone for a few days...don't go anywhere” Inuyasha whispered in her ear, she shivered slightly
"I won't koi," Kikyou whispered
"Good” was all he said as he dashed out of the cave to meet up with his partner.

((With everyone else))

A few hours had passed since the ill-tempered hanyou had left them to sleep. The first to wake up was saskue. He looked around somewhat confused for a while before he nugged Naruto and sakura awake. They looked around to see all the adults sleep. Shrugging they went a little bit further into the clearing and started practicing there attacks with one another.

The next set of people to wake up was Shippo, Sango and Kilala. Shippo was up first looking around to hear the kids sparring each other and the remainder of the group sleep. He didn't mean to kick Sango, but he did when he got up from the floor. Automatically she was in a defensive stance with a dagger in hand. She calmed down when she noticed it was only Shippo. They both looked over to see Miroku and Kagome still sleep. Shrugging they walked over to the sparring teens to watch with Kilala in toe.

Finally, after another hour of sleep Miroku and Kagome woke up upon return of Inuyasha.

"Are you ready to go yet” Inuyasha sneered
"Yeah” Kagome said looking at everyone, they all nodded and started to pack up camp. Once camp was packed up, they set of back into the dangerous spine of the central lands.


Once again, Kagome found she in the woods only this time alone. Sitting in a tree located in a small clearing here, she sat letting her mind wonder.

'What was miroku getting at earlier ' kagome wondered
'I don't get is miroku able to have me think about this when it wasn't even clear to me’
' my head is starting to hurt, what does sesshouamru have to gain by knowing me better...wanting to help me...nothing...well there’s the sword...nah he said it himself he would rather have naraku have the sword than inuyasha...then why?' kagome wondered, she was just about to leave when a voice came to her ears.

"What troubles you?”

((In the forest))

Just like, he had promised the leaders from the other lands followed sesshouamru in the woods to the chosen place she stayed. Tonight, he noted, was a full moon. He knew he would have no trouble with inuyasha tonight. Since the completely clearing thing, Sesshoumaru had been plotting in his mind what to do. His demon was saying to mark her. His rational side was arguing at him to court her. Hell, he knew he had to court her. If he didn't court her, then the mating process wouldn't go threw well with either one. He could be purified and she could bare his mark, but the mark would be marred with one of a black stem. The black stem in any mating mark was a thorn on their love. Meant that one did not love the other. The mark would fade month to month as well.

You see when demons mate they mate for life. Unlike the humans, taking away the mark is painful on both parts and most demons just chose to cheat on each other than get it taken off. He looked down on creatures that did that. One of the many reasons why he hated humans. He did respect some, but for the most part humans in general were illereted jackasses who needed to be taught a lesson or two in love and honesty.

Now he wasn't saying the demons didn't lie. He knew many demons that lied, cheated and steal. It was just nature for creatures to do this. Part of life. One person for this example had to be the demon that was walking behind him. Lord of the southern lands. This demon made all demons look bad. He had a lovely mate and two heirs. Yet he cheated on her and was never at his castle. She was a loyal mate to stay by his side all these years. Loyal or very scared of the demon.

"How much longer till we reach the wench" the lord of the southern lands spoke, immediately he found claws around his neck. His back against a tree. He stared into golden eyes brimmed with red.
"Her name is Kagome, you will treat her with respect," Sesshoumaru hissed
" ohh seems like the young lord as an intended on his hands...finally the great lord of the west has fallen" the lord of the north announced with a clap of his hands, the lord of the east snickered lightly at the growl emitted from Sesshoumaru.

Sesshoumaru gave one more death glare at the demon in his claws before his let him go. He snarled at the northern lord before his return to walking in the direction of the smell of peaches and vanilla. Only a minute or so into the walk did they come to the edge of a clearing. The moon light shone into the small clearing giving it a eerie mystical glow. Sesshoumaru looked into the clearing to see Kagome up in a leaf-less tree watching the moon. She seemed to noticed his presence along with the others, but either didn't care or was in deep thought.

"Stay here a moment" Sesshoumaru said not even sparring them a glance, he walked into the clearing quietly.

Kagome heard the faint footsteps of Sesshoumaru. She cocked her head down to look at him quickly then back to the moon.

"You know...I’m not sure of why we meet...I’m not sure what Inuyasha is up too, and I’m not sure about you" Kagome said
"Where did this all come from" Sesshoumaru asked, Kagome shrugged
"Not sure...someone made me think about it"
"I’ve came here to ask you a question" Sesshoumaru said
"And it took the other lords to come with you to ask" Kagome said, Sesshoumaru smirked
"This evolves them as well," Sesshoumaru said
"Well...can I at least see them?" Kagome asked moving around in the tree until she was sitting Indian style on the thick branch. Sesshoumaru nodded his head and the other three lords walked into the clearing.

