InuYasha Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Love Of The Eyes ❯ Glimpses ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
M.S.: Here's my attempt at a Kagome/Itachi pairing. Oh, things aren’t going to go like they did in the anime or manga, much. A few parts may seem OOC, but I need it to flow. I was listening to SR71’s Tomorrow. Enjoy!

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Disclaimer: Me no own Naruto or Inuyasha.
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Kagome - 18, Itachi - 18


Needless to say, Kagome was bored. She was walking around Konoha with nothing to do. Her subordinates were training with out needing to be told to, and she had no ANBU missions either. Kagome's last name wasn't Higurashi, it was Kaguya. Yup, she's Kimimaro's older sister by two and a half years -though he's older monthwise.

After the previous mission was done, she and her subordinates went to visit her otouto. Not only was he put in a cell, she was too, only Kagome was in a worse cell. The wooden bars had more sutras to hold back power, they held back Rokubi -The Six Tailed Weasel- no Raijuu and her sickness was worse as well. Her Maro Mayu mark creased with lines from her eyebrows knitting together. Her powers as a priestess -that constantly clashed with her demon chakra- is what is keeping her and her otouto alive.

Kagome formed a stronger bond with him, using a blood bond, to give him some of her blood that had some of her holy powers to keep his sickness at bay. The Mizukage passed off her and her otouto -though he joined Orochimaru- as to being forced to help in the coup de 'tau. Now, Kagome was in Konohagakure for a peace treaty between Kirigakure and Konohagakure. Her subordinates were training with other ANBU subordinates due to a friendship that formed between her team and the other team. Her weasel mask was currently sitting on top of her head, doing nothing.

She had snowy white hair that fell to her waist and bangs -like Haku's that ended in her chest area- only the red hair thing is parallel with her eyes -which had red under them. Her Kirigakure hitae-ate (sp?) was around her neck like a chocker, but didn't constrict her throat. Kagome grew from five two to five eight and a half. She was wearing clothing of that of an ANBU, seeing how she is an ANBU -clothing black, sandals black and armor white. Around her neck was a pendent she got from her otouto, it had a dragon -though smaller than the sword- curling around a sword, with its wings spread out to the side, it had no legs only forelegs, and under the hilt of the sword, above the dragon's head was a small red ruby(1).

She had the markings of a ferret -three whiskers on each cheek and a band across her eyes- though, the markings weren't black, but a light brown color, and she had a demon weasel inside of her. Her pupiless iridescent lavender -that look either sky blue or a shade of green like her otouto's, though it's hard to tell unless she moves her's- eyes looked up at feeling strong chakra. The female Kaguya looked over at a tea shop and saw two people -though one looked like a shark- with straw hats and black cloaks with red clouds -Akatsuki. The high collars on the cloaks wouldn't let Kagome see below the lower half of their face -though one was sitting with his back towards her. The shark-man -as Kagome dubbed him- looked over at her quickly before looking back at the man, who was probably his partner.

The Shikotsumyaku (Dead Bone Pulse)(1) User's eyes narrowed as the shark-man's headband, barely visible to her, looked to be one from Kirigakure with a deep slash through it. So, this is the Nukenin (Missing Shinobi) Hoshigaki Kisame. He's listed in the Bingo Book and was once one of the Seven Swordsman of the Hidden Mist. Fits the description in the Bingo Book, all right. S-Ranked Nukenin Hoshigaki Kisame. Twenty-three years old and I'll call him Sharky from now on, too. Not bad, bad thing was Kagome was an ANBU, but he does deserve respect, and respect wasn't something she felt for a lot of people. In fact, it was rare for Kagome Kaguya to give respect to anyone, unless the were a Sannin (sp?) or Kage. As much as she detests the Snake Sannin, he does deserve respect, as does herself. S-Ranked as well, Kagome ol' girl. Though listed in the Bingo Book, only enemy shinobi and kunoichi try to attack me, though fail miserably, yes as any other Kaguya, Kagome loves battle, but hates it when lives are taken with out reason for the sake of killing. I'll be damned if I can guess who his partner is. Sasori? No, caught a glimpse of him with the blonde with mouths on his hands -Deidara. Zetsu's by himself, until he gets a partner. Not the purple-haired, flower-in-hair girl -or is the person a guy-, he/she's alone as well. Kakazu's with Hiden. So, Hoshigaki's partner must be Uchiha Itachi. The Leader -who looks like a Kage (Shadow) with eyes- wouldn't be his partner. Guess I damned myself, Kagome didn't look in the Bingo Book for nothing, she recognized the cloaks of the Akatsuki Organization, I have a feeling Sasori will be replaced with someone soon, and the Hoshigaki's partner barely turned his head as if to see who was staring.

