InuYasha Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Wavering Winds ❯ Part 2: Ending ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
C.Y-K.: Continuation. Didn’t want to risk the whole thing not being loaded. -.-; Itachi might be OOC. No complaining.

Disclaimer: (same)

Ages: (same)


“I don’t give out information to people that are wanted.”

Her words rang in her head. What was said was said, no going back.

“Information about yourself will eventually come out.”

Kagome narrowed her eyes at Itachi. It was his fault. Her information was her own, no one else’s!

Itachi could feel the heated glare at his back, but ignored it easily. He will get information about her. Whether she liked it or not.


Kagome huffed indignatiously; these silences were getting on her nerves. The two partners of Akatsuki never really spoke unless necessary. The silence was bugging her.

“Glare all you want. Itachi-san will just ignore it,” said Kisame, he knew Itachi better than the girl did.

“I don’t care. I’ll glare all I want,” stubbornness wound its way into her voice and speech.

“Information about yourself will eventually come out.”

Itachi could hear his words in his head. His ears heard what Kisame said, but did not register it into his mind.

‘So, she’ll glare all she wants. She’s not getting anything,’ his thoughts rang in his head, blocking out a statement he previously said.

‘Arrogant Uchiha. Always thinking he’s higher than everyone. He isn’t higher than me,” Kagome continued to rant, not paying attention to the fact Itachi and Kisame stopped walking.



“Ow!” Kagome sat on he ground, rubbing her lower backside, trying to reduce the pain there.

Itachi looked back at her momentarily, before looking at the ninja in front of them. He was a Kumo shinobi.

“So, Uchiha Itachi lets a girl follow him around. I thought you were above that,” a taunt from the shinobi was ignored by Itachi.

Pacific eyes looked behind them, ‘I sense more of them.’ Kagome stood up and had her back facing Kisame and Itachi’s back.

Itachi merely had to concentrate some chakra to his eyes to catch the shinobi in the Tsukiyomi.

Kisame could tell by the expression on his face that he needn’t bring out Samehada.


The Kumo shinobi in the trees watched as their leader fell to the ground. He wasn’t moving. Their eyes turned to the girl behind them. She had no weapons, yet was in a defensive position.

It would be easy to catch her and hold her hostage.


Kisame looked behind him; he didn’t need a kunai with his Samehada and gave it to the sixteen-year-old. She needed it more than him going up against Kumo shinobi.

Kagome looked at him, before holding the kunai in a reverse position -defensive position.

Her pupils dilated at an oncoming kunai and shuriken. Her arms came up in a protective position. The projectiles were embedded in the ground in front of her, a lavender barrier in front of her.

Kisame’s eyes widened, Itachi’s narrowed a bit. She was definitely different.

Kagome opened up her eyes she closed when the weapons came at her. Lowering her arms quickly, the barrier died away.

“Information about yourself will eventually come out.”

‘Bad time to think about that,’
the statement couldn’t have been more true though. Her powers as a priestess were starting to make themselves known to the world.

‘I’ll get information out of her about this,’ Itachi let his eyes roam the clearing they were in. he could sense five other shinobi in the trees. It was proven from the direction the weapons came from.


The eyes of the ninja from Kumo widened. Who the hell was this girl?!

Creating barriers takes enough chakra as it is, and yet she did no hand signs. She was not tired at all either!

This girl was worth capturing and holding hostage.


Three pairs of eyes scanned the area for any immediate attacks. There was none.

Their eyes immediately went to the five shinobi who appeared in front of them.

“Surely you won’t need this girl. She’ll only slow you down. We’ll leave if you give us the girl,” the lead shinobi under the one killed tried to bargain. Note the word tried.

“How about no,” it was more of a statement than a question that left Kisame’s mouth. Sure, she talked a bit, but the girl wasn’t all that bad. Kagome merely liked to speak her mind.

The Kumo shinobi narrowed their eyes. This wasn’t going their way.

“I’m not an object up for grabs you know!” here was one perfect example of the priestess speaking her mind. Her knuckles turned white from the death grip on her weapon.

Itachi’s eyes narrowed further. No one would take the girl away before he got his answers. With that, the older Uchiha partially stepped in front of Kagome; his right hand all but pushed her behind him.

Kisame’s eyes took on a mischievous glint; this was unlike how his partner usually acted.

