InuYasha Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ If We Could Go Further Away ❯ Always Isn't Forever ( Chapter 9 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter Eight: Always Isn't Forever
“Kagome!” Sango cried, and called girl tried the best she could to dive behind a tree so that her friend wouldn't see her. After a few moments of silence, Kagome looked up from her crouched position and into the angry brown eyes of Sango. “Kagome,” she started off.
“Yes I know! I'm sorry, Sango, it's just that, when I get into battle, my powers tend to just…come out!” Kagome said, her eyes downcast. She felt horrible. Using her miko power during battle when she was supposed to be regaining her strength.
“Kagome,” Sango said on a softer note. “Kagome, you know we can't stay here forever. This is neither of our times. We can't just abandon everyone over in our time. Shippo, Kaede, Miroku-Sama, Inu Yasha.”
“I know,” Kagome said. Inu Yasha, she thought to herself. “Sango-Sango, I don't get it! Why, why doesn't he like me back? I just-I don't know why I can't get over him, the stupid, idiotic-“
Sango sighed and put her hand on Kagome's shoulder. “Because you love him, Kagome-Chan. It's not easy.”
There was a few moments of silence. “Sango…Even if I love Inu Yasha…Is it bad if I want to…to be with Ken-someone else?” Sango cast knowing eyes on the girl. Of course Kagome would ask her, she was her older sister after all.
“Kagome, there are a lot of times when you don't really know what's happening or why something is happening. But the thing is, you just have to go with what your heart tells you. I know you love Inu Yasha. I know you want him to be happy. I know that it pains you to be away from him. And it's okay if you like Kenshin. No one can tell you where to place your heart.” Kagome put her head down, but Sango quickly lifted her chin back up. “But Kagome-Chan, you know that we can't stay here forever. And you know we can't take Kenshin back to our time. So even if you do like him, I'm afraid that you might be better off just trying to forget about any possibilities.”
“What about you and Sano?” Kagome asked quietly. This slapped Sango in the face. What about her and Sanosuke? It wasn't as if anything could ever happen with them. As she had just told Kagome, there was no way for it to work out. She simply shrigged her shoulders and smiled.
“Let's just make the best of what we have.”
“We have come to the decision,” Yahiko announced, referring to Megumi, “that this will be a free for all battle. All three of you will just fight each other, and we will see who the winner will be.”
Sanosuke quickly drew out his sword, and Kenshin followed suit. Quickly deciding against using her bow and arrows lest she use any more miko power, Kagome put her hand on the hilt of the sword Sesshomaru had given her. It was a finely crafted sword with and ivory colored hilt in the form of a dog snarling at an unseen opponent. “It was my first sword,” Sesshomaru had told Kagome. “And I thought it should be your first sword as well.” Kagome's face flushed with honor and she bowed low before quickly hugging Sesshomaru's remaining arm and going off to practice with her new sword. Sango was right, she couldn't just abandon Sesshomaru.
With little more time to think, Yahiko hit a gong that signaled the stat of the fight. At first it started off as Sanosuke and Kagome charging at Kenshin, who easily dodged them and knocked them off balance with the hilt of his sword. Without a moments hesitation, Kenshin ran back to his opponents and lashed his sword out at Sanosuke. Sano pushed Kenshin back and barely had time to manage a swing from Kagome. He smirked. “So, I guess this means ya won't go easy on me, huh?” he said.
“Guess not,” Kagome smiled back, her eyes shining. Not a moment later, Kenshin's sword came between the two, and Kagome blocked a swing from Kenshin, but was pushed down by a swift hit from the Battousai. Kagome gasped and fell to the ground. She recovered herself in time to avoid getting hit by Kenshin's sword and knocking him off his feet with a kick from her position on the ground. Without realizing it, Kenshin had toppled on top of Kagome, close enough so that their noses touched. If he weren't in the heat of the battle, Kenshin wouldn't have ever thought about grabbing Kagome and rolling them both to the side to avoided Sanosuke's sword from crashing into them.
“Whoo! Go Kagome! Go Himura! Beat Sanosuke's butt!” Misao called out from the sidelines.
“Oh shut up would ya?!” Sano called back, before being slightly grazed from Kenshin's sword. Kenshin smiled at Sano before leaping sideways to avoid a kick from him and disappearing in his gods speed.
