InuYasha Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Glow in the Dark Threads ❯ Mirrored Reflections ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: We ain't own Ranma 1/2 or Inu-Yasha! O_O Shoot... if those two series belong to us one day, we'll quit writing fanfics! x_o (Our only disclaimer. So if you don't get it the first time, then you'll never get it. -_-)

A/N: Heheheh... Guess what?! We have a new fanfic! ^.~ And guess what it's about this time? NONE YA BUSINESS! Okay, just kidding... This will be a Ranma & InuYasha crossover and we guess it's an AU. O_o? Hell yeah 'cuz lots of things will be different. ;p Just some things you might wanna know: Both Kagome & Akane's mothers are cousins, so Kagome & Akane have been friends since they were little kids. Akane is staying over at Kagome's house because it's Kagome's birthday. ((Her birthday is not on a school day. ^_~))

Glow in the Dark Threads

by Lonely Soul & Elysium

Chapter 1: Mirrored Reflections

Villagers attacked a black-haired hanyou with golden eyes who seemed to easily evade every arrow that was projected his way. Out of all the villagers who were attacking him there was one person in particular who stood out from the rest. A miko. There was crimson blood dripping from the wound she had received earlier, and she winced as the pain in her shoulder got worst, but she forced herself not to show any sign of weakening. Her flaming blue eyes pierced right through the hanyou's soul as she took a stance and aimed the one last arrow that would stop him from escaping any further. She glared at him and said, "Now you will a tone for your sins by dying, traitor!"

She released her arrow, and before the dark haired hanyou even had a chance to move out of the way, the enchanted arrow stuck through his chest and bounded him to a tree. That was the last he remembered as he fell into an eternal sleep.

With the help of some of the villagers, the miko staggered back to the village. However, she froze when she felt the presence of another hanyou. It was then she realized who it was, and she sharply turned her head. Her eyes gazed deep into the forest and through clenched teeth she whispered, "InuYasha."

At that moment, the hanyou she spoke of quickly appeared from the forest. His silver hair whipped behind him and his golden eyes flashed with hurt and betrayal. He looked over at the nearby tree, which held the hanyou the miko had just shot.

"What the hell did you do to my brother?! Why did you betray us?!" He stopped for only a mere second, then continued almost in a whisper, "...Betray me, Kikyo?"

The miko, Kikyo, pushed away from the villagers to stand on her own. She glared at InuYasha with hate in her eyes. "Me?! Betray you and your brother? How dare you! You were the ones to deceive me, InuYasha!!" She brought forth her bow and arrow and pointed it directly at InuYasha. "And like your brother, I shall kill you as well!" Her grip loosened on the arrow and it darted straight towards the surprised hanyou before her.

Those were the last words InuYasha heard as Kikyo's arrow pierced his chest, and he too was bounded to a tree and sent into an eternal sleep.


"So what do you want to do now, Kagome?" A girl with short, dark blue hair asked the other girl sitting next to her.

Kagome had her chin resting in her hand as she held the key chain she had just received from her grandfather for a birthday present above her cat, Buyo, who playfully pretended it was another one his cat toys. "Hmm... I don't know Akane," Kagome replied with a bored expression as she faced the blue haired girl. "What do you want to do?"

Akane sighed. "I don't know either. I thought since it was your birthday you'd be the one to decide that." She looked down at Buyo. "He seems to be having more fun than we are right now."

Kagome nodded, "Yeah, I know..."

The two girls didn't say anything else after that. They just sat and gazed at the beautiful scenery around them, noticing how quiet and calm the day was. Buyo caught their attention when he stopped playing with the key chain and froze. Akane and Kagome watched the cat in bewilderment, wondering what he was doing or what was wrong with him, and before they could say anything to Buyo, he suddenly dashed away towards the shrine.

"Buyo!" Kagome yelled at her cat as he disappeared to another part of the shrine. "Where are you going?!"

"That was so weird..."

Kagome glanced over at the other girl. "Yeah, Buyo has never acted like that before."

"I know! I didn't think he could run that fast! I mean, he's so fat!"


Akane smirked and laughed at her friend's annoyed expression, "I'm just kidding, Kagome! I know what you're talking about. Heh, but for real now, you have to admit that that's the first time you've ever seen Buyo run so fast!"

"Well..." Kagome thought about it and finally realized it was true, and she couldn't help but laugh with Akane. "Okay! I admit it! It was pretty funny. Now lets go look for him before we get distracted and he somehow gets lost or something."

"Hey, Kagome and Akane!" A young boy said to the girls as he caught up with them. "What are you guys doing?"

"Oh, hey there, Sota! Buyo ran off, so me and Kagome are going to get him," Akane answered him as they followed Kagome's lead towards a small building with enchantment seals all over it.

Akane gulped and glanced around nervously at all the paper seals and at the dark entranceway of the building. "Uh, Kagome... are you sure Buyo went in here? It looks kind of creepy... There might be ghosts haunting this place, and you know how much I'm--"

"Don't worry Akane! Grandpa only put these spells because he believes evil spirits and demons try to come into our world from the other side of this old well, the Bone Eater's well. His spells don't usually work, and I haven't seen an evil spirit once, so there's nothing to worry about." Kagome replied, yanking Akane inside with her. "C'mon, I know Buyo's somewhere in here."

"I'll... um...just stay back here, you guys..." Sota said with a little bit of fear in his voice as he stayed as far away as he could, but close enough to see how Akane and Kagome were doing.

As Kagome and Akane walked down the few steps that came before the well, they saw Buyo sitting on one of the corner ledges of the well with his same bored expression, and his eyes glowing slightly in the dark.

"Okay, come here kitty..." Akane softly said, extending her arm so that she could reach him.

Instead of coming to her, Buyo jumped out of her reach and stupidly ran to a far side of the well.

Akane glared evilly at the fat cat. "You stupid cat! What the hell is wrong with you?" With Akane not paying attention to where she was going, she klutzed out and somehow managed to fall over the ledge of the well.

"Aahhh! Shit!"

"Gah! Akane!"

Kagome quickly grabbed Akane's arm so that she wouldn't fall completely into the deep, dark well, but she too lost her balance and ended up falling inside the well with Akane.

Sota stood there in absolute shock and fear. "Um..Kagome?...Aka..Akane?"

He never got an answer.

To be continued...

A/N: Hope you're not confused... We started writing this story two months ago, but we thought it was so crappy that we stopped writing it. Tell us what you think about our story so that we'll know if we should continue the story or rewrite this chapter. :p If we don't get enough reviews, we'll probably put this in the Ranma category instead. ((If you flame, expect to be flamed back. ^.-))

Bye bye for now. x_o & -_-