InuYasha Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ What Torment... ❯ It's Hard To Forget...Isn't It? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Dedicated to all that read and fuckin' review!

Chapter 1: It's hard to forget...Isn't It?


"It is difficult to live in the present.
Ridiculous to live in the future. And impossible to live in the past."

-Jim Bishop


She couldn't believe the words that had just soaked into her inner being. However she didn't change her expression, which was cold and sad. All she wanted to do now was cry out, into her mothers chest and remain their till time itself stopped. But all she could do now was to see her beloved father in the arms of her newmother.

He spoke with generosity but didn't mean it in the way he said his apologies. "Kiorre, listen, Hitoma and I were discussing a few minor issues when you where back in Kyoto. And ever since you where gone Hitoma and I....we decided we want to be wed." He replied as he looked down at the smaller being beside him, touching her shoulder and sighing softly as he soon stood back and held the bastard of a wench beside him.

Kiorre in return looked displeased. "Be-wed? Hitoma and you? What are you saying...?" shaking her head slowly her father only interrupted with more unheard of news.

Her father, taking in consideration of her not knowing of the situation sighed in discomfort of telling his only daughter, "...she is my, Fiancée."

"Iinazuke!" (-fiancée)

"Kiorre, Kiorre don't raise you're voice." Hitoma spoke aloud, expecting the young girl to compromise. "'re father was only thinking of the best for you-"

"You don't haft to baby her, even if we did only think of you the entire time you were in Kyoto." He said while hugging Hitoma with tenderness as if she were a precious heirloom.

"What? You decided all this when I was away, and expect me to feel rejoice after hearing this for the first time?" The small girl said as she began to tear up. She began to shake her head a few times and curse repeatedly to herself before catching herself on a blur of hatred.

It was then the woman who stole her mothers place in the palace came into the conversation in which she never belonged in, "You're father and I, we..." replied the tall woman as she gave an offering hand, "...decided this only for you're benefit my dear." She made a smile but in respect Kiorre didn't dare turn it away.

The young girl just looked at the powdered hand and pouted softly "We, who's we?" she toned up in regard to what she felt. "You didn't discuss this with me yet you answer with we! How dare you!" yelled the tiny girl as knocked aside the hand as she looked up at her father in disbelief, "What about mother?"

The tall man just looked down at the young girl softly, yet his eyes were cold. "Mother is no longer with us," he then choked at the thought and began to take the conversation to another level by taking on a more serious pitch of voice, "...and if I should to pass anytime soon, Hitoma. My fiancée, you're new mother will carry out our noble duties as empress." He said as he knelt on his left knee. "So why don't you go out to the garden and play like little girls should." And with that Hitoma, his "fiancée" gave a hidden grin to Kiorre. The small girl just took a brief sigh and walked away.

Taking aside her fathers brief and unnoticeable warning, Kiorre stopped briefly at a distant corner over to the side of her fathers left guard. Hoping her father and the guard wouldn't see Kiorre watched the second conversation take place.

There was no such conversation...

The young girl just saw the one who she thought to be her father and worst enemy (Hitoma) were kissing one another! A passionate kiss it was, to her eyes. It was a kiss of love. Not an every day peck. But one of forgiveness and sorrow. And just then, Kiorre couldn't take it anymore. She bit her upper lip and headed towards her room.

"So that's how it is father, every single word was a lie...." she gulped in sorrow as she thought of the once distant memory of her mother and father sharing a happy hug. It was then all apparent to her that her father planned it all through the time of her mother's unexpected death.

Kiorre really never knew of Hitoma...until her mother's death. But I guess she really never paid attention to her for she was never as important as her father made her to be until after her mother's incident. It seemed crude to just say she was a man-using whore, but Hitoma in Kiorre's book was never high-class.

Kiorre would remember time and time again how Hitoma used to present herself in front of her father and many of the other lords who visited the castle. She would remember how she would just giggle constantly, flirt always and walk in such of an obscene way Kiorre from then on thought of her to be low-class, and thought her father would think the same.


"Life isn't a matter of milestones, but of moments

And you have to find it, because no one else can find it for you."
Bjorn Borg andRose Kennedy combination


But it wasn't like that and she too was surprised to know that he cared for her in a loving manner. She was hurt...and sad. But she knew she was the only one who could change how she felt about the subject. So almost immediately she dried her tears with only her palms and ran out of the palace doors and into another collection of rooms.