Kagome turned around only to find a sword pointing at her neck. She stared into Kenshin's purple eyes. “Okay, I admit defeat,” Kagome said gracefully before walking off the field to sit down next to Aoshi.
“Right then, it's me and you, Kenshin,” Sano said, his sword poised on his shoulder.
“That is it,” Kenshin said. Without another word, the two warriors charged at each other and landed not three feet apart. Both of them feel to their knees and felt blood trickle out of the slight wound each had been given. “You've gotten better,” Kenshin said.
“So have you,” Sano replied, letting himself be helped up by Kenshin. The onlookers gave a cry of confusion and incense before Megumi figured it all out.
“And we have a draw!” she cried. “Wonderful, wonderful. Oh dear, they look terribly wounded, Kagome, Sango, please come help me fix them up, ho ho ho!” she laughed, dragging the poor men away. Kagome and Sango looked at each other behind Aoshi's back. “Now!” They jumped up and ran after Megumi.
“Geez, what's the point of this, Kitsune-Onna?” Sano demanded as he and Kenshin were thrown into the dojo's medical area.
“Now, now, if we don't treat these wounds, they certainly won't heal. Now, Kagome, do get that roll of bandages over there, and Sango please do boil that water in the pot. Oh my! I think I hear someone calling my name, excuse wouldn't you?” Megumi said, fox ears appearing on her head as she walked slyly out of the room.
“Geez. Ya know, that sure made me hungry. What a great battle! I wonder what we have to eat around here,” Sanosuke declared, his stomach growling.
Kagome was hit with a sudden memory of Inu Yasha asking what food there was to eat. “You know, Sanosuke, I could always cook us up some Ramen,” Kagome said thoughtfully, as Sango poured the warm water into a bowl. Kagome got two rags and threw one to Sango. Walking over to Kenshin, she waited for him to remove his shirt and she gently rubbed the wound on his side. “Looks like you two got each other better than you thought.”
“Guess Megumi isn't completely crazy after all,” Sango said, doing the same to Sanosuke. Her hand accidentally grazed his bare skin and she ran to get the bandage roll to hide her blush.
Kagome, however felt as if she were in a memory. Memories of constantly patching Inu Yasha up. Sango handed her the roll of bandages, and she thanked her. “Do you mind Kenshin-Sama?” Kenshin shook his head no, and Kagome started wrapping him with the bandage. Sango had busied herself doing the same with Sanosuke, and Kenshin stared at Kagome, who was busy going around his waist a second time. Just as her arms reached behind him, he pulled her into a hug. She was shocked at first and tensed, but soon relaxed into his embrace.
Pulling back quickly, the rurouni blushed. “I'm sorry, that I am Miss Kagome,” Kenshin whispered. “It's just that, you remind me an awful much of Miss Kaoru, and, you know I never really did get to say goodbye to her,” Kenshin said, his voice breaking off at the end as he forced a sad little smile on his lips. But that couldn't stop the two tears that dripped from his eyes onto his hands.
Kagome had never truly gotten past her sensitive side. The side whose heart bled for everything. Whose heart bled even more now, realized how Kenshin must feel at the loss of his beloved. She smiled and pulled him into her arms as his body shook with silent sobs. Sanosuke and Sango looked over at the two and stopped what they were doing. Sano closed his eyes and felt his heart ache. After all, Kaoru had grown on him. He felt an arm go around his shoulder and looked into the caring eyes of Sango. He smiled slightly and wiped a few tears from his eyes.
But long before any of them could much revel in this wonderful moment, a loud, anooyed and familliar voice boomed out, “What the hell is going on?”
A/N: Well, it's been two years since I've seen Ruroni Kenshin, so I'm not at all brushed up on any of this. I hope you can forgive the out of characterness, but I've simply forgotten it all. I had to look up a lot of stuff, but that doesn't compensate from seeing the show. This fic is going to spin off into a wild thing, but I'm not sure it'll be very much longer. Then again knowing me, who knows just how long it might end up. If you have any criticism that would help me try and rebuild this story, I really would appreciate it. Or any characteristics you could give me that would help with the characters personalities. Or even just a friendly hello. Thanks you guys!