InuYasha Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ You Will Know What Its Like ❯ Chapter 3- New Assignment ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3- New assignment
“Are you sure that you be alright by yourself Aniki?” Amadala asked as the whole group got their things together. “I will be alright Ama…I am staying right here and looking through those assignments…I will protect the baby, I promise.” Bankotsu said while smiling. Amadala nodded. “Ama…do me a good favor?” “Yeah sure Bankotsu…what is it?” Bankotsu looked at Banryou. “Take Banryou and fight with it…….it needs to be used…I can't use it right now in my condition….you are the only other one who can lift it with ease..take it…” Amadala said,” Are you sure?” “I am sure….take it…” Amadala walked over to Banryou and picked it up. “Man I have never seen another person who could pick up Banryou as easy as Bankotsu until now…” Suikotsu said while chuckling. Amadala smiled and said,” I will use this to the best of my ability Aniki…” Bankotsu nodded. “Good…….Renkotsu make sure you do well out there giving them commands…you are my second in command after not fail…” “Easy big brother…they will do what I say….” Renkotsu said while smiling.
Bankotsu nodded. “Good….you may move out now!!” Everyone nodded and began walking out the door. “Take care Bankotsu..” Amadala said as she kissed him and hugged him. Bankotsu smiled. “I will be ok….I promise..” Amadala nodded and walked outside the other members of the band. Bankotsu sighed as he watched the gang walk down the hill. “Well…..I guess its just you and me kid…..” He said as he looked down at his stomach. He walked into the dining room and began looking through the assignments. “I hope that they will be ok…” Bankotsu thought to himself as he got to work on the assignments.
Amadala kept looking back at the hideout as the group continued walking down the dirt road. The other guys got wind of this and finally Mukotsu spoke up for the group. “Don't worry Ama…he will be just fine…..he is not one to disobey orders even if they are from other people….” Amadala nodded as she wipped away a tear from her eye. “Aww..Ama no cry….you make me cry…” Kyoukotsu said as he started crying. “For pete's sake Kyoukotsu..knock it off!!” Ginkotsu said. “Me can't help it…Ama sad and therefore Kyoukotsu sad as well…” Amadala walked upt to Kyoukotsu and climbed up on his shoulder. She hugged him and said,” It will be ok….I am alright now….you do not have to cry for me…” Kyoukotsu sniffled and said,” I feel better now..” Amadala said,” Good…so Renkotsu…how far is it to this province..” Renkotsu looked up from the map. “Well ….judging the place of the sun and the rate we are walking….we should be there and back in a day…” “That is a relief…I don't want to leave Bankotsu by himself for too long…” Amadala clutched Banryou tightly as they walked down the road. Suikotsu knew the feeling as well. He did not want to leave Bankotsu by himself at first either but then he realized that their new job was going to require as many of them as possible. So, he decided that Bankotsu would be ok. “He will keep the baby safe….I know him…he may be cold but he will not hurt a child….” Suikotsu thought to himself as they continued to walk.
“Hey, now where do we go?” Mukotsu asked as they came to a crossroad. “Which way Renkotsu?” Amadala asked at the front.”Hmmmmm……we take the left road……” Renkotsu said as he pointed to the left. The group walked to the left and continued down the road. “We are almost there according to this map…..good thing this assignment was not far…” Renkotsu said. Amadala nodded and said,” The sooner we can get back to Aniki, the better.” “I wonder what he is doing right now…..” Ginkotsu asked.
Bankotsu sighed as he looked through the papers. “Hmmmmm….I like this one…let's see….”Village east of here requests you to come to their aid immediately in the event that a bunch of demons are terrorizing their village…….” Bankotsu all of a sudden dropped what he was doing. He ran outside and threw up behind a bush. A few minutes later after he had regained the strength, he walked back toward the house. “Oh my gosh…this is horrible…and to think this may last for 3 months to the time I give birth…” Bankotsu thought about how he was going to give birth. Just the thought of the word made him cringe. “I am not going to think about it right now…I just need to concentrate on being leader and taking care of my child…”
Bankotsu sat back down on the floor in the dining room and put his hand to his stomach. He had to force a smile when he thought about the child that he was carrying. Then he shook his head. “This is silly…I need to finish these papers and letters for the group…” He grabbed an ink brush and paper and began writing an acceptance letter. “Darn…I wish Renkotsu was here…he is better at this than I am…Hmmm….let's see…..Ummm….To whom it may concern… is not right..” It took Bankotsu a long time but he finally wrote a very acceptable acceptance letter. “Man…I hate being the youngest…” Bankotsu said to himself as he started through the other requests.