The five ninja in front of them knew this wasn’t going to be easy, especially if Uchiha Itachi was protective over the girl.

Blue eyes with brown in them looked up at Itachi, why was he acting like this? They widened, his aura was radiating protectiveness. It made her feel like she was being protected, like there was no enemy shinobi here.

Not thinking, the sixteen-year-old wrapped her arms around the seventeen-year-old in front of her. Earning a look from Kisame and Itachi, but mainly the latter. Her head rested on his right shoulder.

Opening her closed eyes, she detached herself from Itachi.

Kisame took off his kasa as well as Itachi. When both hit the ground, the two members of Akatsuki ran at the five Kumo shinobi. Kisame went for the ones in the back while Itachi went for the one who spoke for them.

One in the back dodged the sword, but its wrapping caught his drawn kunai.

The sharkskin spiked itself out, anxiously waiting to take chakra and shred tender human flesh.

With a swing back around, it caught the shinobi -who ripped the bindings- and shredded his throat. While taking some chakra. Kisame swung Samehada down vertically, catching another in her right leg.

She fell with a cry of pain, blood rapidly oozing out of the shredded injury.

Hoshigaki ignored her, and went for the two males -the third, live one being fought by Itachi. He wasn’t dumb; he was merely one who fought first, asked questions later. If his opponents were still alive by then.

He charged at the two, the first one moved and he caught the second in the head with his sword. Continuing the circle of his swing, the one that moved was caught in the chest, flesh torn away and bones broken.


The kunoichi on the ground retrieved a kunai from her pouch on her left leg. Trying to get over the searing pain from her injury -from the shark-like man- she prepared to throw it at his exposed back. If not for one to embed itself in her arm.

She forgot about the raven-haired girl had a kunai.

It embedded itself deep, in the artery that ran in her arm. The one in her leg was sparred, thankfully. However, with how long to Kumo and the blood loss from her shredded injury. She’ll surely die -at this rate- in 10 minutes.

Black dots started to swarm in her vision.


Itachi swung his kunai knife at the Kumo shinobi. The tomoe spinning wildly, matching his heart rate for blood to be shed. Thankfully for the enemy shinobi, he mange to dodge.

Nevertheless, Itachi was a step ahead. He directed roundhouse kick to the Kumo shinobi’s jaw. It sent him fly back a good distance. Not missing a beat, a clone appeared next to the Kumo shinobi, kunai raised.

Blood splattered; on the ground, Itachi’s hand and cloak, the shinobi’s throat.


Kagome watched this all going on. From what she gathered, Itachi was one to use the Tsukiyomi, not really physical means. The sixteen-year-old was irritated at the kunoichi attempt to attack a person’s back, yet felt remorse.

The kunoichi was on the ground, unconscious, and close to death. It was only a matter of a few minutes before her soul was gone.

All the enemies were taken care of. All dead.

Looking up, she noticed Kisame and Itachi heading this way. Both were in good condition, if not a better one. However, Itachi seemed to be bothered by something. His eyes held a dangerous light in them.

Kisame merely smirked at his handy work and put his sword in it’s respectful place. He watched as his partner walked directly up to Kagome, his bloody hand left marks on her face as he gripped her chin.

Pacific eyes -with a bit of brown- looked straight into Itachi’s.

Who are you really?! What are you?” Itachi’s eyes were narrowing dangerously. The sooner he got his answers, the sooner he could leave the girl -Kagome.

Swallowing thickly, the sixteen-year-old gained her bearings, “I told you my name, Kagome Higurashi!”

Sharingan eyes grew more dangerous, “No one knows your surname. Why?!”

Her eyes widened, it was sooner or later they were going to find out, “I’m not from here. The well you found me by, I came out of there. It used to lead to a different place, magic let me go from place to place. However, I never been here in my life. This is the first time. The magic is dead now. I made sure of it.”

Eyebrows rose at her explanation. Itachi never got one of his questions answered, “What are you?! You never answered that.”

Trembling slightly, Kagome raised her hands to Itachi’s bloodied one, “A miko. I protect this jewel. It’s my duty.”

The Uchiha prodigy’s mind processed all of this information. All of it was the truth. Letting her chin go, his hand dropped in front of them, still being held by hers.

