InuYasha Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ When Things Go Awry ❯ Chapter 1: The Fire and The Truth ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When Things Go Awry

A/N- 'ello there! Long time no see!
Sorry about the wait, but this chapter was hard and so I made it extra long for you guys!
I don't own InuYasha or Ranma 1/2, if I did than the characters would be merged together and man it would be fun doing that!
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this!

Chapter 1: The Fire and The Truth
Pain…horrible pain.
That was all that assaulted his senses as he shifted in his sleep, the smell in the air was the second thing and it was that smell that finally brought Ranma from the depths of his slumber, it was the smell of smoke.
Ranma's Pov-
I winced as I pulled myself into a sitting position, it seemed that my headache had decided to come back with a vengeance, `but that's not what woke me…I smelled…smoke!'
My eyes blew wide as I hurried to my feet nearly slamming into the wall in the process, I could smell smoke coming from down the hall, near Akane's room. Knowing that I didn't have much time before the house was completely aflame, I looked over to find the old man curled up, half in and half out of his blankets.
Hurrying over to his side, I grit my teeth at the jolting pain that lanced through my skull as I lifted him from the ground, moving over to the window I kicked it in before tossing my father out. I knew that he would be fine, after all, he had a pretty hard head.
Shaking those thoughts from my mind, I ran to the door of my room and flung it open, only to start coughing at the pales of smoke and heat that wafted in my face. Taking a deep breath, I covered my mouth as I ran to Mr. Tendo's room, when I entered I found him in almost the same condition as my father but I didn't take time to reminisce, I just repeated the same actions as before.
`Two down, three to go, better hurry, it smells like its getting worse.' My next stop was Kasumi's room and I was rather relieved when I found that she was already awake, she was on the floor coughing as I quickly moved to her side. “Kasumi, come on…we need to get Akane and Nabiki before the fire spreads, can you stand?”
She looked up at me as relief shone in her eyes, “y…cough, yes…what about, cough cough, father and Mr. Saotome?”
I grit my teeth as I gripped her arm and drug her forcefully to her feet, “I took care of them, we have to hurry, we can talk later. Let's go!” Not giving her time to reply, I drug her after me as I ran from the room and down the hall, Nabiki's door was open and I couldn't believe my luck when she came stumbling out in a fit of coughs.
“Wha…cough, cough, what is happening?!” Her voice was loud and high pitched and I flinched in pain as it lanced through my head, only increasing the pain that I was feeling, “No time! You two get out of here, I'll get Akane! Hurry!” Shoving Kasumi towards Nabiki, I turned and sprinted down the hall to Akane's room.
I could see the fire lancing out of the bathroom right across from her door and I quickly leapt through it, receiving a couple burns in the process but I ignored the pain just as I had my headaches. Reaching Akane's door, I kicked it in and hurried over to Akane's bed, she was still out like a light and if it was any normal circumstance, I would have cracked a joke, but it wasn't a normal circumstance.
Pulling her out from underneath her covers, I made my way to her balcony when something behind me exploded, sending both of us flying at the glass sliding doors before us. Moving my body to protect hers, I bit my bottom lip at the lancing pain that shot through me as I crashed through the glass and over the edge of the balcony, above me I saw fire bursting out through the doors I had just flew out.
`Seems I made it just in the nick of time…' shifting, I looked down and saw everyone gathered a few feet from the house, landing I moved over to them and laid a still, unsurprisingly, slumbering Akane on the ground before I turned to look back up at the place that I had called home for the last three years. Hearing sirens in the distance I could only watch as it burned, `at least I got everyone out in time…thank god for that.'
Normal Pov-
As the Tendo's and Saotome's watched their home burn and the firefighters attempts to salvage it, Ranma felt the pain in his head growing worse, it was almost as if something was growing out of the top of his head.
When the pain grew to be too much, Ranma felt the world tilt about him as he felt himself being sucked into another plane of existence, unknown images assaulted his mind as he felt another personality surface within him, making them one. But as this occurred, the pain continued to increase, growing dizzy Ranma felt himself drift into a world of unconsciousness filled with memories and something else.
