InuYasha Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My best friend is Naraku ❯ Fight and Deaths (redone) ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“Hi, whore,” sneers my sister. “I see you and your lovers are here.”
*Hiss* ~Growl~ She quickly steps away from me and my mates.
“They're my mates,” I say calmly as I stroke Naraku's hair with one hand and Gaara's arm with the other. “Be careful, my dear sister, about insulting me. They don't like you.”
“I knew you were a slut,” says Kikyo with an evil glint in her eyes. “You do know that since they have evil auras that mean by default so do you. I now have a way to get rid of you.”
“Don't you dare Kikyo,” says Kagome. “I say they are good. You know you won't win in the end. I'm more popular.”
“Girls, behave,” says Mr. Angelus, the school secretary (who's lazy and hates children).
“Sorry, sir,” says Kikyo and April sweetly as I grunt.
He leaves us and they return to glaring at us. `Wonder why Inuyasha hasn't said anything.... Ah. He's spellbound. Always knew he was weak. Sorry, Kagome.'
“Why don't we follow his suggestion?” I say. “I know of a perfect spot. If I win, you, April and Inuyasha will have to apologize and leave us alone. If you win, the three of our will owe you a favor.”
Kikyo perks up because she knows that Naraku and I are good at everything and anything so getting a favor from us is worth more than the price of gold. We're that good as a team. Our bodies shimmer as we use our powers to transport ourselves to another place. Kagome has come with us and I know Gaara and Naraku will only be a few seconds away. Rin, Shippo, Lee, Sakura, and Naruto are to stay at the school dance if this was to happen so I have no worries about them. I see Naraku, Gaara, Sasuke, Sango, Miroku and Neji are here. Miroku will be our judge.
“This will be an honorable fight,” I say. “I won't harm your love if you don't harm mine.”
“Agreed,” snarls Kikyo as she lets her powers go. They don't feel like those of a good Miko, but those of a Dark Priestess/Miko. She must really be jealous of something or is really evil. I think it's the latter. The aura coming off her scares me more than those men who almost raped Rin and me.
“Let's go,” I growl.
She sends a blast of energy and it barely misses me as I dodge. I return fire and rush her. We exchange blows and at one point we blast each other 10 feet from each other. I see her charge a big energy blast. It's huge! It gets fired and it barely misses me as it blasts by. Her smile is very creepy.
“Miroku!” screams a voice.
I turn and see Miroku on the ground. I run over… `No. No.' I chant in my head. I get to him. He's not moving and blood is everywhere. Sango is there as I run up to him.
“Wake up,” she sobs. “Come on, pervert. Wake up.”
*Growl* ~Snarl~ `How dare she??' *Roar*
“Ahh!” Kikyo shrieks.
I turn and see a huge demon. It has Kikyo trapped under its claw. Inuyasha and April are trapped in separate sand cages. I look and find Gaara. It seems Shukaku is in control. Gaara and he have become bonded since becoming Nara-chan's and my mate. He inclines his head to let me know he sees me.
`Wait,' I think. `Where's Naraku?'
*Growl* ~Crack~ I look closer at the demon. The raven demon has a spider tattoo on its back. `Naraku!' His claw is holding Kikyo. His beak gets close to Kikyo's neck as his eyes narrow. I don't recognize him in that form. He doesn't go all demon because it takes a lot of energy to keep that form. I look at Gaara/ Shukaku again. He's fine. Inu-chan and my ex-sister are still alive…I think. First, Naraku. I approach him slower. He catches my movement.
“Caw!” he shrieks at me. His claw clenches a little and Kikyo moans in pain. At least she's still alive.
“Na…ra…ku,” I stutter as tears fall. “You need to calm down. I need you…I need my mate.”
His demon glances as me. “Get you lover off me, whore,” snarls Kikyo.
I'm about to talk back when…Crack! She is suddenly headless. Her blood is going everywhere from her neck. I then hear a growl. It's Inuyasha.
“Kikyo!” he shouts as he's freed from not only the spell but also from the sand cage. I think Gaara/ Shukaku did that on purpose. Bam! He is attacked by Naraku and his spine is snapped by Naraku's beak. I then see the other cage compress and the wet sound of a body being crushed is heard. Goody. Three people are dead. The only one I'm worried about is Inuyasha because of Sesshomaru being his half-brother. First, Naraku.
“Naraku,” I say as calmly as I can. His demon looks at me as it puts Inuyasha down. It lowers its head to Kikyo's body and pulls out her heart. He offers her heart to me. Goody…an offering. I accept it because the giving of the most nutritious part of the body. Well, according to Kaze it is. Naraku's mother side was always the most dominant gene of his body. I tenderly hold it.
“Thank you, love,” I say softly as his beak softly touches my face as he transform back.
He goes normal. His feet are bare and the blood from Kikyo is all over. Flames dance over his body and the blood is cleaned away. He rips off his clothes.
`Don't look. Don't look,' I chant in my head. `Damn.'
He's aroused. He then kisses me. He doesn't stop there. He grabs me and rubs his aroused body on me. *Purr* His demon side must still be somewhat in control. A barrier comes up around me and the bottom of my kimono is ripped off. At least the others cannot see us now. He roughly takes me. The pain is minimal, but pleasure overtakes it. This is not my gentle mate, but a demon. He's assuring himself that I'm alive, I'm here, and I'm still his and Gaara's. He pants harshly as his tongue travels everywhere it can reach…reclaiming me.
