InuYasha Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Paper Sakura Petals ❯ Trance ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Paper Sakura Petals By: Tsukiko-san
Pairing: Kenshin/Kagome and maybe Sano/Kaoru or Inuyasha/Karou.
Disclaimer: I don't own Rurouni Kenshin or Inuyasha.
Author's Note: Hey it's me again! Well I'm starting a new story. I'm at a blank with my other stories……
So enjoy! If you guys haven't noticed I love crossovers!
Chapter 1: Trance
She lit the incense lavender candles that surrounded her with a long match. The fumes of the lavender candle wash over her and she let it seep into her skin. Kagome's eyes were vacant; there was no sparkle of warmth that usually was in her blue-gray. With fluid motions she started to draw on the virgin white paper in front of her. The pencil, made twist and turns as an image started to appear on the paper. After an hour her pencil stopped abruptly and clattered to the floor of her room. She added color to the picture as the image became more life like.
The sparkle of life seeped back into her eyes as she gazed at the paper in front of her. Her slender fingers traced the image; the long flowing red hair and a crossed shape scar grace peach colored skin. Violet orbs seem to stare at her as she still looked at the image she just drew, intently.
She snapped out from her trance and put the picture safely away, in her big yellow book bag. Kagome blew out the lavender candles one by one and hefted the bag over her shoulder. She walked downstairs as she said good-bye to her mother, brother and her crazy grandpa. Kagome walked outside towards the well house. Her katana bumped her hip as she walked and let the summer wind ruffle her hair. She slide the door open and sat down on the rim of the well. Kagome sighed as she fell down the well and let the blue colored magic of the well heat her skin. She pulled herself out with the vines for support. While walking onto the path to the village she contemplated the picture tucked away in her bag.
Kagome had many pictures of the red head hidden in the closet of her room. She was aggravated that she was drawing these pictures but she didn't know why.
A red blur was coming at her stomach, as she waited for the kit to make impact.
“Kagome! Where have you been!? Inuyasha kept hitting me!” Shippo cried.
“Did not you little brat, stop making things up.” Inuyasha growled as he made a lunge to Shippo.
“SIT!” Kagome cried out as he was pulled down to the ground in mid air. Shippo stuck out his tongue and started to rummage in her bag looking for candy.
“What was that for?!” Inuyasha growled out as he got out of the hole he made.
“Wow Inuyasha and here I thought you were smart.” Kagome said sarcastically.
“Kagome what's this?” Asked Shippo as he waved the picture she drew with chocolate smeared all over his face. Before she grabbed it Inuyasha got it first. `crap!' She thought as Inuyasha went eerily quiet.
“KAGOME! FIRST THE WHIMPY WOLF, THEN THIS SISSY HUMAN?!” Inuyasha screamed as he ranted on about secret lovers and how many more men she had.
“Inuyasha first of all that was just a picture I drew and he's not real. Second I have no secret lovers.” She said calmly.
“DAMN—wha?” Came Inuyasha's oh so clever reply after he stopped at mid-rant.
She turned and went to Keade's hut and left Inuyasha on his own silently fuming. Kagome really wasn't needed, Naraku was dead and the Shikon No Tama hung loosely around her neck. The final battle was difficult, her companions were bruised and battered, but when Naraku was defeated Kagome never saw her companions so happy. Kikyo killed Naraku and went with him. Inuyasha was devastated; her last dieing wish was that Inuyasha would live Happily, but to never fall in love with her reincarnation, Kagome. Her heart seems to break as she heard this. Kagome knew that Inuyasha would keep this promise and there would be no going back.
She sighed and brushed the dirt that stained her drawing.
God how stupid is she?
She should throw away the stupid drawing; people would think she was worshipping a dumb drawing. She crumpled the paper and threw it in the bushes. She got 10 feet away before she dove into the bushes to retrieve the drawing as Kagome smoothed out the crinkles she thought how pathetic she must look.
~*~*~*~*(Meiji Era)
Kenshin avoided the objects that were being thrown at Yahiko.
“Come here you little brat and say that to my face!” Kaoru screamed in a shrill voice.
“Like I want to get near that!” Yahiko said pointing at Kaoru's face.
“Why you?!” Kaoru said while trying to pummel Yahiko with anything she could get her hands on. Apparently Yahiko had comment on how Kaoru looked like a raccoon……….again.
“Kaoru-dono, I think it's unsafe to throw objects that I do.”(A/n: Kenshin is so cute when he talks like that!) Kenshin said when a rock flew right at him hitting him smack dab in the forehead.
“Kenshin! I'm so sorry!” Kaoru said and kept apologizing to the swirly-eyed Kenshin.
“I'm okay; I just need to go on a walk.” Kenshin politely said while rubbing his forehead. Leaving Kaoru and Yahiko to their bickering, Kenshin went outside to watch the sun set behind the mountains. It was a beautiful site that he always liked to enjoy when he had any free time from his chores. Kenshin was lucky that Kaoru had let him stay at the dojo after finding out that he was the ex-manslayer battousi. However, over the past couple of days he had been having an ache, an ache that wouldn't go away with medicine, but it was the sense of something missing. He didn't like this at all, not one bit. `This one shouldn't be selfish' he thought `I have everything I need at Kaoru-dono's dojo.' He felt his heart twinge, he knew he was lying.
Maybe he needed a woman.
He almost laughed out loud at that thought. No one would want an ex-manslayer as a lover. Though Kaoru seem to have feelings towards him, he wasn't blind; he just doesn't know how deep those feelings were. He felt a headache forming, just thinking of so many things. He sighed and stopped trying to think how women work. When the sky had darkened to dark velvet and stars started to splatter across the sky he decided that he should go in. He tensed and felt his violet eyes narrow. He turned around pulling his sword swiftly on to clash with another sword. His eyes widen when he saw the dainty fingers that gripped the katana only to have violet clash with blue-gray orbs.
Please review! I know it's short but, review >.<