The Tendo's and Genma could only watch in shock as Ranma fell unconscious to the ground, one thought drifted through all of their minds at that point, `why is this happening to us?'
Three Weeks Later-
Shifting uncomfortably, Ranma could feel something hard and unyielding beneath him, grumbling to himself as he opened his eyes Ranma gritted his teeth in pain as it washed over him. His temples pounding uncomfortably, Ranma tried to sit up and could only move his head a little, hearing a sound off to his side Ranma glanced over and wasn't surprised to find Dr. Tofu's kind face looking right back at him.
“Wha…”Ranma winced at the scratchy sound of his own voice, “what happened to…to the…” breaking in a fit of coughs Ranma felt Dr. Tofu touch his forehead and give him a sad look.
“Well, after you got everyone out of the house it burned to the ground. The others are all okay, but for the last three weeks that you've been out they have been looking for another home and finally, just yesterday, they found one, but enough about that…feeling any better?”
Rolling his eyes, Ranma grimaced at the sensation it caused and felt himself growl in frustration when Dr. Tofu just chuckled, “I see…well, it won't be long now, the pain should subside once you're mother arrives…”
Immediately Ranma's eyes blew wide as he shot up straight on the couch he was currently occupying, ignoring the severe pain this caused, he turned his wide and confused eyes onto Dr. Tofu, “m…my mom's coming? Why?”
Shaking his head, Dr. Tofu pulled a chair by the couch and sat down with a sigh, “what do you know about you're…heritage Ranma?” Ranma's brows knit at that, “Heritage…what do you mean…I'm Japanese…” Ranma stopped when he heard Dr. Tofu start to chuckle to himself, `what the heck is going on here?'
As the pain continued to lance throughout his skull, Ranma kept wary eye upon Dr. Tofu, `there's something that he isn't telling me and it has to do with my mother and this damn headache! But what?!'
“I can't tell you much, not until you're mother comes at least, but I can at least explain why you are having such horrible headaches,” Dr. Tofu smiled gently as he reached out and pressed two fingers to Ranma's forehead, to Ranma's surprise, it actually helped lessen the pain…a little.
“Its growing pains Ranma, you are growing into you're heritage, ah…it seems that you're mother has arrived.” Before Ranma could say anything at all, Dr. Tofu stood and opened a nearby window.
“I still don't understand how you always know when I'm around Akira,” Ranma felt warmth envelop his body as he watched his mother step through the window and into the room, but he couldn't believe what greeted his eyes.
Before him stood one of the most beautiful women that he had ever seen, her black hair was long and flowed in cascades down her back framing her slender figure perfectly, her ears were pointed like those of an ancient elf. Upon her forehead rested a black rose that curled nicely over her brow, but what stood out the most was the only feature that Ranma found the same, they were her stormy blue grey eyes.
Turning, Nodaka Saotome looked at where her son was lying upon the couch and a smile curled her lips, Ranma paled when he saw fangs glittering in her smile. Seeing his reaction, her smile wavered for a moment before her smile returned full force.
“Ranma, it is good to see you, I am sorry that I have kept the truth from you for so long.” Walking over, Nodaka sat down upon the edge of the couch, reaching out a hand she ran it over Ranma's cheek gently.
Ranma felt the warmth from her touch as his brows knit in confusion, leaning towards her, Ranma gripped her shoulder frantic for the truth in his state of confusion. “Is…is this really you, mother? What happened?”
Nodaka sighed as she leaned forwards and nuzzled her nose into Ranma's cheek laving his skin gently, purring low in her throat, Nodaka pulled Ranma into her arms and felt her heart fill with joy when his arms slid about her waist as he cuddled in close to her.
“It's alright Ranma, the worst is almost over my son. Changes are taking place and that is why you are in such pain, Ranma…besides, Genma isn't you're real father…” feeling Ranma stiffen within her arms at her words, Nodaka pulled back and ran a finger over his cheek as she looked into his eyes.