She ran down the never ending hallways until she finally reached the outer limits of the palace to finally consider herself outdoors. So almost instantly she began to run, run through the harsh trees and blocking bushes to a river she heard of once before. It was called the "holy river of the crane." This was only because varieties of large and mysterious crane demons once had territory of the river...because it was soo pure and clean the birds almost never left the place to look for food. This in the end brought up to many demons death. However in the process brought up to the beautiful river Kiorre stood before now.

It was then she could almost see her own reflection materialize into Hitoma and her father inside the river.

She then ran to the river with such clumsiness, unbelieving at the sight she had just taken in. Her father and Hitoma together, holding one another like lovers. Even after all that had happened to mother, Father was with her. Kiorre had heard him promise to protect her, to repay her sorrows with his love, to be there for her needs. It was a pact meant to be made without Kiorre knowing and that hurt the most.

She lifted her head and began to gaze down into the water, over looking that she was being watched...


He was able to get within striking distance of the girl and still she showed no sign of awareness. She was alone, just sitting there alone with a glorious apple filled tree beside her. The young pup hadn't been able to eat food for days for which the land he roamed in, food severely was scarce, so every opportunity was a mile jump from total starvation.

He took in a smell of the dew wet apples and prepared for a launch into the next tree when he noticed the branch he was on lowered down due to his slight heavy weight. He looked down, worried if he moved once more the entire branch would rip from the tree sending him pummeling down to the ground.

He took in a deep breath and prepared to launch when the branch caved in instantly. He tried to yell but fear consumed his voice into a high pitched shriek and almost as instantly as he fell and as instantly he came down to the ground with a earth shaking thump.

A few moments passed before everything went from pitch black to reality.

~ *~

Black everything was black; he was running from something he never saw before. It was chasing and why....he didn't know but one thing was for sure he wasn't going to be caught by something he didn't even know the look of. So he ran faster and yetit seemed like he was running slower and slower. The creatures speed seemed to accelerate just as fast as He himself seemed to slow down.

He didn't want to look back, it was tempting and he wanted to know his chaser but he kept his speed but it still wasn't much of a change. The creature was right at his heels growling and roaring out his hunger for the young pup. It was then he tripped. Into the jaws of the monster and then...

"AAHH!" he yelled with fear as he gasped, realizing he was talking in his sleep. He then turned to the staring and bewildered girl beside him. She looked astonished and yet disgusted to even look at the young pup.

"Why were you watching me?" the young girl replied softly as she held a few small rocks in both of her hands. She paused for a second as she waited for him to reply. She tilted here head as if thinking what to do with the snooping demon pup.

He growled back at Kiorre with a smug look on his face as she back...hit him with rocks.


"Owwy!" yelled the small boy again as he looked up at the being below him. Growling loudly he paused and took a short jump down to the ground holding his arm up in a fist, as if about to attack with full force.

"Owy?" she replied back as she observed the young boy. He wore a light tan shirt and loose brown pants. "I don't think I've seen you before...what's your name, shrimp?" she said with her head tilted to the side as she got up and approach the young demon pup.

His voice rather raspy and his head low he spoke with a small growl. "Ryoga..." he looked back up. He gave a weird look and she too back. It was quite a couple seconds later that she did speak. Pulling a couple of rogue strands back behind her ear she lifted her head up and asked if he would come over towards her so that she may nurse his many minor wounds.

He sat down with slight nervousness and she appeared to be calm and almost happy. `I can't believe I'm sitting next ta a girl.' He thought soundly. (He's only ten, watta you expect?) Wincing softly Kiorre couldn't help but sigh with soft solid laughs. She picked up her head again but this time to ease the pups wincing with simple conversation.

"Ryoga, that's your name, right?"

"Yeah, that's my name...what about it?" he asked with a tone as Kiorre resumed healing his scratches and bruises. Ignoring for a minor second or so, she spoke softly hardly ever looking him in the eye.

"Hmm, what a nice name." she said softly. He looked at her back; he never really had a compliment before and never from a girl.


"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless."
Mother Teresa


"What ya say?"

"I said that you have a nice name." she said with irritation as she went back to cleaning his wounds. She was suspicious of this young new rival; she knelt down beside him, and observed him thoroughly. By his features she could already tell he was some sorta wolf demon. He wore a ragged shirt and dark brown pants. Pretty loose but small enough to fit the young boy. He had long seeable white dog teeth, claws and a black ponytail which hung at his head. He sorta looked like a wolf, yet some sorta weird way.

