InuYasha Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Love Of The Eyes ❯ Unbreakable Bond ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
M.S.: Here’s chapter 2. Enjoy! I was listening to Muse’s Time Is Running Out. This will start with Sasuke, then go to Kagome and Itachi. I changed the color of Kagome’s hair color in the first chapters. OOCness for Itachi near the end of the chapter. I start school Tuesday. God damnit! -Throws A Fit-
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Disclaimer: Look at the very first chapter
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Unbreakable Bond

Sasuke looked up from where he was. The hug Kagome gave, it gave him a feeling he could confide in her. Like and older sibling with a younger sibling. Wherever Kagome went, she could protect herself, no need to worry. To know she was there for Sasuke to worry about her, but couldn’t worrying.

With Kagome

None of the three individuals in the clearing moved. Kisame didn’t move, for fear of taking on the Kiri ANBU, Itachi didn’t move wanting Kagome to make the first move, and Kagome wanted one of them to make a move. Shifting her arms, before swing half-way -so her hands were out in front of her- saying Teshi Sendan, shooting out finger bullets and made the Akatsuki members to jump out of the way. Kisame went to the tree line, while Itachi jumped to the side before coming at Kagome with a kunai knife. Using Tsubaki no Mai (Dance of the Camellia), Kagome pulled out a bone that had a blade on it and parried Itachi’s kunai.

The pair jumped away from each other, so twenty feet was in between them, and Kisame was on the sidelines. Itachi came at Kagome again, only to be parried attack for attack, speed for speed, and such. Neither one was wavering, nor gaining strength or speed and all the while, Kagome never made direct eye contact with Itachi, yet kept her eyes on him. Kagome and Itachi separated with a gap of fifteen feet in between them. To get some space and to take a calming breathes.

Kagome is a Taijutsu specialist, that doesn’t mean she didn’t use Ninjutsu or Genjutsu, it’s just that most of her dances for her Kekkei Genkei are Taijutsu, whereas about two require Ninjutsu. Due to Itachi’s Akatsuki cloak, it was slightly difficult to tell what he was going to do. Kagome knew about the Tsukiyomi, Amaterasu, Mangekyou, and some other ability of the Sharingan. How longer will this fight go on? It’s tiresome, ran through the female Kaguya’s mind, and her eyes widen when Itachi disappeared in a plume of smoke. Glancing behind her, Kagome noticed Itachi got behind her when she was in thought.

Itachi’s POV

Reversing his grip on the kunai, so it he struck the loop on the hangle would hit, Itachi swung his arm down to Kagome’s neck. The hit struck true and sent Kagome staggering foreward a bit rubbing her neck. Itachi’s Sharingan followed her movements as she turned to face him, still rubbing her neck where she was hit. The spot was becoming a red color and her eyes took on a look that meant she was having trouble focusing. Her snowy locks went side to side as the Kiri ANBU shook her head to most likely clear her head nd stay conscious.

Kagome’s POV

A few black dots danced on the outside of her vision, and Kagome did the only thing she could -shake her head. But in doing so, only made her staying conscious harder and the black dots to multiply. Dropping her weapon, Kagome brought her left hand to rub her eyes and hopefully clear her vision -only for it to stay the except for a dot or two more. Taking a few more steps back, Kagome’s foot connected with a rock and she fell back onto her ass. Her ANBU mak slipped in her fall and covered her face.

The black dots was all Kagome could see, and she did the only thing she could do -get up, only to fall and pass out.

Itachi’s POV

Watching her fall onto her ass was amusing, but he kept it well hidden. Itachi, then, watched her try to stand only to pass out unconscious. Walking to her left side, he bent down and took her mask off with his left hand. Studying her features for a few more minutes, the older Uchiha put her mask back and motioned for Kisame to carry her. Itachi stood up, put his kunai knife away and started walking away.

Kisame’s POV

Although a bit reluctant, he picked up Kagome and put her over his left shoulder. Figuring she wasn’t as bad as when she was awake, he walked after his shorter partner. The female ANBU’s hair -that was over her left shoulder- swayed with each step Kisame took. Knowing his partner, Kisame could tell he knew he was walking behind him. He didn’t notice when Kagome’s weasel mask fell off.

Itachi’s POV

Hearing another pair of footsteps aside from his, Itachi knew his partner picked up the female Kiri ANBU and was walking alittle bit behind him. The Kiri ANBU was someone to be respected. Itachi could have anything happen to her, so he was moving her so nothing would happen to her. He couldn’t have a person who was an egnigma and challage in a fight have anything happen to her. The forest became denser every minute that passed.

Stopping in front of a tree, Itachi turned to his patner and saw him shifting from foot to foot. Apparently, Kisame is tense in the female Kaguya’s presence. Walking towards him, he grabbed Kagome by her arms -more like biceps- and brought her over to the tree -her feet slightly dragging on the ground- to the tree. When he went to back up, Itachi found Kagome’s hand latched onto his wrist. Struggling a bit, the older Uchiha managed to get her off of his wrist.

Backing up a few steps, Itachi watched as Kagome toppled over onto her left side. Looking over the high collar of his cloak, he looked down at his sandal-clad feet, his right foot which was clasped in her hand. Picking up his foot and bringing it back, Itachi found that her grip was a death grip, yet was unnoticeable. Narrowing his Sharingan eyes, he found the female ANBU hugging his feet -her left arm around his right ankle, her right arm around the opposite ankle and her head in between his feet. The Aniki Uchiha tried to move his feet, only for the Onee-san Kaguya to tighten her hold on his feet.

Kisame’s POV

The Kiri Nukenin watched as his partner struggled with the female Kiri ANBU. Kisame’s shark-like eyes lit up with amusement at the elder Uchiha’s predicament. The girl could help Itachi, so if he were to die, he’d at least an heir so the Uchiha clan wouldn’t die -if Itachi’s otouto didn’t have kids or get married. The two are complete opposites, and opposites attract, like the north and south ends off magnets. Wonder how they would get together, that ran throughhoshigaki’s mind.

Itachi’s POV

Giving up with detaching Kagome, Itachi sat down where he stood. A power like her’s would go to waste in the wrong hands. Wonder who she’ll choose to be with, it was out of character for Itachi, but he didn’t care. Pickining up one of Kagome’s snowy locks in between his thumb and index finger of his left hand, Itachi twirled it between his fingers to pass the time. Her Maro Mayu symbol didn’t have a line ar wrinkle marring it. Her eyelashes were peaceful -simply resting on her cheek bones- and the red under her eyes, too were unmarred.
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M.S.: Here’s chapter 2! I started writing it when I published chapter 1. You should like it, there’s a mini fight scene in it. R&R.