He couldn't believe his ears, Ranma could only stare at his mother in shock, “then…then who is my real father and why did you lie to me?”
“Because Ranma, our kind are not accepted nowadays. If anyone knew what you are, then you're life would be in great danger, we can't trust humans with our secret.”
Shifting at that, Ranma looked over at Dr. Tofu before looking back up at his mother, “then…then what are we? What is this secret?”
Sighing, Nodaka ran a hand through Ranma's hair gently, “We are demons Ranma, you're father comes from a long line InuYoukai, just as I do…the reason you don't know who you're father is because he was killed before you were born and you needed a father. So I married Genma and the rest you already know…I am sorry my pup, I should have done better for you.”
Ranma felt his heart nearly stop at his mother's words, he didn't know what to think let alone do at the moment, `but her words are true…I can feel it in my bones. I…I am a dog demon? Then…then those…' Ranma's eyes grew dull as he felt his vision begin to swim.
Thoughts and images started to flash before his eyes as he collapsed against his mother's chest, he could feel something stirring within his blood and beneath the surface, something old but something that he remembered.
It was a part of him, a part that was returning with his true form, one name kept repeating within his mind as his thoughts finally began to clear, `InuYasha.'
“nma? Son, what is it? What's wrong?”
Shaking himself out of his musings, Ranma looked up into his mother's concerned eyes, “I…I remember things, things that I know I've experienced before, but…I don't at the same time. Mother…do you know anyone by the name of…InuYasha?”
Nokaka's eyes immediately blew wide as her jaw tightened slightly before she looked over at an equally confused Dr. Tofu. Clearing her throat Nodaka shifted uncomfortably at Ranma's side.
“Where did you hear that name?”
His brows knitting, Ranma looked up again at his mother in confusion, “I…I am having these flashes of things, they are mostly of this girl, but my mind calls her many things. Things like wench, bitch, woman, ma…mate, and uh…Kagome. I…I know her, but I know I've never actually met her, although I can see her in my mind calling me that name. I knew her…I know I did and still…how can that be possible?”
Nodaka let out a sigh as she ran a hand over Ranma's forehead gently, she couldn't believe what she had just been told but seeing the look in her son's eyes told her that he was telling the truth, “they are repressed memories Ranma, of you're past life…apparently you were once the half-demon called InuYasha, his life was entwined with a girl named Kagome Higurashi as well as several others.”
Jerking, Ranma shot up on the couch again and locked his eyes with his mother, he could hardly believe what she was telling him, but something deep inside of him told her that everything that she had said so far has been nothing but the truth. “Please mom…tell me, tell me about them…”
Nodaka looked uncomfortable for several moments before she grudgingly nodded her head and shifted once more upon the couch, she let her eyes close as she sat at Ranma's side her hands in her lap, “I was told this story many years ago, long before you were born, my father told it to me when I was little…he had met InuYasha once before.”
Tilting his head, Ranma looked at his feet for a moment as he thought that over, `I've, I mean he met my grandfather? When…' “Go on mom…I'm listening…”
“Well, InuYasha was born of the great dog demon InuTashio and his human wife, the princess Izaiyoi. InuTashio was killed on the day of InuYasha's birth as he battled against a human man named Takemaru who had fallen in love with the princess, because of InuTashio's death, Izaiyoi was left with the sole duty of caring for InuYasha. She raised him to be kind and good, but because of what he was, he was ridiculed by demon and human alike, this ridicule only increased after Izaiyoi died and InuYasha was but a child.”
Ranma flinched as memories flooded his mind at his mother's words, he could feel the hate and sorrow that came with them and knew that it was true, he was InuYasha.
“His older half-brother Sesshoumaru took him in after finding InuYasha nearly beaten to death on the outskirts of his land, keeping an oath to his late father, Sesshoumaru took InuYasha in and did his best to raise him. Until InuYasha became a young man, after an accident that framed InuYasha for the death of several human women, Sesshoumaru cut all ties with him and banished InuYasha from his lands.”