“I wonder if the group is okay right now…I hope that Amadala can use Banryou…” Bankotsu laughed to himself. “Of course she can, what was I thinking? I taught her well, didn't I?” Bankotsu then got all worried that something may go wrong. “Oh no..what if they get hurt…..what if they cannot do this…what if…what if…..” Bankotsu had to cry a little when he thought about losing one of the members of his “family”. Bankotsu slapped himself. “Snap out of it Bankotsu…this is ridiculous…you are one of the most greatest mercenaries of your time….they will be ok….need to concentrate on other things.” Bankotsu went back to reading.
“I think that this is it Renkotsu..” Amadala said as she pointed to a small village nestled in the mountains. Renkotsu looked at the map and then looked at the village. “This is it men and woman…” Amadala had to smile when Renkotsu referred to her as a woman. “Who should do the talking?” Mukotsu asked as they walked to the castle of the Lord. “mm……Amadala…since you are Bankotsu's mate, you talk…” Amadala nodded but it was a nervous nod. She did not know what to say to a Lord! She had never even met someone who was close to royalty!!! The men stood at the gates. “HALT! Who goes there?” The guard asked. “The band of seven….Lord Gorama sent us….” “Ohh….alright then…we have been expecting you..” The guards opened the gates and the group walked inside. Lord Gorama came out of the castle. “What should I do Renkotsu?” Amadala asked as she walked closer to the Lord. “Bow to him and state him by Lord Gorama…” Amadala nodded as she walked up to the Lord and bowed to him. “Lord Gorama…I am talking to you on behalf of the band of seven…we are here to destroy the demon that is threatening your province…” “I hope that I said that right…” Amadala thought to herself.
Surprisingly, the Lord said,” Welcome to our province! It is such an honor to have a group who is well known throughout the provinces! Please, sit and make yourselves comfortable in the dining room and I will tell you the story behind the demon..” The group nodded and walked into the dining room. They sat around the table as Lord Gorama sat down. “Many days and nights now…a horrible demon has been slithering around the nearby villages and killing anything in its path..the people are so scared of this thing….it comes out when no one expects it to and then it will wrap itself around the person and insert poison thoughout the veins..” The whole group felt cold chills up and down their spines when they hear about this “demon”. “Your mission is to destroy this demon so that our people can rest safely in return…you will get a handsome and heavy reward…” Lord Gorama snapped his fingers and two people came in and brought a chest. Amadala and Renkotsu opened it to see it filled with coins. “This is the down payment for your troubles… will get the rest after you destroy this demon..” Lord Gorama said.
The whole group nodded and Amadala bowed and said,” We are honored and we accept this job……where was this demon last located?” “The last location of the demon was somewhere in the East Village…” “That is where we came from!!!” Mukotsu said. “We must hurry before this demon destroys everyone…Thank you sir….” Renkotsu said while bowing as they left the dining room and went out of the castle grounds. “ I want this to be over with..I must get home and check on Oo-Aniki and the baby…” Suikotsu said as they went into the village. “It will not be a hard job for us…..just a simple kill and that's it! We will get our reward and be on our way home!” Ginkotsu said. Amadala nodded and said,” Well, let's get to work then…where should we start?”
Just then, a loud explosion rang out in the village and everyone started scattering. “What about over there?” Mukotsu said as he pointed to the location of the explosion. “Sounds good to me…” Amadala said as they ran to the explosion. The ground started shaking. “Ummm……I think we found the demon!” Kyoukotsu said. “Nah…you think?” Renkotsu said sarcastically as the ground jumped away. A large demon about 9 feet long with green eyes and red skin came up from the ground. Amadala gulped. She had never seen anything that big before with the except of Kyoukotsu of course. Mukotsu grabbed his best potion that he had been working on for a couple of days and threw it at the monster. The demon screamed and closed it eyes. “You blinded it Mukotsu!” Suikotsu said as he took his claws and tried to make a swing at the monster. He missed and the demon swung its tail at Suikotsu and injuring him. “SUIKOTSU!!” Amadala said as she ran over to him. “How many fingers am I holding up?” Amadala said as she held up her fingers. Suikotsu chuckled. “I am alright Ama…you are holding up two fingers.” Amadala sighed in relief.
“Now what do we do? We cannot get to close to it or we will be coiled up!” Mukotsu said as they looked at the monster. “I don't know….” Amadala said, “I just don't know…”