InuYasha Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Forever In a Spell 2- A New Evil ❯ Chapter 6- Meeting Once Again ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 6- Meeting Once Again
As Bankotsu and Amadala came back to camp, Renkotsu said,” Well it sure took you guys long enough to clean a couple of dishes. “SHUT UP!! I am going to bed!” Bankotsu said as he grabbed his bag and set up against a tree. “What was that about?” Mukotsu said to Amadala. Amadala shrugged and said,” I don't know……I think that I will stay up for a while if that is alright with you guys..” “No problem..night Ama…” Kyoukotsu said as he rested against a tree. The rest of the guys said night to her and layed down except for one. “What did you and Bankotsu talk about?” Amadala turned around to see Suikotsu standing behind her. Amadala slid over on the log that she was sitting on and he sat down. “Well ……we talked about the stars and how beautiful they were…he told me that he did not believe in heaven or hell and I told him that there was a heaven and hell…it touched him I believe..” “Bankotsu has got a lot of anger in him from being killed to being resurrected again. He is trying to find his place in the world and it is hard for him to be good when all he has known is evil….” Suikotsu said as he tended the fire.
“But why don't you have so much anger in you? The rest of the guys seem to have the anger but not you and Jakotsu.” “Well….I had a heart but like Bankotsu probably told you……I have had to deal with my split personality..when I died a second time…..I died in peace rather than the first time….I am glad to be alive again and I would not trade it for anything in the world…as for Jakotsu…he has anger but not as much as Bankotsu…he does have a heart somewhere inside him and now it is beginning to show out. But you know, I believe that you are the best thing that happened to Bankotsu…” Suikotsu said. “Why?” Amadala said. “Well b/c this is the first time that I have seen the Bankotsu that I met the first time come out in a long time and that makes me happy to see that…that means he is healing…” Suikotsu said. Amadala nodded and said,” Thanks ….he is a great guy…and I am that that person is coming out instead of the evil one…” Suikotsu looked at the sky and said,” I should get to need to as well….we have a long day tomorrow…Good night..” “Good night….and I will be there in just a minute…” Suikotsu walked over to a tree and placed a bag to use as a pillow. Amadala looked at the sky for a few more minutes and then she went to be as well. She walked over to where Bankotsu was sleeping. She placed her bag beside his and laid down next to him. He was sleeping soundly and he looked so peaceful. “Kind of hard to imagine he was a murderer…” Amadala thought as she kissed him on the forehead and closed her eyes and drifter off to sleep.
The next morning it looked like it was going to rain. Amadala woke up and looked up at the sky. “It is going to rain today….great…” Amadala thought to herself as she got up and stretched. She looked toward Bankotsu who was still sleeping. She got up and made a fire. She fetched a pot out of the things and placed some tea leaves in it. She was stirring the tea leaves when Renkotsu walked up to her. “Good morning…did you sleep well?” Renkotsu said as he looked to see what was in the pot. Amadala nodded and said,” Yes I is lemon tea…it should be ready in a few minutes…..” Renkotsu grabbed some things and said,” I am going to the river to wash off….ok?” Amadala nodded and said,” Take care of yourself….” Renkotsu walked off into the woods. Amadala went back and grabbed some cups. She took a ladel and poured her some tea. She went over to her backpack and found a book. Then she went to the nearest tree and sat down and began to read. As she was reading, a voice about startled her. “Ama!!! You are awake…” Amadala looked up from her book to see Jakotsu standing right in front of her. “Oh hi Jakotsu…there is some lemon tea made if you wants some..” Jakotsu went over to the pot and made him a cup of lemon tea. Then he walked back over to Amadala and said,” What are you reading?” “Oh this….this is about the Feudal Era..Bankotsu gave it to me in case I wanted to know more about your time…” “Bankotsu has been good to you hasn't he?” Jakotsu said as he took as sip of his tea. “Yes he has and I cannot thank him for it……” Amadala said as she finished up her tea. Just then Bankotsu got up from his “bed” and walked over to Jakotsu and Amadala. “Hi guys…..Ama..are you reading that book that I gave you?” “Yeah..its really good so far Ban-chan…” “So…where do we travel to now Oo-Aniki?” Jakotsu said as he looked at the young leader. “Well…we continue on the road that we were on toward Hope's valley…..if we can..I would like for us to try and get a house that would take the 8 of us in for the night..we have plenty of we should be able to pay for it…” Bankotsu said as he stretched. “So…it is looks like its going to rain doesn't it?” Amadala said as she looked up at the sky. “Yeah….we might have to stop early if it does…we will not be of much use fighting Nuruku if we all have a cold…” Bankotsu said while chuckling.