Hearing the ticking of the clock on the wall, Nodaka looked down at her son and saw that his eyes were unfocused, she knew that he was reliving everything that she was telling him. She didn't want to put him through all this pain but now that she knew who he had been, she knew that for his sake she had to tell him…it was part of his destiny.
Shaking out of her thoughts, Nodaka continued with her tale. “If only Sesshoumaru had known the truth, InuYasha would have stayed in the west with him and would have grown in grace, but it seems that the hatred of half-demon's crossed into the great splendor of the western lands.”
His body had begun to quake as the memories of his mother's words continued to flood his mind, Ranma knew that there was a lot more on the way, `I feel like this is only the beginning…why…why did I have to go through such pain for no reason but of what I am?' Catching his own line of thoughts, Ranma took a deep breath and tried to suppress the other voice in his head, the one that he knew would consume him before this day was out.
Feeling her son starting to shake and his scent starting to change, Nodaka knew that she needed to continue quickly before it became too late and her son was overwhelmed with his lost self, she didn't want him to loose control.
“After a few years of roughing it on his own, InuYasha learned about a means that would solve all his problems, or so he thought. As he searched for it, he happened upon a priestess named Kikyou and found that she was the guardian of what he sought, the sacred jewel of four souls, the Shikon no Tama.”
Ranma jerked as the name `Kikyou' hit his ears, the image of a proud looking woman with midnight hair, deep brown eyes, and porcelain skin appeared in his mind. Gritting his teeth in anger and pain, Ranma felt the sharp points of fangs growing and piercing his lower and upper lips.
As blood pooled in his mouth and flowed down his chin, Ranma looked up at his mother waiting for her to continue, he was ready to hear what she was about to tell him, he needed to hear it.
“InuYasha fell in love with this priestess just as she did him, making a decision, InuYasha was going to meet with her to make a wish upon to jewel so that he would become completely human, then they would be together. But that didn't happen, the demon Naraku who was once known as Onigumo took the forms of both InuYasha and Kikyou, after wounding Kikyou and attacking InuYasha he had turned them against one another completely. So as InuYasha stole the jewel, Kikyou shot an arrow at InuYasha and pinned him to a tree, sealing him forever in time while she died of her wounds and the Shikon no Tama joined her in the afterlife.”
Lifting her arm, Nodaka placed it around Ranma's shoulders as she held him close against her side, he was utterly still and his skin had gone cold it was almost as if he was experiencing the memories themselves.
“Fifty years passed as the village grew and InuYasha remained sealed until one day when a young woman stumbled upon him while trying to find her way home, her name was Kagome Higurashi and she wasn't from InuYasha's time, she was from modern Tokyo and had been pulled through the bone eaters well into the warring states era of Japan on the day of her fifteenth birthday by a demon.”
“When she saw InuYasha she climbed up the roots of the tree and touched him, not knowing that she had just released a part of the spell that held him there, she touched his ears and was about to kiss him when she was shot at by the villagers. After being drug to the village and having that same demon attack, Kagome happened upon InuYasha again but he was awake this time and called her Kikyou, because in truth Kagome was of great resemblance to the dead miko.”
Feeling Ranma shift again and seeing deep blue markings starting to appear upon his forearms, Nodaka knew that it was too late, but she needed to let him hear the next part of the story. “But she was really the reincarnation of not Kikyou, but the great priestess who had created the jewel itself, Midoriko, Kikyou's soul had become entwined with the jewel and thus went where the jewel went.”
At this Nodaka expected many things but having Ranma remain silent and passive was not one of them, Ranma wasn't surprised at hearing this, but InuYasha was. His mind was freaking out, yelling and screaming while Ranma struggled to keep control so that he could hear the rest of this before blowing his top.
