InuYasha Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ When Things Go Awry ❯ Chapter 6: A Not So Typical Day at School ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
When Things Go Awry

A/N- Welcome back peeps!!

Whelp, this didn't take too long, at least I hope it didn't...

Disclaimer- InuYasha and Ranma 1/2, mine? Who are you kidding?! I am merely borrowing and mixing their worlds, nothing more, nothing less...

This is it, the chapt in which Kagome's world clashes with Ranma's, just what'll happen? Read on to find out!!


'Ranma's Youkai's Thoughts/Talking'


Chapter 6: A Not So Typical Day At School

Class had started out fine, well as fine as it could be, considering.


Kagome and Ranma had reached their classroom in record time, it was fifteen minutes until the bell would ring and class would begin.

Ignoring the looks being sent her way, Kagome pulled Ranma along behind her as she made her way through the other students and to her desk. Setting her backpack on the ground, Kagome motioned to the desk that sat right behind her. The girl who'd sat there before had transferred out sometime the month before, so the seat was open and that was just where Ranma would sit. Kagome would make sure of that.

Following Kagome's silent command, Ranma tossed his own bag onto the desk behind Kagome's before sitting down on the desk top. All eyes in the room were upon them and even though it made him feel really uncomfortable, Ranma was more worried about how all this was affecting Kagome.

"So this is what it looks like in here, I've always wondered." Kagome sat in her seat and smiled up at him, just happy that he had broken the silence for them, "well, it's probably not as nice as the one you were in before. But I like it." Shaking his head at that, Ranma slowly released her hand before moving into his own seat, leaning on his elbows as he bent towards Kagome.

"It was fine enough, but I think I'm going to like it here..." he trailed off when he noticed Kagome's friends approaching, each one of them seemed content to stare at him. From the look of things, they were clearly checking him out.

Curling his lip in disgust, Ranma turned to look out the window, not wanting anything to do with those girls. He got enough of that from Akane, Ukyou, Shampoo, and Kodatchi.

Noticing Ranma's anger, Kagome was about to ask him what was wrong when a touch to her shoulder stopped her. Turning her head, she froze when she saw Yumi, Yuka, and Eri standing before her. Each one had a star struck look on their face and Kagome had to force herself not to scowl, they were staring at Ranma. Her Ranma.

She didn't even blink at her own thoughts. She knew what she felt and what she wanted, and nothing or no one was going to take it from her, not this time. "Hi guys," when they all jerked at her voice and turned to face her, Kagome felt one of her hands clench into a fist. 'Calm, stay calm...'

"Uh...sorry, I guess we were spacing for a moment there." Yumi's face had flushed red while Yuka was still staring at Ranma, Eri just smiled at her. "We're glad you're here Kagome, we've missed you. Besides, it's nice to know that you are feeling better."

Smiling at them, Kagome nodded her head. Yuka then turned her attention upon her and had a peculiar look upon her face. "Who is he Kagome? I've never seen him before, is he a new student?"

Narrowing her eyes, Kagome let her smile shift into an acidic one. "Actually, he's just moved into the neighborhood. He an old friend of mine and it's been good to see him again. His name is Ranma Saotome...Ranma," turning his head to look at Kagome, Ranma gave a nod of his head, indicating that he was listening.

"Ranma, these are my friends. Yumi, Yuka, and Eri. Guys, this is Ranma." Giving an inclination of his head, Ranma let a gentle smile cross his lips, "It's a pleasure, Kagome has told me a lot about you guys..." Each one of the girls blushed prettily even as they began giggling.

Gritting his teeth, Ranma just continued to smile and was rather relieved when the bell sounded. It was time to start class.

Jerking at the sound of the bell, Yumi glanced over Ranma before turning to Kagome once again, "guess we better get to our seats. But ummm...well, we'd really like it if you joined us for lunch today Ranma," forcing down a growl of annoyance, Ranma just shook his head, "I'd love too."

As a smile crossed each of their faces at Ranma's words, Kagome's friends finally turned and made their ways to their own seats. Leaving Ranma and Kagome alone, at last.

Dropping his head onto his desk in defeat, Ranma just groaned when Kagome patted his shoulder. "Don't worry Ranma, I won't let them harm you." Lifting his head at that, Ranma narrowed his eyes playfully at Kagome, "oh really? And just why do I need protecting?"

Kagome smiled and was about to reply when the teacher cleared his throat, attempting to get everyone's attention. "Alright, that's enough. Settle down, we have a long day ahead of us today, but first I have an announcement to make. We have two new transfer students, their names are..."

He didn't get to finish because the door to the classroom slammed open as a young girl, that Kagome could guess was a year or so younger than herself, practically ran into the room. She froze the second she entered though and bowed to the teacher, he merely blinked before motioning to one of the empty seats in the back of the room.

"Take a seat and please try not to be late next time." The girl nodded her head before bowing again and making her way through the room, as she did she passed Kagome and stopped for but a second to glare straight at Ranma, before moving past him to finally take her seat.

Kagome felt her brows knit in confusion, 'who is that girl and why did she look at Ranma like that?' The teacher cleared his throat once again, catching Kagome's attention.