Kisame’s POV

With all the staring Kagome was doing, it bother Kisame. He looked over at her quickly, only to discover a Kiri ANBU there. Damn ANBU - Black Ops Captain is bothering the hell out me, yes Kisame heard of Kagome Kaguya, She won't stop staring. At least she isn't causing a scene to get Konoha ANBU suspicious. Itachi noticed him glance over somewhere and his Sharingan eyes looked to his left slightly and barely turned his head. Kisame noticed his partner's eyes narrow slightly, Itachi must have an off-feeling with the ANBU Captain.

Itachi’s POV

Noticing the quick glance his partner made to the side, made the S-Ranked Nukenin Uchiha suspicious. that was when he noticed chakra behind him -though slightly off the side- staring. Itachi's right ring finger -that wore the ring that said Shu (Scarlet/Bloody)- twitched slightly. Though his shark-like partner missed it. The person's chakra felt like that of a Demon Vessels.

Maybe the person was a Demon Vessel that the Leader was trying to find. He first moved his eyes left, then barely his head, and noticed the person help the power of an ANBU - Black Ops. His eyes narrowed, he'd have to decide to either tell the Leader about her or not. She was a Demon Vessel after all. Moving his head back t its original position, he took a sip of his tea then ate some dango.

Kagome’s POV

Kagome noticed him put his head back to its original position. Her eyes looked over to that of the Copy Ninja who was leaning on the wall near/next to the Akatsuki members. What's he doing here? Is the Hokage suspicious, or are their rumors of two cloaked figures in the village? Damn, thinking is giving me a headache, done with thinking, Kagome went over to Kakashi -who was reading Icha Icha Paradise. His ebony eye followed her, as she approached. Apparently, instead of the female Kaguya asking first, he did.

Kakashi’s POV

He saw Kagome Kaguya, after appearing from who knows where. She was currently staring/looking at two men in the tea shop, near/next to him. He was, after all, leaning on the wall of the shop. She held a curious gaze. So, he decided to ask her a question, before she could.

"Need something?" blunt as always, or so she heard.
"No. Just curious, why are you here of all places?" Kagome's mouth in a frown as she asked.
"Meeting one of my subordinates -Sasuke- is all Kagome." Kakashi was to the point, not noticing Uchiha Itachi's right ring finger twitch on his tea cup. The response given was a shrug, before the eighteen year old left with a slight wave. She walked right passed Kurenai and Asuma.

After he asked the pair what they were doing, they answered. And low and behold, Sasuke appeared.

Sasuke’s POV

Though he was a few meters away, he saw that Kiri ANBU chick walk away, right by Kurenai and Asuma. He looked at Kakashi, that first had a table with two people wearing cloaks. At first he thought he saw two people sitting at a table, only to see two cups and dango on the table. The people must've left, was his thought and turned his attention to Kakashi, only to watch Kurenai and Asuma disappear. He shrugged it off.

With Kagome

Kami I'm bored,
eighteen year old Kagome was watching the water in the canal nonchantingly. Her left ear twitched at the sound of a faint bell ringing. Her eyes traveled to her left, only to see the two Akatsuki members from before. What the hell?! I leave them, and what do they do? Reappear where I am, an anger mark appeared on her head as the pair drew nearer. Her eyes narrowed, Damn them to hell for all I care. Just keep them away from me, Kagome had tears running down her face mentally at her poor luck.

Kisame’s POV

As he and Itachi walked along a path near a canal of water, he spotted a familiar figure. What the hell? Damn me and my rotten luck, thought Kisame as Inner Kisame was crying. When she looked over at them, not only did she want to turn tail and get out of there, so did Kisame. He had a good reason too, even if he did have his chakra-eating weapon Samehada.

This ANBU - Black Ops Captain made some of the Seven Swordsmen of the Hidden Mist look pathetic.

Itachi’s POV

He saw a girl -or a blur that looked to be a girl- with white hair, some red -her hair thing- and the Maro Mayu symbol. The girl-blur had the same feeling as the girl who was staring at them in the tea shop. He blinked, and then blinked again. Her power would go to waste if she were to be killed, having the demon inside of her taken out, went through his head unnoticed. Itachi, unnoticingly, let out a quiet sigh that Kisame didn't hear.