“Mine,” he growls. He repositions me so I'm sitting on his lap to give him better penetration.
“Ours,” growls Gaara/Shukaku.
“Ours,” agrees Naraku. He still pumps in and out of my body.
Gaara/Shukaku preps my other hole for his manhood. It doesn't take long and he enters me. They set a fast pace and I just ride them. I lean back with my hands of Naraku's shoulders as I ride the pleasure through. We find our climaxes and they are purring and licking my body (including their marks).
“It's alright,” I coo at my mates as I pet them softly feeling slight tremors of pleasure and fear. “I'm here…Shh…I wouldn't leave you two. Calm down…Shh.”
Naraku calms first. “Anna,” he says softly. “We nearly lost you. Are you okay? We didn't hurt you, did we?”
“I'm fine,” I assure him. “The blast missed me. Shukaku, you need to let Gaara have control.”
*Growl* Shukaku gives his/Gaara's mark and Gaara is in control.
“Well, I hate to rain on this parade,” I start, “but how are we to explain this. Gaara, give me a damn jacket. And take down the damn shield, Naraku.”
Two grins appear as the shield goes down after I wrap a jacket around my waist. Time to look at the damage.
I look at Kikyo's corpse. Her head is not too far from the severed neck and the hole in her chest is really creepy. Inuyasha's body is not far. It's still intact, but one can see where the spin is broken. I head over to April's body. It's crushed and her face is permanently frozen in fear and horror. Strange. I'm so detached from their deaths, but not Miroku's. I walk over to Neji and the still sobbing Sango. My mates are behind me…giving me support.
“I'm sorry, Sango,” I cry. “It's my fault.”
“It's alright,” she sobs as she rocks on the ground by Miroku's body. “He's just unconscious. He'll wake up soon. He will…you'll see.”
“Yes,” says a voice. `Kaze!' “For now, let's get you home. Neji, if you please. Stay with her after you get her home. I'll get you two when we're done. Sasuke, will you go back to school and let the others know what has happened? Kagome, will stay here.”
A nod and Sasuke, Sango and Neji are gone. There is Kaze, Sesshomaru, Itachi, and Kakashi. They are a little stun by the sight before them. I'm sure anyone would be. The sight is not pretty.
“What happened here?” asks Kaze calmly, a little too calmly.
“Well,” I start. “Kikyo and I were fighting so that she would leave us alone. One of her blasts hit Miroku after narrowly missing me….”
It takes two hours to go through all the details and deal with all the complaints. Kaze had to protect Kakashi a couple times when Kakashi insulted me over the deaths. Sesshomaru took Inuyasha's death well because they were never very close. He and Itachi never really liked Inuyasha, Kikyo, or April so there's no complaint on their ends. Sesshomaru told us that he couldn't use Tenseiga on Miroku for some unknown reason. Kagome is also helping with the explanations and clean up. She is also helping me keep Gaara and Naraku calm. Kaze and Sesshomaru have given me `we'll talk more later' looks. `Goody.'
“Well,” I say with a chuckle as I edge away from everyone. “Look, a monkey!”
I vanish and appear in a cave somewhere. “Safety!” I cheer. I mask my aura and scent. I don't want anyone to find me. Not yet, anyway. I wonder if I'm now a murderess or an accomplish (sorry) to murder. I'm upset over Miroku's death. I'm somewhat upset over Inuyasha's, but I feel no remorse for Kikyo's or my ex-sister's death. Maybe I'm turning evil…*Shutter* I don't think the world would be able to handle that. I don't want to dwell on my “evilness”. But, I'm feeling relieved. Relieved that they are dead (except for Miroku). I draw my knees up as I sit on a rock in the cave. The walls shimmer with light reflecting off the water inside. I sit and watch the colors play on the wall. *Giggle* It's beautiful.
I think to myself: `There's nothing wrong in feeling relief with Kikyo's death because she was a threat. If it didn't happen know, knowing her she would have planned a horrible death for my mates. I hope Sango will forgive me for Miroku's death.'
I fall asleep crying.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“Anna,” a voice says harshly. “Wake up. Come on. You're scaring me.”
“Five more minutes,” I groan. “It's the weekend.”
“Anna,” it insists. “If you don't wake up, so help me I will make you sleep by yourself.”
“Eeek!” I shriek as I bolt up. “Ow. My head. Everything is spinning and blurry. Why are there two of you?”
“Love,” says the voice. It's Naraku. He's shaking though. I must have given him a scare. How did he find me?
“You may mask yourself, but I could always find you,” he answers my unasked question. “I had Gaara stay back. He really doesn't know how to deal with you like this.”
“I'm sorry,” I say as I crawl into his arm and sit on his lap. I play with a strand of hair. “I was upset, but for some reason….I feel better.”
“Hmm,” hums Naraku. The vibrations of his chest soothe me.
“Let's go home,” I say quietly. “We have Miroku's and Inuyasha's funeral to plan. What's the punishment?”
“Well,” smirks Naraku. “The official story is Kikyo attack you. You transported with her and her accomplices away, but Miroku followed you. Yadda Yadda Yadda. Everyone thinks us as heroes. Miroku's funeral is Monday. We get the day off. Now, let's go home.”