Still confused at her son's behavior, or lack thereof, Nodaka decided to continue and hope for the best. “After freeing InuYasha from the spell completely he was stricken with a subjugation spell, while trying to return home Kagome was attacked and through a series of events the Shikon no Tama was shattered into hundreds of shards, thus began their journey together to gather all the pieces to once again restore the jewel to its former glory.”
“In the beginning, InuYasha and Kagome didn't get on very well, but when a demon witch named Urasue stole Kikyou's ashes and restored Kikyou's body, InuYasha was forced to relive all the pain he felt from his memories of her. Then this witch took Kagome's soul and gave it to Kikyou to revive her, she succeeded to restore only the part of Kikyou's soul that died hating InuYasha.”
Watching as Ranma's hands shook along with his body, Nodaka felt her heart clench as she saw him dig his claws into his palms, drawing blood yet again but she knew that she had to continue.
“Over the course of their journey together Kagome was put through much pain and heartache when she watched InuYasha leave her time and time again to go to the dead priestess, this was because Kagome had fallen in love with InuYasha but because of her love she let him continue to leave her for one who only wished for his death. Kagome was willing to do whatever it took to make InuYasha happy, even if it meant killing herself in the process, that was the extent of her love.”
Gulping at the shame he suddenly felt flowing through him, Ranma realized that InuYasha never knew that Kagome was in love with him, `how could he not know that? How when every day Kagome would look at him like that and constantly return to his side no matter what he said or did…how…how could I?'
“As they continued to travel together they crossed paths with an orphaned kitsune child, a young monk who was cursed with a void in his right hand, a taijia whose family was killed and her demon cat companion. They became very good friends over the course of time and even came as close to a family that they could, but then on the eve of the final battle with Naraku, something happened…” having reached the very end of the story, Nodaka slowly released Ranma's form as she got to her feet, she needed to see the final part of her son's transformation.
Ranma watched as his mother rose and stood before him, her eyes were warm and comforting as she reached out a hand and brushed his bangs out of his eyes so that she could look upon his face.
Nodaka felt her heart warm when she saw the mark appear upon Ranma's right temple, it looked at first to be a seed but as she continued to gaze upon it, it slowly grew and changed until the stem and leaves sprouted. They were followed by the petals which at first remained the color of his skin, until the bloom was whole and there before her rested the mark of his father, a single red rose in full bloom.
“How does the story end mom…what was it that happened, please, tell me.” Placing his hand over his mother's Ranma saw the slight hesitation in his mother's eyes before she sighed and knelt before him, her hands folded in her lap.
“Naraku had found a way to get rid of InuYasha for good but he failed to realize that Kagome was from another time and so his plan did work in the end, but when he banished InuYasha into the future, InuYasha was forced to become one with his reincarnation. With the one of him that was meant to meet and stay with Kagome in this time, but now that time has been mixed and the future altered, it falls upon you my son…you InuYasha and Ranma, you must finish this. Or Naraku will continue to infect the world and just as you well know InuYasha, he will destroy all the demons in this time by destroying them all within yours. Do you understand, my son?”
His heart was racing as Ranma listened to his mothers final words, he could feel his mind shifting and coalescing as his soul and that of the half-demon InuYasha, finished merging. As this occurred, Ranma's entire form was bathed within a bright white light that caused his mother and Dr. Tofu to cover their eyes as his form completely disappeared into the light, the final changed were taking place.
Nodaka backed away from the blinding blur that now stood before her, she knew that whatever changes that her son was going through in there, he would forever change from the son she knew and loved but she had accepted this fact from the moment that she had begun the story of InuYasha.
What seemed like hours passed before the light before them finally started to fade, standing from the place they had sat on the floor, Nodaka and Dr. Tofu slowly approached the fading light.
When the light had completely gone and Ranma had finally been uncovered, Nodaka found her heart stuttering to a halt as she stared wide eyed at the figure before her, “Ra…Ranma?”

A/N- I feel better...anyway, the next chapt is being an ass so I'll get it up as soon as I can, but until then...
Ja Ne! (for now)