InuYasha Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Kikyo Haters ❯ Kikyo on Trial ( One-Shot )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Prologue: Everyone is sitting in a court room. Kikyo is on trial, Alexis is a witness, Jessi is the prosecutor, and Danni is the judge. Kikyo has been tried for being evil but mostly for Jessi killing her twice.
“The court is now in session” yelled Danni. Both attorneys made there opening speeches and the trial began. “The prosecution (Jessi & Alexis) may call its first witness to the stand” called Danni. Alexis walked up to the stand and sat down. The prosecution attorney got up and started to question her. “So you were called here by us because you are Jessi's best friend” he asked. “Yeah I am” said Alexis. “Do you know why Kikyo is on trial” he asked. “Yes for being evil, and Jessi is on trial for killing her twice” said Alexis.
“Why did Jessi kill her twice though is my question” he asked. “Because she hates her living guts and she deserved to die… MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA… but anyway she can make her die she is the writer of that fanfic” said Alexis. “I suppose that you have a point” he said. All of a sudden Kikyo falls on the table dead. “See what I tell you she hates her and so do I MUHAHAHAHAHAHA… and since she is the writer of the fanfic Kikyo doesn't really get a choice if she dies or not” said Alexis. “No further questions” he said sitting down. “The defense (Kikyo's team) may now cross examine the witness” said Danni.
“Isn't it true that you also hate Kikyo too” she asked. “Yeah so” said Alexis. “So you would help her kill Kikyo if you had the chance” she asked. All of a sudden an anvil came out of nowhere and smashed her on the head and knocked her out cold. “She was ticking me off” said Alexis simply waiting for her to regain feeling in her head. “Anyway back with the trial” said Danni as the attorney got up. “Anyway what did Kikyo ever do to tick you all off so much” she asked. “This is a long story so I will sum it up, she is evil and hurt one of our best friends Kagome” said Alexis. “No further questions” said the attorney. “You may leave the stand” said Danni as Alexis got off the stand and walked back over to sit down where Jessi was. Alexis gave Jessi a high five as Kikyo finally woke up after being dead.
“The prosecution can call there next witness to the stand” said Danni. Jessi got up and walked to the stand and sat down. Her attorney got up and began to question her. “So you must really hate Kikyo then” he asked. “Yes I do” said Jessi. “And why did you decide to become a fanfic writer” he asked. “Because I could kill Kikyo in a more efficient way MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…” said Jessi. “I see so you must have had a good reason to kill her then” he asked. “Yeah she hurt one of my best friends Kagome and she is just plain evil” said Jessi. She looked over at Kikyo and all of a sudden a car came out of nowhere and ran her over.
“We must ask you do you always kill Kikyo in everything you write” he asked. “Why yes I do and if I don't Alexis writes her own fanfic so she is killed there” said Jessi with a smile. “No further questions” he said. “The defense may now cross examine the witness” said Danni. Kikyo's attorney got up to question Jessi. “So Jessi sounds like you really hate my client” she said. “Man what is up with the same stupid questions” asked Jessi. “Hey im asking the questions around here and I think the author for this fanfic is being stupid” she said. All of a sudden she falls to the floor dead. “That's for calling me stupid and for being on Kikyo's side” said Alexis standing up laughing.
Finally after a few minutes she woke up and went back on questioning. “Why did you decide to get revenge on Kikyo if it is your friend that she hurt” asked Kikyo's attorney. “Because Kagome is to kind hearted and we had a perfectly good aim and skill in this field” said Jessi as Alexis and Jessi both picked up throwing knives and tossing them at Kikyo and her attorney. “DIE HAHAHAHA…” said Alexis. “Calm yourselves, no further questions Jessi get off the stand” said Danni. Jessi got off the stand and sat back down. “The defense may now call there witness” yelled Danni as Kikyo got up from her seat walking to the stand like she was drunk and sitting down.
Her attorney got up and started to question her. “So what did you do to tick these girls off” she asked. “Well I did steal kagome's boyfriend and turn him ageist all of them then dump him the next day” said Kikyo with an evil smile. “BITCH” yelled Alexis and Jessi at the same time and pulling out more knives and throwing them at her. She collapsed on the stand for a few minutes before getting up. “No further questions” said Kikyo's attorney walking away from the stand to sit down. “How come every time we kill someone they just come back to life” asked Alexis. “Because it is fun to just kill them over again” said Jessi with an evil smile.
“Good point” said Alexis. “The prosecution may now cross examine the witness” yelled Danni as the prosecution attorney got up and walked over to Kikyo. “Never mind your just to evil and ugly to talk to, no questions” said the prosecution attorney as he sat back down. “Ok take a break we will be back in a few minutes with our decision” said Danni smacking down the gravel on the stand and walking away. “Kikyo you're goin down” said Alexis throwing another knife at her. “Hey let me help” said Jessi grabbing one of her knifes and throwing it at her. That continued for the next few minutes before they were called to sit back down the judge had the results.
“The results are clear, Kikyo is innocent” said Danni. “OH NO YOU DIDN'T” yelled Alexis and Jessi jumping up on the table and holding up two knives aiming them at the judge and the jury. “Haha we have reconsidered, Kikyo is evil and there for should be punished, we sentence you to 10 years in prison and these two killing you about 67 billion more times in there fanfics” said Danni as a drop of sweat rolled off her face.
Everyone walked out of the court room and it was settled… Until next time. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
This fanfic was written be Alexis well better known as Koga or Kouga or Kouga's Girl. My friend Jessi or better known as InuandSango asked me to write this because she hates Kikyo and she has killed her numerous times in her story. HOPE YOU LIKED IT!!!