"As I was saying, the names of the new students are Ranma Saotome and Akane Tendo. Please rise so that we know who you are." Ranma stood and so did the girl that had come late, Kagome glanced up at Ranma and he flashed her an apologetic look. Deciding to ask him about it later, Kagome turned back around in her seat and pulled out a notebook.

"Thank you. You both may sit down now."

Sitting down, Ranma let out a sigh. Things had just gotten a bit more complicated.

He had been hoping that Akane would have been placed in a different class for being a year younger than himself and Kagome, but it seemed that his lack of luck was sticking with him. 'Kami, she'd better not try anything today. After all, I need to explain all this to Kagome still, not to mention the whole curse thing, as well as the fiancée situation. Damn my life sucks!'

The rest of the day passed almost as if in a flash, lunch came and went. Ranma had sat with Kagome and her friends as he had promised, but in turn he had to deal with the withering glare that Akane seemed to have glued to his person. But he was used to her being this way, so he didn't let it bother him as he enjoyed his time with Kagome.

As the final bell rang and all the students started filling out of the classroom, Ranma had remained seated. Having seen this, Kagome remained as well, worried about what was happening. After all, that girl, Akane hadn't stopped staring at him for the whole day and frankly, it was starting to piss her off.

When the last person left, Ranma got to his feet and smoothed his pants as he turned towards where Akane stood, her expression thunderous. He heard Kagome get to her feet behind him and almost smiled when she placed one of her hands upon his shoulder, it was comforting, her presence.

That was the last straw for Akane it seemed.

Narrowing her eyes even more, she pointed directly at him. "What the heck is going on here Ranma?! Why the hell have you been avoiding me all day and just who is that girl behind you? Heh, probably another of your fiancée’s, am I right?!"

Turning she stomped over to the window and kicked the wall, "But that's typical of you, so tell me Ranma. Did you spend last night with that woman?!"

Gritting his teeth, Ranma placed his hand upon the desk at his side, feeling his claws break free from the spell to dig into the wood. Kagome noticed this and not wanting this problem to escalate more than it had already, she stepped around Ranma and walked over to Akane, her expression calm and collected.

"I am sorry for any incontinence that has been caused, but hopefully I can put your fears to rest." Akane had turned to face her and was currently giving her a look that could kill. But Kagome, having been used to seeing such looks almost daily, just smiled.

"My name is Kagome Higurashi, Ranma and I have known each other for a very long time. We are old friends." Sparing a glance back at Ranma, Kagome felt her smile deepen at the surprised look on his face. "To answer you questions, I am not his fiancée, nor have I ever been. And yes, he did spend the night at my home last night."

Hearing the girl before her snort in annoyance, Kagome turned away, not wanting Akane to see the look on her face. 'What a jerk! I mean, first thing she does is to accuse and then she mocks. Has she no manners?'

"We had met on the street and I invited him home for diner. After talking for a lengthy amount of time, it had gotten rather late and so he stayed the night with my brother. And as for today, he hasn't been avoiding you, there's just been so much happening that he hasn't had a chance to speak with you."

Shaking her head ruefully, Kagome held out her hand, "in any case, it is a pleasure to meet you. I take it you are a friend of Ranma's as well?"

Akane looked down at her hand for all of two seconds before turning and stomping past Kagome, making her way right up to Ranma. Stopping mere inches from him, she glared up at him, "like I believe any of that bull! You owe me an explanation Ranma, you've been acting weird lately and I want to know why!"

Closing his eyes, Ranma groaned in pure distaste.

"I owe you no such explanation Akane and for you to call Kagome a liar is wrong. She's not lying, we are friends and have just been reminiscing. But what I do with my life and with other's is none of your damn business, you get me?!" His expression was hard, as were his eyes as he looked down upon the stubborn girl before him.

The shocked look on her face was priceless and feeling rather good that he'd put Akane in her place, Ranma snatched up his bag as well as Kagome's. "Just go home Akane, we can talk later. Come on Kagome, let's go." Turning he didn't even spare Akane a second glance as he strolled out of the classroom, Kagome hot on his heels.

Once out of the classroom and halfway down the hall, Kagome glanced up at Ranma, "what was that all about? That girl really needs an attitude adjustment, I mean, what's her problem. It's not like she your girlfriend or anything."

Wincing at Kagome's comment, Ranma kept walking. 'That talk has to happen soon...but first things first,' "I'll explain about that later, I made a promise and I intend to keep it." When Kagome flashed him a confused look, he just smiled, "my mother wanted to meet you and besides, I promised that your mother could meet her too."

With that said, he stopped, wrapping an arm about Kagome's waist, he lifted her bridal style as he moved to a nearby open window. Upon reaching it he leapt out, "we'd better hurry, that way we can get there before Akane shows." Kagome just nodded her head as she snuggled in closer to Ranma, taking comfort in his warmth.

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A/N- That's the end of another chapter...

It's nice to be able to write so much after such a long time...anyway, the next chapt is on the way...

And it's where Ranma explains everything to Kagome, plus there's the appearance of one of Ranma's jusenkyou buddies.

Reviews are always nice...

Till next time then!

Ja Ne!