Amadala chuckled at that as Renkotsu came back from the river. “Hi guys! That water is cold this morning Bankotsu! You need to be careful when you go down to the river…” Renkotsu said as he placed his things back in his backpack. Bankotsu nodded and said,” Right…I need to do that b/c we need to get going soon..” Bankotsu grabbed his things and headed into the woods. Bankotsu got down to the river and took his armor and his clothes off. He went into the water and about jumped out of it. “Man! This water is cold!” Bankotsu thought to himself as he loosened his braid as began washing his hair. He finshed washing his hair and began washing his body. “Amadala is such a sweet woman….I wonder….maybe when this trip is over..I will ask her for her hand in marriage…..” Bankotsu thought as he finshed up his bath. He got onto land and dryed off. He put back on his clothes and armor, gathered his things, and went back to camp. When he got back to camp, he noticed that everyone was packed up and ready to go. “The men are ready to go Big Brother..” Suikotsu said as he looked at Bankotsu. Bankotsu nodded and said,” Alright, let's move out!!!” He picked up Banryou and lead the line. Amadala walked behind him with Mukotsu this time. She looked at Mukotsu and said,” Bankotsu said that you were an herb specialist…” Mukotsu nodded and said,” Yep..I also make poisons as well….they can kill a demon with one breath of it..” “But won't that affect us?” Suikotsu shook his head and said,” No b/c it is meant for demons only. We are all humans…….” Amadala said,” Ok…I see now…you make the best herbs for tea though Mukotsu…” Mukotsu turned red and said,” Thank you…herbs are my specialty…” As Bankotsu listened to the conversation he looked at the road and saw something. “HOLD IT MEN!! We have got company!! Prepare your weapons! It might be a demon!!” Bankotsu said as he prepared to attack with Banryou. Everyone stood their grounds are the figures got closer to them. As they did, Bankotsu recognized one of them. “MUTT!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?!?!?” Bankotsu shouted he walked up to the figure. Amadala took a look at the figure and looked through her book. She found the name “INUYASHA” in the book with a picture of him and stating that he was a half-demon. “How can a person be half and half?” Amadala thought to herself as she walked up to Bankotsu. “Bankotsu calm down! Please!” Amadala said as she tried to pull him back. Inuyasha looked at Amadala and said,” So now you are into kidnapping?” “SHUT UP!! FYI, we are not murderers anymore, we are good people and searching for Nuruku to defeat him and second, we DID NOT KIDNAP HER!!! She comes from the future like Kagome!!” Bankotsu shouted.
“Inuyasha, SIT BOY!!!” A woman about 17 years of age shouted. Inuyasha fell to the ground in a heap. “Wow… know how to handle a guy…” Amadala said in disbelief. The girl nodded and said,” My name is Kagome…Bankotsu said something about you being from the future…did you fall down a well?” Amadala sweatdropped and said, “My name is Amadala and actually Bankotsu fell down the well and ended up in my time and saved my life…” Kagome looked at Bankotsu and said,” He saved your life? I thought that he was evil….and why is he alive again? I thought that he died in Mt. Hakurai?” “Well…a funny story about that…..a young witch revived us and told us to do good and that we would meet something wonderfulll…” Bankotsu said as he sat Banryou down. “Inuyasha are you alright?” A man who looked like a monk to Amadala came up from behind and helped Inuyasha up from the ground. He looked at Amadala and he immediately fell in love. “Please…my good woman..will you bear a child for me? You beauty shines through and through and just imagine what kind of child you could bear…” The man said as he took her hands. Just as Amadala was about to answer the perverted monk's question, a BONK came from behind him. “Miroku quit scaring the young woman..” a woman in early 20's said. “Owww..Sango…I was just introducing myself to uh..what is your name?” “Amadala.. and you are a strange man..” Miroku chuckled to himself and said,” My name is Miroku and this is Sango…” A fox like creature came up to Amadala and said,” And I am Shippo. You are so pretty…..” Amadala blushed and said,” Thank you.”
“What are you doing here Bankotsu?” Miroku said as they sat down near the edge of the road. “Well…we are searching for Nuruku……he is said to be in Hope's Valley and that is where we are headed…..” Bankotsu said as he looked at Miroku. Sango said,” That is about where we are headed ….but right now, we are going to Kaede's village to talk to her…..” “Hey tell that old hag that I saiad hi and we are on the road now…” “You mean you have met her?” Kagome said in utter shock. Amadala nodded and said,” Me and Bankotsu did…that is how we found out about Nuruku…” Jakotsu was sitting next to Inuyasha in a daze. Inuyasha looked at him and quickly scooted away from Jakotsu. Amadala chuckled at this reaction and Miroku looked at Amadala and said,” Where are you from Amadala? You are not from Tokyo I presume.” Amadala shook her head no and said,” I am actually from the Kanto Region outside Tokyo” Kagome nodded and said,” I know where that is at…it is not too far from Tokyo… what are you? A student?” Amadala chuckled and said,” I finished school….I am actually a professional theif…..I steal for a living…”
“You are kidding me?!?!?! You don't seem like a theif? You are too nice.” Shippo said as he sat on Amadala's lap. Amadala smiled and said,” Thank you so much.” Shippo said,” No problem Lady….we really need to get going guys..” “Shippo is right..we need to get to Lady Kaede's before it rains…Amadala, it was nice meeting you and keep that guy..” Miroku said as he pointed to Bankotsu and the rest of the group, “Straightened out.” Amadala giggled as the guys gave Miroku ugly looks. “Don't worry, I will keep them on the good side…you take care ok?” Sango nodded and said,” Bye! Good luck!! We will meet again soon!” Amadala said,” Bye!! Take care!!'
As the band of eight continued on their journey, something was following them through the shadows. “I will get the power of the priestess of life before them if it's the last thing I do…” The figure thought to himself while chuckling evilly.