She stopped with the miner details of his face and went back to tending to his minor injuries. The last thing she noticed then was a bandana. It was yellow. The same color as his shirt. Not too light, but then not too dark. It had squarish spots and a spot on its top and yet to her it was quite unique. She then looked up. Ryoga in return winced as she again touched his sensitive spots.

"That hurt?" she said softly as she put a few bandages on his arm. He said nothing; she then resumed to tending him and stayed quiet.

In his mind the boy couldn't believe what he was doing. Sitting with a human, and more importantly a princess. The boy began the blush. He observed her back. She was cute, but for a boy his age which was 10 she was well, a girl. He could already tell she was rich and young. She wore a purple Chinese outfit. Not a dress or a skirt just some silk pants and a matching shirt. She around 8 years old or so, she looked weak. Weak enough to-

"HELLLOOOOO!" Kiorre yelled into the ear of the boy. Woken up by a loud roar the boy began the conversation once more.

The scrawny boy beside her sighed with a slight of cockiness. "I've neglected to tell you but I happen to be a 1st class demon." He said as he crossed his arms around his chest. "So if you don't want to get hurt, I'd run away for mommy or daddy for I am going to get your food o-"


"Hey!! Have you no sense of decency! I was in my moment of prime." Whined the young boy as he waited for a second apology. He moaned sadly as he pressed his small hands against his head. Feeling the large bump the last few rocks had left he stared at Kiorre with most unhappiness.

He winced a little when Kiorre approached him again.

"Listen shrimp, I--"

"I told you to stop calling me shrimp!!!! Do I look shrimp like?!" he yelled once again as he stood up near the girls face. He paused for a moment and then began again. "If you are to so speak about me being shrimp like I'll-"

"You'll what? Beat me up with you claws. Barrie me with you're dog like instincts?" she giggled a little and began again, "Well, I beg to differ. I mean, what you are going to do about it?" she said as she held about 50 or so rocks in her hands.

The young cub looked surprised for about a second or so and sweated a bit. "Uh, absolutely nothing, nothing at all. Just nothing. He he..." he replied quickly as he looked up at her.

`Like prey facing down a much larger predator.' She thought with a smile.

"Good." Then with that she began to walk away. With a sigh the young cub huffed and went to sit down. He was quiet. Not talking or yelling, not even growling. She looked back, and then thought about running home, before picturing the look on her fathers face when he had learned of her short absentness.

"On second thought," it was then she also seated herself down next to the young demon. She couldn't help but glance at his direction. He was sitting quietly, not noticing as many, many birds made a sitting post out of him. Kiorre couldn't help but giggle to herself.

She also couldn't help but feel obnoxious in a weird sorta way. Though he was a demon and she in most definite ways hated demons she couldn't help but not show kindness towards him. He didn't seem demon, although his features were more than just human. Kiorre then turned around to face him.

"So, uhm, why are you alone out here?"

Ryoga turning to her with most cockiness, ""What me alone out here? I just left my folks, that's all." he said with a grin as he turned to face the sunset.

Kiorre couldn't help but feel bad for the young cub. `He's all alone. He ran away from his parents, but why?' she thought as she made a small huff and looked up at Ryoga with caring eyes.

"You're family, all of them...with out a goodbye?" she said as she began to lean in closer to him as if she was about to hug him.

"What about it? No big deal I just couldn't stand my family that's all." He said with his chin up never looking back at Kiorre.

"Even you're mother?" she asked with her face extended to face his.

"Yeah, so?"

"I just thought it be hard to leave you're mother for just you think about her at all?"

"...No I don't."


"We know what a person thinks not when they tell us what they are thinking, but by their actions."
Isaac Bashevis Singer


She knew he was lying though it didn't seem to matter much now. She knew he would one day grow out of the lone wolf thing so she kept to herself and attempted to keep quiet and not interfere.

"What!?" he yelled out, irritated by the fact she was staring at him again. "What's the big deal if I don't even give a damn about my mom!? I don't see the problem!?" he said ear screeching loud as he realized she never asked him that certain question.

He knew that she knew he was keeping something from her....but he want going to let her find out, not now, not later. `Never will she know the truth; I'll make sure of that.'


Author credits-

Okay so this is the all new and improved version of "Why Me...", though now it may be called something else don't really know at the moment though I hope this version is better than my first. Hope ya like!