His eyes were shadowed by his bangs.


“Why? Why did you do this” whispered an eight-year-old boy on the ground. Sasuke, his younger brother.

“To measure my capacity,” he was thirteen, and ANBU Platoon Captain.

“To… measure your capacity…” his brother didn’t seem to want to accept it, and charged at him. Only to double over from a fist Itachi planted in his abdomen.

Sasuke fell to the ground in a heap. Tears coming out of his eyes. Itachi watched this impassively. It didn’t bother him.

Sasuke was weak anyway.

Leaving where his parents lay dead, Itachi caught up with young Sasuke. His younger brother’s face full of fear, confusion. He heard his yells ‘Please don’t kill me!’ while running away.

“You’re not worth killing. I played the part of the caring older brother to test your capacity. You’re pathetic, foolish little brother,” commented the thirteen-year-old, “If you wish to kill me, hate me, detest me. Run, run and cling to life desperately.”

Sasuke’s eyes widened. The wind picked up, blowing their bangs to and fro. He could see a question before it was asked.

“To gain the Mangekyou, you have to,” he paused, “kill your closest friend.”

The wind went upwards, so did their bangs. Sasuke’s eyes widened before the dropped and he pitched forward.

Hitting the ground, he was out cold. Itachi left Konoha right after that.


“Itachi-san?” Kagome picked up Kisame’s habit and speech.

Sharingan eyes looked up and caught hers, the tomoe no longer spinning. His hand twitched before grasping the fingers of both her hands.

The clan he destroyed. Why was he thinking of it now?

“To measure my capacity.”

His own words four years ago rang in his head. That’s what he told Sasuke.

Was he starting to regret what he did?

No. What is done is done. Nothing can change that. Then what was this feeling? Wasn’t he going to get rid of the girl as soon as he got answers?

“Itachi-san?” Kisame asked this time.

So close to her. Her soft, slightly calloused hands gripping his larger, more colder one. Worrying over his well-being. That would’ve annoyed him, but it didn’t.

Kagome reminded him of a younger Sasuke. Innocent and worried when he was overly quiet an aloof.

His hand was being tugged on now.

Her eyes that hold wisdom beyond her years. A pacific blue with a bit of brown around the pupil.

The tugging was becoming persistent now.

“What does the jewel do?” Kagome closed her mouth -which she opened. She stopped tugging on Itachi’s hand.

“The Shikon jewel. Grants anyone a wish, but a corrupt one will taint it and the person will be corrupted. Only a pure wish can get rid of if, but there isn’t a pure one to be wished, so I protect it,” answered Kagome. Seems like Itachi is paying more attention now and out of La La Land.

He nodded and went back to thinking. A pure wish. No matter how pure something is, there’s always a dark side to it.

He saw her lips move, but he heard nothing. It looked like she was saying his name, but he wasn’t sure.

The way they moved, the look of them.

Why was he thinking this now? He never shown any interest in either men or women, why now?

‘I do regret what I did. Destroying my clan. But if I hadn’t, would I have met Kagome in the first place?’ questioned Itachi. His attention was on the pink, pouting lips before him.


Kisame watched all of this going on. Itachi was thinking, quite deeply by the looks of it.

His attention was somewhere else.

He grinned; Kagome was picking up a speech habit of his. The girl was all right if you didn’t mind the stubborn streak in her.

His grin grew wider when he saw where Itachi’s gaze was.


She was speaking again. However, no sound was heard. He brought his free hand up and traced the pink lips.

They were soft against his calloused hand.

Her face was stained with a red sweep of blood under her skin. He could see the blood that was on his hand on some of her face. It dried and was a deeper red.

Itachi let his eyes go to hers. She was his and his alone. No one else could have her. She was his priestess.

His free hand circled around her waist and pulled her close to him.


“We’re leaving now,” said Itachi. He took his hand from around Kagome’s waist. Bending down, he picked up his kasa and could see Kisame do the same.

Kagome’s hands were still grasping his, but he didn’t say anything. Merely kept holding her fingers.

The trek was silent, but it was comfortable. Kisame watched the two still holding hands.

It was a bit unusual to the shark-like man, but he guessed he would have to get used to it.




C.Y-K.: Should there be an Epilogue? Vote please in the reviews. R&R.


Yes? No?