InuYasha Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ light and dark-forbidden love ❯ Chapter 4, I think... ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello guys!
I hope you guys forgive me for not updating, but you read my AN, ne?
Thankies and cookies for my reviewers
Oh, and until we install my writing programs, the progressmight be quite slow, so please don't get mad
Disclaimer-I don't own Inuyasha or Naruto.
At Yuki's
"Hi Yuki, my man," yelled Sango as she entered the forge.
"Welcome, Sango-san and Kagome-san," bowed Yuki.
"Yuki, I told you to cut that -san, -sama, majesty, lady crap," Kagome said, rolling her eyes. "Can you check my weapons for me? And I think I need a new set of Mirthril(armor made of mixes of the strongest metal, worn under the battle gear)."
"Coming right up. And you, Sango?" Yuki inquired.
"I was just following Kagome," smiled Sango.
"Well, Kagome, come back at dawn. You're things will be ready then," Yuki said, smiling. "I should get started."
"Bye Yuki," the girls chorused.
Chapter 3
“Kagome! Wake up! Don't make me go in there!” shouted Sango from outside of Kagome's doorway.
Kagome groaned and said,” You couldn't do anything to me even if you tried. Just five more minutes.”
“Kagome,” Sango said, “you have five seconds to wake up. One, two, three, four, FIVE!”
Yelling the last number, Sango broke open the door.
“HOLY SHIT!!! ARE YOU FUCKIN' MAD, WOMAN!” yelled Kagome, finally jolted awake.
“Well hey, it got you awake,” shrugged Sango. “Your father wants to see you. He says you have an hour to get down to the meeting room.”
“Thanks, Sango,” murmured Kagome, and went into the bathroom. “Ah, this is the life,” said Kagome, under the hot jets of water spraying onto her body.
1 Hour Later
“Father! I'm down!” yelled Kagome.
“Kagome? Finally!” boomed Zothello, Kagome's father(my random OC…). “We need you here. We're still figuring out the tactics.”
Kagome rolled her eyes. It was like they couldn't do anything by themselves. Kagome this, Kagome that, Kagome this, Kagome that. Not to be self-centered, but sometimes she wondered what chaos would take over if she was not there.
Sasuke was wearing a sleeveless black turtle neck and black pants as he went to the hall as directed. When he got there, the hall was crowded, and he wondered if he would be able to find a seat. If he knew right, he would have to look for Inuyasha, as Inuyasha usually saved him a seat and vice versa.
“Yo emo boy!” called Inuyasha. “Over here!”
Sasuke went over to Inuyasha. “You ready, dog boy?”
“Yup. Oh, and Kik told me to tell you that they're hanging in the back, and we get her at the end (ooooooooh what is it?). She also said that she didn't mind if we killed the others, so there's no danger of being called a traitor,” Inuyasha said nonchalantly, inspecting his nails (giggle… quite girly of Inu, ne?).
“Hn,” was all Sasuke said, anxious to get to battle already. He had already picked up his weapons from Totosai, and had Akuji fixed, hardened, and polished.
“Attention,” said Sesshomaru in his calm, dangerous voice. Despite being quite quiet, he got the attention of everybody in the hall. “The council and this Sesshomaru have decided an attack plan. While this Sesshomaru calls out the plan, you will all assume your positions. Is that understood?”
Murmurings of “Hai!” rang through the hall.
“Any fooling around, showing pity, or anything else ridiculous will not be tolerated. Any horseplay, and this Sesshomaru will dispatch your head from your neck,” said Sesshomaru coldly.
The dark angels in the hall shivered, as they knew Sesshomaru was always serious.
Kagome stood with the other angels out on the border of heaven and hell. Zothello, Miroku, and this one guy whose name she didn't know. She tugged at her dress. It was pure white with flaring sleeves, a V-cut, and slits up to her hips. It reached all the way to her feet, and she had black short-shorts underneath. It was quite uncomfortable, so she wore her training outfit underneath (do you guys remember her outfit from the other chapter?). Her hair was free of a ponytail, with a delicate crown of silver and diamond lilies on her head. Then, she heard marching.
“Father, they're coming,” whispered Kagome to Zothello.
The armies depended on Kagome's keen hearing, as she was the one who first hears the sounds of battle. That, with her fighting ability, and she was heaven's most valuable asset. It also helped that she was beautiful and gave off an undescribeable aura.
“Battle positions!” roared Zothello. “Remember, we are the angel army of heaven! We have Lady Kagome on our side, and each and every one of you are strong fighters, even stronger as we are bound together. Remember, we are one! We are single! We are together!”
Unknown to the others, Kikyou and Sakura were in the back, smirking at what Zothello said.
“I think I speak for everyone here when I say this, but Lady Kagome, will you lead us into battle?” asked Miroku.
Kagome widened her eyes. She turned to the crowd and said,” I have not expected this high honor. I will do the best I can, and remember. We are unbeatable as long as we are one! We are heaven's army!
The crowd roared.
They began to see those dressed in black, marching slowly yet steadily toward them. At the head was Sesshomaru, Sasuke, Jaken, and another that Kagome could not identify.
As they came closer and closer, everyone tensed.
Then the army of dark angels stopped and Sesshomaru strode out, Sasuke at his side.
“Archers!” called out Kagome, as all of the archers, including herself, notched an arrow and got ready.
“Is this Sesshomaru to be greeted with such hostility, o princess?” inquired Sesshomaru.
“Sesshomaru!” spat Zothello.
“And what has this Sesshomaru done to you, Zothello? Maybe because of something done long ago in the land of the living?” smirked Sesshomaru.
“You bastard,” hissed out Zothello. “Kagome, now!”
Kagome let out heaven's battle cry and released her arrow, as a battle only starts after the release of an arrow of royalty.
And that was when the chaos began.
As they stood in front of heaven's army, the first thing he thought was that the white was almost blinding, so he didn't look at them. He could hear everything going on, and when he heard someone cry out a battle cry and release an arrow, he let out hell's battle cry, unsheathed his sword, and led the rest of the army along with him as he rushed toward heaven's army.
Gosh guys, sorry this is so short
So until I get my computer fixed, I can't really update, but I'll try my best.
PLEASE review!
Cyber cookies for all, and tata for now!