Kagome’s POV

She felt eyes staring at her, and it caused her eyebrow to twitch. She looked over into red ruby eyes. Sharingan. I have a feeling he's going blind, yes, that ran through Kagome's head at the time. Wait, Itachi means weasel and Uchiha means like fan. Weasel Fan? What a weird name, but it's cool, too. I feel somewhat bad for him, not only is he going blind, he has lines on his face. Poor thing, pondered the female Kaguya. With that though, Kagome turned away and walked the way the pair are walking.

As she passed Kurenai and Asuma, she noticed the two Akatsuki members stop. Too bad, she couldn’t stay and watch the fight between two Jounin and two Nukenin. The Shikotsumyaku User went to the Ichiraku Ramen for some ramen. Those Nukenin are weird. Probably all the members of Akatsuki are, with that, Kagome sped off. Though as she left, Kagome felt eyes follow her as she left.

At Ichiraku Ramen

Eating her ramen, the female Kaguya noticed the Uchiha otouto sitting a seat down from her. Apparently, he had been training for the Third Part of the Chuunin Exams. She ordered a bowl of ramen for him, causing him to look at her, confused. Kagome shrugged, a sign it was on her, for him, since he was training.

Sasuke’s POV

With a shrug, Sasuke accepted the ramen bought for him. Usually, girls tried to give him stuff, and want something in return. The Kiri ANBU didn’t, maybe she felt he should have something to eat -he didn’t know-, but he was a little grateful at not being asked for something in return. Sasuke wasn’t one to pass up an opportunity, when one was offered to him by someone he has a feeling he could trust. He’d have to ask her if there were two people in cloaks at the tea shop.

Pushing his empty bowl away -signaling he was done- he looked over at the Kiri ANBU. She was making a list, probably of things to do, or for her subordinates to do. Leaning over and slightly tapping her shoulder, Uchiha otouto caught her attention. Her eyes were iridescent, surprising the Uchiha. Mentally shaking his head, he decided to ask his question.

“Earlier, at the tea shop, were there two people in cloaks near were Kakashi-sensei was leaning on the wall?” blunt, like Kakashi and Itachi. Looking Sasuke in the eyes, Kagome answered truthfully.
“Yes, there were. They left though. If I were you, I’d be on guard incase there might be a problem due to the pair.” Sasuke received his answer, to his question. Nodding, he looked at his intertwined hands on the counter. Though she told him the truth, she had a duty, so she couldn’t tell him the whole truth.

A blonde head caught his eye, Naruto was here with the Super Pervert Sannin, Jiraiya. Scoffing lightly, he noticed that the Kiri ANBU was still here, continuing on her list.
“Oi. I never got your name.” Sasuke stated the obvious. He caught her attention again.
“Kagome. Kagome Kaguya.” came the curt reply.

Kagome’s POV

After giving her name, Kagome crossed her eyes. She was hungry again, Damn long trip from Kirigakure to Konohagakure, she ordered a bowl ramen -smaller than her previous bowl. The young Uchiha still sat there, she swore he was in love with his hands.
“Want another bowl, or are you all set?” the person asked looked up and nodded, but wanted a smaller bowl. Ordering him another bowl, Kagome went back to eating her ramen.

Sasuke’s POV

Receiving his second -smaller- bowl of ramen, he started eating it. Sasuke didn’t want to seem greedy, but he was hungrier than normal today, so he took Kagome up on her offer. Usually, he didn’t like ramen much, but today he didn’t care. His questions were answered and someone volunteered to order him food. Sasuke decided -in his mind-, while eating, to give Kagome something in return.

Kagome’s POV

Finishing her second bowl and paying for all four bowls, she noticed the Toad Sannin walk up to her with a notepad. Glancing up at her ever so once in a while, he wrote in his notepad. What did I do to be in his book Icha Icha Paradise? Weird Super Pervert Sannin, was what was running through Kagome’s mind, didn’t do anything to deserve this, and with that came a Sweatdrop on the back of her shiori-hair covered head. Finishing with his writing, the Toad Sannin sat back down with the person he was training, Naruto. Standing up, one of the two last Kaguya, gathered her list and walked somewhat disturbed by probably being in one of the Toad Sannin’s book, noticing the Toad Sannin and Naruto leave in the opposite direction.
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M.S.: Here’s the Prologue. T.T It Was supposed to be a One-sot, but became either a four-shot or multi-chapter story. Oh, well. RR.
(1) The users of this bloodline limit can manipulate their bones in terms of structure, shape and hardness. They often protrude bones from their bodies as a form of attack, and in extreme cases can pull out bones from their bodies to wield as weapons