The first to walk into the clearing was the lord of the north. The northern lord held a smile upon his face as well in his eyes. The shinning orbs of emerald green were taking in the appearance of the miko. The lord had long wavy black hair that was held in a high ponytail in a loose braid. He wore a black yukata that had red stitch work with spiked armor over it. Black hakim’s adored his lower half with a red obi tied around his waist. Held within the obi were two different swords. One was very short with a black and red handle. The other had a blue blade with a red hilt wrapped in what looked to be either black leather or black tape. Boots adored his feet. From first glance, you couldn't tell what kind of demon he was for he held no markings except for the mating mark on his neck, but with one look at his hands, you could tell he was a dragon.

The second to enter the clearing was the lord of the east. His eyes were serious yet gentle at the same time. His eyes glowed amber like Sesshouamru. His hair was short and choppy the color of blonde-haired person. His clothing was simple. Black yukata with black hakama's stitched in silver. Spiked silver armor similar to Sesshouamru adorned his chest. Black boots on his feet. His face held a couple of markings. Two blue strips adorned each cheek. His eyes outlined in silver. A silver arrow on his forehead. He was a lion demon.

The last to enter the clearing was the evil southern lord. He wore a lavish green and black yukate that was stitched with lime green silkworm thread. His hakama's were black and made of silk. His body armor was larger than Sesshoumarus but similar. His hair was short choppy and messy with the color black. His eyes were narrowed into four slits. His eyes were already slips of red now he had then narrowed. His skin was a light green color that made the yukate almost blend with it. Over all he didn't look bad, but not good either. If another demoness were to be in his presence the demoness would have killed him fore his sent was deathly worse than Kikyou's and Jaken's put together. He was a snake demon. A demon you should not trust.

Kagome studied them all deciding she liked the on with blonde hair and the one with long black hair. They seemed nice. Now the third one made her shiver. She looked and felt evil. His aura was darker than Naraku's and his eyes were darker as well. He licked his lips at her and she turned away clearing disgusted.

"My name is Toyo WA Yama, this is Yoshi Ichiro,” the eastern lord said

((the eastern lords name mean plentiful; abundant, peace; harmony, mountain; and the north lords means good luck; joy, first son))

"And I milady am Kuro Toku " the southern lord said licking his lips (means black, virtuous)

'This miko seems to like demons...I must have a taste of her ' the southern lord thought

Kagome shivered in disgust at his voice as he spoke. Looking at Sesshoumaru with pleading eyes she watched him take a step towards her.

" Kagome I’ve come here to tell you that the hanyou will attack you and your group soon, he's made an alliance with someone, I’m not sure who, I would like you to become my allay" Sesshoumaru said smoothly, Kagome took in his words looking confused for a moment.

"Why should I take it, I get everything I need at my camp" Kagome said with a smirk, she wanted to see how far he would go.
"With this alliance you can be guaranteed that all your comrades will be save” Sesshoumaru said with a grin, he knew she was testing him. He would play her game for now.

"Well that is nice to they are involved," Kagome, said nodding her head to the others
"As lord any alliances I make are required to be alliances with the other lords" Sesshoumaru answered
"Oh...I accept, but...keep him away from me...I’m well aware of what will happen if I killed a lord," Kagome said pointing to the snake demon
"Why you little...." Kuro tried to say when Kagome interrupted him
"What...bitch, yeah and...?” Kagome said shrugging
"Wench” he hissed
"Lusted smelling cow shit snake demon" Kagome snapped back
"Lord Kuro will stay away from you, is that clear Kuro" Sesshoumaru said turning to look at him threw narrowed eyes
"Hai” he spat

Turning back to Kagome, he looked at her as if thinking for a moment.

"Tomorrow I’ll pretend to attack your group, you will come to my home to stay along with whom ever chooses to come with you," Sesshoumaru said
"So you’re going to kidnap me?" Kagome asked
"Then..." Kagome stopped and started thinking
"I think that I should go willingly along with who ever, how are we to pull this off and be quick enough to get away from him?" Kagome questioned
"It is simple,” Sesshoumaru, said trying not to smirk.

In the background, the eastern and northern lord shared knowing glances while the southern lord listened in to hear the plan.

'I now have to find the one named Inuyasha ' he thought with a smirk, before anyone knew it, he was gone.

((With inuyasha))

"All you have to do is send some of your demons on us tomorrow and attack Kagome...makes sure to knock her out,” Inuyasha said to the cloaked figure

'I will do no such thing to the mistress’

"Hai...I’ll send enough to get the job done,” he said lightly
"Jewel shards...make sure to put a few in with the demons so she can pick it up" Inuyasha mentioned
"Is being done as we speak," he said
"Why did you change castles" Inuyasha sneered hating he had to waste half the night to find the new one
"Because I have...people who I care for staying in the other at the moment," he said quickly
" well...I’ll be off...make sure they are strong enough to fend the monk and sango off" Inuyasha said from over his shoulder, he didn't reply this time.


((The next day with the group))

Kagome had it all figured out. She had told Shippo and Naruto of what was going to happen today and they both agreed to go with her. She wanted to tell the others but she felt that they needed to stay for a while longer. Why? She didn't know her own self at the time.

"I think that we should head into the northern lands," Miroku said suddenly
"Why monk" Inuyasha asked
"Becaues…i feel a strong sense of power from that direction" Miroku said, Inuyasha turned to Kagome
"Wench” Inuyasha said
"Don’t look at me like that...I feel a strong sense of power from all around" Kagome said narrowing her eyes...this wasn't part of the plan so...

"Get down” Saskue yelled pointing to the sky

Above head hordes of various demons appeared in the once ocean painted sky. Now the color of plum miasma. Just like, they came out of now where they attacked.

"Haricots” Sango yelled sending off the first defensive attack towards the demons, on contact they seem to dissolve into a goo like liquid that Miroku absorbed quickly just incase the goo would bond together.

"Kagome, shot some of your arrows,” Sango yelled over her shoulder, Kagome nodded

Looking around the battlefield Kagome saw Sakura tending to Saskue who seemed to be injected with some of the poison. Naruto was standing in front of them protecting them from the other demons. Kagome saw Shippo sending of small burst of foxfires to kill who all came at him. She narrowed her eyes at Inuyasha to see him toying around with the demons by only using Sankontessô instead of Tessaiga's wind scar. She knew some how he was up to this. She was launching her arrow when all fighting stopped. Everyone looked up into the sky to see non other than Sesshoumaru floating on his sparkling dust cloud other wise known as his Mokomoko-sama. His face was controlled into a icy smirk of triumph. He nodded his head slightly at Kagome who nodded hers back. She gave quick glances at Shippo and Naruto before she spoke.

"Soo...why are you here Sesshoumaru-sama" Kagome said
" you know ever well why miko, do not play games" Sesshoumaru responded back, in a flash of light his Whip of Light sprayed threw the demons in the sky sending large body parts to the ground like rain on a summers day.

"What the hell is he doing here" Inuyasha sneered seeing kagome walk closer to his brother who was descending to the ground next to her
"What does it look like dear brother, I’m here to get the miko and her counter parts," Sesshoumaru said lightly, behind them Sango gasped while Miroku looked confused. Saskue and Sakura looked on in wonder at what was going on.

"Wench what he speaks of” Inuyasha sneered
"Oh come up off of it...I know your little plan to kill me won't happen, I’m leaving" Kagome declared
"An were going with her" Shippo said with Naruto following him
"You would you little twerp" Inuyasha sneered
"Actually I should be calling you twerp, after all I’m older," Shippo said changing into his adult form as he walked over to Kagome.

Inuyasha looked like he had been betrayed. What over look could he give?

" bitch" Inuyasha snarled, Sesshoumaru gave him one in return

"Inuyasha you brought this one deal," Sesshoumaru said

In a blink of an eye the four were turned into floating energy balls then…*zap* nothing more but a forgotten memory.

"Get back here” Inuyasha roared his eyes bleeding red. He took of in a mad dash after them

Sango, Miroku, Saskue and Sakura looked dazed for a moment before anyone spoke.

"Who thinks it would be best to try and find kagome," Saskue suggested
"Well I have a pretty good ideal on where there to get there is another question though," Miroku said

Kilala mewed in agreement with the monk.

((Kagome/ co))

What once was a ball of energy were now four people floating upon what seemed like clouds in the sky. No one spoke for they were all to catch up in their minds to let one know of their thoughts.

'Now that I’m away from the group I can stay in my adult form an not have to worry about Inuyasha too much, I still wonder why I was sent here though' Shippo wondered

'Now with kagome away from inuyasha I can start the process of courting her, there are still some things that aren’t clear though' Sesshoumaru thought

'Now that I’m away from Inuyasha I can finally start to under stand what Sesshouamru motives are...I can start to fight' Kagome thought happily

' yes I’m away from everyone I can have Shippo train me...with him training me and being around of the strongest demons in this time...threes no way I can't become dream to become leader is going to be paved ' Naruto thought puffing his chest out a little in pride.

" much longer” Kagome asked becoming bored...quickly...lets say having a bored miko on your hands is a very good one to have.
"Soon” Sesshoumaru said, an that was all he was going to say for he had much on his mind. After all, he was a Tai youkai who was very busy.

Kagome pouted silently as she watched the clouds pass by under them. From the tone in Sesshouamru, voice Kagome figured ' soon ' meant a day or two. She sighed lying back in the fluffy cloud like pillow.

((Else where))

'Good the hanyou fell for it' he thought
'With her in safe hands it will only be a matter of time before my roll is exposed ' he thought with a little sigh
'I have much to do’

((End chapter…))

Oh, my god...I did it...I finished chapter ten. Now please read these not be too mad at me for it.

To my reader I want to tell you before hand what I plan to do after this chapter. After this chapter, all my updates will be slower. Reasons why is to give people a chance to read the story to the last chapter. The other reason in my decision is I want to make chapters longer, 11-20 I want to make 10,000-word chapter or more to give you the full effect of what is going on. This little informs should not upset you because you getting longer better chapters only at a slower rate. But fear not for with the next update of the story I will have another story out that I hope you will like...if not oh well because I’m doing the next story for me. I really hope I have not made any of you unhappy with this little note.

JA ne